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Ryan Seacrest: Who has the best fans?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 24, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, January 24, 2013


We are in the final stages of the best fan clubs of all-time

Glamberts – Always with Adam Lambert every step of the way, through the glitter and the glam!

Adam Lambert's Glamberts are up against Justin Bieber's Beliebers and One Direction's Directioners.



Anonymous said...

Hey Beebs, you can do all the praying you want to, but you're at 6+ % while Mr. Hot and Sexy is at 60+ %.

Anonymous said...

let's not brag and jinx Adam things change fast in these polls esp. when all the haters join in.

Anonymous said...

You would think when DJ's like Seacrest sees Adam do so well in these polls, silly as they may be,he would think wouldn't it have been a great idea to play his music! People really like him.

Anonymous said...

Ryan: Instead of all these polls on Adam Lambert, why don't you play his amazing songs on your top 40 show. ALL of the Trespassing CD songs are great. ALL OF THEM! Also, I find that American Idol disrespected Adam tonight by showing that clip of a person who obviously could not sing attempt to sing a great Adam Lambert song that fans worldwide love and sing along with him at every show. Why is AI never giving Adam Lambert the respect that he deserves like you do for the other AI alumni?

Anonymous said...

6:04 please do not complain and spoil it for the exposure of Adam on AI. That clip was alot of fun and reintroduced the song to many.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with showing that clip, so what if the guy is a mess? But Adam's name was mentioned and If I Had You was played after.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Seacrest failed to play Adam in his own state and so I'm not a Seacrest fan. Reckon Adam floors him with his class, and always did even in Idol days.
Plus, the poll is a Ha Ha moment.
Without any disrespect to anyone, how can you put a real man on a poll with boys! Crazy! And that's just for openers.
@6:04 You said it! The world LOVES
Adam and has embraced him with open hearts and arms! Airplay in the US was much needed and Seacrest fell badly short.

Anonymous said...

I have to laugh with Adam too.
Poll is a hoot.

Anonymous said...

Adam is losing at 50-50 now but 5H is ahead.



Anonymous said...

PLEASE HELP! This will end Friday 9am E. Adam is behind by 15,000.


Anonymous said...

Adams got bigger fish to fry that Seacrest's nutso poll.

Anonymous said...

Right at this moment, Glamberts are in the lead. C'mon Ryan, play some funky music i.e. play Adam's funky music, please!

tea said...

Adam has been declared winner of PopDust poll

Anonymous said...

I have no earthly idea how 5th harmony was even against Adam. They performed a fraction of the songs adam did- have no record deal, not a household name ect. What have they done except sing a few songs?

Anonymous said...

Come on Glamberts,Adam was way ahead on Seacreast's poll for best fans a couple of hrs ago,but not now!Pleaes vote for him now!!You can vote on every screen..then again in an hr or so.This is the final round,& BB needs to win this one.Maybe Ryan will play a song of his if he sees all the votes( we had on there) It looks like the teeny boppers found this poll now,& are gonna beat BB if we don't try.Bieber's fans & that group are beating Adam now,I think..My hubby was on line so I couldn't vote foe 2-3 hrs.): gonna vote again now.Yes,I'd rather have Ryan play an Adam song from Trespassing,but at least winning the poll draws attention to Adam!

tea said...

I voted yesterday on Yahoo! and again on MSN. Even this morning they are telling me my vote has already been counted on both browsers. I'll keep trying again anyway.

Anonymous said...

Just found out that ADAM won. Thanks, Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! I kept voting on the Best Fans until it said "We have received so many votes from so you will be blocked for a cooling off period." so I stop for now.
Glamberts at 42.85% when I stopped.
Please keep voting.