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TV Guide "Where are they now" Featuring Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, March 14, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, March 14, 2013

VIA mamadeb : "Pic of the TV Guide article about the Where Are They Now segments."


glitzylady said...

LOVE that they mentioned Adam first and call him a SUPERSTAR!!!!!!!!!! Heck YESSSS!!!!!!!! Definitely watching!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Seems a little mean spirited. Sometimes your dream dies.

Anonymous said...

Guess I'll have to watch Thursday night after all. ThecDark Side

Anonymous said...

I'll be watching every week for sure now. I watched last night and loved Kree's Crying, love R.O. Paul Jolley did a good job too. They need to quit messin with his personality.

Anonymous said...

It's true Adam is a Superstar, but it's also in Idol's best interest to refer to their alumni as superstar. They better not have him featured until the last show, because I'm only watching until he appears, then I'm gone.

Anonymous said...

It's one thing to mention a lower place finisher like LaToya but I bet they will not be pointing out that Kris Allen plays tiny bar gigs or David Cook hasn't been heard from in a year.

However, there have been some idols getting nice gigs lately like Crystal and Bo Bice going on Broadway, and Blake Lewis and Lee getting new record deals with good labels. So, overall lots of positive news.

Anonymous said...

Also nice because I'm sure Adam will not be on the show this year for the first time. So at least he gets a little press with the idol audience

Anonymous said...

Isn't David Cook on a 2 year mision for his church. Or do I have the wrong David?

Anonymous said...

You mean he not on tonight, I had it untapped was not gonna tape it any more, then heard this so taped it! Had no interest in watching PP. I tape it few times in case anything Adam, do not watch while on the judges awful, even KU cannot hold my attention. But he pretty good! I just listen to them sing a little bit not the whole song, the last girl was quite good do not remember the name! Boys are not good couple pretty good ones but none performed well, in all fairness I hardly watched it, no it factor like Adam. I decided not to bother taping anymore. Ow this, so put back on! I just cannot watch the whole show! I'll just go to that part! This seem like a way to get glamberts and other fans of some people could be mentioned watch the show, guess that may been what Adam was doing with, Idol's maybe? Bet Adam will be the last, does seem kind of mean to do that with others but I bet they will show sucess other ways! They will not be putting least sucessful ones playing in bars ect. Up there! Glad to heat about Bo Bice I liked him not like Adam but he was good! After he on I'm out too, not watching just tape and go through it, but watch Adsm's 50 times! I frankly think way to get rating's that they do not deserve Show's boring, they did not do Adam right! May be on next year,who knows he got lot on his plate! The girls are not to bad, on Idil what little I saw nothing special in my opinion! Sue

Anonymous said...

@anon 12:02 I think it is David Archuleta on a mission for his church.

I think Idol knows its ratings go up whenever there is an Adam Lambert performance, mention, mentoring, anything Adam at all! Now what about Judge Adam Lambert on AI next?


Anonymous said...

Oh and I dont't keep any idol shows except for any mention of Adam ones, go throug real quick and erase! I will keep the Adam one! I was not gonna tape it anymore I did not have it to tape tonight, now got to, not watching PP I just dot like him, skip to that part, probably will be last show, or next too, hope not think its way to get those idols fans to watch! Sue

Anonymous said...

Lol it's Archie on a church mission. Cook moved to Nashville and is working on an album and I think trying to do songwriting for others. I liked him so much on the show but he has kind of disappeared. And sadly I don't think he is the best songwriter. Hope he can make a living, regardless.

Anonymous said...

That was I did not tape it now I will, just die Adam! I pulled tape word wrong! I did listen to a bit of crying it was good! I thought all the boys were. It very good last night, but cannot stand to listen to hardly any of it, I was through with it now got to tape for Adam!

Anonymous said...

I will just watch Adam not die Adam, lot of pain today sorry! Sue

Anonymous said...

I won't be watching but I'm sure any mention of him will be posted here. I hope they mention his international success. That just may wake up some viewers here in the U.S. to Adam's incredible talent.

Sue, I hope you get some relief from your pain.


Anonymous said...

Love how he's called a superstar. Kinda feel bad for those they may mention who haven't done as well.

Anonymous said...

David on his mission for the Mormon Church.

Anonymous said...

Someone from idol was at one of the WAG asian shows and interviewed some fans, I assume for this segment

Anonymous said...

I noticed Kris Allen's picture is up with PP in the beginning of AI. The picture of Kris and Adam is gone. Adam is obviously the bigger star but many previous Idol contestants still are able to make a living doing what they love.

Anonymous said...

