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Adam Lambert is ageless! 2008 VS 2013

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 11, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

Ah the times of Wicked. Just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmm, I love this look .... it's my very Adam favorite look. <3

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam's hair looks darker now but that could be the light. In any event, this hairstyle suits Adam brilliantly - love, love, love it.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, this really is a happy day in Adamland with all these pics, articles and interviews. Adore this hairstyle.

Anonymous said...

alidol you are a riot!!

Anonymous said...

The physical aging is not so apparent but the expression on the face five years ago is more carefree and young and the present one is more pensive and serious...maybe partly due to his recent breakup. The carefree expression seems to let go compared with the present hold back expression. But it's okay; he'll be back to the carefree smile like the first one soon enough. Not a fair comparison; both should depict Adam under similar circumstances. :)


Anonymous said...

Certainly he looks same age as long as using botox etc. In the pictures taken sometimes a year ago he looked much older.

Anonymous said...

He is such a cutie.

Anonymous said...

Adam keeps getting better looking to me.

Anonymous said...

Adam looked carefree then because he was leading a much more carefree life than he is now. He's a matured man who is dedicated to his craft and works hard. Perhaps they should've posted a "now" photo of a smiling Adam. He doesn't look pensive and serious when he's smiling.

Anonymous said...

Adam looked carefree then because he was leading a much more carefree life than he is now. He's a matured man who is dedicated to his craft and works hard. Perhaps they should've posted a "now" photo of a smiling Adam. He doesn't look pensive and serious when he's smiling.

Anonymous said...

11:05 PM
Botox?? How do YOU know Adam is having Botox?? Did he tell you personally that he's having Botox?? It's none of our business whether Adam uses Botox or not.

Anonymous said...

11:58 PM You can SEE that, if you compare his older pics to his current ones.

It is his business, I just sayin...

Anonymous said...

I love how here people are saying Adam looks pensive and unhappy because of the breakup with Sauli but it is cropped from the photo with the model where people were saying Adam has a new boyfriend and is out partying and happy. I guess all the mind readers see what they want to see.

Anonymous said...

His face is more matured and thinner now. Also, he looks a bit tired in the recent picture...who knows how late it was when the picture was taken. Very stunning looking man in both cases.


Anonymous said...

Seems like some of the sparkle has gone from Adams eyes. It seems like he is trying to show everyone,"look , I am having fun no matter what." Don't think he has stayed home since he announced the split. Don't say poor Adam he works so hard. This will be like he was with the last album, he would say he was working on it, but it took year and half, even with collaborating with other people. He almost seems defiant, Sauli said they weren't seeing enough of each other, so he wants to prove he is happy without Sauli, the show must go on.No I am not reading his mind, or know him personally, just my observation, This behavior is like a little boy who has been told he cannot have his favorite toy, and he retaliates with, "I'll show you, that I don't care"

Anonymous said...

@12:28 AM
Obviously, Adam is wearing a lot more makeup in his recent 2013 photo than he did in 2008 and surprise, surprise, he's also 5 years older now! Geezuz, quit with the Botox BS. It's none of our business.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:16 AM
What a load of bull sh!t. You have no idea what's going on in Adam's life or in Adam's mind. He doesn't need mother ducks clucking over him - he already has a mother, she's a wonderful person, and she's raised to mighty fine sons.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:16 AM
What a load of bull sh!t. You have no idea what's going on in Adam's life or in Adam's mind. He doesn't need mother ducks clucking over him - he already has a mother, she's a wonderful person, and she and Eber have raised 2 mighty fine sons.

Anonymous said...

What about the other 2013 photo taken with the same model guy where Adam is SMILING and looking so HAPPY. Stop all the psychoanalyzing of Adam and get a life of your own.

daydreamin said...

I agree that it completely unnecessary to analyze these two pictures. Geese do we all smile in every picture that is taken of us especially if its the millionth photo snapped of us? He has got to be so tired of always smiling for the camera but is such a good sport!

Botox? He doesn't even need it so why would he even use it? No way has it EVER looked like he used it to me. And if he did...I could care less.

