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Latest Amazing Tweets From Adam: "This next chapter is going to be so pure"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, January 20, 2014

Posted at : Monday, January 20, 2014


Anonymous said...

I'm excited and ready for the next chapter too!

Anonymous said...

Phew wow, I am still stressed out from trending #5yearswithAdam my first time to be really in with the in group. LOL

Anonymous said...

@8:05 Glad you got in with us cool kids lol! Excited by Adam's tweet. Next chapter so pure and real,maybe that means his music will be less produced and more vocally pure and upfront. Whatever I can't wait and will follow this amazing man forever!

Anonymous said...

It seems to me; just a feeling though; that Adam wants to tell us something so badly, he's just bursting at the seams.

He is such a loving man. I just feel the love for his fans coming from his tweets and he is not ashamed of being sentimental and expressing the love to his fans.

Anonymous said...

My heart and mind is thriving because of all things Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a nice man. I think we will know some big plans before March. Cannot come soon enough.

I have been here 5 years; I don't think I have missed many times not checking in about his journey; except vacations, etc. Of course real life gets in the way; Ha ha ha.

Adam is the only person I have ever followed on the computer; or period for that matter.

Sometimes you can't help being protective of the wonderful man. He said in an interview once when an interviewer said that Adam's fans got on him about something; he ask Adam to ask his fans to go easy on him; Adam laughed and said you don't have to go easy on him, he can take care of himself. Then Adam said; "my fans are very protective of me".
He seemed so proud. I wanted to yell out to Adam, "you have got that right". I am there with protection Adam; when ever you need me. Rock on!

Anonymous said...

Adam Honey, I'm watching whatever you want to show and tell forever!

Anonymous said...

Bring on the pure Adam BB, I can take it!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Adam means by pure and real. We'll just have to wait patiently until we get some word about the new album and the kind of songs it will have. Adam must be very excited about working on his third album, because he knows how anxiously all his fans are waiting for its release. I think the music critics are probably also waiting to see what direction it will take and how it is received in the crazy and unpredictable world of music today.

Anonymous said...

We just had a tweeting lovefest with Adam. Am I the only one whose eyes are filled with tears?

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam you tease us so deliciously. I am more than excited and love you to the max.

Anonymous said...

By pure and real IMO he means he doesn't have big guys hands in his pocket anymore. Thank God for that! I'll support him more than before just because of this factor. Keeping it real with this new era. Million times YAAAYY for that. Happy happy Dance!

leilani aloha said...

5 yrs ago we first heard Adam's Amazing Voice On AI:)
Wow! time sure flies!!! We want to hear more of Adam's voice & his amazing exciting musical journey!!!
Adam sure deserves all the great things coming for him in the Year of the Horse!!!
With our love & support always!!!
Yay Glamberts all over the World!!!

Anonymous said...

I am going to support him even more also, if that is possible. I will buy, and gift; and spread the word whatever it takes this time around too.

Anonymous said...

' ... where my heart and mind are currently thriving'. Very intriguing. :)

Anonymous said...

Our ears will melt for sure! Such beauty to behold is coming our way. I'll take rock, pop, soul and everything inbetween. Just sing your beautiful heart out when you are ready; I will be here.

Anonymous said...

I just pointed this tweet out on the previous thread. The word, pure, is swollen with meaning and it caught my attention, as I've often used it to refer to Adam's voice. So pure, to me, refers to his art form mainly singing. He might do a couple a-cappella style songs with minimum accompaniment to showcase his pure voice. Or to think big, a short musical produced by him and sung by him, incorporating his own songs from his 3rd album. Whoa! lol! Grammy standard. Also pure, comes to mind, as no more beating around the bush; go full steam, bull's eye; that's what pure is all means he's going to express his own art, pure from his mind and heart, to reach us. lwl! Yes, Adam, pure is the way to go not the usual kind camouflaged with ajinomoto enhancer. lol!


Anonymous said...

The solo singing career is a thing of the past now and he is going back to musical theatre - or he is marrying Markus Molinari.

Anonymous said...

adam is so sweet to share with us his happiness. he's full of excitement for the future :)))

Anonymous said...

