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Latest Adam Lambert Tweets

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 25, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 25, 2013


Anonymous said...

Yes, Angie can sing alright, but not my personal fav. If she does win, however, I won't complain.haha! I adore Candace, Amber, and Kree. Just my POV as I've said before. I love hearing from Adam and wish he was singing on Idol!!!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

like Candace but didn't care for the way she did that Cure song. Liked her Dion Warwick song better that night. Angie my favorite.

Anonymous said...

the beautiful and talented Danielle Stori. The BESTest gal of Adam Lambert. Happy Bday gurl!:)) Kree and Candace for the FINALS:)) go girls go!

Anonymous said...

Angie reminds me of a pagent contestant with a Miley cyrus look. KREE FOR THE WIN

Anonymous said...

Candace G is a powerhouse. Probably the best voice behind Jennifer Hudson. Candace Should win by her singing ability.

glitzylady said...

Candice has been my favorite since day one..but I thought Angie did really great job last night and she could win.. In reality all of the girls in the Top 4 are REALLY good...

Anonymous said...

I agree that the top 4 girls are really good. My favorite is Candace. She is a vocal powerhouse in the caliber of Jennifer Hudson. I think if the top 5 ladies just did the AI tour they would do well without the guys. Overall, I wonder how well this season's tour will do with all those dates booked. Interesting to read that Adam is catching up onthe contestants. I also wish that Adam would sing on the show, but he has already said that he wasn't.

Anonymous said...

Angie/Candice finale please and both would be winners.

Anonymous said...

Angie is my fav on Idol,too.She's very talented and also cute.My pick to win.

Anonymous said...

I love all 4 girls left. I would be happy with any of them winning. However, I would probably buy kree's music first , Angie for me is the most markable and Candace has the best voice, but amber is both markable and has a great voice. she could win it all easily. Bet they use the save tonight for sure

Anonymous said...

I can not STAND Angie. She is so hyped up she makes me nervous and I never feel her soul or heart and do not like the quality of her voice. She is a good technician but doesn't do a thing for me.
She seems like a nice girl but way prefer the heart and soul of Candace.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Amber is really the most marketable and although she is young, she has an extraordinary voice. She can go R&B/Pop like Beyonce and she is so beautiful. She is just shy.
Candace will have a great career. Amber too. Kree will make a great album but I think that people would tire of the frantic and shallow Angie. I do think that she could have a great song writing career.
I mean, who of these four girls would you buy a ticket to go see?

Anonymous said...

Amber will go home tonight unless they still have the save left.

Anonymous said...

I just don't find myself captivated by any of the girls.....good voices but missing that something special. Good luck to all of them but for me Adam will always be the Idol I just can't get enough of.


Anonymous said...

Disagree, IMO Kree leaves tonight.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Michael has seen Adam's cover of "Stay"?

Anonymous said...

I agree that there will NEVER EVER be an idol that captured us like Adam. NEVER!!!!

Anonymous said...

you know, Adam knocked "Stay" outta the ballpark..far superior to Rihanna's rendition..such emotion, such beautiful vocals..such a beautiful all ways..and for ALWAYS...
btw..Candace is amazing and should win...

Anonymous said...

Adam's renditon of Stay was absolutely amazing. It's too bad that wasn't his single. He is going to need a very special song from his next album as the first release that will get radio play. He does so well with some of the covers that he has done. Now all he needs is that original song that everyone wants to hear.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Adam's performances on Idol were captivating and mesmerizing. I looked forward each week to seeing what he would sing and what he would wear. Singing with KISS and then the finale with QUEEN were special moments in television history of musical performances. I don't feel the same way at all about this season esp. because of the judges. I like Keith. Randy has "yo, yo, yoed" one too many times for me along with "she's in it to win it". Nicki is ....who knows what she will say or do each week and Mariah just talks, and talks and talks. These top 4 women have good and even great voices, so it's anyone's chance to win. But will the winner have a successful recording career. Only time will tell and as we know, you don't have to win to be successful in the music industry.

HK fan said...

Amber sounds great on the slow standards, but always sounds off on the more uptempo songs. I don't get where the judges keep calling her current, she is not at all.
Candace has a beautiful voice but looks and sound so old fashioned. She looks and dresses like someone closer to 40 than 30. Kree has a lovely tone but lacks any umpff on stage. Angie maynot be the best singer, butshe seems better at choosing songs, and at least really tries to perfom. I think Janelle will go on to have the best career out of these 5. Her performance on the Kelly Ripa show the other day was beautiful.
I went back and watched Adams top 4 performance yesterday. While Idol has had some good voices in the last 4 years, it hasn't had one person with that 'it' factor, who had the stage presence, voice, charisma, wow factor, showmanship and excitement.....they've all been so bland..or gospel! Haley probably came the closest.