Anonymous said...

Adam's Eyes

Reminiscing eyes
Pensive look of love gone by
Adrift in blank space


Anonymous said...

I think you're reading too much into the 2013 photo Lam-my.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, but that's what I read.


Anonymous said...

There's another picture taken with the same guy (who has been removed from the picture) on the same night where Adam is smiling and looking radiant. I think there are people with over-active imaginations here. I guess people think Adam isn't over Sauli. Well, none of us know what Adam is thinking or feeling, and wanting them to reunite isn't going to make it happen. Time to look forward for and with Adam. Whatever will be will be. Adam is a mature man and very capable of having his own relationships without our input.

Anonymous said...

People age no matter what u do folks!!!:)

So just relax the beauty of the rock god and he will age gracefully because he is love indeed!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Adam's Eyes II

Transcending eyes
Will go on to meet the love
Of his life in due time


Anonymous said...

Some of you ladies have to grow up, you are sounding like teenies. If Adam ever reads this stuff he must laugh his head off or shake his head in amazement.Do you ever really read what you are posting?

Anonymous said...

The more we read into Adam the deeper we get into trouble. Enjoy this young man as he is and imagine the best for him. His BF is now a BFF so be it. We will never know what happened. Let's not get mad at him or Sauli. Life goes on.

Anonymous said...

right on 3:55 and 4:27, good grief. I get that we all toss around thoughts and feelings here on the this fan blog, totally cool, what it's for, and it is fun... but do we need to post things, about his personal life, that could not possibly, could NOT POSSIBLY be ascertained from the position that 99% hold in his life (which is fan).

It's what I feel... it's what I read... etc... well I am really really really not trying to be a jerk, I truly enjoy most of what we bandy about on this site, but sometimes we go over the line! We could not possibly gleen information relative to the kinds of notions spoken about here being what we are, fans (and most of us not even in the same city Adam). Good grief. I sincerely am not trying to amputate what we all talk about, it is fun here, it's for the free flow of ideas, but we shouldn't post things written in such a way that indicates we have a darn clue, because we don't.

Adam is handsome as hell here. I always enjoy seeing how he's going to present himself next, and I think for him, it aint that deep, but rather a forray into funland. JMO, based on absolutely nothing of any relevance or concrete knowledge!

Anonymous said...

This week several times Cuckoo, BTIKM, WWFM... in couple of radio channel at least

: )


Anonymous said...

I`m a bit confused. What things are allowed to talk here and where is the line.. What subject are his personal matter. If someone say he looks tired how it`s different than saying he looks happy? Adam is very good public person. He know what to do with fans and what to do with press, or co-workers. I don`t think there are so many people who exatly what kind of person he is or how he feels. We all have different roles considering where and with who we are. I`m different when Im at work than when I´m with friends. Not speaking with my husband. He is the one who is taking my best and my worst moods. Besides I have been wondering how most of you are so noh8 club. But what do mean is no one is allowed to bully Adam. If someone speaks about Sauli and are consider about him you get angry and you said you only want Adam to be happy..WTF. That is hating also. Nevermind others as long as Adam is good and happy. I know this is Adams side but the tone is quite unpleaset. Are we all deserving happiness.. You people are not so tolerant as you think you are. And I don`t agree blaiming Adam either. Somehow I have feeling this hole thing is raffer to Sauli. He said the tv shooting helps him go on. So the first question what are we allowed to talk here?

Anonymous said...

I think we are here because we feel for Adam and to tell people not to feel or read into things pertaining to Adam too deeply is sort of clamping down on free passionate expressions. Adam has said that he prefers people to speak their minds openly and candidly not necessary what the masses think it's the right thing to do. So some of you here ought to stop controlling or trying to tone down other people's thoughts and expressions regarding Adam. He always speaks his mind and that's what we here should be able to do without being inhibited or be afraid to say what's on our minds. Yes we do not know what actually happened but surely many of us have been through trauma with regard to broken relationships and to say Adam is happy and we pretend nothing happened is not even honest or respectful to Adam.


