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Ryan Seacrest: Beliebers VS Smilers VS Glamberts

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, January 10, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, January 10, 2013

Very random poll from Ryan Seacrest....He is pitting us against Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber's fans!

Head over to Ryan Seacrest's website HERE to vote for Glamberts!


Anonymous said...

Let the tweens battle it out.

Anonymous said...

ADAM for Popcrush:

VOTE for ADAM as Best Male Pop Star:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've been voting every couple of hours or so on the 2 Popcrush polls. JB and 1D ahead but very slowly Adam's catching up (still a ways to go!) So please if you feel like it go over to Popcrush and vote for Adam. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Don't know how to vote onthe Beliebers, Smilers, Glamberts poll. It just shows the results. Don't know where you click to vote. Any help? Been voting on the other polls.

DRG (Keep Adam's name up there with the big names! It DOES matter.)

Anonymous said...

Agree DRG! His name and gorgeous face is out there so it's all good!

I'm with you, can't figure out how to vote...just see results but no place to click and vote????


Anonymous said...

You can vote here, refresh and vote again and again:

Anonymous said...

Where is the link for World Music Award? Adam should win this one too cause it's on his Award Nomination & Win Wikipedia page as pending:

World Music Awards

Year Nominated work Award Result
2013 Adam Lambert World's Best Male Artist Pending
Adam Lambert World's Best Entertainer of the Year Pending

Anonymous said...

DRG and CT, maybe try refreshing? Or go to Ryan's main page where the story is at the top of the page and click through from there.
I just clicked on the link here and the poll shows for me just fine. There is a list of fanbases and you click the dot next to the fanbase, then click vote.

Anonymous said...

3 polls that Adam should win:

1. World Music Awards (very important. Post the links please)
2. PopCrush
3. RyanSeacrest

Anonymous said...

Really, really fed up with all these polls that amount to nothing. I never see a poll about K. Perry. Glamberts are being used people... and not to Adam's advantage.

Anonymous said...!worlds-best-male-artist/c207t

Anonymous said...

@2:29PM & @2:30PM Thanks for the WMAs links.

Yes, everyone, Adam should win this award cause it's posted as pending award on his Wiki page:

World Music Awards

Adam Lambert World's Best Male Artist Pending
Adam Lambert World's Best Entertainer of the Year Pending


Anonymous said...

@2:27PM Nonesense!

Polls indicate popularity of an artist. It's a marketing tool to measure how much popular an artist is. Before internet there were calls and face to face polls on college campuses to determine this popularity factor. Adam's fanbase is big on internet and if we stay silent there will be less career opportunity for Adam. Adam on his interviews pointed out that having a fanbase will help others to take him seriously. Radios don't play his music for whatever reason. The only way we can help Adam to be more visible is to win these polls.

Anonymous said...

I know sometimes it's frustrating but guys, people will know how much the glamberts around world love and being loyal to our Rock God!!!:)

Till death do us part!!!:))

So fight and don't give up please!!!


Anonymous said...

I do absolutely positively HATE being used for "hits" by these polls, so they can show their advertisers a certain amount of "traffic" to their site... I hate hate hate it... however, heavy sigh, I feel it does show some level of popularity an artist possesses and so I vote when I can, only when I can as I, like all of us, am quite busy with RL, but I do vote when I have some free time. Ugh. :)

Anonymous said...

Once again, Ryan Seacrest using Adam for hits on his website, but he won't play his music. Annoying.

Anonymous said...

@3:26PM But World Music Awards is very important cause it is listed under Adam's wiki page under the Awards and Nominations as pending. This is one is won by fans just like People's Choice Awards. If you don't want to vote for other polls that's fine but WMA is very important. You can only VOTE ONCE.

Please go to the following links and vote once by clicking on Adam's picture. That's all it takes. Here:!worlds-best-male-artist/c207t!worlds-best-entertainer-of-the-year/clqm

Anonymous said...

@4:22PM Ryan's website is visited by thousands around the globe. To have Adam's pictures on his website is a great exposure. I don't think it's in his hand to play Adam's singles. His station doesn't even play any of the other talent show popular artists or youtube sensations. I hardly even hear Kelly's singles on KIIS. Not even 1D or Justin Bieber. His station is more urban pop like Lil Wayne, Eminem, Drake, Chris Brown, Minaj, Rihanna, etc.

Anonymous said...

Whether the World Music Awards show was ever for real or not, it was officially cancelled so don't waste your time on it.

Anonymous said...

