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New Official Pictures from the LGBT Heritage Month 2013

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, June 04, 2013

VIA LA PRIDE / Christopher Street West:


Anonymous said...

The mustache needs to go. Adam, really.

Anonymous said...

I agree .
He looks horrible in it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He looks very nice, not horrible at al!

Anonymous said...

I disagree. He looks gorgeous and very sexy. Very very handsome guy! Don't be so shallow. Remember why he was there and focus on that. Adam is always stunning because of what he has inside as well as outside. Inner beauty is more difficult to be seen. Please appreciate that in Adam. He has an abundance of it.

Anonymous said...

Of course he looks good but the mustache makes him look older than he really is.

Facial hair on the chin is ok.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when a fan site doesn't have moderation and the fans can't ignore trolls and can't be nice to the other fans.

Milkyway2580 ‏@Milkyway2580 33m
Do peeps in my feed go to Adam Lambert 24/7? I just had a peek for the first time and whoa! >.<

Doris ‏@starr_d 33m
@Milkyway2580 i don't. whoa good or whoa bad?

Milkyway2580 ‏@Milkyway2580 30m
@starr_d Bad way :( Full of gossips and innuendos.. @purplegirll Site called "Adam Lambert 24/7"

Milkyway2580 ‏@Milkyway2580 10m
@brokenenglishx I must admit I read a couple of sleazy thread... they can put PH in shame lol

Susan ‏@lillylane1962 21m
@Milkyway2580 I only look there for Adam news, never read the comments..don't need drama.

Milkyway2580‏@Milkyway2580 @lillylane1962 That's not a fansite, that's for sure :(

'Tout est fini' ‏@Pegs223 14m
@Milkyway2580 from what i have heard it didn't use to be as it is now. guess its like anything that has a comments section 'stay away' lol

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind waking up to that "horrible" face. I would shower it with so many kisses day and night!

Anonymous said...

at 5:00 PM

A few upset tweets from a couple of oversensitive glamberts with no sense of humor.

Grow up people, this is not as serious as you seem to think.

Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures except the third one. Adam looks fabulous. His eyes with or without makeup looks amazing. I love Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert and "horrible" do not belong in the same sentence!

Anonymous said...

I really respect that Adam is truly becoming an advocate, a leader, a positive role model for some of those who don't have a voice or a platform for their undeniable worthy cause. He is just so great and adapting to this role thrust upon him with grace and maturity and compassion. He looks great too. But that's just icing on the cake.

Anonymous said...

Please remember why he was there. Support your LGBT community please. Such a sad situation for so many individuals. Adam gives us hope in our future.

Anonymous said...

I want him back:

Anonymous said...

Danielle and Leila look beautiful supporting their boy:) he has great women in his life.

Anonymous said...

5:08, I know I am not the only regular commenter here who was unhappy with the turn the comments took here a couple of days ago. It was out of control and obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

No one was mean to each other. They just disagreed. Surely that's allowed. We can admire Adam for his accomplishments and dislike his facial hair. I don't care for it, but since it comes and goes, there's no need to dwell on it. We can all agree that Adam is trying to make a difference in public acceptance of the LGBT people in our country, whether he does it with or without "whiskers", who cares?.........JAK

Anonymous said...

I love seeing pictures of Adam. He is simply gorgeous. His mom is very pretty.

Leilani Aloha said...

Agree with Anon 5;01PM:):):)

Adam's taking a break from shaving:(

Like my husband, poor things, they hate to have to shave daily:( get in grown hair & what have you, so Adam must be feeling relax a little to just let it be for a while. Yes it does makes him look more mature, but none the less Adam is still the Gorgeous Adam we all love from day one of AI:)

Just give Adam a break from shaving, ok Glamberts:)

Anonymous said...

JAK, were you not around this weekend? Are you saying comments like these are OK? This is from just two posts this weekend. Read through these.

Anonymous said...

All those not crazy about the stash don't get your knickers in a bunch it won't be around forever. Adam is all a out change.

Anonymous said...

Those shoes lol! Is he wearing green shoes with a black top.

Anonymous said...

I just noticed the green shoes too. But isn't there green in that shirt he has on with all those colors in it. The shoes remind me of the royal blue and white ones he's worn at other times. There is always something to comment about with Adam's outfits. He is never dull or uninteresting whether it is his style of clothing, facial hair, color of hair,etc. And it certainly was an honor for him to receive the award at this LGBT presentation. There is much to admire about this man.

Anonymous said...

They are grey! The shoes

choons said...

I feel so proud looking at him here - we sure picked the right guy to fall in love with. The blonde girl looks like she is about to cry in a couple of pics.