Anonymous said...

To say Adam is sad and unhappy isn't honest or respectful to Adam either. None of us know how Adam feels so we shouldn't presume we know how he feels. There are other things to discuss about Adam that don't involve his feelings about which we have no knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Personally I have not used the words sad or unhappy but I feel his sorrow seen in his eyes. Can't someone feel sorrow for another...must that be controlled or be told off ?


Anonymous said...

Oh no, there are people here still reading too much into Adam's private life which is exactly that .... PRIVATE!

On topic .... these are lovely photos of Adam. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not intruding into Adam's private life, never believe in that and have never done it even in my own personal experiences . I have followed Adam for 4 years and I just feel for him! That's all there is to it! Go fly a kite if you have so much spare time...control the kite but not other people!


Anonymous said...

Quick snapshots don't show deep meanings or deep thoughts or inner feelings. They are a moment in time and can be very misleading. I've seen candid family picturs of myself where I looked like I was going to cry and really I was starting to laugh. It happens to everyone. All these pix of Adam are one second in time that doesn't reveal the whole context. You can read all the deep meaning into it that you want to, but unless you were right there with him at the time of the picture, you don't really know what was going on. All that being said, I don't think all the photo "analysis" by the fans here will ever stop. Some people just enjoy reading a lot into every photo. I choose not to get mad about it. Some people just enjoy reading a lot into every little thing. Adam is stunning in both pix, and he's still a young man whose face hasn't aged all that much. Botox? I don't think so!


Anonymous said...

looks fine to me

Anonymous said...

Take your own advice Lam-my.

Anonymous said...

I did not base my feelings just on one photo. Adam loved / loves Sauli a lot and he sang Stay quite mournfully; recently tweeted the song, I Will Always Love You, sung by a contestant; this photo just prompted me to express my feelings. We are not talking about right or wrong here. We should feel free to express our feelings. Just like some say he feels happy...I did not try to control that !


Anonymous said...

@DRG ...... agree. :))

Anonymous said...

I feel you! There is just controlled peeps who don`t want ANY negative, sad or anything but happy happy joy joy written here. I also think it is a miracle if the break up didn`t effect him. They were together over 2 yeyrs. You also analysing fotos when you said he looks happy.. You can also smile in public and cry at home.. and vice versa..

glitzylady said...

@M 5:48 AM
Yay for the radio play!

Anonymous said...

The only difference in Adam from several years ago, is that he has matured in his looks.

He has grown from boyish good looks, into a stunning handsome man.


glitzylady said...

Such a good looking guy...He truly is ageless..

Anonymous said...

Bring on the Miami Pride event - Adam is all his splendid glory!! :=D

Anonymous said...

I like this sentence: "I feel you!" And everything you say confirms my thoughts. Thank you sooo much! Good night / morning. I am going to bed now. lol!


Anonymous said...

Yes indeed fellow Glamberts! I'm all for feeling positive about Adam.

Anonymous said...

YW! Good night and sleep dreaming happy dreams!

Anonymous said...

@Anon April 12, 2013 at 6:16 AM

Thank you. Well said.

Anonymous said...

i can only say,i really ,really love hi`s voice,so stop hating us.

Best regards from

Anonymous said...

