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Adam Lambert -- Next 'American Idol' Judge!?

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, May 18, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, May 18, 2013


Anonymous said...

Yea Adam is the right person to turn AI around, though it seems to be doing okay despite the fact, it has been touted as a sinking ship. Still floating; so Adam will install some safety gadgets like life buoys / rafts to make sure it can keep afloat and safe and maybe turn it into a luxury-liner rolling in the deep blue ocean. Yea Adam has lots of experience working on cruise ships lol! as well as on AI. He might in fact some day, when everyone says they've had enough, run the whole show and give AI a whole new look and perspective; example, throw in some theatrics / fashions. Another significant factor is the AI staff knows and likes him; even the cameraman at the finale popped his face on the screen right from the start. When I saw him on screen from the get-go, I said: Hey that's Adam, sort of didn't expect it; it's obvious the cameraman likes him. You see how confidently he answers all the press questions, off the cuff. You think any of the former judges could do that? Adam should be the chief judge, not just a judge, sitting on the first chair. Because a talent like his should not be hampered by bureaucracy.


Pan said...

Lam-my, hello!
An eternity since we haven't chatted,and oh, how ironic, a crucial moment, you'll forever hate me.... I hate RS, I hate AI, I hate everybody there, including your fav. cameraman.LOL I spent all my free moments , after the finale, trying to hold RS's neck with my fangs as tight as I could.(don't forget , I'm from Dracula land ! LOL) Oh, such a perfect duet, Adam at his best , his operatic performance, short as it was, made me ecstatic, and such a... presentation ,I have to restrain myself, knowing how sensible to criticism Adam 24/7 posters are!
It was a by the book duet, even that fastidious reviewer from The New York Times admitted it.Yes, Adam might "give AI a whole new look and perspective", you're right, but does AI really want a profound, substantial change or will they try a new make-up, again?

Anonymous said...

We know something about luxury-liners in Finland, the S-connection could have been useful but now not propable. Have to hand it over to US professionals, I guess.;) MS

Anonymous said...

Adam to take over Randy's chair. Oh pray that there's a new era coming for American Idol with Adam at the helm.

Anonymous said...

Pan hi!
I love your ecstatic comment, so honest and so Dracula, my favourite fanged vampire oooh-la-la lol! He was like a gentle giant, Adam not Dracula, rescuing a beautiful maiden on stage. I think Adam lifted Angie and let her take her maiden flight, her vocals soared; and he was like the wind beneath her wings. Getting a bit carried away dramatic. lol! Pan, remember you asked about organic music; this duet is very organic. They relied mostly on human voices and their synergy. Regarding AI, they might give it a substantial uplift rather than a cosmetic one. You're not the only one, many glamberts here want to do the same like you, to RS. lol! Some friend.


tea said...

I agree AI needs a 'chief judge'. Randy was not good at that. Would Adam be? He could easily except for the current civil rights movement being at high pitch right now. It's interesting to hear all the diverse input because that's what's needed to come up with a solution.

Anonymous said...

what flips his lid. that is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I think the AI PTB know full well that something drastic needs to be done to that show. The finale ratings were way down from last year, and last year's finale ratings were way down from the year before that. It needs a full re-vamping in order to survive. It would be great if Adam got to be a judge on a new updated version. He's the best, for one thing. But also, he wouldn't just be compared to previous judges because the whole show would be different. It would be a fresh start with Adam at the helm. He should be the "chief" judge or whatever, because he's actually had experience on the show. So many people watched this year's AI finale JUST to see Adam. Can you imagine what the ratings would be if Adam hadn't been on???


tea said...

IMO the ratings would have been significantly lower without Adam.

Pan said...

Sorry, my post is not directly connected with the topic, it is a continuation of what you said about Adam's organic duet.I've never been worried about Adam singing live, either accompanied by an orchestra, a band or a piano, live singing has always been his best card. What is really worrying me is the moment he enters the studio, the god- producers who can turn a dull, monotonous song into a gem, see Stay, or the opposite , to make a marvelous song, Underneath, sound monotonous due to its length.
I hope the story will not repeat itself, we waiting to listen to his live performances, the miracle to happen,to feel how good some of these songs really are or how his unparalleled singing technique and creativity can make mediocre ones sound great.

Anonymous said...

He is such an articulate person. Move over Ryan. Adam even can be a great host and he can sing as well.

Anonymous said...

