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New Pictures and Videos: Adam Lambert hits up Chateau Marmont with gal pal

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Friday, May 10, 2013

Posted at : Friday, May 10, 2013

Adam Lambert hit the town last night (May 09, 2013) with a female friend. The twosome hit up Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood, CA.



Anonymous said...

Why did he hide his face??? Drunk or crying?

Anonymous said...

So now the questions begin: Who was the gal pal? But besides that, did you notice how handsome Adam looks, without makeup as far as I can tell. Wow! Can't wait to see him on Idol for the finale.

Anonymous said...

Yes, why did Adam hide his face? I guess we will never know. At least we got to see him going into Marmont. He did look so good.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam is bi-sexual, although he left on his own, clearly didn't want to be seen by paps?? Love him anyway and hope he's ok.

Anonymous said...

I liked it better when Adam was going out with Sauli, too many mysteries now that he's single again.

Anonymous said...

You can hear a heavy thump when he enters the car, so probably he was drunk (and crying?).

Anonymous said...

very strange. Who was the girl, did she leave with him and why hiding? He should have been home watching his AI thing. LOL

Anonymous said...

He was out with Darren Criss & his girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

Didn't see him come out with the lady he took in. Maybe he was hiding so we wouldn't see who he was taking home.

Anonymous said...

Dareren Criss's girlfriend. Moving on..

Anonymous said...

Should be leaving for Frisco today.

Anonymous said...

The split is taking its toll on Adam. Poor boy.

Anonymous said...

He looked great, not crying or drunk he just wanted privacy for a change and did not want to say anything about Randy Jackson he on show next week. He always been friendly . Probably did not want face put there because every time he photographed out nut cases come out of the wood work. Looks like to me the pap's are crazy to photograph got Adam. He looked exceptionally gorgeous. He had a driver was there with a friend also very hot and good looking.paps screaming waiting all night Adam! Sue

Anonymous said...

Well Adam said it was a friendly split, because of both their work situations. I guess you don't know what you will miss, until it's gone.

Anonymous said...

After looking pictures better took lots of shots, just ready to go home or wherever, took lots pictures that was enough. He had a driver if he had a drink or two so what, that's if. He took enough pictures he was ready to go, not take more pictures. Sue

Anonymous said...

Oh he fine he not upset about no damn split. That's over and he is fine.

Anonymous said...

Adam is looking good, love the look. I also read that the gal is the girlfriend of Darrin Criss. Adam is a star he can hide his face if he wants, maybe he is going to be on Glee, I wish!!!


Anonymous said...

Celebs/stars do that all the time! Big deal, not.

Anonymous said...

damn the chicks on the arms of Adam Lambert. this stuff is getting bizarre.

Anonymous said...

Looks to me Adam's on the phone & he covers his ears & didn't feel like having pics taken by the noisy Paparazi!!! He wants PRIVACY!!!

Anonymous said...

oh, for crying out loud..he just didn't feel like being photographed at that moment..when he played here in '10 GNT, he stayed at the venue until about 1:00 AM..and when he left, he had on a baseball cap, no shoes and shorts..he sprinted across the steet to the waiting tour bus and there was a gentleman with a camera in his hand..when Adam passed by this man he held up his hand and pushed the camera away..just not in the mood right then..none of us who make comments on this blog would appreciate being bothered every time when in public..alot of celebs get a little testy with the paps from time to time...oh,and Sauli..Sauli never had it so good since he met Adam..who the hell knows, or cares, what happened..again, how many of us have had a broken romance????? it is no big deal..and all parties are doing just fine...Adam just enjoys going out to clubs and socializing..he isn't into "sports" (at least not the ones some men are in to-and alot of gay men love sports, and play them....) let us move on and enjoy Mr. Lambert for his extraordinary talent, et. al...

Anonymous said...

I was curious and googled Darren and his gf. Apparently Darren's fans don't like his gf, so they keep a low profile and try not to show up in public together. Sound familiar?

Anonymous said...

at 10:42 AM

He clearly didn't want his pics taken but that hasn't happened for ages, he's usually very friendly with paps. I wonder why not this time.

Anonymous said...

I also think that Adam had his down because he was on his phone and couldn't hear probably because the paps were yelling at him. Let's not read some nonsense into it about him being drunk or crying or that he is bi-sexual because he showed up with a female. Come on. He did look so handsome and that is something we can all agree upon.

Anonymous said...

you know your the shit when straight men share their girlfriends with you. she is kissing AL in some pic.

Anonymous said...

The way he moves before he goes into the car suggests that he's had more than just a few.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree after looking at this vid a second time he does look drunk, and this makes sense with him keeping his head down with paps.

Anonymous said...

He looked stunningly handsome, but looks like he's had just a few too many when hopping into the car, poor baby.

tea said...

Adam doesn't need to explain his every move to us. Quit dissecting him.