I think we can talk about how WE FEEL or how WE RESPOND to an Adam related item in the blogosphere, twitterverse, pop culture etc... but we have to acknowledge just that, it is how WE ARE RESPONDING... but sometimes we talk about how Adam is feeling... and we don't throw words in our posts that say - say things like we are just thinking out loud, or wondering, or surmising etc. To me, speaking only for myself here, to me if a post that's getting into an area of Adam's life/world that involves HIS feelings that we can not really know about is written with a few words or lines that acknowledge it is just how WE ARE RESPONDING to some Adam related stimuli, then I don't mind so much if that post is putting feelings in Adam's mind/body! Does that make sense? It is how some of our posts are written, I know its just semantics/wording but sometimes comments are written, putting feelings in his heart/body/on his face/in his actions etc., in such a way as if there some real knowledge of Adam going on by/with the poster... and I think it's safe to say that 99.9% of the time that is not the case. Just my two cents, my point of view. That is what rubs me the wrong way, when someone ASSIGNS Adam feelings/actions etc with some sort of authoritative tone in the writing. It goes a long way for me if a poster just throws in a line that acknowledges that they might just be thinking out loud or wondering and having a gut reaction and posting on it...etc. It's like throwing in a smiley face or a winky eye in a text or a tweet, sometimes its necessary to give quick context or tone to the short exchange in that text or tweet. IDK, just my thoughts on the matter. I don't think anyone on this thread is trying to be the thread police, I think the people who have expressed being exasperated with posts that take on an air of expressing Adam's feelings for him have done so politely! I don't want to only talk about rainbows and sunshine unicorns and only good things regarding Adam, we oftentimes don't know the truth behind those events either :)! It just rubs me the wrong way when every now and then we post about something we could never truly know about unless we are in Adam's inner circle, and we do so with a tone like we are in the know where he is concerned, which is 99.9% not ever the case, to be fair. It is good indeed to be passionate fans, but in the end we are FANS only. Yes Adam himself puts a lot about himself into the public domain, but even so it is just bits and peices and that needs to be considered when getting too deep in my very humble opinion. Just my thoughts, I know nothing other than what I am reading a long with all of you! :)

Anonymous said...

We love all Glamberts in Finland! Thank you for loving Adam's amazing voice and being his fan just like the rest of us!..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I too send Glamberts in Finland much love.

Anonymous said...

SEcret; adam lambert ageless looks; secret;-adam lambert was born january 29-capricorn cusch aqaurius-baby face-janaury born gifted unique-classic beauty -lots of hair.his birhtyear also a baby face sign 1982 born-now u know. very classic beauty adam-janaury born classic beauty -looking young for life.dont age quickly.
just like em im 50 yet people think im in my 30s or 40s-beign capricorn -aquarius sign- were gifted looks wise- the more we get older?the more we look younger- turn back the clock.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Finberts, for your support of Adam's career.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adams love record, each time, goes up like a rocket and comes down like the stick. :((

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...



choons said...

Admin - we're being invaded by ads - any way to block them? thanks.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam is ageless...@NKlovesAdam, I really like what you said about Adam. I concur!

Shaley said...

@5:53am. Give it up. I've already tried reasoning with these people-it doesn't work.
Just relax and watch from the sidelines. It's much more interesting & fun when you're not involved in all the drama;)

Anonymous said...

People here do project their own feelings on to Adam and then the trolls come in and stir things up too.

It would be less offensive if it was worded "I think Adam looks pensive in that pic." And then when someone points out he was all happy smiles with the same person in another photo it would be nice to admit "oops, maybe I don't know everything."

Adam and Sauli already tried to calm things down but too many here prefer melodrama and fighting. I think many of the regular and sane visitors have gone away leaving the inmates and trolls making comments.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, Adam and Sauli both said they were ready to move on and were OK. Why can't you believe him?

Anonymous said...

@ 10:58 AM. Oh, you have given me such a good laugh!!!
Your post makes perfect sense, but honey, I'd really like to meet the person who could get LAM-MY to ever ever admit
"Maybe I don't know everything". LOL.

Godzilla couldn't manage that !!!!

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, Adam and Sauli both said they were ready to move on and were OK. Why can't you believe him?

April 12, 2013 at 11:02 AM

Ok!stop this BS.
go to sleep,take a brake,order pizza:)

Anonymous said...

Lammy is persistent in having the last word so as to win. She's putting Adam in her own shoes and in her own experiences in life and will never admit she is ever wrong. She always has to win, a psychological quirk.

Anonymous said...

This site has turned out to be BA (bullies anonymous). Why is it that people can´t express their opinion here? Everyone has one, but God forbid if it differs from mainstream opinions! Go ahead Lam-my, express and feel away...and everyone else for that matter. Freedom of expression people..freedom oooof expression ( someone we know has said that and I´m sure he meant it!)