9:39 I like the first part of your comment. I don't know Markus so can't comment on that. Adam seems very happy so I can't knock whatever it is.

Anonymous said...

Pure and real, bring it on!

Anonymous said...

5 years and I'm as devoted to this remarkable man as the day I and millions of others discovered him on his audition on AI.

To me Adam is an incredibly thoughtful and loving person and I am forever impressed by his wonderful character

So now we will wait for the next chapter which will be "pure and real". Well I'm ready whenever Adam is ready.

It feels so good to read Adam's words of appreciation for his fans. He loves us and we love him <3333


Anonymous said...

What if he got an offer to do TV musical just like CU did with SOM? That's pure to me. And his album leans more to Rock and his collaboration with World Rock Icon Queen will be a success.

Anonymous said...

Good idea...a Rock Musical co-produced by Adam and company, starring Adam Lambert. Oooh-la-la...


Anonymous said...

Bingo...20 20 timeslot above. lol!


glitzylady said...

Speaking of Adam being in the next TV musical :))

From USA Today:

"Who should play NBC's Peter Pan? | BackStage"

"NBC announced at the TCA Press Tour that 'Peter Pan' will be the network's next live musical after 'Sound of Music Live.' BackStage host Carly Mallenbaum hears details from TV editor Gary Levin, and offers casting suggestions."

Adam Lambert is one of several suggestions....

So perhaps................

Although we know how Carrie Underwood's portrayal of Julie Andrew's role in The Sound Of Music was received... :((

carolynj said...

For five years this man has drawn many of us into a place of sustained interest and growing admiration. Like many of you, I never would have believed that I could become so star struck. And I just want more!

glitzylady said...

The direct link to the USA article above is here:

Who should play NBC's Peter Pan? | BackStage

glitzylady said...

By the way, I doubt that Adam would actually get the part, but it's great that his name was brought up, and that they said he would be a "Fierce Peter Pan".. Yes, he would!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm maybe Adam as Captain Hook I think Peter Pan has Capt. Hook right?lol I can't see him as Peter Pan.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Yes to Captain Hook, no to Peter Pan.

Anonymous said...

Glee is considered a family show so already cast :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's been 5 years since the first note "Mama" and I was mesmerized by the totality of charisma right on my TV screen - has powerful vocals, gorgeous, so charming in his ways (kissing Paula's hand), a standout in the way he carried himself and I thought he looked kind and nice and friendly and has some manners.
I'm gonna watch out for this ADAM LAMBERT!
And I'm still here going strong!
Love you and wish you all the luck and happiness this 2014, BB!

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady. Thanks for sharing. Didn't Adam do it at his teen years and once when he was a kid? He is familiar with it. Robin William was Peter Pan why can't Adam be? He should do it for exposure. The more people see him especially on TV the better it will be his A3 sales once he drops his album. Remember when he said he believes in MORE IS MORE!

Anonymous said...

Just the opinion of the USA Today host but I like that she considers Adam in with JT, NPH and the others.

glitzylady said...

I think I'm sorry I posted that article about Peter Pan and the Adam Lambert mention.

I thought it was quite NICE that he had a mention as someone who might be "imagined" in the role. It was all hypothetical anyway.

So much for positivity and possibilities....

Did any of you actually watch the video?? Others mentioned were mid twenties to age 40. Adam is right in the middle. It was a cute light-hearted "imagining" of the casting possibilities.

As I said above, I thought it was really nice that Adam was mentioned amongst some other famous names, most of whom are all too old in reality to play the part I would think... But who knows.

I'll delete the links if this continues to go downhill...

Anonymous said...

10 59
Adam isn't a major character on glee. And glee has gay and transgender storylines.

Carrie was given her role on som because she has a huge fan base and is very Christian conservative. That's who they want for these holiday musicals. The execs have said it openly.

glitzylady said...

Thanks to the blog administrator for deleting the remark at 10:54 PM...

Anonymous said...

@10:54pm. Oh put a cap on it. Didn't you already say that you don't like Adam's lifestyle and orientation couple of days ago and you'll leave for good? Keep your promise and go. Why are you still coming back?