To all who love Adam Rose Pedal GlitzyLady, DRG, JAK and others. I will be off the grid for awhile. At the risk if making the ones that do not want to hear about medical stuff and other stuff mad, I still gonna tell you. No stint for me seem those other tests did not show it all up, I have severe blockage in 5 to 7 veins to heart so have to have a bi pass on 28 of may. The previous test were not accurate and did not show the extent if the blockage correctly my my husband had a three way ten years ago, never knew could have this many. So 5 to 7 vein blockage not one and stint will not do it. Must have bi pas, what scares me the most is how much worse it will be because if my back, it was pure router laying flat bit moving tester day in with that herniated disc, I had right in that area could not move leg. Just gave a sedative for tests and with my back problems it was awful the tests alone. I on bed rest because if a clotting problem. Anyway just wanted let you know as of may 28 day of bi pass be off awhile. Won't post much now scared to get upset have had a couple bad spells the last few days, and on bed rest because if clotting problem they will not let me do nanythinh want me to rest for Bi Pass! Please tell me when Adam's Vienna Ball is hope I do not miss the any if the vids. Have a nice day Sue!

Anonymous said...

Correction from above it was absolute hell not being able to move that on leg with little pain med. for six hours was hell. So my back is gonna make it a lot more challenging. In bed cat do hardly any thing had clotting problem from Test. The first part of that paragraph I wrote I messed up. So explaining so don't anyone get mad at me, for talking more about it, sorry sue

Anonymous said...

Sue, this fellow Glambert will look to the day your heart will be back flailing and craying with us. You have the fervor of a Glambert Extraordinaire and because of your rambling, exuberant posts, I feel I know you as a Friend in Deed and send you my warmest wishes for a successful operation and hasty healing. My crazy heart sends your hurt crazy heart my warmest healing hug and "Adam love". atm

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone should say 'move over Ryan'. Ryan is incredibly well plugged in the music biz. Should Adam ever be offered a judging gig on AI, it would be great to see what he and Ryan could come up with as far as changes.

Anonymous said...

@ Sue.....JAK one will be mad at you, we understand you are rightfully nervous. My Mom was a year older than you when she had 5 bypasses and while recovery is no picnic when she was 83 she was still outwalking me in the mall. I empathize with the added back problem....lying flat is wicked...I have 3 disintegrating herniated discs, constant back pain. It happens, aging is not easy. Obey the doctors and keep repeating "patience obtains everything" we will take care of worrying about Adam for you.

And....people who don't want to read your posts can just scroll by.
My daughter Beth will be blowing out her birthday cake candles on the day of your surgery I'll tell her to include you in her birthday wish!

carolynj said...

Sue, so sorry you need the bypass. Ten days is a long time to be waiting for what will bring you new energy and health. Listen to Adam and other soothing voices.

Anonymous said...

Sue, don't worry. The Glamberts here who share your passion for Adam will be praying for you during your surgery and recovery. You really express what is in your heart and soul. We'll be happy to have you back in much better shape!

I will also be gone for four days. I'm leaving tomorrow and will be back Wed. night. I'm going camping in Wisconsin again with my two sisters. We have a great time together. So, no trusty laptopo for me till Wed. night. Then I'll catch up with all of you. I'll say a prayer for you, Sue.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't post here that much but also wish you the very best Sue. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Will be thinking of you . I am also on the Adam shoud be hiding Idol train. His wit alone is a valuable tool and he would inspire others to step up. He's well known to do that. The Titanium duet has his hand all over it. !Mariahs canned nonsense was embarrassing. Maybe Nicki scowling was due to her not being asked perform which even I thought interesting. They could have but her in place if Psy. One more canned song so what. Mariah pointedly sitting after Jlos number was childish even if I thought she didn't deserve a SO! The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Thank you everybody for the very kind words, say a little prayer for me on the 28. Does anyone know when Adam's Vienna ball is what date? Sue

Anonymous said...

@ Sue........Life Ball in Vienna is Saturday, May 25th.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your operation, Sue. Since the Life Ball is on May 25th, you should be able to see the pics and vids before your operation. While you're in the hospital just keep thinking of Adam dressed up as Ali Baba. We'll be here waiting for you when you return.

glitzylady said...

Sorry to be so late in sending you my positive thoughts and prayers of safety and healing, both for the days before your surgery, during, and the recovery process. I suppose the thing to be so thankful for is the medical technology that allows us to have this type of surgery safely..and the fact that is available now..and has been perfected. Thanks goodness! Take care until the surgery is complete, and a very speedy and uneventful recovery. I'll be thinking of you......

Anonymous said...

Thank you again my sweetie's. sue