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Adam Lambert at The Abbey last night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, April 03, 2013

VIA @babyxboo: Met Adam Lambert last night #famousgay #adamlambert #abbeywesthollywood #drunk #drunkmess @ The Abbey, West Hollywood California


Anonymous said...

babyx looks like drunken mess for sure. lol

Anonymous said...

For Adam this was just another M&G picture.

Anonymous said...

Now I like Adam´s hair:)

Anonymous said...

I'd be saying bitch (my new word)quit the fuke (my other new word)hanging your drunk ass (oldie) on me.

Anonymous said...

I think the "drunk" comments are often exaggerated and aren't always true. Looks pretty normal to me.

Anonymous said...

yes his hair does look better in this picture, beginning to like it.

Anonymous said...

playas playin' on

Anonymous said...

Eyes need to accomodate when Adam´s hair is concerned:DD Cute!

Anonymous said...

Adam out partying, he's loving life!! Good for him.

Anonymous said...

Doesn´t look party mode to me:)

Anonymous said...

He looks good in blue:)

Anonymous said...

Adam does not look one bit drunk at all. He was eating there few days ago, they serve food there, he enjoying his life, just like a 31 year old, talented sexy man should.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the guy was talking about himself being drunk because Adam surely doesn't look drunk to me.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, 2:15!

Anonymous said...

Adam must eat outside now because Sauli has no time to cook anymore. They used to go grocery shopping together remember.

Anonymous said...

Drat! I've missed Adam at The Abbey again! I'm going tonight, but now he probably won't be there. boo hoo.
Can't blame Adam for going there frequently tho -- it's a fun, great place. I love to just sit and 'people watch'. You see some interesting sights there. :-)

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert has never hid his playboy ways. I think the song "Kiss and Tell" pretty much sums it up. He seems like a person who gets bored very easily and moves on.

Anonymous said...

The trolling and false stories has reached a dangerous level. Can the rest of us please not continue to add to the problem?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam was at The Abbey when he ran out to pay his parking meter. There are so many places I have to go to when I get to LA because of Adam. I will weigh 900# at the end of four days. lol

Anonymous said...

The other guy looks drunk, Adam looks perfectly sober! X

Anonymous said...

Its the same old thing -post a pic-Adam's beautiful,no ,looks wasted, no he's just relaxing while Saulis working .cant expect him to sit home alone. Adams loves going out cause hes a playboy .etc etc etc.single no in a relationship. 2:55 if not for "trolling" and so called " false stories" there would be only "Adam is wonderful and can do no wrong" comments .is this what you want ?

Anonymous said...

There is a great amount of space between Adam is perfect and walks on water and Adam is a lying liar who cheats. Do you want to continue with the rumors and fighting and people sending caps of Adam's FB to all of his family and the media? This is out of control!

Anonymous said...

3:18 I can't answer for 2:55 but I could live with that for awhile.

funbunn40 said...

@3:18PM I appreciate honesty, not false suppositions and insults obviously made to push buttons as the troll/trolls seem to think is so funny. It comes from an imature, mean place and the majority here are not entertained by it, as the majority of comments show. Differences are fine and everyone may not always agree, but it's the obvious false, rumor starting that has gotten old and unwelcome. That doesn't mean that everything is sugar coated, just honest and respectful.

funbunn40 said...

Adam looks perfectly fine and as usual,accommodating the fan that most likely was referring to himself. I think he looks like his usual, beautiful self.:)

funbunn40 said...

Adam looks perfectly fine and as usual,accommodating the fan that most likely was referring to himself. I think he looks like his usual, beautiful self.:)

Anonymous said...

2.15,was me Sue I forgot to sign! Sue

Anonymous said...

24/7 -- Some of your loyal readers are getting fed up with all the stupid innuendos about how Adam lives his PRIVATE life. You trolls really need to get lives of your own. Aren't you fed up of living Adam's life in lieu of your own?

Anonymous said...

Adam suppose to sit home every night while Sauli working? Nope he has lots of friends and gives any club/restaurant he frequents press. Cannot imagine why everyone trying to run his life. The Dark side

Anonymous said...

Adam suppose to sit home every night while Sauli working? Nope he has lots of friends and gives any club/restaurant he frequents press. Cannot imagine why everyone trying to run his life. The Dark side

Anonymous said...

Adam suppose to sit home every night while Sauli working? Nope he has lots of friends and gives any club/restaurant he frequents press. Cannot imagine why everyone trying to run his life. The Dark side

Anonymous said...

