More Pictures from Last Night
Filed Under (Friends,pictures,Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Sunday, April 28, 2013
Posted at : Sunday, April 28, 2013

VIA ZIMBIO: Adam Lambert is seen leaving the Bootsy Bellows night club in West Hollywood.

Sauli, Danielle and friends

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Nice to see Sauli and Adam socializing together as a "non-couple." Friends are friends.
Agree. Adam is friends with all his exes. Class act.
Perhaps they still share a pad. Who knows. This is kinda a family outing Hollywood style. The Dark Side
Perhaps they still share a pad. Who knows. This is kinda a family outing Hollywood style. The Dark Side
Perhaps they still share a pad. Who knows. This is kinda a family outing Hollywood style. The Dark Side
More pics from last night: Adam leaving Bootsy Bellows. (Click on the pic of Adam to see more pics of him..).
I have to say, I like seeing Adam mixing with some other A-list celebs these days: Lots of networking ops...Important to "see and be seen"...
Aquarius Relationships
Aquarius and Aries
On their first meeting Aquarians see Ariens as extrovert and self aware, someone who
could be interesting enough to get to know. Ariens see Aquarians as friendly and
different, someone who could be quite exciting. However, any sexual attraction between
them may not be immediate. The Aquarian will see the Arien as an easy target for their
mental games and although the Arien will hate to lose they will keep trying to win. The
Arien will find the Aquarian's cool emotions a fascinating challenge and will be sure they
have a hidden passionate side.
But the Aquarian head rules and they often don't listen to their heart at all, although this
doesn't mean they won't enter into a relationship. Ariens are a passionate sign easily
attracted to the opposite sex and they will think the friendly Aquarian is equally attracted
to them. Although the Aquarian can be indifferent about sex the bold and passionate
Arien may change that for a while. But ultimately the Aquarian is more interested in ideas
and how the mind works rather than how good a lover the Arien is. This can cause
obvious problems.
Aquarians want to be friends with everyone and Ariens want to be first. This combination
sounds difficult but if both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars (desires) in other
more compatible signs it can be a very successful match. If not it may be that the
Aquarian need to share themselves with the world conflicts with the Arien desire to always
be put first and the relationship just goes nowhere. This relationship will be hard work but
if the Aquarian can learn to be more aware of the needs of a partner and the Arien can
learn to be less egotistical it just might work.
Who cares? If we were interested we could look it up ourselves.
Adam is Aries, too. His moon sign. Moon sign is just as strong as Sun sign, some people say stronger. Imho he needs to be first.
A plethora of photos from last night.
@10:45 and @10:48 I copied the text and put the link just because I haven't written it myself. My point is, friends are very important to Adam and he wants to stay friends with his ex's. I have a friend who is Aquarius and she has also stayed friends with her ex.
We have a local murder case where the accused is an aquarian who killed his ex and her two kids! Don't trust the star signs!
That guy (red shirt) behind Adam looks like Terrance's bf and there is a photo where Neil seems to be also. So, the whole gang maybe was partying.
ok berts cont with the AT&T Facebook likes 4.1 k
love from a Libra
10:57 I enjoyed your post. thanks.
Vevo las vegas, Vevo las vegas, Vevo Vevo las vegassssss. My weekly reminder to give Adam's Vevo Youtube videos some views.
love from the Libra again.xxoo
Good Morning All.........JAK here
it's a lovely sunny day in Fla. My husband, as usual, made a great breakfast for me......I think I had him include that in his marriage vows. I have attended a Sunday service.....well, sorta, can't sit thru a church service anymore, but I listened to a cd of Elvis singing gospel songs, my soul is soothed.
Nice photo of Adam, I hope everyone took note, he is not overly made up, he does not look tired, drunk , sad, too
or horny........He does look bright eyed, happy and delicious.
I wish you all a happy day. \o/
@11:21 Thanks, I posted the first article I found, but it is quite marvellous I think. Especially if you read between the lines. Such as "aquarian can be indifferent about sex" does not mean they are not interested in sex. It could also mean they don't see much difference between a lover or a random hookup.
OMG!Is Adam Lambert bi-curious?
Aww happy to see happy Adam and happy Sauli :)
Sauli likes both the boys and the girls. Something tells me he and Danielle could be more than friends.
Don't see much difference between a lover and a random hookup. That is the sign of Stupid.
@12:51 Nonsense they are just good friends.
Good day to you too, you lucky gal! My hubby makes Sunday breakfast sometimes, but today had too much to do-as the sun is peaking through! Gotta take advantage while you can here in the NW.
New pic of Adam?
Adam is a great networker. He gets himself out there and makes connections with well-known people in the business. It's fun, but also work. He seems to be readily accepted in any group he's in. Not to mention that everyone wants their picture taken with him. I'm not into astrology at all, but Adam is a star in every sense of the word.