Anonymous said...

Adam changed his instagram avi again,... it is a cutout from 27 January.

Anonymous said...

Pretty girl with Adam!

Anonymous said...

Poor girl looks like she is having a rought night with her torn stocking and all

Anonymous said...

Adam is having a hetero threesome.

Anonymous said...

I guess this thread is gonna go to waste with bunch of fruit flies dissecting every single move Adam made in these paps blurry videos.

Anonymous said...

just maybe she will give up Darren and move into the la la land of LAMBERT:)) but best girl Danielle might just put up a fight for her Lamb.

Anonymous said...

if I were a fruit flie it would definitely be a red juicy grape. I wanna be sucked.

Anonymous said...

dissecting is the new black

Anonymous said...

Was there any pics of Danielle and Adam from her bd party? Perhaps they are no longer bff's. It happens.

Anonymous said...

Gosh. You people need to chill and stop making assumptions and being silly. 9.21am He has female friends and is enjoying himself. What is so mysterious about that. We all have one too many sometimes. No biggie. RELAX and leave the poor guy alone.

Anonymous said...

Look at the video again definitely and I mean definitely shows no indication of him being drunk he was not covering his head. He bent down covered his hears he was trying to hear someone on the phone pretty sure. But who cares what he was doing quit trying make a simple thing like that something it's not. Yes quit disecting every thing he does. The negativeness sounds so petty and jealous, like I got to run him down makes me bigger well just makes you smaller. He fine he not upset about any split from any past boyfriend. He doing well. He looked like a handsome star in that Clip of idol and he is, all that try to bring him down are just trying to pump their own sad ego up. Adam a happy hard working guy that never hurt anybody so leave him alone. He looks wonderful and just fine. He probably took the girl his friend to meet her boyfriend. Adam is not bisexual and that the fact that's he stated numerous times, does not mean he cannot go out with friends that are female, he will from time to time he has loads of female friends. In fact Adam looks healthier and finer looking than ever! Sue

Anonymous said...

Why must you guys ruin every thread with your snark comments and accusations. Adam is doing what normal people do. Having fun and so what if he had too much too drink. Its not a crime.

Anonymous said...

9.18am Why must you think Adam is bisexual. He has female friends.

Anonymous said...

9.21am What mysteries?

Anonymous said...

9.42am How the heck do you know how Adam is feeling?

Anonymous said...

He was so drunk! Look how he moves!

Anonymous said...

Sue do you think he is not human. Because it`s human to be upset about breakups. And I`m not saying he isn`t fine but i don`t think it`s a compliment to say he don´t care or it doesn`t effect on him at all when something bad (like spliting your partner for many years) happens. It may be the best for you but it is effecting you somehow. He is nice, great man and he is/will be ok. And he looks good!

Anonymous said...

Those blurry vids. You cannot see how he moving.. He got in the car lean down covered his gears from pap's screaming at him, sure looks like on the phone. Either that wee could stand all the streaming. It was dark he got in the car directly could not in anyway see how he moving. People say snarky stuff then keep agreeing with themselves over and over same one or two like always. I got to say that man looks super duper good looking right now. He look wonderful in those clips last night and the interview of him, so handsome in deed.

choons said...

awww the poor paps - "Adam! we've been waiting all night!" But great to hear them shout "We love you Adam!"

Anonymous said...

Look I sure he had his moments about the break up, he cared a lot about Sauli but enough is enough. I also think your mixing me up with some other comments here. I did not write 10.42 if that's the one your referring to. But no matter what your referring too he not crying, he not getting drunk over Saulu or anyone else. He cared about Sauli but both have moved on with their lives and time for people here to do the same! That was Sauli not Saulu. 12.12 it just time to stop fussing about it, they do care for each other but we need to let them move on. They will be friends for many year I suspect if we all stay out of it and make that possible! Sometime a great friendship is even better. Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted his Instagram picture with Darren & Mia:

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 3h
@darrencriss & Mia and I #chateau

Follow Adam on his Instagram account @realadamlambert

Anonymous said...

maybe he was puking his guts out that's why he had his head down ha ha

Anonymous said...

Adam is fine. He actually twirls a friend standing beside the van at the very beginning of the video. the guy is wearing a white shirt. Check it out. You can't do that when you are drunk.

Adam does not appear to be down in the dumps at the moment. People make it sound like he is going to clubs because he is lost or sad or something. He likes to go to clubs.

Anonymous said...

Ok 12.29 needs to be removed. Enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

I see nothing has changed since we thought maybe we'd lost the blog for all time. You are right back to ruining it and insulting Adam. There are so many of you whose mission in life is to be ever constant a++holes! What a waste!

Anonymous said...

Adam's behaviour, his instagram pics + the song tweets point to one direction only.

I wish this special someone would stop playing with Adam's feelings.

Anonymous said...

