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Watch More Videos: Adam Lambert live in Minsk, Belarus

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, March 15, 2013

Posted at : Friday, March 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

Amazing...Adam and the band fly half way around the world and get up on stage and put on a killer show. Crazy!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

congrats to Adam and the band amazing after all that travel they are still going.Prayers are with them thru their travel love them & also with Lil Wayne May he recover & turn his life around.

Anonymous said...

What happened to little Wayne? rehab! Sue

Anonymous said...

Lil wayne had a over dose had his stomach pumped 3 times has had several seizures he is on life support.

funbunn40 said...

Adam and fans sing-a-long! Surprised that anyone could sing with frozen vocal cords! Those fans are really dedicated and appreciating Adam and crew. Hope everyone was safe and sorry for any fans that couldn't get to the venue with cancelled flights and travel glitches. The weather was supposed to feel like 1 degree. Brrr!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a bloody human dynamo!
One minute in weather of wonderment and then on to freezing temperatures through the jetlag... and yet he still turns up the heat! He works his butt off turning out incredible performances.

Anonymous said...

Adam is one helluva tenacious, driven, tough worker / singer. From an oven-like equatorial climate he plunges into a zero-freezing one all in one piece. Only yesterday I was commenting on his red-lobster sun tan and today it's freezing to the bone. The strength of a young body, mind and spirit knows no bounds...that's Adam.


Anonymous said...

Yes!! Indeed!!

Sometimes I question myself if he is really human!!! Bloody Amazing Rock God!!

The vocal is beyond........


Anonymous said...

Great clips!!

OT .... it's my birthday today .... alas, another year older than Adam!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my...........JAK here....

I've marveled myself at the stamina of Adam and his troupe.
All that tiring traveling, living in hotels out of suitcases, strange food, and going from sunburns to possible frostbite in a 48 hour span of time. I am extremely grateful so many countries welcome him, but he must be longing to get back to his place in Hollywood for a rest and familiar routine. No wonder he took his time writing the TP album after the extensive GNT tour. I think this next one will be written much sooner since TP wasn't the success it should have been in US. I am so eager to see if he takes a new direction with his music.

Anonymous said...

These videos just warm my heart :) . Such amazing fandom watching a gorgeous Adam with mega talent. The whole show is amazing.dancers backup band

Anonymous said...

Yes I totally feel the same about Adam; it's really hard the saying goes...20% inspiration 80% perspiration. Adam has never rejected any job offer even how small. He has very good work ethics. Yea I'm looking forward to his next album or even a movie offer or as AI judge. Adam is basically very strong; I was quite in awe when he simply whipped the lady over his shoulder at the talk show. lol! Maybe Adam and management should think seriously about doing some Queen+Adam concerts in the US to sort of start Adam off on high gear. A lot of people like Queen music and Adam is more or less accepted as Queen's frontman, temporary basis.


Anonymous said...

JAK again.....two , I'm falling in love with Adam's take on Shout...only it needs a sax break instead of the guitar....two....when Adam's voice was insured, they also should have insured his legs!!!! They are works of art! :-)

Anonymous said...

JAK and Lam-my, My thoughts exactly, as usual. Adam is very physically strong and rarely gets sick. His vocal training as a young man has obviously paid off, too. He nows how to take care of that voice. I have the same wishes as you do for his next phase. New music, new opportunities. NEW RECOGNITION! There is so much un-tapped talent in Adam, just bursting to be discovered. He's not afraid. He'll give anything a try. And JAK, yes the legs need their own insurance policy! I'm also a sucker for the jawline, the eyes and the hair, but those legs are an entity unto themselves and BOY, does he know how to use them!

Minsk looked like a great show and the crowd sure showed their love. It's so interesting how different audiences can be. Rowdy, quiet, sing-a-long-y, etc. I am lucky to be going to the San Diego show in July! First time I'll be sitting pretty closer to the stage. SO EXCITED! I've only seen him three times in concert, and I've always been in the back rows. My husband will be with me, and I warned him that I will be going BSC. He's prepared.


Anonymous said...

OT. The golden necklace Adam wears on stage is from Versace. On the plate it reads Gianni Versace. It is kind of spooky, imo, because he was a hedonist.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting these vidios. This is coming in better then the first one posted. But I enjoy anything of Adam. Love him in the long black vest, and also long black suite jackets. They look good on his tall lean body.

Anonymous said...

OMG, Guys! OT but, have you seen the pictures on AdamBertDaily of Adam in Bali?

You have to check them out and get them posted on this site.

glitzylady said...

Wonderful group of pictures from Anna Timoshenko's Photo Blog of Adam and company in Minsk. Professional HD quality:

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam would dod a show at SXSW in Austin next year. It is going on right now my sister won tickets to see Prince and Bruno mars. I am so jealous love them both. I know Justin Timberlake is doing a show also. Adam would fit right in. Come on SXSW make it happen next year so I can go.

glitzylady said...

Leopard Tank Top and Striped Shorts Adam and Terrance on Vacay...

glitzylady said...

Adam looking VERY VERY FINE in Russia: pic from interview:

glitzylady said...

Possible Live Stream for Moscow show...starting soon:

Anonymous said...

Wondering why these TP concerts were not extended to Australia, we had a small acoustic promo session which sold out within the first 10 minutes but people were restricted needed to have a Commonwealth Debit Card and limited number of 200. Then in Melbourne Adam did the Guerilla Gig in Federation Square, once again a short promo not a concert. New Zealand must be disappointed too, they got even less than Australia. Why are Asia and Europe favoured over these other countries including the US.

Anonymous said...

They go where promoters book them. If they are asked. If there is enough audience in promoters opinion. If they have no scheduling conflicts. Lots of it's. !

Anonymous said...

@ 7:55. You think it's spooky that Adam wears a gold Versace necklace because Versace was a hedonist?
So is Adam. Read the description of hedonist, sounds a lot like Adam's life. The pursuit of pleasure. In fact sounds like a lot of lives.