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Adam Lambert Featured in The New F Word Campaign

Filed Under () by Admin on Monday, June 3, 2013

Posted at : Monday, June 03, 2013

realadamlambert @friendmovement1: The New F Word - Giving Bullying The Bird #THENEWFWORD #FRIENDMOVEMENT


Anonymous said...

I know some of you don't like the "F" word being used, but this campaign is supposed to be shocking and grab your attention. I think it's effective.

And . . . Adam looks fierce! Another "F" word that fits. Haha.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

great picture and message. The blurred middle finger is on purpose.

Anonymous said...

Yes Adam! Big " F " to all bullies!!!

Love ya Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

This world, especially the social media, seems to be one giant & constant bullying ground nowadays. Bullying seems to be the new norm.

When I found Adam (lucky me!) I was going through some of the sadest and hardest parts of my life so far. I honestly don't know how depressed or where would I be, if this young man would not have opened my heart and made me listen to music again. And not only music, I listened to his words, his speaking voice, laughter, wit & humour, soaked in his beauty that was beyond anything I had experienced in years...

And what happens when you in this day and age openly declare and feel unconditional love for this exceptionally talented, kind and loving man (who deserves so much more LOVE than he is getting especially on this site!!!) - YOU GET RIDICULED AND BULLIED!!!

And now most long time posters have left or are giving up and leaving this place to all these bullies and trolls and what nots (nuts) - LOVE IS STRONGER THAN HATE, please stay and let's make this site fun & more loving!

SHOWING LOVE & KINDNESS FEELS SO MUCH BETTER THAN BULLYING - I know, cause I've done both and been experiencing both!


Going away is not the answer, and having moderators only moves the problem to some other site. Maybe Admin (having this site as it is, without registering & monitoring) is trying to LET US LEARN SOMETHING...

Anonymous said...

good strong message, it should catch on.

Anonymous said...

@12:55 AM I agree with you. Adam came into my life at the right moment. Being critical seems to be easier for people than being accepting.

Anonymous said...

That's my boy!:) FIERCE!!!

F**K for the ignorant and selfish people!!:)


Anonymous said...

12:55 we can't change it by ourselves or by staying here. Admin has to change the site by requiring log in and/or moderating and/or blocking IPs. In my opinion it is in her hands now. One more time like the past two days and I am out. This is supposed to be an Adam fan site. The haters and trolls have plenty of other sites where that type of behavior is allowed.

Anonymous said...

Canadian, I hope you will take this message to heart and stop calling commenters here idiots, etc. Peace.

Anonymous said...

I think this campaign is actually kind of lame and too tame...

Anonymous said...

Not condoning the use of the "F" word no matter what the message is supposed to be. It's sad if the only way to muster interest and support is by using profanity.

Anonymous said...

You guys do know that the new "F" word is "Friend", don't you?

Why don't we all try using it?


Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I think some of you are missing the entire point. These people are trying to take back the bad conotation of the "F" word and exchange it with a new one. "F" for "Friend". There are a lot of good "F" words.....leave the old one behind and choose some of these.

friend, fantastic, funny, fair, fabulous, frisky, fantasy, faith,

I would personally like the current "F" word left behind for good, it has become so common in our speech and it's pure laziness and lack of vocabulary.....I wonder if Adam would be capable of giving it up??????????

Hip Hop would have no lyrics at all!......:-)

Anonymous said...

It helps if you know what you are condemning before you condemn it. Before some of you get all upset, THE F WORD IS FRIEND.

This campaign is meant to be provocative and if implying the other f word reaches the young people it is aimed at, I'm all for it.

Adam is mentioned in both of the vids here:

from the website:
The New F Word is a grass roots photo campaign and documentary film that aims to encourage the use of the word FRIEND to project inner strength and confidence.

Anonymous said...

Go check out the website and what the founders have to say before jumping to your own conclusions.

The New F Word
Fatty, Faggot, Freak … We don't think so.
How about FRIEND.

Anonymous said...

I assume this movement is similar to the No H8 campaign of a couple years back. I believe that had some impact for good......JAK At least people are trying .

tea said...

Intense picture.

Props to everyone making a serious effort to stop the bullying. I can't find fault with anyone working to accomplish this goal.

Change starts within yourself.

glitzylady said...

Proud of Adam for associating himself with the Friend movement...

Anonymous said...