Anonymous said...

What the heck could Adam me by so pure? Can't wait to find out hehee.

glitzylady said...

Back to Adam's tweets:

I think he meant by "pure": Two words...



Because that's what he's meant to me since 2009...

Anonymous said...

Gl and that's what he has meant to me too.

Anonymous said...

That's insane that Adam fans should apologize for bringing Adam news on Adam Lambert fansite.

@Glitzylady thank you so much for bringing that piece of news. Adam can do anything. Hope he gets it because it will be an excellent exposure.

Anonymous said...

11 15
I am the one who said adam would not get cast in a family friendly tv musical. I have never said anything about his lifestyle. Not ever. You posters mix up a lot of different people.

. It's about what tv executives want when selling this kind of show. They need big names, and people who appeal to the masses including the very large conservative demographic in the US.

Justin bieber and Miley Cyrus would both be perfect looks wise and both have huge fan bases, but I don't think they have the clean image they are looking for either

Anonymous said...

@11:17PM What did you say ?

Anonymous said...

I really don't get what Admin decides gets deleted. Why isn't 11:12 also deleted?

Anonymous said...

11:30 weren't you rather snarky referring to Adam's age and looks? Yes you were.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, are you bemoaning posting the Peter Pan thing due to the one deleted comment? There were two positive comments and two saying they saw Captain Hook more. Are you that overly dramatic?

Anonymous said...

@11:30pm best proof is that Admin deleted your nasty @10:54pm comment and don't lie that you didn't write it cause you responded to my comment @11:15pm. Good lord...find yourself another artist to be a fan of!?!?

Anonymous said...

11:12, doesn't matter if there are gay characters on the show, it is identified by the industry and media as a family show.

Anonymous said...

Ignore ignore ignore

Anonymous said...

Yes Virginia there is a funny farm.

Anonymous said...

I'm not lying about anything.

And yes I said he is too old to play Peter Pan.. He is way too old.

glitzylady said...

Right after I posted the links, came the deleted comment, and it seemed that the comments might continue in that fashion. Not dramatic, just worried about the trend of the comments. If you've spent enough time here, you know what I mean.... I don't want to be responsible for negativity toward Adam..that's all. Too many things to celebrate....

Anonymous said...

One negative comment in the land of negative comments gets the threat of the links being deleted. Seems to be the equivalent of I'm taking my ball and going home.

Anonymous said...

Robin Williams was 40 years old when he played Peter Pan on big screen.

Anonymous said...

11 42

And this is a whole different ball game from glee. This is a one time special event with a huge cost. They need to sell it to their advertisers. it's nothing like having a guest shot on a episode of a long standing show especially one with a completely different demographic.

Anonymous said...

@-2:00am Glee is on FOX network which is known to be a conservative network and Peter Pan will be on NBC Network which is known to be a liberal network.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh....these tweets from Adam are so sweet! My heart is so happy! We are all ready for 2014 to flail and support you. Love!

Anonymous said...

Amazing tweets indeed! <3

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping we are getting rid of Tommy. I haven't watched any vids from the NYE gig. Funny that I feel like I haven't missed anything.

Anonymous said...

waiting for adam to give more clues following driff,descent and fire now pure.Btw excited for his coming music/gigs/wahtever..i just loved him.

Anonymous said...

Don't know what he means by pure. I think Adam and Tommy will always go back to the glam look. Tommy's fans are like fossils, reluctant to changes, and they only approve the gnt Adam.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam was also talking about his personal life. I believe he has a new relationship that he has managed to keep under wraps and good for him. Adam doesn't want crazy people sabotaging a new love interest. Remember all the hate that spewed when he met his ex bf. Hopefully all the different web outlets twitter etc will be made "private" to avoid the snarky comments and love will be able blossom. Keeping my fingers crossed for good news.

Anonymous said...

Pure and real Adam. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Besides, Tommy is a white trash magnet..

Anonymous said...

Adam is a guest star on Glee and looks like with the next two episodes he had a major part. He certainly has had as big parts as Demi L. Who has a big fan base and Adam had great reviews. The acting in the SOM was awful. Adam would be amazing in any musical. But, Peter Pan probably someone quite small and feminine looking.