That was I thought all the boys were not very good last night, I was never even gonna tape it again now this! May do what DRG does! Thanks those headaches real bad, now for to go to cardiologist, thanks to DRG! There is one lady on here just out to run down Adam and I get so upset, I try to stay away but cab'r seem too! I barely watched it like few seconds a piece! The judges suck! I did not like the way they did Adam, he may be on next next year not counting on it! There ratings so far are real bad and the Voice starting soon, not against them but still think it may hurt even worst! The judges cannot even get there! I sure hope that's true and they show his international fame, Adam's killing them in Asia! That will show people here he is an international star! Sue

Anonymous said...

maybe Adam was working with the producers on this short feature when he was taking photos with some Idols.

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that Adam appeared on Idol that gave him a platform for his music. Even though he did not win, it did not matter. His recording career began because of Idol and he has become a global superstar. I find this season so boring, not exciting or interesting at all. No one draws me to want to watch it each week the way that Adam did. His vocal talent and stage presence have been unmatched since that time. He just spoiled it for me and with Nicki M as a judge, it makes the show even worse. I am just waiting for the third album from Adam hoping that this one is the one that will bring him the success and recognition he so deserves here at home. Globally, he has conquered the world.

Anonymous said...

I'll be interested to see if Kris can make a living in music. I don't see him as that talented - like I can't imagine him doing Broadway, as so many idols have. His vocals and his song writing are all very weak to me and he doesn't really have a fanbase. Maybe he can open a restaurant or something.

Anonymous said...

I second what you said, NM does make it worse, she is just talking nuts most of the time! 2.53 you said it so well! Sue

Anonymous said...

The show is a great opportunity for people to get a shot at a career in the industry. I'm glad Adam has been able to use it to go on to bigger and better things. I still like and watch Idol. They have several very talented contestants this year. I didn't think I was going to like Nicki but it turns out she is hilarious.

choons said...

@3:15 bwahahahahahaha!!!! "maybe he csn open a restaurant" hahaha... very funny.
But I do agree.

Anonymous said...

Who is can ?

Anonymous said...

That was who or what is csn?

Anonymous said...

4.12 unfortunately I do not understand that remark at all!

Anonymous said...

Ok now I see that there were 2 of the 3.15! Talking about Kris Allen! Still do not know who can is tho!

Anonymous said...

There's certainly some very competent singers in the final 10 but no one has the IT factor. PP bored me totally.......he was nasal and those grimaces are too much.


Anonymous said...

I wish people would read their comments before they post them. Some of them don't make sense.

Anonymous said...

I won't watch Idol until I know Adam is going to be on it. NM is extremely irritating.

Anonymous said...

If there was supposed to be some mention of Adam and past Idol contestants tonight,there was NOT( no mention of any of them) it was only an hour...maybe it will be on next week;who knows??

Anonymous said...

I love Lazaro!Crazy about him!He has amazing voice and personality. And fuck Jimmy with his idiotic advises!
I watched this show tonight only because Lazaro and Adam. Did they cut off the part about about AI superstars?

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add that PP is jerk.He must be thankful to Clint Eastwood till the rest of his miserable life. David Cook is much more talented than PP. But he was forgotten by Americans forever.Very sad.

Anonymous said...

I think DC is very talented and will make a comeback. Could hardly stomach NM tonight acting like she was leaving cause Curtis was kicked off. Ryan just kept right on with the show and ignored her. Love him.I think NM is very pretty but it looks like she only wears half of her eyelashes on each eeye, it bugs me.

Anonymous said...

Casey James is going to open some shows for Taylor Swift's new tour.

Anonymous said...

The segment on past idols is starting next week, not tonight

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that info,anom.,@ 8:27pm.I figured it must be next week,but it wasn't clear.Does anybody know the date?

Anonymous said...

LOL @ myself! I planted myself in front of the t.v. with AI on waiting on the edge of my seat waiting for the segment on Past Idols...well, I was waiting or Adam only. I wouldn't answer phone calls ...just focused on the screen waiting for Adam. But no Adam...will it be on next week? There was so much hype about tonight in T.V.Guide etc....ok, now gotta do this again next week for Adam.

I like a couple of the girls and 1 or 2 of the boys but good voice or not, none of the contestants come anywhere close to Adam's charisma, stage presence and charm....not to mention his other-worldly vocals. I think we saw the best of AI Season 8 and the best was of course Adam Lambert :))))


daydreamin said...

I am really liking Angela Miller as is Adam. She is phenominal. Wow I cant believe Curtis was booted. He was the top male IMO. I also think Jimmy's opinions are overrated. I am really loving Keith Urban. He is very cute. I love his critiques name love how he calls all the girls "baby".