Anonymous said...

And my freedom of expression is saying I'm sick and tired of the trolls, the people responding to trolls, the people trying to run Adam's career, the people analyzing every tidbit Adam and Sauli said, the ones analyzing every photo, the ones projecting their personal issues on to Adam.

Shaley said...

@12:30pm: In case you missed it under another thread-they might think you are me, so watch out! I have been accused in the past by some of the regular "faceless" morons of replying to myself:p
I do wish more who have contrary opinions would post with a tag. As Adam would say, "don't be scerd";)

Shaley said...

@1:47pm: I agree with you on most of your sentiments. But be careful in utilizing your "freedom of expression". Some might call you a troll.

Anonymous said...

Sooooooo.. Like it says on a tee shirt

I wouldn't need to manage my anger
If people would learn to manage their stupidity !

I'd love to have that tee, but I'd be too chicken to wear it.

Anonymous said...


This is 12:30 pm...Now I got your point:) Yes I agree with you when it comes to contrary opinions...People disagree on things and I`m sure we still can have a civilized conversations. Although I must admit my confidence on that matter is getting shaky when reading people jumping on each other. A person who disagrees most certainly doesn´t always turn out to be a troll!

Anonymous said...

@ 9:32 a.m.

We heard you
We heard you
We heard you, now go away and enjoy your extraordinary youthful beauty.

Anonymous said...

7:23 AM Lam-my

I agree with you for your every words, especially about meaning of those songs Stay and I Will Always Love You...

Shaley said...

@1:59pm:Are you new here?? I agree with you 100%!!
LOL-this time I did reply to "myself" (accidentally)!
I meant to direct my last post to 1:42.

Anonymous said...


I`ve been here a while:) And I will keep on discussing with people even when I disagree:)

Anonymous said...

Shaley, I just thought you were being funny replying to yourself, LOL. But either way, good points from both of you. There is a way to have a reasonable discussion on varying opinions but I don't think most of the people here are capable of calm rational discussion.

Anonymous said...


This is 1:59..

LOL!Funny discussing with yourself:)

@2:27 B

I share your opinion too. Too many arguments here. People who constantly argue think they know everything, when basically all the statements are based on feelings. But talking about feelings about matters is actually what interesting conversations are made of. But only when it doesn´t go over board or way out of line.

Shaley said...

I had a sinking feeling something was wrong w A&S and I, too think those songs could have been directed to Sauli. I could be totally wrong, tho, as it is none of anyone's business but theirs. We'll probably never know the full story. I'm just a concernd fan who cares about Adam, as most of you are. That doesn't make one a troll. It just makes one human. IMO (yep-of which I am entitled) that term is way over used and is getting way out of hand.

Anonymous said...

2:36, agreed, most of the people here can't word their opinion in a way that doesn't offend major amounts of people or they think they get to express what they call an opinion when really it is a judgment. Add in a couple of trolls and you get the cesspool this place has become.

Shaley said...

It's so nice to see rational, mature folks posting! Are you sure you don't want to use a name? It would make it so much easier, to be able to identify each other!

Anonymous said...

@ Shaley

I`m 1:59 pm...the one you´ve been having a discussion with...

So hello there:) I`m Tia (my signature from now on)

Lovely to talk to you:) and the rest of you too:)

Shaley said...

@2:40: We have to be careful though, of accusing folks of "judging" when they could be just expressing their opinion. It could be some of us who are interpreting it all wrong;)

Shaley said...

@Tia: A pleasure to "meet" you! It's so nice to have someone replying to me who isn't spewing me with venom!
I adore Adam like most do here-I just don't kiss his lovely little booty 24/7. And I got burned at the stake for it. Adam has said many times he likes a good debate, and that usually involves differing opinions. Could it be possible some of us are finally able to accomplish that?? Our boy would be proud;)

Anonymous said...


Thanks:) Pleasure is all mine:) I`m not a booty kissing type matter how lovely the booty is:D I adore Adam and love his beautiful voice, but I do have an opinion of my own. Different opinions can be presented nicely and respectfully and there´s nothing wrong with that:)


Anonymous said...

