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Another Sexy Photo from Gay Pride

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 18, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 18, 2013


tea said...

MTV Buzzworthy Blog always has outstanding articles on Adam. This one is just ...... well WOW!

daydreamin said...

Nice article from MTV Buzzworthy! Thanks tea!

Anonymous said...

Can I say Holy S***!!:)

Pardon me but it's not easy to control sometimes he!he!


Anonymous said...

bet the ladies were all up in his business with that shirt on.

Anonymous said...

Um, there is a higher quality version of this pic just 4 or so pics down from this one. ????

Anonymous said...

My my my.......if his hair could take the humidity we would be happy to accept Adam as a Floridian. Chest photos year round!......JAK \o/

Anonymous said...

My GOD he is gorgeous in that photo in China. Thanks for the Buzzworthy article.

Anonymous said...

Oomph! Talk about hair porn, eye porn, jaw porn, chest porn. Adam can be x-rated with all his clothes on.


Anonymous said...

Loved the buzzworthy article the writer sure is a Glambert! This is the most chest i think we've seen. Adam you are killing us,but we are loving it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the link, what a article and the picture, I almost fainted, wow just wow! I would give anything to have a life size poster of that!

His on country, "Glambertia", I would quit my job to be in his harem, anyone want to join me?


daydreamin said...

NKlovesAdam Me, me, me, me!

Anonymous said...

Nice picture switch ;)

Anonymous said...

Funny I was reading that fantastic and true MTV article and said this gal a serious Glambert I believe it's a Gal I don't know but whoever it was , was in love with him. I loved the article. I was also thinking I would love a poster or enlarged photo of that red carpet picture desperately! Sue

Anonymous said...

A guy writes the Buzzworthy posts about Adam.

Shaley said...

Mmmmmmmmm...Adam's harem! Ahh...the visuals:)
Only prob is: would I rather fan him...or feed him grapes?
Oh, I know! I'll volunteer to bathe him. It'll be a sacrifice & it's a dirty job...but someone has to do it;)

funbunn40 said...

I was talking to that guy on Adam's left on Monday! This may have been taken a day or two before the concert. Count me in for the harem.I have some soft fluffy towels to dry him off! Love the chest pics!

Anonymous said...

Adam has a mind that is always open, searching, questioning, listening. I think that is why he is attracted to all kinds of music. It's his taste - as a music authority once said, "Let It Be"....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

OOOPPS! My post was in reference to Adam's taste in music, FALL OUT BOY,, etc. It does not belong here. I should post when I'm more awake friends!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@ Shaley......sneaky :-). .......JAK

Shaley said...


Anonymous said...

Just let me near him...I'll lick him dry.:))))))

No tag on purpose