Anonymous said...

2.31is that why you are attracted to him. Talk about Tommy night and day.

Anonymous said...

Yea, but in psychology Peter Pan syndrome means immature behaviour, not what someone looks like.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you should know about that syndrome.

Anonymous said...

@2:46 No, I'm very rarely paying attention to Tommy. By white trash I don't mean poor people, but people who behave badly.

Anonymous said...

@2:49 I was not referring to Adam.

Anonymous said...

I'm @2:46 and @2:55, Peter Pan is a role, right? We are talking about acting, not someone being the real himself.

Anonymous said...

Adam would have been perfect for Peter Pan in his early twenties but I think they will go for someone a little younger. Chris Colfer would be good but who knows? I also think Adam is way too young for Captain Hook but they could decide to cast him younger. Some people mentioned Jack Black as Smee, Hook's #1 henchman. That would be funny and perfect.

I'd rather see him in something like Cabaret or JC Superstar.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's tweets! I'm thinking Adam may mean pure and real as in his voice! All I want to hear is that pure Adam voice with real music that Adam loves. Whatever Adam decides to do is fine with me.
I'll always have his back.


Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady - Thanks so much for posting that Peter Pan story. I went to the link and I think Adam is in amazing company with the talented people she mentioned. And I think the list of potentials was actually very good.

I agree with the person who said why should Glitzylady or anyone else need to apologize for bringing positive Adam-related news to an Adam fan site??? I appreciate the information very much.

Anonymous said...

Captain Hook - YES!!!! Adam looked sooooooooooo fantastic in the Captain Hook outfit he wore at Halloween - he'd be purrrrfect in the role! :-)

Anonymous said...

Apologize for bringing it but threaten to delete it. Whatever. I'd rather focus on what exciting things Adam will be sharing with us. Hopefully soon!

Anonymous said...

1 56
I hope he doesn't have a new relationship because one of his aspen boys is telling people how he hooked up with adam all weekend and even made him miss his flight out. Haha.

Anonymous said...

1.56am & 5:20am

Oh dear, poor Adam .... here we go again!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for Adam and us!! It will be a great year I'm sure. I do hope he has a full and satisfying personal life. He deserves it.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam is gearing up to tell us something big on his birthday. He sure is hinting about huge things coming up ahead. He hasn't said much at all lately about 2014 plans, but they are soon to come. He HAS made a pretty big impact on Glee in those two first episodes. They got a lot of buzz, esp. the MTN one. I think his next episodes will get attention, too. Hope they build more that include him.

glitz, thanks for your informative sanity. It's one of the things that keeps me coming back to this crazy site. Along with the other regulars here who share love and positivity without attack. I think we sometimes forget that all this is supposed to be FUN.


Anonymous said...

I hope he does have a new relationship. No body that loves Adam listens to stupid silly gossip 1.56. So please do not spread nasty things like that.

Anonymous said...

Adam I hope you are right,I want 2014 To be your year. I hope you win a Grammy and tour Arenas around the world.Am I asking for too much:)?

Anonymous said...

@5:43AM yes, adam will have both personal & career success :)))

Anonymous said...

@11:52 Robin Williams was playing a grownup Peter Pan in Hooked. Totally different story , than Peter Pan.

Anonymous said...

Let's get real?

Is he really going to dump Molinari and all the nudie models and the army of stylists he normally hangs out with?


Anonymous said...

IMO, part of what I think he meant by pure is NOT having to compromise or have record labels tell him what he can do or when he can do it. RCA are you listening?? Adam would never do a total cover album. It will be his PURE music, his PURE voice and his PURE choices.

Can't wait for 2014 - this will indeed be Adam's year to prove to the world and the music industry as a whole that he is a force to be reckoned with and his star will be soaring high! He is in the driver's seat to launch his
3rd album in a magnificient way.

I will always support you Adam in everything thing you do!

Anonymous said...

I never understood how artists can share all there inner demons with the world. Telling strangers everything about them. Fans are really strangers, but somehow the artist will let their guard down so the strangers can get a little more of them. That is a big risk for both. Some aren't so vulnerable and it never works out. Creativity is a crazy thing. So funny how music brings minds together.