The degrading comments aren't welcomed on Adam's fansite. Fans of others should make their own sites to write gossips and rumors. Most of us Adam fans are here on this site for Adam news. Please and thanks for your consideration!

Anonymous said...

I feel really bad for Adam and the level it has reached. I am ashamed that so many have participated in responding and helped make it possible for the troll to send so much hate to Adam and his family and close friends. The person doing it really does need medical intervention and I hope as a group we can stop feeding and escalating the problem.

Anonymous said...

Just stop paying attention to crays. Block and report them on twitter. Post positive comments and news.

Light Love & Peace

Anonymous said...

3.18 positive comments is surely what we want! That's sounds good to me, Adam has a lot of great things coming up! That what I want to hear about! Sue

Anonymous said...

Long time lurker here ... Yes, for every foolish post, lets counter with a sane one, WITHOUT acknowledging anything else ... Doesn't have to be a butt kissing comment, but something that isn't ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Loooooove Adam's hair. Always enjoy how he chooses to present himself differently all the time, but I really like this hair. Think I'll watch some YT vids of WAG tour tonight, I need a fix of his gorgeous vocals

Anonymous said...

Isn't Adams new apartment more centrally located to shops, clubs, restaurants?

Anonymous said...

Yep, Adam moved into a high-end condo in West Hollywood, right near all the action. It's where he wants to be and where he belongs. One thing Adam does NOT doe, boyfriend or no boyfriend, is sit home alone.

DRG (trying to stop taking the troll bait)

Anonymous said...

Ok!!!:) Folks enough!:) is enough!:)

If anyone of you have any question about what is going on between Sauli and Adam just ask me and no one else!!!!:)


HK fan said...

If you actually read the comments by the instagram from the person who posted it, the drunkness is referring to himself, he said Adam was supernice and was just chlling with some friends.
Jump to conclusions why don't you....

Anonymous said...

Funny the poster who keeps claiming to just miss Adam at the Abbey. Do you live nearbye or is that a running joke?

Why would anyone post anything to Adam's family? Such a weird thing to do. They didn't sign up for that kind or harrassment. Are they supposed to spill the beans or reassure a stranger? WTF? Who do some of us think we are, Perez Hilton?

I think the guy in this pic meant that HE was drunk. No harm intended. Just a funny lucky happy guy.

Anonymous said...

Adam's an adult & a good matured person.

Love his going back slowly to his natural hair color!:)
Be happy for Adam as he deserves to have fun, relax, be creative & enjoy being himself!
Peace & be Happy Glamberts :)

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow his hair may be orange and a maze shaved through it. We will survive and his seemingly indestructible follicles will flourish and await his next impulse!

His hair-stravaganzas don't phase me......I raised two daughters in the 70's......Mom's rule.....nothing tattooed and only one piercing per ear! But hair color was their choice, only rule was...they paid for it and.......they couldn't sit by me in church!..... JAK

They grew up to be quite normal!

Anonymous said...

Too straight laced for me JAK, not cute

Anonymous said...

Adam is deff struggling and he isn't drunk!At all!OMG, another drunk idiot wants to have a picture with me!This is the look on his face!Our Diamond boy is trying to be nice with everybody. But people become so annyoing about all of these photos!

Anonymous said...

Crazy about Adam's hair. He didn't shave them like he did for the Belfast performance w/Queen:D Adam's hair are just slightly shorter on the sides and slightly strawberry blond:)Love you,Adam!


Anonymous said...

all the exes are moving into the LA area. How is Diamondboy gonna escape it all?

Anonymous said...

@ 8:09 p.m.....then it's very fortunate I wasn't your mom!

Anonymous said...

You did well, JAK.

Anonymous said...

JAK!My son is 29 years old. He doesn't have any tattoos,never pierced his body,and never dye his hair.And this makes him different!I respect my son for these choices!

Anonymous said...

Everything is fine as you see also Sauli is happy:

Anonymous said...

Sauli and Niko are soul brothers.

Anonymous said...


My children were teenagers in the 90's and the same rules tats and no body piercings. Now in their 30's both are well adjusted, happy and very successful without any tats or piercings. Our so called strict up bringing hasn't seemed to hurt them. As an educator I deal with young people all the time and I know that most teens actually want their parents to set clear expectations and they need and want guidance. Young people need to learn to live with certain rules and we as parents have to teach them and guide them. I'm not talking about being inflexible because that doesn't work either and there needs to be a sense of fairness and always room for dialogue. I feel sad when I see so many examples were parents don't parent anymore. I'm getting preachy so I must stop!
BTW, I think Adam's parents did an incrediible job especially by supporting his creativity and always being there for him.


