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Adam Lambert Tweets About His New Favorite Music!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 18, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fall Out Boy's new music video:

Jessie Ware's new music video:

Do you have the same music taste as Adam Lambert? free polls 


Anonymous said...

I love you Adam BUT I don't get your taste in music lol.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam should let someone else choose the music for his new album.

Anonymous said...

First video - ick !

Second video - eh !

Anonymous said...

I'll pass.......JAK

Anonymous said...

"Falloutboy" is just too vicious and hateful. Adam you don't want your Glamberts to turn into evil murderess people.
The second one is better, but still not my style, you can do much better than those.
You might need to hire writers and you sing.

Anonymous said...

It's ALL about Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Just read the lyrics.

Anonymous said...

Only in YOUR head ! You oughta get that fixation fixed.

daydreamin said...

Did not like the first video at all but I do like Fall Out Boy. The 2nd is not my taste at all.

Anonymous said...

I already knew I liked Fall Out Boy. I'm not surprised Adam likes the other song after hearing it.

It's all interpreted personally anyhow. A song that never made you cry can make you burst into tears after a traumatic event in your life. I think our "all about Sauli" friend is projecting, but whatever.

Anonymous said...

Well if the first video is about S he better run for the hills, Adam's pissed! I hated the first video but liked the song ok fall out boys! Second one Adam can do better than that and has! Sue y

Anonymous said...

The second song could have made Adam think of Sauli' He will be hearing many songs that will bring back memories. Seems like most songs are about love or losing someone you love. I don't think we have heard the end of that beautiful duo.

Anonymous said...

Adam recent song choices make it pretty clear that he so not over Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Some of you are very good at seeing what you want to see.

Shaley said...

I like the first song actually, the video not so much. The second song just sounds like the same ole dance pop to me.
I'm one of the ones who wish he would do songs with more of a rock edge next time. He plays the rock god so well;)

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who can read? Adam said he likes the ALBUMS, not these specific songs Admin was kind enough to include for us.

FOB just released their next video, Young Volcanoes. They have a theme going with them.

I like this song by Jessie Ware. I can't quite place what it reminds me of. Hints of Sade for sure.

So now the ones that think Adam is sending coded messages have whole albums to use as their "evidence" not just single songs ;)

Anonymous said...

The man is planning, sketching, working on new ideas for his next album, so of course he listens what's out there, what's current etc. He has always said that he's a big spender on music, listens to all kinds of sh... stuff... :)

I think it's so interesting to follow what catches his eye or ear, don't ya think?

funbunn40 said...

I don't think Adam is pining for Sauli or choosing to sing any songs relating to them. He's still promoting his Trespassing album for sales and his covers just seem to be songs that just sound good to his ears that would suit his voice. This breakup doesn't look like it was traumatic or shattering for either of them, just exactly what they said, "drifting apart, not spending much time together."Many people just grow apart, the physical attraction diminishing and life goes on. He probably quit singing Stay so fans wouldn't read anything more into it. Adam seems happy and excited to start on his new album and enjoying the warm welcome he's been receiving over seas. Just my take on things, really don't know more than anyone else. Adam is the only one that's the authority.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it would be a bit unlikely to even think that the music taste of a 31 year old music and music business professional would be the same as the music taste of let say people in their 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and vice versa. Same goes for younger people, each generation has their own "theme songs" and music styles they prefer.

Adam's a TRAILBLAZER and I'm pretty sure he he continues on his own path! And watever it will be, I hope I can be there to follow his career and enjoy every moment of it.

Anonymous said...

The Sauli slaves are still delusional.

Anonymous said...

Anyways, this is one of the songs he likes :)

"Imagine It Was Us"

I should know better than to wait for you
If I leave, well it's no better, so I'll wait for you
I don't know if this is wrong, but it's crept into my mind
I don't know if this is love, but I think it's worth a try

Could it be a deep fantasy?
Could it be a secret to keep?

Are you waiting for something? (Imagine it was us)
Tell me, would you wait all night?
Are you thinking about it like I do, I do?
I would wait all night
(I would wait all night)
(I would wait all night)

There must be a reason why it has to be you
You and me, we need to make it, so it's just us two
I don't know if this is wrong, but it's crept into my mind
I don't know if this is love, but I think it's worth a try

Could it be a deep fantasy?
Could it be a secret to keep?

Are you waiting for something?
Tell me, would you wait all night?
Are you thinking about it like I do, I do?
I would wait all night

Are you waiting for something? (Imagine it was us)
Tell me, would you wait all night?
Are you thinking about it like I do, I do?
I would wait all night

If it takes all night
If it takes all night
If it takes all night for me
If it takes all night for me

Anonymous said...

I have a preoccupation with these secret messages for us and all..: )

Anonymous said...

3:48 AM
How do you know Adam likes that song? Did he tell you he likes it?

Anonymous said...

Turbulent times and passionate love:

"The Phoenix"

Put on your war paint

You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down
Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground
We are the jack-o-lanterns in July
Setting fire to the sky
Here, here comes this rising tide
So come on

Put on your war paint

Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies
Silver clouds with grey linings

So we can take the world back from a heart attack
One maniac at a time we will take it back
You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start
So dance alone to the beat of your heart

Hey young blood
Doesn't it feel like our time is running out?
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix
Wearing our vintage misery
No, I think it looked a little better on me
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

Bring home the boys and scrap scrap metal the tanks
Get hitched, make a career out of robbing banks
Because the world is just a teller and we are wearing black masks
"You broke our spirit," says the note we pass

So we can take the world back from a heart attack
One maniac at a time we will take it back
You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start
So dance alone to the beat of your heart

Hey young blood
Doesn't it feel like our time is running out?
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix
Wearing our vintage misery
No, I think it looked a little better on me
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

Put on your war paint

The war is won
Before it's begun
Release the doves
Surrender love

(Wave the white flag!)

