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Q Music Madness FINAL ROUND: Adam Lambert VS Pink

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 5, 2013

Posted at : Friday, April 05, 2013

Remember to head over to Q 104 HERE to vote for Adam Lambert in the final CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND.

VIA Q 104:

"Q Music Madness has moved into the CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND with ADAM LAMBERT taking on P!NK. Who will reign this year? YOU decide!"


Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like a done deal, but let's not let our guard down. Keep on voting till the end!

tea said...

It's not over until it's over. Nothing is stopping anyone from voting like the Glamberts and Adam's supporters. I like their cooling off period on this one, by the time they stop me, I feel like they timed it right. When I come back later I know I won't get paralyzed to the process.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be an awesome show of love and support if we could get it to Adam 99%

Anonymous said...

What career benefit comes from winning this inane contest?

Anonymous said...

I will vote later.

tess4ADAM said...

@6:33 PM ... no 'career' benefit per se but TPTB do have scouts that watch these online polls ... so I would say there are some beneficial results from them ... not to mention 'bragging rights' for us Glamberts for the way we show our LOVE for ADAM by tirelessly VOTE! VOTE! VOTING!! At least that's JMO ..... Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

tess4ADAM said...

BTW ... I meant my last post in response to @6:33 AM ... while we are on the subject of VOTING ... here is a poll that IS beneficial to ADAM's career ... ADAM has been on the TOP 20 countdown here for 29 weeks most of which TRESPASSING has been at the #1 spot. However ... it is slipping down the list & could use some help to stay in the TOP 10 so here is the link ... PLEASE VOTE as often as allowed .. ~~thanx~~ ... Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Voted til the cooling down period every day! Lookin' real good for Adam but I'll keep checking back in just in case the numbers start going the wrong way.