The Beliebers and the Smileys are gaining ground! Adam is still ahead but we can slow up on the voting. Once again, I agree that it IS important to vote on these polls to remind the world that Adam DOES has a big, active fanbase who supports him each day. If we don't help him to do well on these, they'll drop him from the list and there will be fewer places where he'll get exposure. VOTE!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Meant we CANNOT slow up the voting. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

4:33 I wasted my time voting because this award show was broadcast around the globe to billions (that's with a b) of viewers. It's been on the internet so get a grip and keep Adam in the top.

Anonymous said...

This is excatly what happen on AI8 finale when Adam lost to what's his name. I could hear crickets on fansites when fans didn't vote cause they assumed Adam was safe. Now constantly interviewers ask him why he didn't win or they write AI Runner up. I think these polls are important cause it give him exposures and visibility.

Anonymous said...


World Music Awards Sham Canceled, Uses Sandy Hook Tragedy As Excuse
By Jordan Levin and Lesley Abravanel (December 20,2012)

The mystery of the World Music Awards is solved.
It's been canceled once and for all, say organizers.
The official statement: "For 21 years, the World Music Awards was primarily produced in Monte Carlo.

This year the Awards ceremony was scheduled to be at the Marlins Park on Saturday, December 22.
Event organizer John Martinotti, along with the team on the ground in Miami, reached a decision yesterday to postpone the event: "We are sorry for any inconvenience but this decision had to be made due to logistical and multiple visa issues and in view of this week's national mourning. Fans have been a great support to the artists and have voted online in huge numbers."

A press release issued on Dec. 13 said the WMAs would raise funds for Superstorm Sandy victims and “be beamed to 180 countries reaching a billion viewers.”

Less than two weeks ago it was announced that the Eurocentric event, usually held in Monaco, would take place on Dec. 20 at Marlins Park. What wasn't announced was the name of a single performer.

A vague press release over the weekend announced a date change to the 22nd and touted awards for several big names.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

There have been questions if the WMA were legit or not. I'd say not.

(Reuters) - The World Music Awards was postponed on Thursday due to "logistical and multiple visa issue," organizers said, two days before the event was scheduled to be held in Miami.

Event producers John Martinotti and Marcol International said in a statement that the December 22 awards ceremony also was being delayed in the wake of the elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, last week.

"We are sorry for any inconvenience but this decision had to be made due to logistical and multiple visa issues and in view of this week's national mourning.

and this:
Several reasons were given for the show’s postponement. A message on the event’s Facebook page says the show’s is blamed on “several logistic and immigration issues,” claiming many acts scheduled to perform were “unable to get work permits.”

However, the Miami Herald’s “Scene In The Tropics” blog reports that the Dec. 22 awards show scheduled for Marlins Park had been experiencing problems.

While previous World Music Awards had taken place in Monaco, the event’s first Miami show was announced only two weeks ago, according to the blog, saying the original date for the shindig was to be Dec. 20 and that proceeds would benefit Hurricane Sandy victims.

Then last weekend organizers announced that the show was being moved to Dec. 22. Now they say it has been postponed until next year.
A publicist representing Lopez as well as Earth Wind & Fire said the singer is scheduled to play a concert in Puerto Rico Dec. 22 and that neither act was confirmed to perform at the awards event.

Anonymous said...

I do not like Mr. Seacrest (not a bad guy, just a little too, um.. "driven" for me, but good on him), anyway, I don't care for him but I think his website, being HIS website and relevant to Kiss, is worth voting on. Are we being used, of course, but I suppose that falls under the category of ... Welcome to be alive nowadays... :). Onward and Upward for the crazy talented Mr. Lambert.

tea said...

Adam has dropped to 19%,
I'm ambivalent about these polls, too. And I agree with those who say Ryan is using Adam more to his own advantage than Adam's. I hope it's a trade off. Again - ambivalent.

HK fan said...

if you were a Katy Perry fan, you would see her name come up in many, many polls
All the polls I've looked at where Adam is nominated in the 'male' section, Katy Perry is nominated in the female section, along with Gaga, Rhianna, Madonna, Nicki Minaj artist is too big that their names are not in polls.

tea said...

oops, Adam is at 42% Miley at 19% (I'm fully awake now - I think)

Anonymous said...

That World Music thing sounded kind of fishy from the start.

GLb said...

"I do absolutely positively HATE being used for "hits" by these polls, so they can show their advertisers a certain amount of "traffic" to their site... I hate hate hate it... however..."

I'm absolutely terrified by that "however".

Unknown said...

Adam lambert is should be winning!! Love only glambert<3

Anonymous said...

I love adam's beautiful smile very much, i would rather adam lambert win than another singer;)

Anonymous said...

I am Glambert for along time, i enjoyed his talent and strong voice. I hope adam is winner.

Anonymous said...

I am Glambert for along time, i enjoyed his talent and strong voice. I hope adam is winner.