HK fan said...

oops should have been 20 for Candace, not 30..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kree Harrison should win American Idol. Just the real deal. Her bluesy voice is what makes her great. She better let loose if she stays! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Haley is so good. where is she now? come out Haley and sing with Adam. that would be a hot duet. Getting down on his knees with Haley:)))

Anonymous said...

Candice is my favorite, then Amber. But over all, the girls this year are the best contestants we've seen since Adam's season. I predict we will see them continue to improve and have great careers like Jennifer Hudson.

Anonymous said...

But what if someone even more amazing and captivating comes along? What will you do then? I never understand closing off your mind to future possibilities or limiting an unknown person's abilities before you've even met them.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:27 PM
No one has said they aren't open to some other "amazing and captivating" singer, etc..( and in spite of what some here seem to believe...judging from what I've been seeing here over the past few months...), Adam's fans are some of the most open minded people I've ever met..and that includes me. And Adam of course. So far, Adam is the most intriguing to me....And that's why I'm here. But I appreciate the talents of so many other singers...

Anonymous said...

Don't care for Candice at all no matter how good she is in all her riffs and runs but her voice is not that distinctive, only her technique. And there's something about her that I find unlikeable, something underneath hidden which I can read, there's just something about her character, she's someone I wouldn't want for a daughter-in-law. Any of the three, what you see is what you get, not with Candice.

HK fan said...

I kind of get where you're coming from about Candace...I too don't find that she comes across as very likeable.
And Amber....I was reading her twitter feed the other, she retweets about 20 tweets a day from fans saying our wonderful, amazing, humble, beautiful, like a model she is...and she bites back at the slightest criticism.

Anonymous said...

I wish they would move around more get some energy on the stage just stading is boring.I do like Amber she could put on a good show.

Anonymous said...

If appears Angie has been a favorite to win. Afterall she fills the Idol shoes with her appeal and indeed Miley Cyrus old
looks. (Thankfully I'm not the only one who thinks the Miley!). Personally, Candace is incredible
and steals the show for me. Her voice is way beyond everyone and she is so professional in every way. Plus, she looks fantastic and is really photogenic every single time. Amazing voice. Cree should be in Nashville without doubt and Amber sings so well but is a Rhianna look alike to me.

Anonymous said...

Candace is incredible. Randy drives us nuts, he is so darn corny.

Anonymous said...

'Heart and soul' of Candace for sure!
We know the so called 'win' means little because when talent prevails a career is born. Candace is a star.

Anonymous said...

It's Candice, people. Candice with an I.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I think you and I are reading different blogs. Just on this page there have been these comments from different people:

Adam will always be the Idol I just can't get enough of.

there will NEVER EVER be an idol that captured us like Adam. NEVER!!!!

And then scrolling back a couple posts I found these two:

No one will ever top Mad World on AI.

I don't understand the commenters here of Idol contestants then mention how no one can ever match Adam. Well, I don't even mention ADAM at all because to me he is TOTALLY of a different league and should not be mentioned in the same sentence with any other contestants on that stage. Don't diminish his star value, leave him out and that's giving respect. Adam is royalty.

That last one is ironic in that they think people are saying the same thing as I do but then they take it to an ever further extreme, LOL.

To me those are examples of comments that limit what other contestants may do in the future. While I think Adam is a rare mix of talent, charisma and humility, (and handsomeness) I don't think that means there can never be somebody even more amazing on Idol. The routine comments here are Adam is the best thing since sliced bread and nobody will ever top him. I don't find most of the people here open minded because comments here very often slam other artist out there and say how awful current music is and say they never listen to it. There is a difference between that and saying while Adam is my favorite I don't care for so and so.

Anonymous said...

And here are the Love Song lyrics,

whenever i'm alone with you
you make me feel like i am home again
whenever i'm alone with you
you make me feel like i am whole again

whenever i'm alone with you
you make me feel like i am young again
whenever i'm alone with you
you make me feel like i am fun again

however far away
i will always love you
however long i stay
i will always love you
whatever words i say
i will always love you
i will always love you

whenever i'm alone with you
you make me feel like i am free again
whenever i'm alone with you
you make me feel like i am clean again

however far away
i will always love you
however long i stay
i will always love you
whatever words i say
i will always love you
i will always love you

Anonymous said...

12:59 be truthful, was your comment suppose to make sense or you just joshing with us?

Anonymous said...

7:07 be nice 12:59 must have alot of time on her hands. lol me and you are just as kooky for answering her.

Anonymous said...

what happen to the twitter word on this blog, not there any more. Any one else?