Anonymous said...

If you don't like the mustache, just wait a few days or a week and probably you will see a clean shaven Adam. He does like to change it up. Just when we get used to one particular look, color or style, he is like a chameleon changing into something else. Maybe he just wants to take it easy as far as shaving until he gets ready for the next concert appearances he'll be making this summer.

Anonymous said...

They look like crocs! Green crocs! : )

Anonymous said...

enough of the lgbt already, he is what he is, but let the man sing for God's sake. is it a ploy to detour him in another direction instead of his life long dream of entertaining?
is the music business intertwined with the politicians to see that he gets rewards for everything but his singing? Adam is a great man, seems like his music is taking a back seat. hope he gets back in the drivers seat and SINGS.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:38. I don't look up any link that long, too lazy.
I have mostly been scanning lately, nothing of interest to me
and squabbling is off my list of things to read. I've got a backlog of about 30 books to read and they are far more entertaining. My comment above was about this thread, I did not find it disturbing nor upset my present tranquil mood!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sanity, JAK.


Anonymous said...

7:41 -- Totally agree with you. Adam has now DONE his share with LGBT issues. He will always continue to support LGBT but, Adam, please come back to music full time now and let someone else carry the torch for a while.

Anonymous said...

@7:41 PM

First, someone has to ask you to sing somewhere. If you can get him some performances, concerts, fairs, gigs of any kind we will all be grateful to you. As far as I know we will only hear him sing twice this summer or is it 3 times?
Not nearly enough. : (

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert's career is bigger than just the music industry. He is destined to knock down barriers and make an impact on many lives as a result. With his talent, intelligence, and charisma he can have it all.

Anonymous said...

8:06 -- Well, maybe time to return to Europe, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Asia where people are begging him to come back for more shows.

Anonymous said...

8:06 -- And also Argentinia, Brazil and other South American countries.

glitzylady said...

Gosh yes, what a waste of Adam's talent, time, and be recognized for making a difference in the GLBT community, to be an inspiration to GLBT youth..To speak out against bullying, teen suicide, to be recognized as fabulous human being and awarded the "Hope of LA" award.. And oh yes, to be given the GLAAD Davidson/Valentini Award..And the GLAAD Outstanding Music Artist Award.. Not to mention the Vienna Life Ball opening vocalist, etc..etc.....There was a time when some in the GLBT community weren't quite so supportive of Adam.. I would imagine these awards and honors mean so much to him.

Pretty sure Adam has time for the above activities and honors, which take as little as a few hours of his time...AND put his new music together....I know I'm being a bit facetious here :))) but I personally feel that Adam has much more to offer the world than his music, which is fabulous. I do believe he'll be recognized by mainstream as well as time goes by. And like everyone here, I can hardly wait for the next album...

glitzylady said...

And along similar lines, this is a story that doesn't talk about Adam..but I think it illustrates how things are changing for the better in the GLBT community, and acceptance, particularly among the kids is coming along...the teens, the young adults... And maybe, just maybe, Adam is making a difference...Not to mention, think how his life may have been a little different if he was attending THIS high school now... Love this story!!!

High School Votes Gay Teens as 2013′s ‘Cutest Couple

"In a sure sign of progress, a high school has voted two gay teens as this year’s “cutest couple.” It represents the first time a same-sex couple has been allowed to run in the category at Carmel High School in Carmel, New York."


Read the whole story here...

Anonymous said...

I am sure all those countries would love to have Adam come to entertain them, but, where are the money men? Where are the money men in the USA, I want to hear and see him too. There has to be a demand great enough to get some financial backing. Concerts cost! Recording studios cost!
Song writers cost! Adam's last album was not a huge seller therefore no tour. Will RCA be willing to gamble big on next album? Talent isn't enough. What will give his career the impetus it needs to get going full speed? I don't know, do you? If so, speak up, now's the time!

Sadly, I think Am. Idol might be that chance for him. Do I want him to be a judge? Not really, but it is still watched by thousands of people weekly and he badly needs the approval of that mainstream audience that has mostly rejected him. I think if Idol is bold enough to do it, his charisma might win them over. It's a hard career he's chosen and he entered it with a strike or two against him.

Anonymous said...

Too lazy to c/p past a link. OK, keep your head in the sand.

Anonymous said...

LOL, wait until Adam finds out he has done his share towards LGBT rights. What a relief. It takes up sooooooo much of his time. Just being out and visible is time consuming. Is the homophobia done now too? Equal rights available to all?

Anonymous said...