Anonymous said...

Regarding parenting: Most parents do what they think is right for their children and would gladly give their own life for their kids. Some times the parents make good choices and sometimes they wish they could
go back in time and do it all over.
Would a second chance make a difference, that's something we'll never know. Light and Love.nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Is Adam doing anything else than partying?? Is he avoiding Sauli who still I beleive lives with him. There was some pictures Sauli`s friend Niko posted whitch was taken at their hause. Sauli is super busy with his shooting and he is not at home besides night time and then Adam is on the club.. I think Sauli will do his job and move out after that. And I really think he is going to Finland. Well I hope Adam is also working at day times. What a wierd situation. And all the gossips and rumors.. But if everything would be fine they would have said something. Trolls are harassment their family,friends and basically anyone they ever knew. So I think it`s quite disturbing and they couldn`t let them do it if it wasn`t true. People are so lojal to them they can`t see or admit the trueth.

Anonymous said...

5:16 am

My advice to you...only believe Adam and Sauli. Everything else is hearsay!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli are not going to give the power to the trolls. They are taking it away by ignoring. The only way to go IMO!

Anonymous said...

5:16 AM
Lol there are more pictures of Adam out partying again last night at Skybar. I guess he is just going to book a couple gigs a month to pay the rent and party the rest of the time.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! Adam hasn´t seen his friends in about 2 months, so of course he´s going to socialize. There is nothing odd about that. Sauli is working pretty much day in day out.

Anonymous said...

6:08 AM
Girl, anyone who thinks he is still with Sauli either hasn't been paying attention or has no critical thinking skills

Anonymous said...

6:12 am

Girl, anyone who thinks that there is only one side to the story, is also lacking reliable critical thinking skills especially since you absolutely no more than I do:)

Anonymous said...

I think because of their relatives and friends Adam or Sauli should say at least something about their situation. Otherwise those craziest trolls will continue on and on.

Anonymous said...

WHY OH WHY isn`t this ever going to end!!!! Are we going to argue about this for how long, mounth, year(s). If they won`t say it out loud some will never believe the break up is true. Oh they just give time to see their friends (never together). No tweets, fotos, speaking in interviews.. But sure they are oh so in love and everything is fine and dandy! I hope A or S is MAN ENOUGHT to come clean about it. This is nuts!!!

Anonymous said...

6:32 am

Pretty much think that it´s never going to end. If it isn´t a speculation about Sauli, it will about anybody who comes along.

Anonymous said...

6:30 AM
I agree. This starts to be grazy. They don`t have to say nothing else that they are no longer together and they will not discuss it att all. Then we don`t have to had high hopes and missleading our selfs to think mayby this isn`t nothing serious. I don`t think they have been together for some time now but I really love them individually and as a pair. And I too fished for a long time this isn`t true but now I can`t figure out anything more to believe. And I`m not going to be like those Adommy crays... Never giving up..

Anonymous said...

I'm really more interested in Adam's career. He spent the first 6 weeks of the year basically just partying, then had a nice easy tour where he had time for a vacation in Bali and lots of days off, now back in LA and just out every night partying. People who thought he was going to be rushing to make new music have been sadly mistaken.

Anonymous said...

In LA people take a lot of business meetings at clubs and restaurants. Adam may be doing just that - and since he has become so recognizable patrons with guts or just plain pushy, ask for a photo with him. Can you imagine the fuss it would cause if he refused? Especially if some of these people are drunk......papps would love some photos like that to sell. No, I am not an expert on LA, but my nephew lives there and is a network exec and works 14 - 16 hour days and nights. Hard job, terrible hours, but great perks! He has met with Adam on several occasions, he says what everyone says "He's a really nice guy!"

So don't be so quick to assume Adam is bar hopping every night for wicked purposes.

Anonymous said...

6:41 am

You and I kinda think alike:) Everyone just jumps to conclusions based on snapshots. And btw Adam gives PR to every place he goes. And there are no mentions when he´s holding a water bottle, but for sure when he´s holding a drink.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there is some networking going on but clearly there is no new music happening. No tweets from collaborators or studio people. Nothing from Adam to indicate he even has a record deal. He's becoming more of a "personality" who does gay novelty gigs.

Anonymous said...