Anonymous said...

I think he is talking about music not his personal life. I hope there are changes, not expecting it to happen, but still hoping. Tommy's guitar playing sounds like old quarrels.

Anonymous said...

Adam, wishing you all the best in 2014 and hope with your 32nd birthday comes contentment in both your personal and business life. More than anything I want you to have someone to love that will be there to support you, comfort you, and be a true partner in life. You need that happiness to make any of your other successes count for you. I pray for true love.....and hopefully you have found that.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is a white trash magnet?
His guitar playing sounds like old quarrels? whats that?
No one knows anything about the band members except for gossip in blogs like this except they are friends of Adams. Good enough for me.

Anonymous said...

6 51

Well without money like rca behind him he isn't going to be working with talented songwriters or producers or getting his music played on radio or getting big promotional opportunities. That's just how it works.

Anonymous said...

You just watch - Adam will be with a big label that has his vision and can promote his music so it DOES get air play on the radio.

Anonymous said...

I don't get why Adam should only hire his friends. Who else does that?

Anonymous said...

@7:03 AM Are you for real? gag

Anonymous said...

@5:20 AM

You are making that up out of whole cloth; in other words; to put it mildly, you are telling lies! How dare you come on here and throw out trash without proof.

If you have such information; let us know where one can see it. Otherwise stop throwing out made up gossip as if was coming from a member of Adam's community about this wonderful man. Also, if someone had said this, how do you know they were not lying. Usually, a person that kisses and tells is usually making things up.

Lot's of people lie about being with a celebrity. Big fail. If it was true, so what? Why would you bring it here if you are a fan, and without a name? My conclusion; you lie! Get a life. Nice to hide your lie behind anonymous right?

Anonymous said...

He probably has hired his friends to be with him for two reasons.One, he knows them well and can have a level of trust with them that he can't with "newbies". Two, he knows that they will all get along well and so when they tour together he is surrounded by friends every day that way. Touring can be grueling I am sure, and with friends along to share all the ups and downs, it makes it more bearable. Just saying....

daydreamin said...

I wonder if a record label does their homework before signing an artist, just to see how fans and the general public view their potential client. All those negative posts cannot be helping Adam.

Anonymous said...

7 17
Oh lol. This is not made up and it'a been posted on other fan sites, I've seen the facebook myself where the guy now has his pic with adam as his avi. Some people forget that other people can see their facebook and he was just chatting with his friend. He said he had never heard of adam before this weekend for those of you who think he is such a big name

I'm not going to give the guys name here so you crazies can harass him, that is already happening. But I will tell you his picture has already been posted on this site

Anonymous said...

Wow even trolls in on the action here. Don't the entertainers these people really like have nice web sites like this to hang out on. It is getting rather creepy here. JMO

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was thinking the same thing that it was more bearable for him having friends with him on his first tour, but almost everyone must step out of the comfort zone sometimes and work with new people too.

Anonymous said...

@7:07am stop with your negative comments. He isn't studying you or your life. Stop studying his life in a wrong twisted ways. Your opinions don't worth even a penny to us or him.

Anonymous said...

I think the guys who brag that Adam was interested in them, are either stupid or don't really appreciate Adam, but I still wouldn't harass them. I agree some Glamberts are crazy stupid when they harass or try to communicate with these guys to get info.

Anonymous said...

@7:27am. You are spreading nonsense lies again. Worry about your own life and well-being.

Anonymous said...

Verrry little is pure about this comments section.

Anonymous said...

You are not worried about anyone bothering this imaginary guy. You have no proof. If he did not know Adam probably a jail bird that lies. But most likely it's lol nonsense as usual. If there was any proof it would be uncovered by Glamberts by now.all a scam. So what if Adam had a fling who the hell cares. But the kiss and tell stuff is never true.

Anonymous said...

@7:33, I'm not 7:07, but what did they say that was so horrible? A label and money are important things if you are in the music business. I know it was not an optimistic post, but that doesn't make it wrong. I tend to be a little more optimistic like @7:13. I do believe Adam has a deal in the process. And one that will let him follow his vision for a change.