5.00 pm. That's what you wanted. You want him to look older. A lot of you have been saying he looks and acts immature.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is lots of blue and green in Adam's shirt and his shoes are green. But not the creeper style of the blue or white ones. These have a regular sole.

Anonymous said...

Leila's hair is really long, very pretty.

Anonymous said...

@8:32 and 34......Agreed! Time for Adam to get back on the international roll because by darn he is missed beyond measure throughout SO many countries right now. For heavens sake don't let that gap extend as it did previously between Albums, and I don't mean just internationally.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks amazing. He is the real deal whatever style he chooses to front and under that mustache is the Adam that always was and always will be.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks here like a politician.

Anonymous said...

9 05

Lol the mainstream audience has rejected almost everyone off idol, not just adam. It's just a tough business. What kind of career does kris allen have these days, or David cook.

I think adam is just doing whatever gigs he gets offered to try and stay visible while he figures out his next move.

tess4ADAM said...

Here are some links on Ytube that I found while 'surfing' about ADAM.I LOVED them & wanted to share them with my fellow Glamberts ... also don't forget to watch ADAM on Fashion Police June 10th ...

Hope of LA Award

to be continued ...

tess4ADAM said...

tess here again ...

Happy Valentines Day Glamberts!!

I wrote the titles just in case the urls don't work ... I'm very bad at posting links ... ENJOY with my Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, late to the party, isn't that Danielle, Adam's close friend, sitting at the table with Adam and his mother ?

Anonymous said...

Facial or not he has this thing for women wants to kill each other all the time he!he!

He is gorgeous indeed!!:)


Anonymous said...

He glows in the pictures with the children. I love the facial hair find it so sexy.

Anonymous said...

Don't like the mustache at all but if Adam wants facial fuzz, a REAL BEARD would fill the bill.

Anonymous said...

lets face it..Adam is an inveterate party boy...the only way the party will stop is when they lower him in the ground (many, many, many yrs. from now)..he said at the getgo that he just wanted to earn enough money to have a comfortable lifestyle, and he has done feeling is that he shot himself in the foot by engaging in some of the over the top moves in his concerts and performances..those us who love him..accept that..and I love him even more because of it..but there are alot of uptight, homophobic people out there who do not...I am sure he will be in the business for a long time..maybe he'll star on Broadway..hopefully..a movie..but I won't hold my breath...I want the best for him..I do not belive that he will give up the partying and club hopping..he loves it and maybe he needs least he doesn't sit at home feeling lonely..I love him so much and like all of you, I would love to see and hear more of him..also, if there is another album..he would be doing himself a disservice if he sings again about the gay plight..we all know how difficult it is for those who are gay..I am one that totally supports equal rights and gay marriage..

Anonymous said...

Eww! Those green shoes!

Anonymous said...

Despite the mustache, a few of these photos are keepers. :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't like the his mustache at first,but I think he looks very sexy with it. especially the gas station pics the other day. I like that he changes things up and I agree Adam Lambert and horrible don't belong together. His physical presence just takes your breath away. He is stunning beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

I'm so very proud of Adam! Little did he imagine how far he would come when he left his home after high school. So many awards and honors for Adam. An icon for sure. I forgot to add, a very glamorous and gorgeous icon. Thanks Adam!..

Anonymous said...

Bring on a clean-shaven Adam face please! :-D

Anonymous said...

It's almost seems as if Adam is at a crossroads in his career, in limbo, just waiting to decide which direction he wants to take his music with the next album. Even though Trespassing received good reviews from the critics, it did not do well as far as songs for radio play here in the US. So he travelled to Asia where he is well received and loved by the fans. Then the awards and recognition come to him for his support of the LGBT community and its issues. Then we read about the breakup with Sauli for whatever the reasons. And now we see pictures of him clubbing and socializing most nights. Should we as fans be concerned? Is Adam working on a third album? Are there any appearances on tv shows(I read he will be on Fashion Police) where the public can hear about what he's been doing or about his music? I want to hear him sing again. He is such an amazing talent and I just want the best for him both professionally and personally.

Anonymous said...

If what Adam has achieved in 4 years is not success then what is? I'm retired and by most stardards very well off. I've had a long and satisfying career and my children grown and successful in their own careers. But with all I have, I haven't reached Adam's level of success and neither has most of us on here..........he has fame, more money than I have and the potential to earn much much more. I feel lucky that Adam came along and I get to be a fan of an amazing talent. Who can tell what the future will bring but one thing I know is that Adam is smart and I think he will branch into other areas in the entertainment industry. In the meantime let's enjoy the present and not worry about what will be..........


Anonymous said...