12:32 that's Tommy Joe's kinda distorted humor @12:29

Anonymous said...

Sue this is 12:12. I didn`t said he was crying. And I didn`t said we must talk about them and I haven`t. I was just saying they loved each other and it must be hard when love ends.. But I agree with you about they have moving forvard. And I also hope they can be friends for long time and it can be even nicer! I hope you have nice day. I`m not here to arquee. I liked your last comment!

Anonymous said...

2-3 JEEEE!!!

Anonymous said...

at 12:51 PM

Way to go Lions!

Anonymous said...

JFC, I thought the worry over losing this site was because of how much we loved getting Adam updates, not because it's such a convenient place to troll.


Anonymous said...

12.45 I not here to argue either but I will always defend him especially when he done nothing wrong. You know they were in and I am sure love each other in a different way it's just not romantic anymore. But friendship is a great thing especially in LA. Someone you can trust and talk to when you have had a disappointment which we all have and not a great day or just to say hi! I get defensive because of some of some of the really nasty uncalled for comments here, and they are plentiful and just plain not true. I did not mean to act like you just said that, but others did here. I sure Adam melancholy about it and misses him sometimes, but really they have moved on. Does not even looking to date right yet but he will. But when you have someone you know you can be honest with and there not telling everyone about it especially when famous then you got something special I think they both do. Friendship is a lovely thing, and something great that came out if it all! You have a nice day too! Sue

Anonymous said...

@1:09 Why you want to be a party pooper?

Anonymous said...

he likes the girls with the pumps and the bump. pumps and the bump pumps and the bump he likes the girls with the pumps and the bump.

Anonymous said...

1:17pm is proof people like to be trolls.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you live with someone for 2 years and share so much of you life with them and not feel some sort of grief when the relationship breaks up. Adam appears to be handling things very well, but he must have moments of sadness, he wouldn't be human if he didn't. Time is the greatest healer of all, and Adam is doing the right thing by going out with friends and getting on with his life it makes the time go faster and in time he will get over it. No doubt Sauli would be experiencing similar feelings, but it's far better that they were able to face up to problems they had than to pretend they didn't exist. Their both great people and I'm sure they will find happiness in the future.

Anonymous said...

AL needs a good female friend right now. One to run his bath water, groom his hair, iron out his laundry and walk his dog. He would probably get accustomed to it very easily and enjoy it. new scenery is good for anyone.

Anonymous said...

Not that it matters to the trolls but I just watched the videos and he had no trouble getting in the car. So what if he doesn't want to show his face every time. sometimes he films them back and asks them questions, sometimes he ignores them. I wouldn't want those cameras and flashes shoved up against my car windows. Maybe it has more to do with who the paps are.

Anonymous said...

I am so tired of the paparazzi. They should have strict laws. They are stalkers and bullies. Adam deserves to be left alone. Yes I know he is a celeb and that is part of it but geez, this is borderline harassment. It is his life; not ours.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Adam was thinking about when he tweeted about the Dangerous Muse EP:

Don't fall by the weight of pressure
We're stronger than that
You know that it's true
We've come to far now to stop here
We fall down, we get up
Your hand still in mine
Don't look to the crowd for pleasure
Too many distractions there for your head
I'll never let go, my BROTHER
Keep holding on
We can make it through
More than lovers have to share
We've been through it all and then some
You're my BROTHER
Hey hey hey hey
We’re making it through
I said hey ah ah
We’re making it through
BROTHER, me and you

You know me better than I know myself
Not blood, nor family
We are something else, stronger
People come and people go
But we remain
Though times you may not deserve it
I'm down on my knees picking up your pieces
Someday you'll return the favor
'Cause that's what brothers do

glitzylady said...

In the second vid, when he was leaving, I'm wondering if the loud "THUMP" noise we heard when he jumped into the car, was him hitting his head..which would be a BIG OUCH..and could explain him leaning down in the car and doing what appears to be rubbing his head with his hand.... If so, hope he's feeling okay. I really don't know how anyone can tell anything about his condition by this brief, blurry, dark film. That's all I got out of it...that he may have really bumped his head, and just wanted to get the heck out of there afterwards...

Just my opinion here...

Anonymous said...

Can't Adam go out to dinner with friends like Darren Criss and his girlfriend? They've been photographed together before, this is not new.

Anonymous said...

Some of the comments hear are so childish, there's no point even holding a discussion, and don't bother trying to reason with stupidity born out of hate, better to leave this site and come back once the idiots have finished playing their foolish games. These people must lead a pretty sad life of their own to feel so much contempt towards others.

Anonymous said...

Adam does not have a dog!

Anonymous said...

Obviously Adam wanted to have his private night out and he didn't feel like to be bothered by paps. I'm sure TMZ paps wanted to get Adam's opinion about American Idol and he clearly avoided them.

Anonymous said...