Adamluv said...

OT - but speaking of P2 read that he will be performing at Rock 'n Rio this summer. Anyone else heard that? True? That's where Adam needs to be! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

From the person that twitted the pic from her TV Guide

People. That article is from next week's TV Guide. It's not talking about tonight. And it gives no date for when Adam's segment is airing.

funbunn40 said...

Saw a clip of Sanjaya, previously on Idol singing in the subway. He also tends bar and still hopes to be rediscovered. So sad. Can't wait to see clips of Adam. At least they have him on in some way, shape or form ever since his season. Hope they'll have him perform or mentor some time this season. He did pay the contestants a visit earlier in the season. Wonder if anything was filmed to air. The girls are really excellent and are outsinging the boys IMHO this year. I think Lazaro is so endearing and he has a nice voice, but needs more experience and confidence that will come. I see him as singing Enrique Iglesias types of music. I hope someone will work with him, give him a break and he'll be able to earn a living singing. I just think he's so sweet, but he has a long way to go, vocal wise. I just don't want him to get hurt and he'll get eaten up in this business. I'm happy with the girls that were chosen, all good,different styles. Ashley and Candice standouts. Candicea Shirley Bassey type that is really gifted and I like Kree alot too. All of them are good. No one of the boys blows me away vocally, pleasant, but nowhere in Adam's league. Next Thursday is the 21st and most likely when Adam will air. I also really like Keith Urban. He's a really nice guy and seems to be familiar with music other than country. NM being late is really inexcusable for a live show.She may not last the season. She seemed colorful and funny in the beginning, but it's worn off and I would love to see Adam in that chair, even as a guest judge. He may be a good backup if Nicki doesn't shape up. She has some growing up to do and needs some lessons in respecting others and learning that life isn't always all about her. Adam sure doesn't have that problem or any.

Anonymous said...

Danny K. However spell name opened for Taylir S. where is he?

HK fan said...

I weas soooooooooooooooooo happy that Curtis got the boot, best elimination ever!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought I would hate NM- but I realy like her on this show. love Keith. My 3 fav were all in the top 3. I also picked curtis to go, which he did. I was not impressed with bonjovi or phillips phillips. Love his home song, but he might be a one hit wonder imo. Amber was good, but couldn't compare to kelly clarkson redition of a moment like this. I really think the girls are so much better this year. Routing for Lazzaro, where he lives in my hometown. I also hope Aubrey gets picked next week to come back.


Anonymous said...

Adam is completely away from Idil except from RCA, I do not believe that is there recording company anymore! Keis has been dropped from RCA and at this time has no record company, but I believe is still with 19, who still hopes to get money off of him! Adam devested himself of 19, so they make nothing off of him now, luckily he could finally do that before he got that net game, probably had been in the works and was waiting for the contract to be over? Adam was able to get another management like Katy Perry's! kris has to stay where he is if he there he not finding another managemt at this time that would take him! I sure they are trying to find a record comp. for him so they can get money! I would not doubt they put him on there with some song off that album, so maybe they can attract a record comp! Adam way bigger than Kris is ever gonna be and I am not being mean, there been a few of same KA fans on here running Adam down! He will be one of them that has done well let's see what they muster up for Kris, if anything doubt they will show him performing inittle bars, as he is doing! So the fact Adam picture not there means 0, I knew once he devested himself of them they would not push him as much. Yes he owes Idol for his start but he worked so hard, his work ethic is one reason he done so well abroad! There is no comparison to Adam with KA, Adam a much bigger talent! I wish him well. Idol just cares about money at this time there making none off of Adam, before they got half of everything. There gonna try to push Allen because he still with 19, I bet buy no record deal at this time. He still has second album maybe they will push one of those songs. Adam still with RCA, they may still be making money that way but if that still there record comp. but Adam more or less said he was away from idol! There alway's gonna push the ones still with them more. Doubt there making hardly anything off of Kris, if he had not won, we all know that he should not have! Even tho they may not make much money off Adam right now,unless they still make money from RCA, I think he devested of Idol hands, he a global superstar and they are certainly gonna show him! One thing Adam has that a lot does not is international fame, that even if he slow in US he sales well there! Eventually he will conquer US if not he got the rest of the world, he gradually conquering so do not worry about a picture! I also think Adam will be around long after PP, he got no stage con wet skills, who wants to watch the same thing him standing there over and over! kA fans treat Adam like Crap, even when Adam constantly says nice things about him!

Anonymous said...

7:19 am. Aka sue I presume

Is there any real purpose to your comment that we've heard from you a dozen or more times? Kris is a failure, he has shitty fans who attack adam, 19 record co are greedy crooks, PP is worthless, Adam is all powerful.

