Very Cool! Someone Did This To Her Car!
Filed Under (The Fans ) by Admin on Friday, March 15, 2013
Posted at : Friday, March 15, 2013

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This looks like what a typical car-crazy Singbert would do! lol! Not sure if it's a Singbert. Whoa, I'll purposely make a detour walk to her/his car if it's parked in my estate. lol!
darn I want one too. Is a bonnet the same as a hood? The only thing is I wouldn't be able to let my family see it. They think I am certifiable when it comes to Adam already, this would be the straw. lol
Well we all know I am, been fighting all night for absolutely no reason, with people are not worth fighting with! Where was that on the car! I want one, my husband would kill me! Sue
Anon 9:42 LOL it would be the straw for me too but not with just family!
I would not need any therapy are dr.s or operations because he like I said would kill me. Might me worth it tho, I would die happy! If that was on my car, u can just hear this little town chatter about that! Sue
I can't stop laughing at this. Just a little OTT.
Maybe she should have the face the other way round facing her so if she is caught in a traffic jam, at least she can spend the time dreaming. lol! On second thought, better not, can't concentrate on the driving. lol!
I want also an "Adam Lambert Bonnet" English term for hood:):):)
Great advertising for Trespassing!!! LOL!
Agree with Lammy, 2 distracting if facing U the driver!:):):)
Facing outward has its advantages, like when she lifts up the bonnet and plays Adam songs at full blast, it will be an instant attraction; a small crowd may be formed and she can start promoting Adam's cds/dvds; maybe have a small beach party or carpark party. lol! They can also take photos like leaning or lying on him...good for making connections. lol!
This is it folks!:) No limitations when in comes to Adam...
I'll be damn not to appreciate!:))
Whoever made this is a genius!!:)
I'm in all the way!!!!:)
Some days I just skip checking in because of the pettiness, I'm glad I checked in this morning.....I've had fits of giggles since I saw this waaaaay overboard expression of devotion!
It's so perfectly outrageous, what a way to start the day.......
Adam's face on the's all good!......JAK. :-)))
Perhaps a new model...the Adamobile!
Audi named one of their cars, Adam. I saw an ad on tv and this guy said Adam is very fashionable, efficient, practical etc. I looked but didn't see Adam; then I remembered it was posted here some time ago, the car's name is Adam. lol! Maybe they are advertising the Adam car with his face on the car's bonnet. By the way Audi has a huge state-of-the-art multi-storey conglomerate / showroom in Singapore. And Adam was here recently; I wonder if it's an ad deal with the real Adam. lol!
I hope someone video's Adams reaction when he hears about and sees this.
My personal opinion is, Why not do this? It can easily be repainted. I like it.
We always hear of meals on wheels or even clinic on wheels; so this one will be Adam on wheels literally er virtually. lol!
On the bonnet or the boot or both? Very sexy.
the bonnet/hood are the front of the car/auto
the boot/trunk are at the back of the auto/car
Wow she's really crazy for adam. Stalker alert!
I hope this car-owner has REALLY good insurance! If she crunches her car, she'll need to get it repainted! She should be sure to get the "Glam" coverage on her policy!! LOL!
Makes me wonder what Adam would think. I think he'd think its way OTT too, lol
Kind of weird for him to think someone would actually have this done.
more publicity for Adam ;)
9:40 thanks for the link. read, tweeted and liked
LOL it's so awesome.. it's for special occasions.. so most of the time there will be a plain hood/bonnet on the car. Since it wasnt said... this car is in New Zealand.. The owner is giving it it's debut showing at a Ford Day to raise money for cancer kids... lovely lady... I hope to get a ride in it one day.
WOW!!! Just loving this and loving the PROUD GLAMBERT!!!
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