Wtf, you can't write ANYTHING here anymore, without a bunch of aggressive cows attacking you!

Anonymous said...

Lols today. Adam crying, Adam drunk, Adam vomiting. What is he suppose to do sit home alone each night by himself? He has always liked to party and why not? As for his hiding his head it is out if character but he can if he chooses. The Dark Side. Perhaps Adam entering the mysterious era. Lols

Anonymous said...

There is makeup but not that much. I like it. :)

Anonymous said...

@1:36 Adommy brotherhood

Anonymous said...

@ 1:43 PM

It is not his style to bend down in a taxi unless something special is going on. Turbulent times, folks!

Newfie Duck said...

The girl on his arm looks like Darren Criss's girlfriend, Mia???

Anonymous said...

Oh he he has a special style if getting in a car now, so stupid.turbulent time are all in your mine. He fine. Doubt he drank all that much sure he went to San Francisco sometimes today to get ready for the Glaad award. He not going the day of it, I would think.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:59 PM

My bet is on those three; crying, drunk and vomiting.

+ Looking sad in the Criss pic.

Anonymous said...

Sue, I liked your comment @1:15 pm.Wisely said with knowledge of life,appreciated it. MS

Anonymous said...

Don't like Darren Criss or his girlfriend, Adam has better friends than these.

glitzylady said...

@Newfie Duck
Yes, the girl in the pic is Mia, Darren Criss's girlfriend. The three were out together last night.

Anonymous said...

I wish and prey that Adam spends his time with family and true friends...since I think (and before somebody jumps up high, I`m just saying my opinion) he is not totally okay. In the recent pics he looks sad and tired, yet very handsome. I do believe he´s still coping with the split and I`m going to be happy when he doesn´t have to cope with it anymore. He is a decent and lovely guy.Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

@ 2:39 PM

He needs to go out with Sauli. That would wipe out every single one of his worries.

Stating the obvious.

Anonymous said...

2:39 PM
I agree with you, Adam needs to have his trusted friends around him and I too don't thinn ok he is okay, I've seen what you describe ither pics of Adam taken recently and I believe he is putting on a brave face but still not his usual happy self. I also agree he is a decent beautiful guy and hope he can put this split behind in before too long.

Anonymous said...

Omg you people are hilarious. I don't think he has cared about sauli at all after the first year. He is happy to be free of him. The day they broke up he tweeted liberation day!

Anonymous said...

Omg you people are hilarious. I don't think he has cared about sauli at all after the first year. He is happy to be free of him. The day they broke up he tweeted liberation day!

Anonymous said...

Adam really loved Sauli, I really think it's going to take some time for Adam to get over their break up. It's great that they are still good friends, but these things take time.

Anonymous said...

maybe he likes assorted arm candies and flavors. that night was CHERRY

Anonymous said...

2:54 PM
Sometimes people can say things but it's not until someone's gone that you start to realise how much they really mattered.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady that is a car door slam. I don't think Adam hit his head at all.

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted an X Ambassadors EP:


I hope we stay
Thick as thieves, butter and bread
Pillars of colonial homes
And I wish I could shout you out
False start
Don't get your cane caught in the cracks
Buckle your seatbelts, polluting the airwaves
Single and lonely

And you said you are
And you said you are
And you said you are

Come up to my house
Drink with my friends
You can lay on my couch
Achin to start all over again
We going back to your room
But wait a minute its my room
And was it something I said
Was it something I said

Come up to my house
Drink with my friends
You can lay on my couch
Achin to start all over again
We going back to your room
But wait a minute its my room
Throwing up on my bed
And was it something I said

I hope we stay
Thick as thieves, butter and bread
Pillars of colonial homes
And I wish I could shout you out
False start
Don't get your cane caught in the cracks
Buckle your seatbelts, polluting the airwaves
Single and lonely

And you said you are
And you said you are
And you said you are

Anonymous said...

Matt Bellamy of MUSE and Kate Hudson were at the Chateau. Hope Matt will give Adam another song of his for album 3. I love Soaked track on FYE.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam is drunk, crying vomiting and having sex with every single person he is seen with all while grieving the break up with Sauli and sending secret messages about his sadness on twitter but secretly still with Sauli while not working enough. Are we done now? Some of you need to go get jobs so you get out of the house.

glitzylady said...

I thought that too (door slam)...probably is..but Adam is holding and rubbing his head. I still think he may have accidentally hit his head. It's as good a guess as anyone else's :) Since we weren't there, anyone can take a stab at interpreting the blurry vid. That's what I saw...Who really knows except Adam and his driver.....

Anonymous said...