I think he's probably working at getting some other kind of gig, like a spot on a tv show or hosting job at a music channel or something. Because I don't think he would get played on radio no matter what he put out, unless he got a collaboration with someone who gets a lot of radio play.

Anonymous said...

7:08 am

I´m not from US and I´m interested in knowing why on earth this extremely talented singer with a killer voice with a radiant personality doesn´t get radio play in his home country????

Anonymous said...

Adam was out again, there are new pics coming soon. ´So if they still live together it means that Adam goes out when Sauli comes home like some one already pointed out?

Anonymous said...

7:17 am

Even if they aren´t together anymore, they can be in the same room at the same time.Geez! What are you? 10?

Anonymous said...

@6:32 AM Well there are pictures from Helsinki and Petersburg and Sauli gave some interviews in Finland where he spoke in a way that they are still together and Adam tweeted on Sauli's birthay.

Anonymous said...

7:21 AM
Sadly that birthday tweet was yet another clue they are no longer together. So completely impersonal. No i love you or happy birthday to my boyfriend. Completely different from how he used to talk about Sauli

Anonymous said...

7:21 am

I´m thinking that the press that matters in this thread is the US tabloid press. Yes Sauli had nice press (other than tabloids) and TV interviews in Finland for example pointing out they are a couple. There are translations, but it doesn´t count here since people aren´t interested in anything but tabloids. So we can put our minds at ease:)

Anonymous said...

7:17 AM
I think Adam got a shot with his last album but the songs weren't good enough. And you don't keep getting more and more chances. Once you are seen as not cool then they won't pay you the time of day. There are too many other acts fighting for radio play.

Anonymous said...

7:34 am

Thanks:) I can understand it´s a tough and competetive business. But there is no other who can compete with that voice ...or I just might be biased:) Why isn´t he seen as cool??

Anonymous said...

Yes, he has the best voice but pop radio really isn't about the best voice. That's why I think he should aim for broadway where the voice would be more appreciated

I think coming off Idol is a detriment to being seen as cool for one thing.

Anonymous said...

I wondered did Sauli actually talk about them or was it interviewer comments and thoughts based on what she/he knows from the past? Interviews aren`t always compleatly accurate. The cooking show Sauli showed some ring someone local has given to him for luck.I get the feeling it was from Adam but Sauli said it was from very good friend..

Anonymous said...

If they had agreed not to say anything about the breakup in Helsinki then Sauli had no choice but to answer the questions. I don't think it means that they weren't having problems, seeing other people, etc.

Anonymous said...

So you think being a best Idol ever is a burden...I guess it is so. It is sad:( I admire his talent so much! He is just mesmerizing on stage and his voice just blows my mind. I hope he gets the appreciation in his home country the same way he´s appreciated in Asia and Northern Europe:) I wish and think he´s getting there!

Anonymous said...

I think Idol gave him a better career than he ever would have had without it. But the music business doesn't respect idols the way they do people who get signed the regular way.

Anonymous said...

8:06 am

Call me naive, but I think it shouldn´t matter how you get a hold of a talent like hold on to him and make him a star! But I guess I know nothing...

Anonymous said...

7:21 AM
It looks like they can`t be or want to be in the same room much. If they are still close friends Adam would have celebrate Sauli`s birthday with him. Actually he would at least concrutulate him. He actually didnt said happy birthday, it was that # thing they use in twitter world. Again he has been out partying. He is not teenager anymore. He actually said it himself once. That he has had plenty of clubbing and now it`s time to crow up/mature. And if clubbing is the only way for him to connect things are way worse I believed in. I hope he can fifure out something with his career because he has great voice!

Anonymous said...

7:51 am

No I don´t think that´s necessarily it. If they wanted to mention or reveal nothing, why bring a ring to the show...and it just might be from some Finnish friend:)

Anonymous said...

8:12 am

This is getting so ridiculous! Why on earth do you think he never congratulated Sauli??? Because it wasn´t seen on Twitter...I swear that social media is starting to be a hell hole!! They had private time in Finland and probably the best party in their hotelroom. And yes...WE ARE NOT INVITED!!!!

Anonymous said...

8:16 Sauli said it was some local LA friend who gave it.

Anonymous said...

8:27 am

Oh right, he did say that:) Well then it is from someone local:)But you must realize that he does know other locals besides Adam:)

Anonymous said...

8:35 Of course he does. It was just a feeling.. He has this mysterious smile on his face..

Anonymous said...