Anonymous said...

The guy who adam hooked up with during Miami pride tweeted about it as well. Haha. Plenty of Adams hookups like to kiss and tell

Anonymous said...

7 50

Actually the guy has a very nice job with an airline. He isn't a crazy.

And there is nothing scandalous about it, it's just funny, typical adam

Anonymous said...

@7:27 AM

So what? That does not make it true? If he said all of it, and if you were to be believed; it would not be the first time people have lied about being with Adam.

If, and that is a big if, this scumbag does exist why would you believe the likes of him; someone who is evidently lying and spreading all these rumors all over the media. Think about it; this scumbag has nothing to lose, because he knows that he means nothing to Adam; sounds like a jealous man that was scorned by Adam. Why is it so important to bring that trash to Adam's fan site. Loser, who cares about it. Why don't you go follow someone that you respect and take that gossip and rumor to their fan community.

In the meantime; let us just enjoy our beautiful, talented international superstar. For the best is yet to come!

Anonymous said...

Glamberts are spreading tweets from the guys Adam has probably met and are proud Adam is having fun. I have seen some tweets before, but I don't know these recent ones.

Anonymous said...

7::14 am OK, people beat people up on this site for negative comments, but why did you attack someone with a positive comment?

Anonymous said...

I mean, Adam is soon 32. Why should fans be cheering knowing he has sex, like it was a miracle or something.

Anonymous said...

It is difficult for me to wrap my thoughts around what it would be like to be Adam and have women and men ready to line up and sleep with him. I am beginning to think that maybe there is a part of the gay life style of some people that just enjoy each other when they can...and as difficult as it is to think that Adam is like that, it might be a fact of life. He isn't a priest, and since he has admitted to being very sexually active in his twenties, I guess we shouldn't be shocked.

Anonymous said...

Pure and real.

Thinking about the way he talks about this great change, new era and his thriving heart and mind,... it's got to be something major. Still, from the outside his life has been looking a mess and he looks neither happy nor contented.

Anonymous said...

Crazy troll spreading nonsense and bunch of lies. Don't believe a word. All fans are doing are flailing because of Adam's tweets.

Anonymous said...

I have had my share of kiss and tell booty calls and all of them were a dead fuck.


Anonymous said...

@7:52 AM & @7:55 AM

Think about it; they are probably all lying if it is true what you are saying.

@7:55 AM

Please, people that lie and tell things out of school; they try to make things sound more that what they were. Classless people have good jobs too. That does not make his mouth a prayer book.

Actually, the hookups they may have happened will probably never see the light of media glare; and that is the way it should be. Because Adam Lambert has too much class to kiss and tell; and frankly, it is none of our business, and we should not give a damn. I believe nothing; unless I hear it from the mouth of Adam M . Lambert; otherwise, did not happen.

Nothing typical about Adam. But, you sound like the typical rumor monger.

Anonymous said...

@8:12am. Sounds like you are projecting your own life on Adam.

Anonymous said...

@8:19 AM - Post #1

Too much information; some things better left unsaid. This site is not about you.

Why don't you go give some hits to Adam's You tube video's. The count to his cover of "Marry The Night" is at almost 5 million. Congratulations Adam.

Anonymous said...

@8:12 AM

Are we following the same Adam Lambert. Oh my goodness, the Adam I have been followings seems extremely happy confident and content.

He is tweeting to fans with his joy. Me thinks you are hallucinating.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I am so excited about Adam's latest tweets. This man is so thankful for his fans. I just love him so much. Such a good feeling to have someone like Adam to follow. Aren't we the lucky ones?

Anonymous said...

If people are tweeting their hookups with AL or any other celebrity, they don't think much of the artist or themselves. Putting it all out there for others entertainment is pretty trashy.

Anonymous said...

Just watched the Idol videos of all of Adam's performances. Oh my Dear Lord; this man is super, super star. He is a winner in more ways than one. Dear Adam; so glad to be your fan forever.

Anonymous said...

@8:40 AM = Post #1

Amen to that. Never happened unless we hear it from Adam.