And another one from the same EP, Litost:

What have I done?
With my heart on the floor
I must be out of my mind
To come back begging for more
But if you stay
If you just stay for the night
Swear that I'm yours
And I'll prove that I'm right

And these flies kept me sleeping
All my fears on their wings
And your grandfather clock is still ticking
But the chime never rings
And how long must I stay?
Will I lay by your side
Just to say that I'm yours
And you'll never be mine

With this love like a hole
Swallow my soul
Draggin me down
And there's blood on the covers
From the curses we uttered
To each other
You played your part in this

Why play hide and go seek?
Safe behind your veneer
Does it bury your burden baby?
Makes it all disappear
But those marks on your thighs
Don't they sting when you bleed?
It's the way that you are
And the way I'll forever be

With this love like a hole
Swallow my soul
Draggin me down
And there's blood on the covers
From the curses we uttered
To each other
You played your part

With this love like a hole
Swallowed my soul
Draggin me down
And I swear I'll stay with you
But I just can't forgive you
And I'll never be whole again

Anonymous said...

Adam didn't tweet any song, just said he liked the ep. Lol

Anonymous said...

at 3:29 PM

Yeah and if he liked the EP, he probably liked the songs as well. Only logical.

Anonymous said...

But he isn't sending messages to sauli if that's what you are thinking or identifying with these lyrics specifically.

Anonymous said...

at 3:51 PM

No, maybe not, but he sure is letting us into his emotions.

Anonymous said...

It's not always the specific lyrics that make you like a song or album.

Anonymous said...

No, but you can pick almost any song he has tweeted recently, they are all about heartache and not giving up.

Anonymous said...

Maybe beside the lyric of the songs he likes the production of it. Why every single thing Adam does there is conspiracy theory behind his every move? Get a life will you. I have to go get ready to go out with my friends. Bye you crays on this wasted thread.

Anonymous said...

I just hope he didn't hit his head. Bye.


Anonymous said...

The troll is writing lyrics to that EP is the artist himself and trying to sell his EP to us cause Adam relates to it emotionally. Tough luck buddy. It doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

LOL at the lyric troll has been all the artists Adam has mentioned lately.

Song lyrics are what you make of them. I think the lyric troll either had a recent break up of their own or took Adam's relationship with Sauli too personally and isn't over it. Time to move along overinvested person.

Anonymous said...

People please get a life, he likes different songs doubt it crosses his mine what your thinking. It a song he may like, end of story. Adam and Sauli K. Are friends keep it up and ruin that too! Please go out to a movie, garden, take a walk ride a bike, take a drive. Leave Adam Lambert the heck alone and get a damn life. I care a lot about Adam care nothing about running his friggin full happy life, no ones happy all the time but he got it down about 80 / 85 percent of it thanks to good friend, family and fans that care about bad there some people that live to try to upset people well it is backfiring on you all the time. I for one cannot wait for Glaad awards and idol next week, for mr. Talented to charm them all.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:33 PM

Oh, I didn't know that Adam resides here.

But anyway, music wise, there hasn't been much variety during the past months.

Anonymous said...

The thump noise is too close to the camera's speaker and its a car door slam. Adam is covering down his head to avoid the paps with their silly American Idol Randy Jackson questions. Kate Hudson covered her face in the first video with Matt Bellamy driving away in his white Ferrari to avoid the TMZ paps.

Anonymous said...

two things..first, that girl's hose are ripped and look very tacky..sorry, but it is true..why would anyone go out in public with ripped hose?? also, I like adam's hair a little longer, a little lighter and with a few strands over his forehead..but, it is just hose and hair LOL

Anonymous said...

3:13 all that while trying to pass himself off as gay man when he is really bisexual. lol

Anonymous said...

she probably spent big bucks on the stockings just the way they are. That's youth for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey troll go open up a tumbler or facebook page and write your silly assumptions there. We don't care about your obsession behavior. Good Lord!

Anonymous said...

The really sad thing about all the music that Adam is tweeting right now is that it's not his. That might make him sad, more than anything. If he's sad. I have to say I don't see it personally.

Anonymous said...

I could have sworn it was Lisa Marie and her dad. seriously!

Anonymous said...

damn he's cute.

coloforadam said...

6:23pm - you said it ALL!!

I thought that was Danielle and thought nothing of it as she is usually on his arm as he hurries her past aggressive photographers.

Well, now I am informed. Not Danielle but Mia so and so. SO WHAT. Why do we have to be reminded. He is an adult - has been for ten years. He likes to go out and drink with friends. They had a driver. Really nothing remarkable here but what 6:23pm said - "Damn, he's cute!!"

(if anyone is in tears right now, it would likely be Sauli - right?)

Anonymous said...

Cry me a River! Ice cream is delicious with warm chocolate

Anonymous said...

4.41 this is an Adam Lambert site nobody said he resided here, but some of you seem to reside here and do nothing else, but make crazy untrue remarks. He working on new music. He just recorded one for Nilr Rodgers. Also co wrote for music for the Vienna ball. Trespassing bit that old. For as variety in music he likes huge wide variety, he likes many kinds of music. I looking forward to idol next week and Gladd awards, not reading anymore comments of bull crap, going to enjoy the weekend. Life to short. Adam Lambert is an amazingly hot talented guy not a bit worried about all this nonsense .

