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New (Old) Picture of Adam Lambert at Salon Number 10 in Hong Kong

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 02, 2013

VIA Alex Daye:

Our very own, the lovely Mr Julien is back from his travels to see to your desires at the bar and look who popped into the Salon last night and joined in a toast to welcome him back. Mr Adam Lambert himself! — with Julien Hebert.


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is trending WORLDWIDE right this moment (12:30 EST)!!!

Anonymous said...

We all know Adam covers "Mad World" better than anyone. But it looks like Darrin Cross's fans are going to have the last say. Please vote for Adam.

Anonymous said...

9:31 I am not on twitter but what is the reason he is trending?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, why the trend???

daydreamin said...

I am guessing he is trending mostly due to GLAAD. I see lots of tweets for it.

daydreamin said...
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daydreamin said...

I am guessing he is trending mostly due to GLAAD. I see lots of tweets for it.

Anonymous said...

rca started a trend to get him to 2 million followers

Anonymous said...

speaking of GLAAD.....JAK here.....this is OT.... With my slightly warped sense of humor I enjoyed it. An article in New York Times.....discussing the Supreme Court and their deliberations about equal rights for LBGT citizens. A very self righteous speech was made about God's laws and nature. That God meant nature's laws to be obeyed, yada yada yada. The columnist made an interesting point. When you leave the courthouse where Supreme Court does their gig, you walk down the majestic stairs and are surrounded by the beauty of nature.....breathtaking Japanese cherry trees, giant
American Elms and exotic Ginko trees.......all of which are bisexual! yep. They are both male and female.....hermaphroditism all around you....most flowers also have male and female organs, fruit trees, etc, etc. Plus the ponds are full of lovely mallard ducks which have a ratio of one homosexual duck out of every
ten enjoying the beauty of our nation's capital!

Yes sir.....we should pay attention to the laws of nature!

Anonymous said...

lol - right!

choons said...

re: the photo at the bar:
hmmmm are they drinking absinthe?
(absinthe maekth the heart grow fonder ...)

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope this gets him over the 2 mill. mark and gets him lots of attention!

Anonymous said...

JAK, love your post about nature. It's so true. So sad that some people put a wall up around themselves and proclaim their right-ness against all logic. Let's hope that saner minds prevail in time.

choons, love your little wordplay!


Anonymous said...

Or it's wheat grass and kale juice they are drinking :)

Anonymous said...

That Darren Cross/Mad World contest is from September! Not wasting my time on that.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for everyone to be happy whatever the orientation, it's everyone's privilege....... BUT
marriage is sacred and a sacrament and only meant for procreation.
Let same sex have civil unions with the rights and privileges of a marriage........ BUT
don't term it a marriage...... that's the whole point of this why there's all these discussion.

Anonymous said...

I presume your statement about marriage is based on the bible, therefore on religion. That's fine for those who believe in the teachings of the bible, but our country came into being because people were escaping a country with forced religion and religious rules. So freedom from religion was their reason for being here. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore our civil liberties were of utmost importance in our new free land.

Of course as most communities do, rapidly religious
groups banded together to persecute each other. The nature of mankind. The Puritans hated the Catholics, the Baptists were banished to another colony, witches were put to death by witch finders supplied by the church, native Americans were considered heathens and their religion dismissed.

You consider marriage a sacrament and only meant for the purpose of procreation, therefore if a couple does not plan to have children, then they should not be allowed to marry. But you see everyone doesn't believe that and billions of people do not believe one word of the bible, so why would it be fair that you and others like you get to decide for everyone else?

We are talking law not religion.

Anonymous said...