I can't tell if some of you are trolls or just stupid. Adam and Sauli do not live their lives on live television for you to know every part of it. You have no idea if Adam is working on music during the day and then is seen in public in the evening. You have no idea if one of them is just out of frame in the pictures of one of them in public. You have no idea if Sauli is filming late or in Napa Valley and Adam is in LA. Twitter is not the definition of someone's life and doesn't prove anything! I don't tweet or FB to my mom and rarely to my bf. Think I still have relationships with them?

As for the radio play in the US, Adam does receive play here. People are still hearing WWFM and IIHY. Yes, Trespassing didn't do as well but songs from it are still played. The state of radio play in the US is a long subject that has been explained before. The main point is a short list of obvious money makers is what is played and tightly controlled by few people. Adam has only been off of Idol for about four years. It takes a while to build a career. His name is mentioned as a cultural icon, he has been on many well known shows, he is in magazines, the list goes on and on. Give him some time.

Anonymous said...

Mind readers, body language readers, twitter interpreters, Facebook snoops, and now smile readers. Don't any of you have jobs? Families? Friends? Psychiatrists? Valium?

Oh, I forget the
"feeling" readers!
OCD runs rampant! If I were Adam I'd disown the Glamberts. They are CUCKOO. The few sane ones are outnumbered. Save yourself - run!

Anonymous said...

9:16 am

Crackin up:DDDD You hit the nail with this one:)

Anonymous said...

9:05 AM
I disagree that it takes more time to get radio play. I think either you make it when you come right off the show and have lots of publicity, and opportunities or you don't. Adam was kind of in the middle ground after his first album and he got another shot with Trespassing. But now that Trespassing has failed to take off he has very little chance of breaking thorough.

Anonymous said...

I know everyone will not like this comment but I read a Finnish review about Adam's gig. One of the critic's opinion was that Adam does not exactly know what he wants to be: a pop artist, rock artist or something else. The critic thought that he had not any straight line in his show, there was "a little bit of this and little bit of that"; he did not like those reggae-parts at all. He said that if the whole gig was as tight as the encore Trespassing, it would have been better. Other song that he liked was Hot Stuff. That was not a nice review and I don't want to insult Adam by telling about it. It is just so that those who are not so deeply in the rabbit hole, see the things differently. The critic even claimed that Adam did not use his voice as he could have done, but hided it sometimes to the voices of the back up singers.

Yesterday I played CTMBTM to my friend who loves music (even opera, lol) and did not believe Idol could bring any good singers out. She was very impressed and said that this guy should sing this kind of music. There are too many pop singers and in pop the brilliant voice is not the point. But there are not so many good young classical singers who can have such "lungs".

Anonymous said...

10:17 am

I consider myself a huge fan of Adam´s talent and I think I get biased as well:) But I do appreciate your post, because it sounds reasonable. Critic is also something that makes us develop. All the praise seldom does. Leaves us something to think about. Thanks for your comment:)

Anonymous said...

10:17 AM
Yes, i agree with you - listen to him sing "the prayer" duet with Noa Dori. So incredible

Anonymous said...

Okay...stupid me...what is CTMBTM??

Anonymous said...

come to me, bend to me from brigadoon

Anonymous said...

10:32 AM
It is a song "Come To Me, Bend To Me", from a musical Brigadoon. His voice is so perfect in it.

Anonymous said...

10:40 and 10:42

Not from US, so don´t always know the shortenings...Thanks for letting me know:) Must listen to it:)

Anonymous said...

10:48 AM: I'm 10:42 AM and I'm not from US too, but I'm so deep in this rabbit hole that I have learned to use some of the shortenings, lol. Listen to that song, there is a YouTube -vid; Adam was 22 when he sang it. Other(not today's Adam-style) one that I like is "Is Anybody Listening?" from The Ten Commandments.

Anonymous said...

11:11 am

This is 10:48 am...This is very nice of you. Thank you for the tips:) I guess I´m not that deep yet:D Need to expand my horizons:)

Anonymous said...

10:25 AM Thanks for the tip about the duet! Fabulous. Adam looks so stylish (no make up, beautiful suit, longer hair - I love that look). I do like also his glam style, but more when he is his natural himself.

Anonymous said...

I read all the comments about Adam & Sauli they sound like they are coming from one maybe two people just answering each other trying to stir things up.I bet Adam & Sauli are getting a big laugh over this.i don't care what Adam does in his personal life & no one else should if you don't like it follow some one else that is squeaky clean if that is possible.