Jak, like your subtle reminder for fans not to read too much into each picture. Shaley, I'm in the NW, too, and just got back from a sunny bike ride to find these handsome pics of Adam. Life is good. Double-treat day! Hope you all are well.
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We know we know we know - we remember from the last time you told us and the time before and the time before.
He is perfection from every perspective.
My moon is in Aquarius and sun in Leo, a fire and water sign. Doees that mean I'm well balanced or just cancelling each sign out? haha Altho' my moon is in Aquarius, I've never had a random "hook up" nin my long life, but some great love relationships! Adam looks healthy, happy, just enjoying time with his friends. With all of the recent travel he deserves the down time and staying connected to his inner circle as well as networking and staying visible. Glad he's staying in touch with those that mean so much to him. Adam is a very loyal, generous friend that doesn't take their friendship for granted. He's just so huggable.
What the heck???!!!:)
Just trust your instinct that's all!!:)
I love my Rock God he!he!
There's something going on with American Idol musicians, Nile Rodgers and Adam Lambert. Seen several tweets. And Nile is in L.A.!! But what could it be?
BTW, forgot to add that Nile Rodgers played on Daft Punk's #1 single 'Get Lucky'. These are all highly visible people in the entertainment biz right now (including Adam!!).
@ 4:50.........JAK here......Please don't say that. My mind is conjuring up a fantasy where Adam, Sam and Nile show up on the Am. idol Finale and rock out performing Shady to the world. I know that's not going to happen, but wouldn't it be stupendous?
Nile is in town for a writing session with someone. He named the guy. I think he and adam just had a friendly dinner. Nile knows a lot of people.
JAK, now your fantasy is my fantasy, too. Wouldn't it be something if it came true? I just Adam is able to do SOMETHING with Nile in the near future.
Yes, your Sun sign Leo is a fire sign but your Moon sign Aquarius is not a water sign but an air sign.
Although Aquarius symbol is a Water Bearer. Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Adam just looks so good in the second picture...healthy,happy, and relaxed. It's great that he has this close circle of friends with whom he can go out and just enjoy himself.
OT - I have been seeing the previews of the Liberace movie starring Michael Douglas and Matt Damon. I think it's going to stir up the homophobes and while it's never a good time for that - this is a particularly bad time for it to come out. Am I worrying needlessly?
@ funbunn40. I am so sorry dear.....but if your sun sign is fire and your moon sign is air......does that possibly mean you are full of hot air? Now I will admit I know nothing about astrology or the signs of the zodiac, but perhaps you should look that may be combustible! :-)))))
Take care!...........JAK ^o^
probably a birthday party for the lovely Danielle Stori. She and Adam have a sweet relationship. Sauli probably was invited and so he showed up and didn't pass on the booze. I bet Leila looked beautiful.
@ funbunn40.......JAK again......don't worry about it, I just looked my "signs" up...
It says I am fun loving......check
Freedom loving................check good
Then it's blown all to says I am an optimist
and a daredevil! HAH ! In reality I am a gloom and doom pessimist and probably the greatest coward who
ever trod the earth. That blew that theory to bits!
I'm sure you're safe!
@ tea.......bless you........You used one of my favorite words. Plethora! I will have to tell my kids......being a favorite of mine I used it often and my kids would say "mom, you're the only person in the world who uses that word"!
Now I can prove that's not so. It's so suitable for many occasions. :-). JAK
8:00 PM
Adam seems to be the one with a glass in his hand, so he didn't pass the booze, lol.
Sauli and Danielle seemed to get very well together, so why wouldn't Sauli come to the party? He has made some American friends in two years. And he is a personality that people tend to like when they meet him.
8:00 PM
Why so mean towards Sauli? Even if you don't like him, you don't have to insult him. He is a good guy and of course he was invited to the party, he and Danielle made friends. I don't think many of the guests, including dear Adam and dear Leila, passed the booze there.
Sauli seemed to be at ease, whereas Adam was definitely not. I guess he's taking the separation a lot more seriously than Sauli, who seems to have a very positive view of life and keeps on smiling whatever comes his way. He really is a lovely person.
Of course, that was just one single photo of those two.
I had a feeling all along that it was Sauli's idea to break up the moment I heard Adam sing Stay in the clip he sent.
@ 6:18 PM, Thanks for the Air sign info! My knowlege of astrology is limited, but I have a friend that was very precise, using London mean time for the time of birth and determining which planets were in which house at the time of birth with longitudes and latitudes, all very involved. Have to say, she was very tuned in with the planets and my chart was pretty much aligned with events occuring at specific times. Nothing like what's so general in the newspapers. Nancy Reagan was a big believer in astrology. I'm always curious, but the keeper of my own fate. :))
11:51 PM
Agree with you. Also I think Adam sounded a little bit acrid in that happy birthday tweet to Sauli (#HappyBirthdaySauli @saulikoskinen1 28 today!! Everyone celebrate!!! Big year for Sauli!)... Especially that "big year for Sauli" sounds like he perhaps was not so pleashed about Sauli`s career plans etc. But that`s only me thought...