Anyone else is a scumbag; I don't listen to the scumbags of the earth.

I guess everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame by being with a worldwide superstar we call Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, Adam is so gorgeous, I
was just looking at his pictures.
All of his class and charm just shines through. Adam is just drop dead gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I feel it in my bones that 2014 will be a great year for Adam. Jealous trolls know it too that's why they are here by spreading nonsense lies. If success of Adam wasn't inevitable they wouldn't be here. They would take their nonsense to a different fan base.

Anonymous said...

People are talking about Queen coming soon. When, where? I cannot wait. I will be there, no matter where.

Anonymous said...

Good grief people. We could all write novels. We can come up with all kind of scenerios for his life, and NONE of them might be right. Stop using so much energy making Adam's life fit the mold you feel he should fit in now. Whatever is happening in his life, private or career, seems to have him excited. Let's just relish in that fact and enjoy the surprises that he has in store for all his fans, and himself. The last people Adam needs to be pressured by are his fans. He is what he is....and he will do what he wants to do. What we see as success for him might be miles from what HE sees as success for him. Back off and give him room to breathe and grow in his own direction. Sorry if it sounds like I am angry. I'm not. I just think we all meddle way too much in Adam's life and dreams of happiness. Can't read him that easily. He is a multi faceted person. We need to relax and let him persue his own dreams in life, not ours.

Anonymous said...

Adam, Adam, Adam; where art thou. Wish you were here singing to me!

Anonymous said...

@8:50 AM #2

Nice thoughtful post. Also, Adam has said that he enjoys encouragement and thoughtfulness from his fans. It is the crazies that he occasionally blocks. He has said that he enjoys hearing from his fans from all over the world; the sane ones of course.
I think he loves the communication with his loving fans. That is how an artist gages the feelings of the majority his fan base.

Anonymous said...

Well I am here to tell Adam that he is fantastic. I am here to say, take all the time you need for anything that you wish to do. I will always be a fan. I am loving all the projects you are involved in. I am also glad you are enjoying outside activities away from the limelight. You seem to balancing your life; good. Your real fans will be patient. Never listen to the naysayers; not worth the ear space.

Enjoy your life. It appears your dreams are all coming true. I couldn't be happier for you. Good job Man! From your forever fan!

Anonymous said...

Adam says he's gone thru an amazing evolution and I am now looking forward to seeing the end product. Let the new chapter begin, Adam!

Anonymous said...

OMG, what craziness. And rudeness. Adam isn't going to announce he has a date and ask fans for approval of the guy before they go out. Some guy is going to all of a sudden (to us) be Adam's boyfriend. Like above, people will have gone off on a premature rant that the guy is a scumbag attention whore without even knowing anything about him. Hard to take all that back once its been said.

Probably won't make a difference to say this as the crazies won't listen, but let Adam live his life. We don't know everything that is going on behind the scenes. Save that harsh and over zealous hate for something that really deserves it.

Anonymous said...

My how times change....people used to lie and swear they didn't have they lie and say they did!

I rather liked the 'deny everything' days.....those old 'keep your damn mouth shut' days.................JAK

Anonymous said...

8:50 am #2, well said but I doubt anybody will listen to you either :(

Anonymous said...

So ADMIN, nothing else here deserves deleting? Or the comments at least locked?

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with 8:50 #2 comment. Wish we could give thumbs up to comments.

Anonymous said...

5:20 AM, you knew your comment would stir up a hornets nest here but still you made it. I had also seen the FB comments but chose not to share them here because this is what happens. Stop adding to the turmoil here.

Anonymous said...

BTW...I'm hoping the 'pure' refers to Brian May said recently "real instruments, real music" I would add real unaided, auto tuned voices.

I don't think you necessarily get a quality product if your goal is to produce what's popular, what sells to the masses. If your goal is to produce instead, what's good, what's quality, then people with good taste will find you.

So you never get a Grammy, never have a mansion, or a yacht, private may have a body of quality work that will live on after you are long gone.

I guess my pessimistic nature doesn't give me much
confidence in the masses on any level......: (........JAK

Anonymous said...

10:21 sneaky pete

Anonymous said...