Agree The Third Album should be on it's way. TP received really good reviews, from Rolling Stone 4 stars out of 5 BUT it didn't have any hits. Was it too "gay"?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam has enough money although he like to spend it.

Anonymous said...

I could see adam doing something like hosting a pop culture show on vh1 or fuse channel. I'm not holding my breathe waiting for new music.

Anonymous said...

Only fans who watched or read interviews know there is any reference to OMG a gay lifestyle in some of the songs. Adam said they were songs anybody could relate to and I certainly found them that way. If you are worried about something being too gay you need to take a look at your own comfortableness with people being gay and quit thinking everybody is as homophobic as you actually are.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't underestimate Adam's work for the LGBT community. It would be his most important legacya nd keep him in the public eye for a long time. I don't think he will ever separate himself, publicly or privately, from that community.

As for new music, I do belive an album 3 will be made. TP did make money world-wide. It think his record company will support a new album. I belive that more goes on behind the scenes about all this than we ever see. What puzzles me is Adam's lack of TV exposure on talk shows, etc. Far less interesting guests appear on these shows all the time. Adam has a great personality and has stories to tell and music to share. This is one reason that the Idol judging would give him such a big boost. He WOULD do more TV and that could lead to other media opportunities as well. I wish his management could or would do more promotion of him on TV.

As for the partying, it's what he does. He's very social and obviously doesn't want to sit at home. I don't see it as a negative.

He knows he needs to put out new music in a timely manner. TP took too long. I think he will start working on new music soon.


Anonymous said...

DRG, you are making too much sense for this site. Adam realizing time is of the essence? Adam working without us knowing about it? Things going on behind the scenes? Blasphemy I tell you! Adam as a responsible adult with control over his private life and career and charity interests? How dare you suggest that is true ;)

I think the tv thing is due to they roll through the list of people with movies or music or etc to promote. It has less to do with who is interesting and more to do with how the industry works. I think his management has been doing great getting him exposure around the world.

Anonymous said...

You don't know that tp made money worldwide. I don't think rca will support a new album unless something happens like the idol gig. Without some game changer like that there is no point because he will never get sufficient t radio play or promo for it to be worth the investment..

Anonymous said...

7:05, you running a record label? Didn't think so.

Anonymous said...

8:09 AM
Adam didn't sell any better than David Cook or Jordin Sparks. Cook got dropped and Jordin hasn't put out an album in four years. Why would they treat Adam any differently. If he was working on an album we would have heard something.

Anonymous said...

Adam has more star power potential than Cook and Sparks. He just does. I think his label will take the risk. Just the fact that he is being cnsidered for AI judge shows that fact. He has more international visibility, too. He's very different from the typical AI alum. He needs a hit song. Bottom line.

Anonymous said...

More potential than Cook which is why he hasn't been dropped yet. Jordin has done several movies, Broadway, tons of teen related things, has a high profile bf, toured with big acts. I don't think Adam is in a better position with RCA than Jordin.

Anonymous said...

I prefer the facial hair in his natural sienna tone and not darkened with mascara or whatever he uses. However, there is never a time when he looks horrible....never. As for all his LGBT appearances and awards, I only hope that not only awareness increases but for Adam himself, I hope his music will get some support from that community. He has said in the past that the gay community quite often doesn't support their own in the industry.

Anonymous said...

Adam sales world wide are good! Did he just not get a Glaad Award for among other things continuously being one of best saler's world wide, yes he received one for outstanding Album too! The award was for work in his community but also for continuously being best saler worldwide, that what sets Adam Lambert apart from so many on Idol, he has world sales too, yes he stronger abroad at this point! Looking so forward to new album, he said he was working on one Adam never lied before about something like that, recently said he been working in studio, I think he has already started the ground work and writing, we will get one. The reason he shares less now, 7.05 are people like you! If his sales over all were not good,he would be dropped like DV, KA , LD. Granted LD and DC may have gotten new contracts but were dropped. If Adam was not saleing well he would have been too, HE HAS NOT BEEN.we will get an album. By the way if he was not popular and his music he would not be at every Asian Award not only performing but collecting Awards. He in no way has neglected Asia among the list he popular in he performed in Asia this year and last year! He done several award shows there, durring award season! He goes there quite often he did voice China and now Idol. The album will be out soon as possible and sure he working on it durring the day, sure the studio has different hours artist use it. Please stop all this stuff that in your head, I suspect you are another idols fan, trying to bring us down not working! I trying to post once a day but it actually hurts to do it, so cutting that down for now! Sue

Anonymous said...

