Enhanced Picture: Adam Lambert and his friend Bridger spotted sitting in the front row at Evita LA (6-4-13)
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Thursday, June 6, 2013
Posted at : Thursday, June 06, 2013
VIA @lilybop2010 and @ThatGirl_V

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That's the row I always want to be in.
This is old news already! It seems they are having fun together and maybe something more is evolving by the time. Not it's easier when Adam's boyfriend is from the same town and speaks no-broken English. Maybe that could be a name of Adam's new song?
(Btw I heard Sauli speaking English and I LIKED it. It was cute.)
There must be something wrong with my eyes because I can't see what Adam sees in this new boy.
I just can't.
Nobody is asking you to see anything in him. Way to make a judgement of a person based on a couple of photos. Please give us the link to your photo album so we can pass judgment on you. Because if we do it from just your comment it isn't going to be favorable.
I think he is cute, has a pretty face and he is just Adam's type physically. he likes to dress up and photograph fashion and go to the same kind of clubs. They seem a good fit on first glance. Adam always goes after the cute young guys rather than someone older or more accomplished. And just because they are dating doesn't mean it's going to become anything serious so who knows.
Adam's "dates" are being judged on appearance alone. We know Adam gravitates to a "type", but that's surface attraction. His true love may be nothing like his "type".
My BFF was a knockout beauty and married a runty little homely guy who was a pilot on Air Force One for 2 presidents, spoke 4 languages, was a fascinating person, a great dad and her eyes still sparkle when she talks about him though cancer took him 22 years into their marriage.
Can we let Adam decide who is and isn't right for him ? He has to find out what these guys are like behind their face. Adam is not just a face, he's so much more....as most of us keep flailing on about! lol......JAK
Once again, making a comment isn't trying to interfere with Adams dating habits. Lol so annoying to continually read these little lectures from our grannies.
@4:59 PM,
Holy cow!!!! That's freaking funny!!:) I just wet my pants indeed!!:)
I laughed so hard with your comment....LOL
That's perfect!!!!! You Rock dear!!:)
If this picture enhanced I cannot see anyone enough to decide if he's cute or not. Anyone who doesn't believe Sauli knew a good thing when he saw it has blinders on. Let's just hopecAdams enjoying himself.
I agree with you JAK! Sometimes your real true love could be staring you in the face and you're not even aware of it because you're "looking" for someone else. Few are lucky enough to know when they have found true love. Most only know when looking at their past and then it is too late. Hmmmmmm, then again, you might still be wrong.
Time to take my meds!
Is that Sutan behind Adam, he seems to be where ever Adam shows up.
Whenever Sutan is mentioned, I think of America's Next Top Model. Does anyone here remember him from that show? He was the makeup artist for the models for years.
@ 5:33 P.M.....JAK here
Nor was my comment made to limit anyone else's comments. The point of my comment was that unless we know one of these guys personally we know nothing other than what we see.
Thankfully I am not your grannie, but I do want to point out that it is never necessary to read any annoying lecture from me....or for that matter any comment I make...because as you can see my tag is prominently displayed to make it easy to scroll on by whenever you see it. So honey, just scroll on by!
Yes, I remember him Anon 5:57PM! He was on there for quite a while, but still seems so young! I like him a lot!...........nancdruuu2
BC looks like a scrambled up version of Drake and Cheeks.
Anon 5:33 PM
Mark my words - when you are a bit older or at least a bit more mature and you have no grannies left in your life, you bitterly regret your words... When that day comes, hope you remember what you said today!
Not PC but confess, I chuckled... scrambled up version... He-he!
Anon. 5:33 pm
Speaking as a Grandmother of 3, if you have a grannie, send her my condolences.
JAK, I scroll over most comments, but I never skip yours. I don't know you personally, but I think I love you!
Surface attractions is what it takes to appeal to Adam, I doubt he would date anyone who wasnt cute or small or what he says he prefers in his lovers.
Physical attractraction is always the first step but it never stops there.
Of course, Adam should be physically attracted.
Look what he has to offer!!!!
Hope Adam is having a lot of down time fun. Sauli is still looking for someone he can trust, a quote from one of Sauli"s blogs.
Yes, but if something happened to take away Adam 's good looks would he be less able to find someone to love him?
If someone he loved was disfigured would he stop loving them? Now where did I hear this recently?
Love Wins Over Glamour?
4:59pm :) Hee! Hee! love your comment!
@ 6:47P.M.....JAK here....I thank you. : )
As we grannies would say...What the world needs now is love sweet love, that's the only thing that there's just too little of.......oh, it's heading toward 2:00 a.m. and I'm falling asleep sitting up. Good Night!
5:33, it's more the way things are said than what is said. I'm sure if people made comments that were less judgmental (and just saying IMHO isn't enough) people wouldn't get so upset. Like maybe "I've never liked facial hair on men but it's Adam's face so I'll deal until he changes his look again." Or "not my favorite shoes" instead of "what ugly shoes." Get it?
