Awesome Picture: Adam Lambert and Leila Lambert at the GLAAD Awards
Filed Under (Awards,Leila Lambert,pictures ) by Admin on Saturday, May 11, 2013
Posted at : Saturday, May 11, 2013
VIA glaad: #glaadawards Mother's Day edition with #AdamLambert and mom

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Such beautiful people!
Adam, good speech and you are such a natural in representing the LGBT community, in the sense you don't make a huge issue about it, just simply being who you are and not get unduly stressed out about what others say.
Wow what a handsome Ali Baba you are; I like that Love Wins Over Glamour song; you sang it with attitude; hope the band/orchestration lets your voice shine through emphatically. You take care of your Mom so lovingly!
Adam did a great job at the Glaad Awards. SOOO proud! Looked and sounded beautiful. Such heart.
And Leila...when I first saw them together in the Red Capet video I thought she was a date his age. She looks amazing.
xo laura
Adam just tweeted this picture a few minutes ago too. He is sooo proud of his mom.. And he has every reason to be...She's one amazing mom..And looked stunning too.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Mom and I at the #glaadawards both rockin Alexander McQueen on the carpet.
Good looks certainly run in the Lambert family. Adam's Mom is only about 55 so she's not old - she's one gorgeous mama. :)
They are both beautiful people inside and out. This man is just no words. So handsome so well spoken so funny when he broke into WWFM. I often wonder myself what some of the characters to be kind on here and out in the world do want from in he so loved by Glambert's. Adam just brushes of negativity, and lives his life the way he pleases to quote Sam sparrow. He inspires so much passion in Glambert's. Love Adam or not and do not really no how you could not, but that's neither here nor there, he is a fabulously talented handsome remarkable not to mention handsome young man. So proud of you my boy, so proud. Oh mom looks beautiful you definitely see the resemblance of gorgeous. Congrats Adam for both awards. Sue
JAK here..........Mamma Mia!.........It's Mother's Day in every sense. The pride and love for her son's acceptance and accolades shine from Leila's lovely face. Seeing your child appreciated by others is the best feeling, far better than you yourself being praised. The days of loving anxiety Leila lived thru wondering if her son would find his life's path dark and narrow are over, he's found the sunshine at the end of the path for both of them. Bless them both. Another win for love and light!
This is Adams gift for his mama!!:)
So proud of this man indeed!
Happy Mother's Day, Leila. Many of us other moms share your pride for Adam.
Happy Mother's Day to all Moms. (and those others serving the roll of Mom)
Leila seems to have the pose down for the camera's. Is she the one Adam got his freckles from?
Happy Mother's Day to all Moms, stepmoms, Grandmoms, Greatgrandmoms, Greatgreatgrandmoms & fostermoms. May you all have a beautiful day surrounded by those who love you and those whom you love.
Adam looks like his mom in the face. they could be brother and sister. she is pretty
Adam got poise and confidence from his mom. He got wit, charm (and that hair and skin) from his dad. Actually, he got great atttributes from both of parents. Great gene pool!
happy mothers day leila
Leila looks amazing and she is so tiny even with her killer heals and Adam is so tall and handsome. Is he even wearing any with or without!
Proud moment for both of them.
when leila sees the photos she might want to rethink skin tight dresses and starlet extensions
Leila does look so pretty.I love BB w/a little eye make-up.His eyes are so pretty,and he's always thought he needed some.I agree,but he's still handsome either way.Poor Adam...whatever he does,somebody will not like it,but who cares??He was determined to try a hardly any make-up look last night..maybe on AI,on Thurs.,he'll wear some eye liner again.Congrats Adam on your awards!!!
7:31 Please tell us your dress size, age, weight and height. It would make it so much easier to answer your comment properly.
7:31AM ... OH Really? And how do you know pray tell that those are extensions & not her own hair? My grandmother had waist-length hair until she was 80 yo. As for the dress ... Leila looks absolutely STUNNING standing there next to her handsome son ... more like his date rather than his Mom. Please submit your photo dressed the same way so we can critique your appearance. If you DARE!! If you can't say anything nice ... please refrain from commenting at all ... tyvm
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
You two are proving once again that anyone who disagrees with the majority has no right to an opinion. That hardly seems fair, but of course, you aren't concerned with being fair, are you?
If you don't parrot what everyone else says, you are automatically wrong. Free speech not welcome here.
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