Good point 10:25. Satsifaction and success as an artist doesn't always mean Grammy's or mansions, or any of the other trappings of Hollywood. Happiness in the product you produce is truly success. We should all know that from our own lives. We will never be rich and famous, but many of us are very content and extremely happy with our lives because we are proud and happy at the things we have acheived OUR way. Don't ever sell Adam short and make him feel like if he doesn't crack that strange political radio world. If he can sell his beautiful music and perform it to perfection, then he will undoubtably be happy and successful in his life.

Anonymous said...

So sad that this started with Adam's very beautiful and exciting tweets and degrades into this bs. Just sad.

Anonymous said...

Let's stop trying to "read into" what Adam tweets. He is excited and happy about something, and we should just be thrilled about that fact. He will fill us in on details.I am just pleased that he seems to be more settled, and pleased with his life. Let's just be excited to hear all the details when he is ready to share. Him being happy makes me smile and my heart feel warm. We should all feel that way when he is content.

Anonymous said...

@10:21 AM #2 / 5:20 am

Who cares if you saw the crap on facebook; or if you are the person reporting it in the first place and agreeing with yourself; does not matter. The person is probably lying anyway. Unless it comes from Adam's mouth not considered reality based. Why don't you just drop it; no one cares get it!

We are here to celebrate Adam Lambert. Your "guys" 15 minutes of fame is over; he'll have to just move on. No awards for imaginary kiss and tell creeps.

I just love Adam Lambert; don't you? He's in that "Red House" over younder. Gotta go listen to our soul man sing that song again!

Anonymous said...

@10:49 AM

BRAVO! Thumbs up to your post. In my opinion; What a smart and thinking way to put it. Could not have said it better. Hope people will stop and think about what you have said. No one is more deserving of this respect then Adam Lambert. He truly loves and respects his fans.

Anonymous said...

Yes, sometimes it is nice just to take what Adam says at face value.

Anonymous said...

In my humble opinion; Adam is one of the most talented; the most beautiful man that I have ever had the pleasure of following.

Anonymous said...

Adam's tweets sound so exciting; can't wait to see what it all means. In the meantime; he is just so exciting to follow. We are all so lucky to have Adam Lambert in our lifetime.

Anonymous said...

@10:25 AM & @10:31 AM

Wholeheartly agree with the both of you. People should read your posts and try to comprehend. Adam's is the only cd that I have in my car. I take this man everywhere; he makes me feel so good.

There are so many great artists that have never been recognized with a Grammy. They are doing more then just fine. Many have had the same fans for years. As long as Adam is doing what he wants, to entertain which I heard him say once; I think it is on a tape from his high school years; saying he will be a happy man if he could entertain for the rest of his life.

Adam will make more than just a good living; he will be happy; that is what he said he has always wanted. Everything will fall into place as time moves on. You can't rush perfection.

Anonymous said...

@10:31 AM #2

Don't worry; be happy. Don't let crap get to you. Just talk about Adam and enjoy the sane fans. Don't let the crazies ruin your happy agenda; go listen to Adam's beautiful voice.

Anonymous said...

11:09, you are crazy. Maybe you reply to yourself but not everybody does. Being aware of something you didn't see doesn't automatically make someone a fan of another Idol or an ex or a band member or whoever you are referring to. Try to be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

11:35, good advice for all of us.

Anonymous said...

@10:31 AM Yes it is.

tess4ADAM said...

Just a short comment ... ADAM says he "loves his life" ... so ... if ADAM is Happy 'n Satisfied ... then .. I am too!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Adam we will always love you,no matter how many records you sell,your real fans will always be here.

Anonymous said...

@8:50pm comment is the best one. There are few other sane fans' comments that were good. The rest are hopeless and best to scroll.

Anonymous said...

That's being a bit too simplistic and judgemental, esp.your last sentence.

8:50 post was good; however I recent when people use "we all" in their postings... "we all meddle too much in Adam's life and in his dreams of happiness..." There are many fans (also here) who "let him live his life" and pursuit his happiness the way he wants to, who love him unconditionally... but when they state this, they are ridiculed and called delusional... go figure.