Sorry! PLEASED, not pleashed...
at 1:03 AM
OT @ JAK,The "hot air" observation may fit! At least I can blame it on the signs! haha Speaking of fave words, mine is "besmirched." I use it whenever I can, as it always makes me laugh and others whenever I use it. When my daughters were about 9 & 10 they were arguing and one called the other a "scuzmo". I said it wasn't nice & asked where she heard it & she said her brain made it up and made her say it. What a dull world it would be without words. How could we survive without flailing over Adam?
I do wonder if the people who read unpleasant things into a look in a pic or a tone on a tweet are equally unpleasant and unhappy in their own lives.
Hey Fellow Fans, I am late to this thread, and it's probably dead, but I just want to say that I think we all did very very well ignorning the ridiculousness posted here and there in this thread! Good on us!! Controversial and even adversarial postings are cool, even welcomed, but it is quite transparent when that shit-stirrer is looking for some fun with utter nonense and words designed just to incite and inflame needlessly, so totally transparent... and I think we did great scrolling right on by with little comment! Let's keep up the good work, good on us. Happy Monday all.
@ Anon April 29, 2013 at 3:06 AM
So do I!!!!!!! Probably - is my gut and visceral reaction! Sad really. I follow Adam for the music because as someone who loves Prince, MJ, Police and even Duran Duran and that type of music... so I really like Adam's particular brand of music (whereas I am not a big fan of the, for example, Justin Timberlake stuff, tho he is an amazing talent!!)... so anyway, that is why I follow Adam the most, but I have to say, the fun he brings about is a great ride to enjoy also... it is simply beyond me why people, even FANS, even GOOD FANS, find so much to nit pick over. Whatevs, Adam seems like a great guy (that I can only guess at because I don't know him) but what it is more concrete is his talent and I am so happy I get to take part in that journey. Have a good day.
Is it Pauley Perrette with Adam? <3
I have always thought that beeing friend with your ex is not that easy. You can be civilize and not bad mounthing other but be actually friend, dont think so. Or mayby later when time has gone but not right a way. It`s easier to say we are friends than actually be one. There is always the history behind. I also agree when some one say that seperation isn`t mutual. Both might want that and knows it`s for the best but there is always neither who is hurting more. I don`t think you can love the same amought either. But that`s life. I don`t think they spend time together very much. And the reason about lack of time is not the reason why they broke up. I don`t know what is and I don`t want to know, not my business. Mayby Adam is not so easy partner afterall or mayby it`s Sauli who can`t be in a relationship. Eventho you are nice person and everyone seem to like you doesn`t mean that you are great in intime relationship when you are with someone all the time. And that goes for both of them. I think they are both quite stubborn and independent people. Love them both but mayby its for the best to move on your life if it`s more work than pleasure.
@3:06 @3:06 If it happens all the time that you notice only bad things of course it tells your way of look things is negative but if you can see both good and bad it's being observant.
Yes to 3:06. Wake up every morning looking for good news or bad on either side says alot about a person. When did half the fandom turn into Perez Hilton?
Seeing both good and bad is observant but drawing conclusions is guessing. Sharing guesses is gossiping. Hearts to those who guess with charity and wait for this time to pass while Adam makes new music.
Look people Adam looks fabulous not upset at all not taking anything seriously! I never thought for a minute it was Sauli idea to breakup. They both realized it was not working anymore at all, time to move on. Adam not begging anyone to stay its a song and that's all! May have stop singing it because silly people took it the wring way. Everything works out for the best usually. I do not believe they are gonna go back together or want to. They both are working on there careers, they care for each other and they are friends.they say they are why can you not believe them. Adam seems absolutely fine looks fabulous, not at all sad in any way. Sauli fine also. Neither one seems like they are unhappy about the split it was a while coming time to get over it! I'm fact Adam looks better last couple months than seen in a while he looks so at ease and himself. That Adam is one good looking handsome man such a twinkle in his eyes , love the color if his hair goes well with is complexion he looks striking these days.
at 3:06 AM
The kitchen psychology..?
3:06, Ditto.
@Anon 4:31 AM
Yes, they're friends...The Tweet that went along with the picture:
Pauley Perrette @PauleyP
Great night tonight with great people like the greatest guy ever @AdamLambert He's the real thing. Love. My bro. G
And the part that was cut off on Pauley Perrette's tweet about the picture with Adam was "Great guy".
Like the AT&T Live Proud on FB, and they will donate $1 for each like to theTrevorProject. Adam is involved with this. D o it right now!!!!!!
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