So very true. Only problem is, some cannot deal with negativity, and that usually means disagreeing with Adam or his "inner circle". You can do it as respectfully as possible but they will still throw you under the bus, calling you a nasty troll, etc., so be forewarned! And once you do that, they will never accept anything positive you have to say-as if you could never do both!'s a no win situation with some I'm afraid. I have been sitting back on the sidelines watching the train wreck unfold, and this place has literally gone to hell. I can't believe this is an Adam site sometimes.
Oh well, I'm starting to rant now, so I'd better shut up while I'm still in one piece:p. I'll go do some much needed housework!

Shaley said...

Ooops-that last post was me-as if no one could guess:p

Shaley said...

One more thing before I tackle the dishes-getting back to what this thread is about-I think Adam was beautiful then and is just as beautiful now, and will always be beautiful. I don't know if he's using botox ( I hope not), I just think his inner beauty is so plentiful it radiates on the outside also.
(And a tiny bit of it could be his gorgeous mom's genes);)

Anonymous said...


Yes you have a point there. I guess it´s necessary to stay focused and be true to yourself. It´s interesting though why this site is what it is. I`ve read some terrific opinions which have made me think and learn a thing or two; also have changed my point of view every now and then:) I guess you can call it a journey with Adam and the fierce fandom:D

Well happy dusting:)


Shaley said...

That's a wonderful way of putting it;) It will be nice to see who all can live by those sentiments (myself included).
Ta for now;)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! I'm back! lol! Hmm I expected more thrashing but lo and behold, turns out to be more palatable than I expected. lol! I'd like to convey my deep appreciation to: 7:55, 12:30 and 2:12 ! I feel your love!!
By the way, don't scoff at "feelings". This is coming from the scientist of the century / all time. He said specifically: "The only real valuable thing is intuition." Albert Einstein.
Also I do not, repeat, do not project my own feelings regarding broken relationship, onto Adam! Goodness gracious to even dare assume that! My last break-up was many many moons ago, can bearly feel anything now other than super utter freedom of mind!! And the cherries on the cake are my 2 wonderful grown children!!
Also expressing my feelings bears no correlation to the acceptance of Adam and Sauli's break-up. Why would I not accept it? Strange that some of you think I've crossed the line, yet you do exactly that when you make sweeping unfounded statements about me! Bottomline: Cheer up, we may soon be able to be freer in our feelings or expressions without being trampled, hounded. lol!


Anonymous said...

4:27 PM
Thanks for posting the link. I can't see any evidence of botox but I don't know anyone (close-up) who has had botox so I'm not in a position to comment. :)

Anonymous said...

Spelling:... barely


Anonymous said...

She's back .... lol

Anonymous said...

Life haiku

Hard times, good times
Life lived for others...worthwhile
Shine when you wanna shine


Anonymous said...

Whoa Timeslot...look at the number! above. Seems to fit my haiku.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Feeling is the devil's playground.

Anonymous said...

Who let the dogs out ........

Anonymous said...

I'm confused...congratulations-lol!

Shaley said...


Fingers crossed;)

Anonymous said...

Well, first thank you for all your concurrences. Not easy to get so many in these 'jump-on-me' sessions lol! I'm getting the hang of it. lol! No, I'm not keeping my fingers crossed; I'll just continue to say/write whatever I deem appropriate. So for me it has already happened; never bothered me much right from the beginning. At times I even enjoy it, but find it a terrible waste of time because very often, they hardly grasped what I was saying. lol! I'm cheering up those who are apprehensive. Sometimes I feel like I'm a minuscule 'Bruce Lee' fighting many opponents at one go! lol! But I know nothing about kungfu. lol! Nice to know there may be some new assistance from you, apart from my lovely stand-by-me Anon 'accomplices' or fire-fighters! lol! They're always there with pretty sharp kungfu skills. lol! Welcome to join our kungfu club. Your kungfu is quite up to par! lol!
