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Adam Lambert with American Idol Season 12 Finalist Vincent Powell

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 4, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 04, 2013


Anonymous said...

Sorry I don't remember hardly any of the winners since Adam . . just WGWG . . but not their names . . . watched a little this year . . .Girl Power!!!

AliceC said...
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AliceC said...

#RT & READ! So @adamlambert got a nomination as Best International Male Artist at Hungarian Music Awards called Bravo Otto 2013. We need your help, you need to vote for him! But you have to register to voting. I'm gonna help you, how can you do it!
Go to this site:
Then you're gonna see this: /click to "itt"/
Then you will get an e-mail from this site. You have to click on URL to confirmed your account.

Then you can add some personal information, but it's not necessary. Just go to Then you have to click every single category one person. Just choice the most likeable :) To vote click "jelölöm". Adam in the "AZ ÉV KÜLFÖLDI FÉRFI ELŐADÓJA".
After that there: BRAVO IDOL - Jelölj, ne csak szavazz! - just wrote something there.
And to finish click to: "Szavazatok elküldése"

Then you'll see:
Köszönjük, hogy szavaztál!
Szavazatod tároltuk.
Egy felhasználó csak egyszer szavazhat.
It means you did it right :)

Thank you for your help!

Another information:
there's 10 category.

1. Az év magyar együttese / Best Hungarian Band
2. Az év magyar női előadója / best Hungarian Female Artist
3. Az év magyar férfi előadója / Best Hungarian Male Artist
4. Az év magyar felfedezettje / Best Hungarian Breakout Artist
5. Az év legjobb magyar dala / best Hungarian Song
6. Az év legjobb külföldi együttese / Best International Band
7. Az év legjobb külföldi női előadója / best International female artist
8. Az év legjobb külföldi férfi előadója / Best International Male Artist (This is Adam's category :))
9. Az év külföldi felfedezettje / Best International Breakout Artist
10. Az év legjobb külföldi dala / Best International Song via @GlambertHU

Anonymous said...

Vincent is from this season. He made the top 10 guys but not the top 5 guys.

Anonymous said...

8:42 nice to hear he is nominated over there and you care enough to leave those instructions.I will try to go to that site later today and figure it out. thanks.

Anonymous said...

It is sad that Adam and his top ten didn't stay close after the show. I guess so many different egos don't mix. where is Kris Allen?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe any of the top 12 in S8 live in California. I am sure Kris lives other side of the Country.

Anonymous said...

I know Kris is going to be a new Daddy !! They have been married four years now.

Anonymous said...

I think Iraheta is in LA. she don't acknowledge AL. I think he tweets her, but she doesn't respond. It might be the fact that he is the bigger star than all the top 10 put together.

Anonymous said...

Is Idol going to show footage of Adam rock performance with Queen tonight on result show?

Anonymous said...

iraheta different attittude-as well as different birthyear signs-no?no response from iraheta she think shes bigger now? smile.

Anonymous said...

Aiiison opened for Adam GNT tour I seen her she was very good also she was in If I had you video.Adam talks about her every so often still calls her his little sister.

Anonymous said...

Vincent Powell didn't make it to the Top Ten and he should have as well as Nick Boddington.
It was Curtis Finch who made it but was the 1st on eliminated which made my day.

Anonymous said...

It is probably like any job where you stay in touch with one or two people even though you liked everybody. But let's not make assumptions about who Adam talks to based on Twitter.

Anonymous said...

1:26 pm

Exactly! Wouldn´t rely on Twitter to tell the truth!!!

Anonymous said...

You know ... there are other means of communicating besides Twitter ... texting ... phone call ... e mails ... etc. Maybe ADAM uses one or all of these to keep in touch with his AI friends ... don't ASSUME anything ... if you don't know ... for sure ...

Anonymous said...

Kris has been touring around the country and I will be seeing him in NYC on May 1. I saw him recently at a showcase concert in NYC and he definitely has a great voice. Of course, he is no Adam!

Anonymous said...

Was that a solo concert of kris Allen or is he opening for someone or several different people performing. Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

I tried my best to like this season of AI but I get bored so easily watching this season of AI. Adam's season was the best. Ofcourse that was all because of him. Love Adam so much!

Anonymous said...

I tried my best to like this season of AI but I get bored so easily watching this season of AI. Adam's season was the best. Ofcourse that was all because of him. Love Adam so much!

Anonymous said...

I tried my best to like this season of AI but I get bored so easily watching this season of AI. Adam's season was the best. Ofcourse that was all because of him. Love Adam so much!

Anonymous said...

I tried my best to like this season of AI but I get bored so easily watching this season of AI. Adam's season was the best. Ofcourse that was all because of him. Love Adam so much!

Anonymous said...

I heard Adam say a while back he was gonna see Alison the next day, he was being interviewed for something! He ma tweet her, because he loves to tweet. She probably textes him or actually calls him on his phone! Adam is bigger than all those four people at the top of idol years, so I doubt she thinks she to big or good to anwser him people have other ways of answering, than twitter!

daydreamin said...

Twitter has direct messaging too and only they would be able to see those tweets.

Anonymous said...

Adam stays in touch with Anoop, Allison, Kris and I know that sweet Michael Sarver is still saying nice things about Adam when interviewed (Adam made a profound effect on his acceptance of gays - so that's a young man willing to be willing to use his head and heart). He has a nice song out, I think it's called
Love on a Ferris Wheel.

Anonymous said...

omg Lazaro was in top 3 tonight.

Anonymous said...

I would be surprised about Lazaro making top 3 if it was based on talent but he is obviously very inspirational to many people and they are voting for him.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the date of Idol's grand finale this year? I don't want to miss it. I hope the best singer wins and I hope a girl wins it for a change (provided she has the best voice).

Anonymous said...

Honestly, Candice is of brilliance on Idol. She'd make a fantastic backup for the Glambert.

Anonymous said...

Is Lazaro still there because the young girls love him? This is afterall a singing show.

Anonymous said...

after adam lambert in AI dont watch anymore any Ai singing-bored and not interested.

Anonymous said...

Orianthi was fantastic on Idol this week!She is SOOOOO darn talented and yet got a rough deal on the Glam Nation Tour in the US from lack of love from many Glamberts. Go figure!
MJ only ever chose to work with the best in the industry and Orianthi was no exception.

Anonymous said...

Orianthi was fantastic on Idol this week!She is SOOOOO darn talented and yet got a rough deal on the Glam Nation Tour in the US from lack of love from many Glamberts. Go figure!
MJ only ever chose to work with the best in the industry and Orianthi was no exception.

Adamluv said...

Orianthi was absolutely fantastic at the GNT shows. What a talented musician. She was going on tour with MJ before his untimely death. Would have been a major gig and push for her career. . . . Adamluv

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