Hey young blood
Doesn't it feel like our time is running out?
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix
Wearing our vintage misery
No, I think it looked a little better on me
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

Hey young blood
Doesn't it feel like our time is running out?
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

Put on your war paint

Just saying. LOL

Anonymous said...

I really liked the previous song by Fall Out Boy that Adam posted. I even tweeted him about it but this latest song ..... well, it started off OK but seemed to deteriorate and I could only watch half of the video and listened to the rest of it. Not a fan of the 2nd song. Adam is sure to at least like some songs that oldies don't warm to because he's only 31 and that's fine. I think it's great that we lget to isten to what he's currently into at any given time.

Anonymous said...

^Whoops! Should be "get" nor "lget"!

Anonymous said...

'I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix' - yeah whatever. Adam!!

Anonymous said...

How about quitting the amateur psychology and move forward with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam taste in music is bad lol

Urethra_Franklin said...

The new FOB is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Uh oh, according to these lyrics Adam is going to start robbing banks!

Adam said he liked the albums not that specific songs mean anything about Sauli. If you think Adam is sending messages in these tweets you need to seek medical attention.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:44 AM
Is it imposible 4 you to state yr opinion in a civilized manner?

And just for info to all of you who dislike Sauli's name to be mentioned here (this must be the only Adam fan site where Sauli is not welcomed and followed anymore!!!)
- Adam is the reason I'm here
- I try to be a decent human being and I love Adam and his attitude towards life, love, equality, diversity and acceptance
- I'm not delusional, I cherish the fact Adam has loyal, trusted friends and family and I include Sauli in that circle
- and I'm going to keep posting about Sauli whenever I feel like it and whether you like it or not
- same goes for Tommy, I've always liked him and it has nothing to do with these stupid labels given (Adommy, different ...berts etc)

So there!
Enjoy your day, ya'll!

Anonymous said...

No need to get all defensive about it. Chill.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:32AM

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Adam's next boyfriend already. He'll have sh!te poured all over him by Sauli and Tommy fans.

Anonymous said...

I'm not crazy about either of these songs but appreciate that Adam likes them.

Anonymous said...

This is ADAM LAMBERT's blog and he and Sauli are no longer together.

Anonymous said...

at 5:10 AM

And what?

Surely one can post anything that's Adam related (and not malicious)?

Why is it so wrong to speculate about his love life???

It's an INTERESTING topic!

Anonymous said...

To anon at 3:12am- I absolutely agree with your comments about the music tastes of people who are much older than Adam. I fall into that grouping and don't often like what he has mentioned. Hopefully all of us will like the third album and that it will bring in new fans.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....if you are going to quote lyrics to songs, please identify the writer to give them credit....or blame. If we know the name we know who to search for,or who to avoid.
Writers deserve to be acknowledged. Thanks..

Anonymous said...

The Youtube clips are not close enough? At the beginning of this very topic?

You know, there are tons of lyrics sites where you can get any lyrics you want.

Anonymous said...

Whaat? Is there somebody who doesn´t like Adam´s music taste??´re a troll!!!!Take a hike! :DD

Anonymous said...

This is Sue 10.29 I accidentally get a y after my name. I just want to state I was kidding before anyone takes offense. I did not like the video I never ever liked anything violent at all, there too many sick mines in this world that see that stuff! I did like the fall out boy song I thought the second one was nothing special. I am 64 and do imagine our taste are different than a 31 year old. I do like some of the young sounds a lot, some I don't. I do think Adam was talking about the album as a whole someone just pick these songs. Maybe the FOB is a current single vid. I don't know. But I absolutely read no message Into these two songs there just songs. Sue

Anonymous said...

The Falloutboy clip is HOT, very sexy and a perfect match to Adam's darker side.

choons said...

I hear a bit of Pop That Lock in the Fallout Boy tune - "left, right, step into the spotlight ..."
Maybe Adam is pointing out similarities - ? same vibe.

Anonymous said...


go read ALL the Jessie Ware and Falloutboy lyrics and haul Sauli back to Adam asafp!!!!!

Anonymous said...

First video- song quite cool, too violent. Too much violence whole world right now. No more!
Second video - Adam stylish video, not so cool song, sweet singer. M

Anonymous said...

@ 8:19 am

You find the Falloutboy clip a perfect match to adam's darker side? I assume you are referring to his kidnapping, torture loving, blood, cleaver wielding sadistic side.

You find this clip hot and very sexy? I see. Explains a lot.

Anonymous said...

Not to be too blunt or anything BUT fact is Adam likes pop music, always has. Honestly, he probably LOVES pop music. If you don't and it bothers you that he does, well, you'd better learn to deal with it because he's not gonna change his taste for you.

Shaley said...

Is it really necessary to be so nasty?
Adam digs all kinds of music. He seems to get on certain "kicks" at times. I remember him saying in one interview that he was really into classic rock. That was during his Citizen Vein days. Now recently he's hinted that he's into a more 'organic' sound. I'm hoping that's a hint of things to come, but with Adam-who knows! Never a dull moment with that boy;) As long as he doesn't go rap or twangy country-I'll be happy!

Anonymous said...

I really doubt anyone is dumb enough to think they could have any influence on the type of music Adam records.
I buy all his music and play the tracks I like and skip the ones I don't. That's a very small number. I am looking forward to new album to see what direction he may be taking. I have enjoyed the songs he has chosen to cover lately, we may be in for some surprises.........JAK