I know it's not all about looks and you should judge a person by the content of his character but you can't ignore the looks, either when it comes to choosing a partner. I checked his instagram pictures and I could find only one or two photos that could be characterized as 'nice' or 'happy'. He portrays himself as a cool and callous type of person and def not a nice guy, which I think is a sign of immaturity and/or his character.
I'm not saying that Adam should do anything to please me but I think he could do a lot better. This guy's got the looks of a silent movie villain or a travelling salesman.
Or perhaps Adam's stopped doing nice because there might be some sort of problem there when all the nice ones seem to walk out of his life.
@11:36 Brigger is 24 years old club kid and he is developing from that stage like Adam. As we know Adam was also a club kid. That's surely one reason he finds Bridger attractive.
Aw I also looked Ade's Instagram, there is a lot of Sauli and happy pictures. Ade seems to be such a nice guy but are they boyfriends. When I saw Ade's instagram I would say yes but who knows...
Some fans are so happy that Adam and Sauli are probably in the same event tonight. I hope Adam is with Bridge and Sauli with Ade and we would have a happy group picture <3
And I checked out Adam's instapics and not very many smiles or happy pics there either, so perhaps those two go well together, anyway at some level.
11:36, did you just say traveling sales people are evil villains? Because I have some friends and family that will be insulted. But considering you are judging someone by their instagram, I shouldn't be surprised.
Still remember this quote:
at 2:29 AM
Usually the cover gives you a hint what's inside...
In my opinion and folks don't get your knickers in a twist, I think this guy whether we like him or not is more of a fit for Adam. He's a club kid and artistic and probably loves to talk which we know Adam loves to do. Don't think old BF was too comfortable with Adam's life style. Who knows maybe that's why the breakup they just had nothing in common when the physical just faded away. Like I said just my opinion.
I think this will be one of many I don't think Adam is going into a relationship too quickly.
Jt maybe you are rightt. Adam and Sauli seem to hang with different kind of people. If you compare just Bridger which whom Adam is a lot and Ade which whom Sauli is a lot they seem to have very different kind of lifestyle and friends although both men likes to be outgoing.
Sauli was a club kid in Finland and loved to dance and talk to people too. That's where Adam met him. They said that they had a lot in common. As Sauli's The first time Adam had to go away for a gig after they were living together, Adam stated that he was surprised that he wasn't tempted. That was supposedly when Adam was full of love for Sauli. So he didn't even trust himself to be faithful. In one of Saulis last blogs he wanted to know if there was anyone left in the world he could trust. draw your own conclusions as to what he meant. So sad.
@2:34 but that is not crooked, it's eccentric.
@2:34 AM I don't find this pic attractive but maybe that's not the purpose?
I think it is true that a person with more money is allowed to be more eccentric. Take Markus for example.
at 3:57 AM
Poor Leila, poor Eber.
We got the same type of pics of Adam hanging out with Puja and it didn't lead to a relationship, but who knows.
Sutan posted this vine. Adam in the background. The guy in it looks like a JB wannabe, lol. Where do they find all these wannabes.
We don't know for sure if they are dating anyone or if they are just being friends but let's assume they are; Adam and this bathing guy and Sauli and the athletic hunk who's posted a lot of Sauli pics. Anyway, both Adam are Sauli are involved with very different types of guys at the moment in comparison with their exes.
Adam's guy is some sort of an artist but he is neither cute, nor athletic, and not very good looking. He doesn't seem to smile much. No idea if he's talkative like Sauli.
Sauli's guy looks friendly (pics), he's very masculine with a great body, no makeup, dresses like any straight man and of course his skin colour couldn't further away from Adam's.
It's been said that Adam is into certain types of guys but it now seems to me that Sauli was an exception to the rule. I don't know much about Sauli's past relationships but I know he doesn't fancy very feminine guys.
@3.55 AM Sauli's blog about trusting people handled a so-called-friend who had betrayed his trust for money.
It had nothing to do with Adam!
at 4:42 AM
Yet another sugar daddies and kiddies party.
4:42 AM
Adam 31 and Sutan 40. That kid probably 16.
@5:55 Sutan is 40?! I didn't know his age.
@4:42 AM What place is that? Not a disco I assume. That boy looks to young to get in.
@6:16 I don't know, but Adam was at a club last night. I think that boy looks 18-20.
Still very young and high (or low...) on something.
I would have rather seen Bridger.
5:58 AM
Sutan's BD-party will be June 11th at Evita's. He will turn 39 then if I'm right.
And we will get great pics the next day, yeah!
6:58 AM
Don't worry, there will be pics from that club. I'm sure he was there with Adam.
Adam was liking pics from Bridgers Instagram at 5 am. I don't think he was out with him last night.