We've heard it! Let is rest. Please.
You are spreading ill will every time you rant.
Can't you be calm and quit dredging up old stuff.
Adam is doing great that should make a fan like you happy.
Try being happy, aches and pains are more bearable.

Anonymous said...

give Adam's Vevo videos on YouTube some listens. There are 26 of them and a playlist is already made for you. He has 211,000 subscribers that steadily increases and approp132,000,000 views which needs upping. thanks.I don't know how to find the link or I would bring it here.

Anonymous said...

7:19 and 7:40 Kris and Adam have two different music styles and have had different career directions. They will always have the Idol experience. Take the music careers out of the picture and you will still see two humble and respectful men that formed a friendship and have only wished the best for the other.

Anonymous said...

It's not Sue, you presume wrong Lady! I do not rant, and I only support Adam! Sometimes I do get mad at the KA fans because they say horrible things about Adam! You people come on here and say mean things about Adam and that ok! Every good we say about Adam like he no I1 on that chart yesterday, you said not accurate! Some you say awful things about Adam lol! That ok, but god forbid anyone say anything about KA, they are ranting! I seen several comments you said nothing! The only one I sai are signed ones, so go attack someone else sweetie do not worry about me I am a whole lot saner than you! SUE I presume you are Shaley or whatever that awful woman's name is, why do you not sign? PP is not worthless but you are! So many people say all these thing
If I do make a comment you only puck me out, see lots of comments about PP here and KA, I signed one and that was it I agreed with someone! Many people said these things and you try to blame all on me! Because I have confronted you about being a horrible Bon Af fan! Sue

Anonymous said...

9.53 was for the non signer 7.40! I hope everyone sucessful KA, Al, PP, the pope everyone! She does not care about any of these people she the one that says snarky things about Adam all the time, and I call her down for it! Oh and Lady I have more than aches and pains I have a life threadening illness, but thanks for you phony concern 7.40. From now on you camber everyone of my comments will be signed if they are not, not mine tired of being blamed for everyone comments, why is it ok for you to say snarky things about Adam and only glorify Sauli K. Who I think is a far better person than you! That was now on you can bet I will sign, correction if not signed not me! Hope you do the same! Sue

Anonymous said...

Correction I confronted you about being a horrible non Adam fan! Sorry my little aches and pains have acted up a lot lately, so I made mistakes! sue

Anonymous said...

3.15 or 7.42 I also did not write, not calling them down for it, but I am sure I will be blamed for it! Sue

Anonymous said...

What the hell is going on around here?? Some people at each others throats constantly! Why bring up old stuff? Adam´s doing a great tour and gets lots of love around the globe. That´s a happy thing. I bet he´s frustrated if he finds out that the message he´s sending out isn´t happening here on his fansite! Gotta say, some kindergarten here!

Anonymous said...

Lol kris is not with 19 management nor recordings. His little tour, such as it is, is being sponsored by an evangelical missionary group. Maybe he will do Christian music in the future.

I'd say he is in the worst career shape of any of the idol winners or runners up. Even lee has a nice recording deal right now

Anonymous said...

far too much said about other entertainers here. Jinxing Adam is all it does. You never know what is in store for anybody.

Anonymous said...

Lol jinxing adam to talk about other idols? How silly

Anonymous said...


You are barking up the wrong tree, I have asked you to cool it on the same old rants, but I have never said a word against Adam or Sauli . I think they are both adorable.
You and lam-my have the idea you each have one person who attacks you, not so, you have many people who attack you. Think about that. JLM

Anonymous said...

anyone have a clip of AI with this

Anonymous said...

Yes, why do Sue and Lammy think there's only one person who attack or don't like them here? Take off the blinkers!

Anonymous said...

Yes, why do Sue and Lammy think there's only one person who attack or don't like them here? Take off the blinkers!

Anonymous said...

I started watching Idol after Adam showed an interest with his remarks. I love Kree, Candance, Amber, and a couple of the guys. I will admit that I'm kind of stuck on Charlie. I feel for him and do think he's talented although not in the league with a couple others. Angie seems a little off-putting to me just my opinion. I didn't like how she said she could sing a song "just as good as Kelly" Clarkson. The other singers were much more humble. The lack of humility did in Curtis. Regarding star quality-
no one had IT like Adam. He walked in a room and didn't even have to open his mouth! And when he did - that was it! You had to love that man! While I'm at it - Nikki is hilarious and Miss Carey seems so sweet and nice. So sorry for this long rant..nancdruuu2
P.S..Sue-Hope you feel better

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