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Adam Lambert Tweets About HITTING 2 Million Followers

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, May 13, 2013

Posted at : Monday, May 13, 2013


glitzylady said...

Adam just officially hit 2 Million twitter followers: Screen shot from my computer of Adam's twitter page:

Congrats Adam!!!!!

carolynj said...

Some days I feel like I'd be nowhere if it weren't for Adam! He brings so much fun and interest into my life. Two million followers--wow.

glitzylady said...

And.. when Adam first joined twitter: June 12th, 2009. His first two tweets: (And his first avi...niiiice!!"

At that time he was: @therealGlambert

"yes folks this is FINAAAAAAALLY Adam!!!" June 12th

"My album is gonna be siiiiiiiick" June 16th

Screen shot:

Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam! 2 million followers. On Twitter! We love you Adam......this is such an exciting week for you! 2 GLAAD Awards, reaching a milestone of 2million Twitter followers and singing on the a finale of AI. Way to go Adam <3


Anonymous said...

Congrats, baby!
More to come for sure!

Anonymous said...

Feel like a traitor, still not tweeting... But I'm so happy for you, BB and with you in spirit!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam. I'll always listen to your music. You are special.

tea said...

Congratulations! Adam.
I've been watching with anticipation, the steady growth of your followers. HOORAY! for this milestone. I wouldn't be this excited about music and civil rights if it weren't for you.

Anonymous said...

And we constantly promote the Glambert everywhere we go all over the world.

Anonymous said...

Two million is a great milstone, but onward and upward! The sky is the limit!


Anonymous said...

May I ask why the # of followers is so important? I don't think they all buy albums and does it help in any way his music being played on radio or his appearing on TV or getting concerts or a tour? Or is this like a popularity poll?
I am not familiar with social media, does this result in any monetary gain for Adam?

Anonymous said...

7:58 AM
No this has no monetary value to Adam or anyone else. It's just a personal opinion on whether it means anything to you or not. Just like some people don't understand why anyone would want a star's autograph.

My opinion is Congratulations Adam! on hitting the 2 million followers mark.

Anonymous said...

7:58 it's mostly just alot of fun. Join in if you want or sit there like a blob, it's up to you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam for 2 million, the more twitter followers hopefully more interest in Adam and his next album. Of course not all twitter followers buy their artists albums or Lady Gaga would have 15 million I'm guessing that's about what her twitter is, albums sold.Adam uses twitter a lot to reach out to his fans,so it's great!

Anonymous said...

OT has anyone seen the movie Disconnect Adam tweeted about ? Only one show had it around me and it was going to be shown at 10pm only. The ratings were pretty good both viewer and critics. I Would love to see it.

Anonymous said...

Gaga has 37 million.

Anonymous said...

9:47, say you got a C in Algebra, when you'd been getting D's, and you show them to your Mom, who says, "Amy got an A". Now, doesn't that make you feel C for Crappy, instead of C for Celebratory? Be nice and happy for us, as every inch of Adam's climb is hard enough!!! (Glamberts, after reading what I just wrote, I felt embarrassed as the double entendre did not escape me. Just delighted
in the accidental metaphor, so I did not delete.) atm

Anonymous said...

Large twitter folllowings do indicate that a celebrity is on the public's radar. Sure, it doesn't always result in record sales, but it does keep the star in the public eye. Keeps awareness higher. The more Adam twitter followers, the better!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam on reaching over 2 MILL on twitter! You will reach the upper stratosphere! Onward and Upward Rock God! Can't wait until the AI Finale to see you Adam!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@7:58AM The higher the number of followers on twitter the better. It's like viewer ratings for TV or radio programs. Eventually will translate to higher future sales.

For those on twitter be sure when you want to broadcast an important tweet to Adam's followers to use period before his twitter address like this example:

.@adamlambert fans, Adam's new EP is on sale on iTunes and

This way his followers will see your tweet about Adam's new music. Above tweet is just an example.

choons said...

hahaha that was pretty funny - and I agree with your comment!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Adam - 2 million followers on Twitter! You just keep on making more music and entertaining us. Looking forward to your 3rd album!

Anonymous said...

@ atm..........I have always been an avid fan of Adam's climb.,,,,,,,,,JAK

Jadam. said...

Wicked girls, hehe.

Anonymous said...

I'd climb every inch of him too, fo sho.

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that when Adam was mentioned on AI his twitter followers began growing? All AI watchers who didn't know what happened to him? Are they now buying his albums? I'm hoping this is true and that his mgmt releases another single and video for him to promote on tv. There would be some happy campers here if that happened.

Anonymous said...

I'm @3:38 I hope you growing twitter followers aren't upset by my wording. Praying you stop at least by 6'4".

Anonymous said...

@ 8:42 A.M. I'm the one who asked about the significance of having millions of twitter followers. I appreciate your gracious answer and implying I'm a blob. What a sweetie you are. :(

Anonymous said...

12:26 thanks for that little tidbit about twitter. Any other tidbits that people are willing to share, fire away.

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