7:15 AM
So, he was missing him. Cute!
@jt 3:38 AM
Sauli is very open and talkative and speaks fluent English; you can hear it from the clips from the tv-program he was, and I have some tweet that he "speaks fluently and does not have heavy accent". So, I don't believe your theory about that. And at the beginning of their relationship he said like same things and think much alike about life. They both shared love for music, movies, vampires/Halloween, dogs, children, families, friends, shopping, food, beauty of the nature (at least Sauli loves sunsets and likes to take photos of them) etc. They both have positive outlook of life. I think they had a lot in common. Sauli likes to go to clubs but he said that he likes nowadays more private parties.
But as said, Sauli is maybe too "sporty" and masculine for Adam. He does not use much makeup (sometimes some mascara) and he is not so into drag-things as Adam seems to be. And Bridger seems to dress sometimes to very weird outfits, so maybe Adam likes his style more than the casual looking Sauli. It's interesting to see the outfits of Bridger on the Red Carpets with Adam and on Halloween.
scroll scroll scroll
@7:37 AM Don't forget jogging and most important JUICING :D
@7:23 AM Aw
4:52 AM
I think Bridger is very attractive and has a pretty face. He reminds me a bit of Adam's first love, Brad. And he probably is a better fit for him than Sauli was as far as interests go. But the guy is young and it's unlikely he will be interested in an exclusive relationship for the long run.
I really like Sauli and I will continue to follow him as well. But he and Adam are so history. I don`t think they are even friends anymore. Adam hasn`t like Saulis pictures since Miami and neither have Sauli (or even longer for him). They don`t go together anywhere. So that`s it and I ope happy life for both of them!
@7:53 In his instagram he is using words "Free love" so I think he is quite open-minded when it comes to relationships.
Well I agree Adam and Sauli are over. But they were both at the same party last night. At least Sauli was supposed to attend the party that Adam was pictured at. Not that they were going to go together, and Adam went partying with Sutan after the first party. So not that they hang out all night. But they aren't avoiding each other. I think that's the best you can hope for.
Why are they talking on twitter that Bridger is using drags?
Friends, best friends, we are still very close LOL!!!
Well no one usually stays close to someone they break up with, especially after they start seeing someone else. That wouldn't really be healthy. I think it just means you still care about the person and wish them well
Just mark my words, it won't take long until we get to see Adam in a dress and wearing fishnets. Again!!!
Actually he is going in the opposite direction. He stopped wearing nail polish and makeup
at 10:14 AM
He did? Ok, let's be optimistic and hope there will be no drags any time soon.
Because from then on Adam will be an international superstar in LA only.
I think the person meant drugs not drags anyway. I'm sure Bridger isn't going to introduce Adam to anything he isn't already doing
at 10:39 AM
Doing already???
That might be one of the reasons why Sauli decided to pack his bags and do one.
Lol, right. Like Sauli is so pure.
@10:48 Aw look those eyes and smile. He is an angel :)
at 10:48 AM
He can't be very 'impure' since he exercises regularly and looks very fit and well. And happy.
Lol people who smoke dope can still exercise and be happy and healthy. Pretty much everyone has at one time or another including all our recent presidents. Adam has talked about using hallucinatory drugs before and I read sauli has talked about poppers. I don't think either one is a drug addict or has a drug problem but they are not drug virgins either
@11:53 Never heard of poppers or Sauli talking of drugs. Where did you read that?
@12:22, I have never heard of that.
Actually Sauli is against drugs. Alcohol yes, but nothing more.
About Adam and Sauli having/ not having contact any more, Sauli was at Leila's bd.party two weeks ago and they were at the same club listening to Ivy Levan last night.
Adam and Sauli were at the same club and both tweeted a picture with Ivy Levan. First Sauli, then Adam BUT I miss a picture from Ade with Sauli :( I love those two together and don't believe Adam and Sauli would go back together. After Ivy's concert Adam went somewhere with Sutan/Raja and after that liked Bridger's pics on Instragam. He was not with Sauli.
at 1:43 PM Yeah I have the same thoughts. I know Sauli has nothing against alcohol but I have an impression he has been against drugs. I would remember if he would have spoken positively about using drugs.
I would LOVE to see a NEW picture where they both are, I mean Adam and Sauli. If they were in the same club, why not...
Don't care who they are with or not, just would like to see those two cuties in the same pic... :)))
@4:08 PM
I would like to see that too, but maybe it is too early. The fans would go crazy and start speculating if they have reunited, lol. And these two cuties are wise enough to avoid that.
I too miss pictures of Ade and Sauli. I`m afraid that Sauli might have pissed to Ade posting pictures of them because he is so protective about his personal life. I hope I`m wrong!
at 12:24 AM Hope not. Maybe what happened to Tye when ppl thought he was Sauli's new bf affected to Ade. After that he has not posted pics from him and Sauli :(
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