Anonymous said...

I loved just klicking on there, and it would come up, where did it go?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:25 A
Do you mean the link to "Adam's Twitter"?

It's still there, at the top of the main page, under "Adam Lambert 24/7 News" and between the two least that's where it is on my computer screen.

It says:


Click on ADAM'S TWITTER..takes you right there to his page.

Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

7:07 AM, it looked like a comment to an earlier comment. Makes way more sense than the full lyric commenter. What's your problem?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:59 AM
Thanks for explaining your earlier comment.

I would assume many of us know in our minds that it is certainly theoretically possible that someone could top Adam on Idol sometime in the future..but for many of his fans, including myself, Adam is one in a billion. I myself have yet to see anyone on there who has intrigued me personally anywhere near as much as Adam has, but that's just me. I've watched Idol pretty consistently since Season 7 (with David Cook et all) and Adam is still the one that basically grabbed me in the first 5 seconds I saw him..and there has been no one else since then that has had that instant and literally jaw-dropping, breath-holding, almost heart-stopping effect on me. He still does that to me 4+ years later, particularly when I see him live. I can't help my reaction. It is visceral and uncontrollable. I just happens. And I love it :)) What can I say? It's really a matter of personal preference and feeling that "connection".. I suspect in Adam's case, he has that aura about him, that personal charisma, that honesty, which when combined with his VOICE, is irresistible to me, to be honest. I don't think he's a god..or anything quite like that, but he is certainly special to us fans..and to me. And to be fair, this IS an Adam Lambert fan blog after all :))) We tend to be effusive and generous in our praise, yet don't mind offering our honest opinions about various aspects of his life and career. Do I think he's perfect? Nope...Do I think he's a fabulous singer and human being? Yep.

As for the comment by someone that included "diminishing Adam's star quality" by mentioning him in the same sentence as other contestants...etc.. I chose to let that go without comment. But I do think it's putting him on a pretty high pedestal. One that Adam himself probably would not not agree with at all, to be honest. I personally believe it's more than okay to admire and discuss other singers in the same context in which we discuss Adam. Adam has his favorites and says so. And everyone has a right to an opinion.

Believe me, I've been coming here pretty regularly for the past 3 + years and have seen and read it all. In my personal experience, which is not limited to just those fans who comment here, Adam Lambert fans, for the most part, IMO, ARE truly open minded, intelligent, and respectful people, in general. We are also a bit protective of our guy Adam..and sometimes that translates into being rather effusive and sometimes a little OTT when it comes to what we say about him. And a lot of its is very true. And certainly well deserved by Adam. Some of my closest, dearest friends are those I've met through Adam. And I agree with you, I sometimes am a little taken aback by comments about current music being all crap except for Adam's, which I don't agree with. Some is, some is not. Its all a matter of taste and what we prefer to listen to I suppose. There IS good new music being produced all the time. IMHO. I DO agree with many many other fans that find it frustrating that Adam's music is not played much here (in the US) and that he isn't very "visible" at the moment in the US either. Hoping that changes with the next album, EP, single..whatever form the new music is in, and that Adam has more success here too. I'm certainly happy for the success he is having elsewhere, for instance in Asia. I for one am just a teensy bit selfish in that I want his music to take off here in America so we can have a tour next time around, both here and worldwide, certainly for Adam's sake as well as for us, his fans. In the whole scheme of things, 2010 was a long time ago, the last time we had a tour. Hoping for one in 2014. :)))

glitzylady said...

Oh..and I should have said that Adam's latest music wasn't played in the US..We do hear WWFM here and there...and some others occasionally..But his Trespassing music was largely ignored. Hope that changes next time around.

Shaley said...

Just heard Duck Dynasty won over Idol last night! LOL. It really is on its way out.

Anonymous said...

I love Candice but she has this "mature vibe"... Adam was at a far more mature age when he entered the American Idol competition but when he flashes his boyish smile, he looks years younger.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that Slezak is not really an Angie fan....

Anonymous said...

Candice is very good in knowing how to use her voice but as a previous poster said I don't like her either. She is not likable at all and her voice does not appeal to me.

Anonymous said...

I do not watch Idol anymore but I find it disturbing that some of you keep commenting the contestants don't come close to Adam's performances. They are not competing with Adam, they should only be compared to the others on this season. It's hardly fair to keep harping that no one will ever be as good as Adam, next year there may be another great find that will knock your socks off.

Anonymous said...

Not likely.
He's one in a billion voice! Ask Roger T!
And a brilliant performer!
Most AI contestants (from whatever season) just stand there (maybe walk a bit or sit) and sing and/or play guitar, some excellent voices, but as performers... Nix!