Anonymous said...

I not sure Adam ever look cuter, hotter, sexier, love those jeans makes his legs look amazing. On idol last night on interview wow he looked sizzling Hot, that could be because he is sizzling hot.

ASL said...

My take on the video of Adam leaving the hotel is that he mistook the valet for a guest. And he mistook the valet’s open arms for an attempt to give him an affectionate goodbye. The little twirl was when the valet extricated himself from the attempted kiss/hug. :)

Anonymous said...

So the blog is up and running and the crazy comments start again. Why can't a picture of two people just be a picture without all these scenarios written about it. My main interest in Adam is his music career and the work on his new album. I also love to watch the vids posted of any performances he has since most of us do not get the chance to see him live. Can't wait for his appearance on Idol for the finale. Leave his personal and private life alone and stop all the speculation and ridiculous accusations. He gets enough of that from the paps and the gossip sites. He has a life to live and seems to be enjoying himself with friends.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert has his own life- we fans fond of adam lambert and his music whats wrong with the other fans go crazy about adam lambert peronal life??its crazy-its all about music pls.

Anonymous said...

maybe he likes dangling pretty little things on his arm every once in little while. she is a pretty girl and does favor the beautiful Danielle Stori.

ASL said...

8:19 8:21
If you are only interested in Adam's music, why are you in the comments section for pics and vids of Adam going to a party?

Anonymous said...

Hey is that the hotel that inspired the song Hotel California and where John Belush od'd? not to be morbid.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is anything but fine, anyone with eyes can see that. Instead of urging him and everybody else to move on, you should be plotting how to get those two back together.

Because that's what he wants, to have Sauli back in his life and for good.

Anonymous said...

Adam was a gentleman and offered his arm to a woman who is dating a tv actor, Darren Criss. Very nice of him to do that as they have to walk past the paparazzi. He wasn't talking to the paps then. I'm sure Kate Hudson's fans aren't saying she was drunk, crying, vomiting, bisexual, etc when she covered her face from the bright flashes when she left.

Anonymous said...

Adam is fine. He is enjoying his single life, the split happened several months ago and he is going on. So is Sauli, they have their own lifes. love ended. At the end they were quite different in person, Sauli was sporty and want to try new things. adam wants to party and so on.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we need one of these types of posts every couple of posts. They are great troll magnets. And then we can leave the trolls here and enjoy the other stories troll free.

Anonymous said...

ASL @8:03and 8:43, I think pics and vids of Adam going to clubs are supposed to be commented about everything and everyone in them.Their purpose is fun and entertainment.Not ment to be taken so seriously.Those blurry vids leave a lot of room for a vivid imagination.None of us knows what really happens in them. Suggestions can be very funny,depending the state of mind your in.Atleast I am in a good mood reading posts about them.Some of my old pictures of homeparties bring funny memories years after,(I guess of a few bumps in the head too.) MS

Anonymous said...

And sometimes it's just as simple as Adam is promoting a friend, not sending a message in lyrics.

Dangerous Muse ‏@DangerousMuse
@ElizaLouly @adamlambert he's a talented guy and a good friend X

ASL said...

Thanks MS (3:14). I do feel sad looking at the video of Adam trying to hide his face on the car seat though. I know some think he was trying to talk on his phone but it really doesn't look that way to me. Poor BB.

Anonymous said...

I personally think that Adam and Sauli are just fine. Mayby a bit sad sometimes but they are survivor kind of people. We don`t know very much about them as a couple. There has to be reason(s) why they broke up but I really think that they didn`t break up suddenly. They tried and thought things thrue. Sometimes love die or love isn`t enought. Anyway it has be coming for a longer time because love doesn`t die over night that I am sure of. I love them both for different reasons and I hope the best for them. I don`t think they will reunite but if it`s meant to be they will be back together and they don`t need us to do that! Let them be. Somehow I don`t understand why people here support Adam because he is saying everybody is worthy and differences are good. Here people don`t tolerate anything. You are a troll or mad Sauli fan or Adommy fan if you say something other than praise Adam in every way. There are couple of writers who try to put Adan down and that I don`t tolerate but I have seen very nasty and mean things said about Sauli too. I don`t toletate that either. If you really want to do justice to Adam do what he would do. He don`t hate or get mean evyryone who he isn`t agreeing with. He try to understand different people and their thoughts. I try to learn acceptance from him!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 4:25am
Excellent post, thank you!
Totally agree with you!
Adam by his example has again and again shown that he lives as he preaches.
No need for anyone here trying to present him/herself as "better-er" Adam fans...and that they are here for the music only, hah! Why then "the music only" threads have very often only a few posts??!
Admit it, Adam the man & the persona and everything that comes with "this phenomen" is of interest to most of his fans posting on his fan sites. That includes his private life to a certain extent, too - like with all celebrities. Stop being holier than... etc.
And scolding other fans for "making silly asumptions", whether it's regarding his professional or private life... IDK, maybe we all need to look in the mirror on this subject! Most posts with imo or imho or I think are just that, assumptions. Lol.

