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Adam Lambert Partying in Hong Kong

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 23, 2013

VIA jolieys: That's right! That's Adam Lambert partying with Alacran in Hong Kong at #socialito ! #alacran #adamlambert #hk #party #partying #nightout #tequila


Anonymous said...

Whoaaaa! Calm down ladies - he's ours!..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Adam! Gorgeous as always!

Anonymous said...

Driving those women CRAZY!!!

Anonymous said...

Had it been two gorgeous guys with him in the pic, there would have been much more comments...just saying

Anonymous said...

they want him drunk so they can horizontal tango and tongue wrestle.

coloforadam said...

He has said many times that he likes partyin' and hangin' out with cute girls - they are 3 American looking cuties who seem very happy to have found each other in fabulous Shanghai. Can you imagine living and working in some foreign country, far from home, drop into a bar some night and some gorgeous hunk of a rock star from LA walks in, eyes of blue, hips of heaven.....yah, well ... those two just lived one of my fav AL fatasies.

coloforadam said...

WHoops - wrong city, "Hong Kong"!! Doesn't change the fantasy much!!

Adamluv said...

@4:47 - You're right - all the ugly trolls would have risen from the swamp to leave their inane comments. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

5 37 you know what ur saying is true, Adam drinks partays, diddles with the beauty of girls, we dont know. He goes down unda for all we know. Hell he's too sexy not to go both ways, dont let him fool ya.
Just like those who were fooled not thinking he was done with Sauli. Never under estimate the power of Adam Lambert. He will amaze one of these daze.

Shaley said...

@6:43: Why do I hear the song "Voodoo" after reading your post? :-D
During all my years of living in Loooziana, I never once saw a swamp thing:( There is, however, a giant troll that lives under a bridge in Seattle, and I can't help but picture him when someone says troll:)

Anonymous said...

they want verticle voodoo and backdoor bashing.

Anonymous said...

he probably gets back massages while on the dance floor.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:13 what are u smokin'?

Anonymous said...

The Nasties seem to out tonight. :(

Shaley said...

@7:45: First off, I'm not anon. Second, there really is a troll under a bridge here in Seattle. Look it up.
**Note to self**
*People here do not know me well enough to get my sense of humor.
*Some people that know me don't get my sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

@ Shaley

Would it help any if I told you I usually get your sense of humor.......JAK :-)

Anonymous said...

Trolls here uglier than the one under the bridge in Seattle.

Anonymous said...

@7:43 PM
Get a grip!

Anonymous said...

Attractive girls with an extremely attractive man. :)

Anonymous said...

a horizontal hoedown is more like it.

Anonymous said...

Nastie as it should be.

Shaley said...

@JAK: Why does that not surprise me? ;-) Thank you.
@2:29: Trudat.