@ 9:13 pm......JAK here.....I assure you my head is not buried in the sand. It's busy reading 7 local and 2 national and 2 international newspapers a week (my husband's hobby) , supporting and voting in local, state and national elections (the records of each candidate researched before I vote) . Supporting the political party of my choice financially and corresponding with the chair of the National Committee on a regular may have seen her recently on stage with Adam in Miami Beach Pride celebration. A great girl.

I do not choose to take seriously squabbling on this site and regret that on occasion I let myself get sucked into being as petty as everyone else. I come here for info on Adam's career and in the past to cheer myself up....not much of that lately. If I have scrolled past vicious comments I certainly don't want to go back and look them up.

My life is filled with deciding which charities to support, and family gatherings and having as much fun as is possible to absorb considering my decrepit physical condition. At 77 I am taking college courses for fun, tai chi classes for gentle exercise and planning with my grandson his coming backpacking trip thru Europe and Asia. I just hope I'm around long enough to hear all about it. My head is too busy to spend any time in the sand.

Anonymous said...

Sue, I am concerned for your health to be here posting so soon after surgery. It seems too upsetting for you. Please take a break to heal up for a few weeks. Adam and the stupid comments will still be here then.

Anonymous said...

Ain't that the truth!

Anonymous said...

JAK, I applaud you for staying our of the recent fray here. You have great self-control. I wish mine was as strong. I try to stay out of it too, but sometimes I can't stand it and I put in my two cents. So glad you've been very busy. That's what life is all about. I also have plenty to do with family and friends beyond the world of Adam. I'll be at the San Diego concert in July and am very excited! In the meantime, I have lots of others things in my life. Went camping with my sisters. Went zip-lining in Wisconsin! Talk about great fun!! I also keep up with politics and news. So, Adam is an important thing, but he's certainly not the ONLY thing. Perspective.....


Anonymous said...

@ DRG.....JAK self control wavers frequently. My husband asks me when I stagger out of my room after being here on site..."So how are things in the swamp?" That's what he calls the site...ever since I once referred to it as being full of gators, snakes, bears and was a particularly bad day.

On occasion I reply "Well, I'd feel better if I could bite someone".....he offers with a crooked smirk....."well, you can bite me....but I get to choose the spot!"

I do love that was I lucky enough to pick out an 18 year old, handsome, funny, naughty,
interesting boy and mold him into a perfect companion after only 59 years? I'm a genius!

funbunn40 said...

@ JAK, We are on the same wave length! There is life besides Adam, but he certainly can make it exciting and fun when the threads are entertaining and not spiteful. I also have to keep my "oars in other waters" to satisfy my curious, adventurous nature, haha.

Jadam. said...

There has been lots of negative trash and squabbling on here lately, it seems to be a certain element to
me even tho they are all Anon you can usually tell it is one or two people, who probably would fight with their own shadow in real life, some people are just plain nasty.
Scrolling by works JAK which I do , but its such a shame.
I actually felt ashamed when I read those tweets from others about our site. So sad.
I am sure we all have full and happy lives and come here for fun.
Ive said before and don't take credit for the quote but "If you cant say something good, say nothing at all" It works people.
One thread awhile back the whole thread was people posting under anonymous fighting with each other, nothing even to do with Adam, Cant understand that either.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....if only we could sneak away from this site with Admin of course and quietly set up a new one and leave the troublemakers behind to self destroy.........we would need a name for the new site.....perhaps "Melvin" !

No, I guess that's being cowardly....we'll just have to find a way to enjoy ourselves in spite of an infestation of weasels.

It's been nice having a pleasant uninterrupted chat.........
I leave you with these wise words.....Patience obtains was my high school best buddies motto
......of course we used it when pursuing a current crush who didn't know we existed. HEY, now that I think of it, it could apply in this situation as well. We are all in a sense "crushing on Adam and he doesn't know we exist, except for a few of you lucky ones!!!!

Anonymous said...

testing somehow I can't comment anymore

Anonymous said...

Well for me, any Adam what ever he is doing whether it be public speaking, winning awards, fighting for a cause or singing is great. My gosh people, Adam is destined for greatness (what-ever that may be) and as a fan I support him beard and all! OT: I hate rap, but heard a new song today on billboards hits 1 on 1 (sirrus radio) where all the artists make or break it pretty much lol. Gosh, I wish I remembered the artist (group), but talk about a pro gay song, the lyrics were fantastic, bold, you name it. I said to myself, this song needs to chart all the way to the top- It's a game changer just like adam's outlaws of love but this song says even more. I so hope it's a hit and it will bring in a whole different relm of people.

Anonymous said...

No nail polish for a change.

Funny photos said...

He looks very nice

funny dog pictures said...

Awesome post,, i like it