Good luck, Adam, for tonight!

Anonymous said...

Adam has also said about his twitter most if his fans are positive and when people come on his twitter as persist in being negative about anything he has had to block them off because his fans should not have to listen to all tha crap. He tolerates different ideas as long as they are constructive and done in a positive way. That about 70 percent if the time is not what's happening on posts like this. Adam Lambert is a very talented man that has worked hard for four years and before that for a career he has not just been going to clubs. And partying, he single now and can do that and did it with Sauli when he was not when he had time. He benn traveling a lot for past year, he has some concerts coming and suspect more to come while working on new music he will be home more. He will go out some at night some in weekend mostly, soon you will date sooner or later. He will receive a very prestigious Glaad award tonight. The reason the music ones get less, because everybody always over here defending Adam from absolut silly nonsense. The man looked fine not sad bit drunk not crying. How you can get all the stuff you get out of a dark blurry picture shows it all in your mines. Sauli fine Adam fine they most likely will not ever go back together it's ran it's course and I do not think the romantic feelings are there anymore to resurrect they are friends and that's very nice most people are not when break up so it shows maturity why do the people here not show that, that persist in putting Sauli on a pedistal and running Adam down. Adam does far . Far more than just go to clubs he took a friend to meet her boyfriend had dinner maybe couple drinks he had to go to SF Friday so doubt he got drunk, of he had not your business Sauli also going and having fun in between the TV show he was out at B day party week ago no one takes picture not with Adam. Adam a handsome very talented man, he was kind to Sauli and afforded him a great life style I know you now think he can afford all that, it very expensive in KA and Adam struggled for years working in theatre so will see. Adam and Sauli are both fine they did love each other they still do in a different way but its so time to stop digging up all this silly unhappy stuff because they are just fine and not caring about all this. Adam you are a talented sweet man good luck at the Glaad awards you so deserve this and cannot wait for idol!

Anonymous said...

Can't stand all this obsessing over Adam and his love life, it's sickening, people need to get a life of their own, I'm off to do some housework it's far better than reading all this gunk.

Anonymous said...

Can't stand all this obsessing over Adam and his love life, it's sickening, people need to get a life of their own, I'm off to do some housework it's far better than reading all this gunk.

Anonymous said...

Yes,being kind and accepting to each other, really is honouring Adam here and elsewhere as a rolemodel. Sometimes it seems very easy to be rude at someone`s different ways of expressing oneself. I certainly am capable of being against almost everything,but I try to learn acceptance too,a life long excurcion on that one.Please, I really would like to see patience and tolerance for Sauli- and Adommyfans. Fantasies,romantic ones especially, usually make our lives a bit more easy or fun to live through. That goes for me aswell. We are all from different backrounds and experiences. Adam is a real person in this fantasyland not knowing him personally and I feel myself lucky to have started following his exciting life.A lot more content in my simple one.MS

Anonymous said...

MS This 4:25. I agree with you totally. You said it what I was trying to. Good morning or evening to everyone. Big day for Adam as well!!!

Anonymous said...

Question: does anyone remember the date when Adam tweeted either liberation or liberated? it was just that and nothing else. Thanks

Anonymous said...

You can't reason with ignorance no matter how much tolerance or understanding you display.

Anonymous said...

Thankey and Good Day to you too @4:25, @8:45. I got inspired by your post:).MS

Anonymous said...

maybe he wanted to make an entrance with a good looking woman for once:))

glitzylady said...

Maybe he's just a nice man and a true gentleman escorting a friend into a club.

glitzylady said...

To change the subject just a bit:

New article this morning from Rolling Stone: Angie Miller's (from Idol) exit interview: Adam mention. Hmmmm...Has stirred up a few grumbles on Twitter. And a few questions.....Here's the Adam-relevant part:

ROLLING STONE: "You’ll be back to sing on the finale next week, and there are rumors you’ll duet with either Idol alum Adam Lambert or your own personal idol Jessie J. Any truth to those rumors? "

ANGIE MILLER: "I don’t know 100% what’s going on yet. I would die if I were able to sing with Jessie J. That would be the most incredible thing ever, so I hope it happens."

So. Okaaay then......Ryan Seacrest DID say that "Adam Lambert will be singing a SECRET duet on next week's Finale" maybe not with Angie?? Or maybe she just couldn't say yet...Guess we'll find out then....

