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Latest Pictures from Boardway Bares 2013 Last Night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, June 24, 2013

Posted at : Monday, June 24, 2013


tea said...

I admire that Adam is able to enjoy what he does and to do what he loves.

Anonymous said...

Pic 1.
Aww, look at those smiles and happy faces, 100% perrrrfect!
Pic 2.
Aww, look at thise smiles, 50% perfect.


Anonymous said...

Is there an epidemic of facial hair on both coasts? Is being furry the new trend?

Anonymous said...

8:04 AM, yes it's a new trend.

Anonymous said...

8:04 AM
Looks like.

Anonymous said...

Coastal scruff has been here for years. On the boards waiting on the big wave. Adam is finally getting his scruff on.

Anonymous said...

If Adam has another tour maybe he could make it world wide strip show, given that he loves going to strip joints so often. Invite all his gay friends along, although he might lose a large number of straight fans so he might end up having very few fans.

Anonymous said...

9:45 Your comment was stupid try for something positive.

Anonymous said...

9:48AM desperate for Attention, so pls IGNORE!
Kill trolls/haters softly with "love"'
why trolls r here ??? to be seen & heard??? STUPID!!!

Adam looks Great & Happy & continue to do what Adam Loves. Love Adam with big Voice & Heart!!!

Anonymous said...

Detect JEALOUSY big time from Anon 9:58AM
Sounds like U want desperately or have Never been to strip clubs:( Feel sorry forU!
Be happy dear , U only live once! & be Nice!

Anonymous said...

Sorry message above is for Anon 9:48AM !!!:
NOT 9:58:):):)

I agree w/ Anon 9:58am

Anonymous said...

What a nice surprise to wake up to. Adam had a secret gig. Can't wait to see full video!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps through bitter experience he has learned not to share so much with his fans.

funbunn40 said...

What is Broadway Bares,an org.of Broadway actors? I haven't heard of them before. Wonder what was occuring after Adam singing the anthem.

jt said...

9:48. You are a fool....

glitzylady said...

Broadway Cares is an organization that among other things raises money: $1.5 million at this show last night...for AIDS prevention, treatment, research, awareness and Equality. Broadway Bares is the name of this particular fundraising event, the largest "industry" event in the US