Any attempt to ease the pain of bullying and try to prevent it is worth it. So glad Adam is a part of it. Apparently, all th celebs are giving the "finger" blurred to make the point. Hope it helps.


Anonymous said...

I remember when it was cool to have a lot of friends. Somehow friends became out of fashion and everything became what one could get for oneself. I think a lot of people are out of touch and technology only intensifies it. It's much easier to hurt someone on the web than face to face. I know it's much more complicated than that as seen on school bus videos, etc. We have to start somewhere and this site is as good a place as any. Peace and light good friends!.........nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I remember when I grabbed DELl -A first thing every
morning to check out this site to see if I'd missed any good news or fun conversations that took place after my bedtime here on the East coast. Sometimes I was still chatting at 2:00 a.m. Because we were all feeling silly at the same time. Those memories are getting dim. Now I don't even check daily.....too disturbing. I suppose I am one of the " regulars" who are drifting away. When did being a regular become a bad thing? I suppose a regular is a person who uses a's just for we can ask or answer a question or
share something we think might be of interest. There were some detractors who considered those with tags were a clique to exclude Anon's.....that was far from the case as we asked people to pick a tag and join us. Any silly tag would aren't giving away your identity.
Our so called clique or circle was huge, we had blog
friends in Norway....Finland....Sweden....Spain....NZ....Australia.
Ireland, U.K., The Azores. So many have moved on and now I find myself less eager to participate. I miss the good natured nonsense we shared.

I think @ nancdruuu2 is right, it's easier to say hateful things to someone you don't have to face. But why say hurtful things at all? Would it be possible to turn this site around adopt the new "F" word and try to be friends instead of trying to out snark each other?..........JAK

Anonymous said...

@JAK - I miss your humor and good common sense. It's nice to see your tag again! We all met here because of our love for Adam and his music which is a good thing. People on this site come from many different cultures and I think sometimes comments are just misunderstood. I enjoy learning from others' life experiences. I try to ignore the negative posts. Real life is hard enough as we all know. Peace to All!

Anonymous said...

Was Adam featured on E-News for this campaign if he was I missed it I checked it several times.the same old things was on there.

Jadam NZ said...

Yes, he was featured but it was just a fleeting glimpse to high light the new "Friend" campaign.Blink and you would miss it.

funbunn40 said...

@12:55AM,@JAK and all that miss the friendly banter about all things Adam and the many countries represented here, along with a number of males that contributed to interesting insights as well as joining in the light hearted sharing of thoughts. Real life can be challenging with losses, illness, job worries, etc.and sometimes we just like to be a part of a comraderie that makes us laugh, feel good or learn something, leaving those challenges behind. We also came to know a little about each other, to care or miss someone that we didn't hear from for awhile. Those times were enjoyed without rancor or cruel sniping. It slowly has disappeared and I also have had to take a break when it became too ugly or filled with senseless bickering and name calling. I would love this site to return to a happy, fun filled place again, welcoming new fans and having some level of respect for opinions that come from well intentioned thoughts, even tho' they may differ. I don't know how to say it any other way, but hope the"F" word meaning friends will become a part of this site once again. Maybe one that Adam would be proud to visit. I also would love to see the word troll fade away and not so quickly be directed at someone who just may not like Adam's wardrobe or hairstyle that day, not a travesty, just an opinion no worse than someone liking or not liking broccoli. The ones that outright makeup a falsehood about Adam or the people in his life to just destroy a thread hopefully will reconsider or go elsewhere where they might be appreciated by like minds. Creating ill will and stress when the world is filled with it seems like a waste of energy and is just depressing. It's why so many reasonable, pleasant people have left. I miss them..

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40........JAK here.......bless your heart, you gave me my first laugh of the day......broccoli! I have despised broccoli all my life, but have not let that affect my pursuit of happiness. From now on if Adam shaves any portion of his head or doesn't shave his face or dates a porn star I will not stress out, I will just remind myself I have lived thru 5 wars.
Given birth twice, survived brain dead politicians and vast numbers of ill informed fellow citizens and just think broccoli! Broccoli will be my rallying cry. From now on I will call Melvin ..... Broccoli.....and get on with my life!

May I say I have missed you a great deal? Does that sound too mushy?......I don't care...."Friend". : )

funbunn40 said...

@JAK, I love Broccoli! Something to agree to disagree about with laughter! You are indeed one of the treasured ones that always have something worthwhile and fun to share! Thanks Friend! :))