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Maybe Kate Hudson said "Let's annoy the paparazzi and cover our faces when we leave" and Adam said "OK, that will be fun!"

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with Angie hoping it's her favorite, Jessie J. You would think Adam fans would get that. It's probably still supposed to be a secret and Angie is staying on script. I would prefer seeing Adam sing with Candice though.

Anonymous said...

8:46 am, I think the tweet "libaration day" was Jan 20

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam is on the show regardless of who he sings with. The media has confirmed it, right? He can sing with anyone else or just sing solo, which is what I'd prefer. If Jessie J. is Angie's favorite, then it would be nice for her to sing with her. Adam is the only one I'm interested in.

DRG (GLAAD tonight! Hope for some good Adam coverage for tomorrow!)


Anonymous said...

Ryan said Adam will be on the show for a secret duet so he is definitely on. Likely with Angie.

glitzylady said...

I have no doubt Adam will be on singing with someone...VERY excited!!!!!

Shaley said...

Well...I was going to stay out of this one, till I read 5/10 @11:35pm's comment.
!!!What is wrong with you people!!!??Get off yer duffs and start the planning! It's up to US to get those two back together, dammit. Who cares what Adam & Sauli want. What do they know, anyway?? WE know what they want...and need...and what is best for them, so let the plotting begin!

Anonymous said...

Shaley, LOL, if we can back seat drive Adam's career why not his romantic relationships too. Let's just take over his whole life. Obviously we know better. About everything ;)

Anonymous said...

DRG, I would prefer to hear Adam singing solo on Idol too. Some people wish for a Queen song. "Show must go on" would be appropiate choice, I think:) but I`d love to hear anything from Elvis! Legendary for a legend.MS

glitzylady said...

I'm just happy Adam's gonna be on the Finale..I prefer him solo too, but will take whatever I can get!!!! :)))

Anonymous said...

If Adam does a duet I'd love to see him with Candice, their both so professional it would have to be great.

glitzylady said...

I was going to say the same thing..but you beat me to it. Sheesh! Glamberts are a force to be reckoned with, as we know :)) ..but figuring out a way to get Adam and Sauli back together????!!!! ....Good grief. Just what they need: a bunch of fans meddling in their lives......NOT!!

I was hoping that whole comment at 11:35 PM was a joke... The guys can take care of their own private lives without our "help". I personally have a full time job taking care of my own life... I leave theirs entirely up to them.... Even tho I do find them pretty fascinating. And BOTH really great guys.

I don't enjoy all the fighting here BTW.

Anonymous said...

10:30AM LMFAO!

Anonymous said...

Sue, get a life... You're pathetic with that hysterical attitude to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, this is the first day I have ever posted comments anywhere. I have been AL fan since Idol and learned to love Sauli too. I`ve read all your posts here for a long time. This has been an exciting experience. I`m a shy person and don`t usually express my thoughts much. I think you have a really nice considerate approach on many things presented here(and fun also). I`ve shared your insight on many things too. It`s been also a pleasure to rely on you and a few others in getting a lot of AL info.Thankey for that. I continue having fun with reading this site and hope you continue w many others. I don`t enjoy any fighting here eather. MS (Finn)

Anonymous said...

best girl Danielle should be his date for the Finale. The eyes on those two oooooooze sexy. they would be a paparazzi dream.

Anonymous said...

I see Darren but not Mia in the car. Maybe Adam was with Darren . Wouldnt be the first time he's out with a "straight" guy and them using a girl as distraction.

Anonymous said...

Liberation day could have something to do with his old management company. He got a new one but they were still involved for a little longer.

Anonymous said...

Adan's contract with 19 recordings was completed Jan 19 ,
thus he was Liberated! Simple answer.

Anonymous said...

3:40 MS, I am not Glitzylady but glad you enjoy this site I went a good while not making any comments and now you can't shut me up. lol Hope to hear more from you.

Anonymous said...

Love how lots of people like to get on this site and point out how to be a proper fan, noting themselves as example el primo. Lots of self righteousness going on here.

glitzylady said...

@MS 3:40 PM
Thanks for your kind words :))) I'm really glad that you overcame your shyness and posted a comment here. I have to say that I was in exactly the same situation a few years ago when I started following Adam during Idol and even after. I would "lurk" and read but never comment. But as you can see, I decided it was okay. I'm not particularly shy, but I worried about saying anything on the internet. As a result of becoming "visible" I've met some really wonderful people, some of whom have become close friends in "real life" too. All because of Adam. For so many reasons....Partly to show my support and respect for him as a talented singer, performer, and human being, and also just to share the experience with others. I hope you keep sharing it with us here :))

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady and Anon @6:41,May 11.Thankey for the encouragement. Maybe I will do that again! There are certainly a lot of almost irresistible posts here! Have a Good Mom`s Day and Celebration of GLAAD awards for Adam!MS:)