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More Pictures with @NikoTyler

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 02, 2013

VIA @NikoTyler "Saw Mister Adam Lambert again in Hollywood last night! I have seen Adam twice now and he is always so friendly! I have NEVER had a problem with Adam! The first picture is from when I met him at Katsuya last year."


Anonymous said...

Doesn´t surprise me at all that people find Adam friendly and nice. And he seems to have learned not to share everything with fandom.Good for him:)

Anonymous said...

Does this Niko guy stalk celebs for a living??

Anonymous said...

I have NEVER had a problem with Adam. Sounds like a weird thing to say to me. Did he assume most people do?

Anonymous said...

Hollywood life is something fascinating but at the same time something funny. But who knows maybe I would find myself lurking around some corner desperately trying to see someone worthy (creeps me out). The guy saw him twice, never had a problem, good percantage:D

Anonymous said...

I read where this guy takes photos of celebrities in Hollywood as a hobby, and apparently they have not all been as nice as Adam some of them have been quiet rude to him.

Anonymous said...

Hollywood is fascinating but it also has it's creepy side, and some people do stalk celebrities, I hope Adam keeps himself safe although I've noticed that if he is out and about he usually has someone accompany him which is good to see.

Anonymous said...

9:41 am

Good point:) Safer to have company:)

Anonymous said...

The other Niko is staying with Adam and Sauli?

Anonymous said...

I think Adam loves the attention. He knows what it takes in Hollywood. You let people see you, get to know you and like you. You keep your name and face in the media any way you can. I think he must feel very comfortable doing this.

Anonymous said...

10:04 am

I agree with you:) And Adam does it with style and finesse:)

Anonymous said...

Some celebrities treat fans with contempt but Adam is wise and has very good human relationship skills and doesn't take his fans for granted he understands that he needs them as much as they need him.

Anonymous said...

Some celebrities treat fans with contempt but Adam is wise and has very good human relationship skills and doesn't take his fans for granted he understands that he needs them as much as they need him.

Anonymous said...

Must be cold 2 in LA!
cause it's cold 2 in Hawaii!!! :(
also nice the sun's out but the air is brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,,,,,

Anonymous said...

This guy obviously a celebrity stalker. Probably a Hollywood thing. Wonder if thisvus his day job?

Anonymous said...

It's cold in the UK too!! Burrr!!

Adamluv said...

@9:27 - I also found that statement unsettling and strange? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

If Niko is staying there in Adam`s home, it obviously means that Adam and Sauli are living together. So no more speculation...

Anonymous said...

1:20 PM

No one said Niko is staying in Adam's home. Lol. Actually someone said he is staying at the hotel where the show's producers are. That's probably where Sauli is too

Anonymous said...

The comment about no problems with Adam sounds weird without context. The guy is a celebrity blogger and makes comments on how the celebrities act around him. It's a compliment.

Anonymous said...

3:18 pm..

LOOOL!! Do you actually believe yourself? Hopefully, cause the rest of us with brains don´t:)

Anonymous said...

Adam was out dancing with this cute guy last night

Anonymous said...

3:51 pm

So what? No harm there:)

Anonymous said...

Do we have to let every thread decay into relationship policing?

Time for moderation on this site!

Anonymous said...

So you think Niko came by to see Adam and Sauli and then Adam went out dancing but Sauli stayed home, even though he didn't work today?

Anonymous said...

4:02 What do I think? I think you have nose trouble.

Anonymous said...

4:02 PM
Mind your own business!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...