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New Pictures: Adam Lambert getting gas

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, June 3, 2013

Posted at : Monday, June 03, 2013

Adam Lambert getting gas for his car in West Hollywood, California on June 3, 2013.

Source: zimbio


Anonymous said...

Nice legs, BB!

Anonymous said...

This is blueeyes I have been voting on peoples alot & the numbers stay the same.This is not right Adams should be going up alot.Wendys change when I vote on it.Adam does need all the votes he can get.

Anonymous said...

Adam gives the cutest tutorials. First how to feed a parking meter and now pumping gas.

Anonymous said...

Adorable Down to Earth Cutie pie Adam!!!:):):)
Pumping gas:)

Anonymous said...

Such adorable long arms and shoulders, not to mention his cute little legs!:)

Anonymous said...

Great to see Adam out and about. Cannot get enough of pictures of Adam.

Anonymous said...

What a burden it must be for Adam to have to try to always look like a STAR. Stand straight, look sexy, look macho, look pleasant, suck in stomach, chest out, just a few of the things that must go through Adam's mind while he is at the gas pump being photographed. There is just no more privacy for him, such is the face of fame. He does a great job of handling his stardom!

Anonymous said...

He is usually extremely stylish but somehow he can't get it right with shorts, they are always too wide for him, resembling a skirt rather than a jogging outfit.

And a bit more muscle on the arms wouldn't be too bad either.

But the rest is more than fine!

Anonymous said...

Why do I never see this at my gas station?

Anonymous said...

These pictures makes my day indeed!!:)

He's casual things to do and still look FIERCE and EXCITING....


Anonymous said...

Adam's tweet to WW in reference to her view about American Idol:

@adamlambert: @WendyWilliams How YOU Doin? ;)

Anonymous said...

BTW check out the following video where WW mentions her recent poll having Adam as AI judge:

Anonymous said...

Great pics but Melvin needs a permanent holiday.

Anonymous said...

Adam loves baggy britches and I love them too. <3

Anonymous said...

Hi, everybody thank you for your concern! I did have to have a 5 way bypass. When they got in there to do stints found out it was all blocked up, no stints but bypass. Got on 28. Just got home from hosp.on the third.i still in a lot of pain.first time could check here, to all who were concern thank you so much. Life is short and can be taken away from us very quickly, the site is for the love of Adam L. And to support him, it's his site for him! Love to all who are my friends, I missed you. I not gonna post much until I stronger to weak and still in quite a bit of pain, it was so bad because of my bad back made it really bad, would have been anyway! Love you, Sue

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that J.LO, Keith Urban, Jennifer Hudson, and Adam Lambert is who the producers of American Idol are trying to get for the upcoming season. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Gosh Sue... get well soon ! Thanks for your update... you have a big heart !!

Anonymous said...

Oh NO, not JLo again on American Idol. Her 1st effort at judging was abysmal. Maybe she's missing the attention.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's sneakers.

Anonymous said...

3.11 thank you! Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue you better take of yourself. There are bunch of us on this site will kind of monitor things. Get well soon! Listen to Adam's music for speedy recovery. Send you light and love!

Anonymous said...

Get well soon Sue.....

Don't worry about anything here right now your health is more important than reading some BS from not so real fans here....

It's still under control he!he!
Take care...


Anonymous said...

I'm voting but Clay 's numbers are higher . .I don't think people are voting for Clay . .just voting against Adam . .trolls . . just don't have anyone as great as Adam to follow so they sabotage our fun!

Anonymous said...

So good to hear from you I've been worried about you ... sounds like you've had a a hard go of it.....please take care of yourself my glambert sister ....and join us when you fell like it....peace light and love....rose petal

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add might becareful looking directly at pics of Adam till your better .... I don't know about you but he makes my heart race....and that probably wouldn't be good for you... Lol.. .get well ....:)...rose petal

Anonymous said...

I too think that those who are voting C.A are not necessarily his fans. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I believe some people, and even in this fandom, vote against Adam because they don't want Adam to get the job. You know, what about the band..

Anonymous said...

Going hiking? Good boy.

Anonymous said...

Guys - don't diss J-Lo. I always thought that the reason Adam didn't get on the panel was because she quit. They wanted her (Latina/girl), a country guy to replace Steve, Randy (an African American) and a contestant judge. When she left they went to ground zero and re-thought the whole panel.

This is the first panel that sounds demographically appropriate and is made up of get-along people. Plus if they don't get her, they may go to Ricky Martin.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was wondering about the hiking comment. Was going to say more like cycling. But jogging makes sense. He's really thin right now.

Anonymous said...

wow!Clay has 58% now and BB is down to 39% on the People Poll ): Lots of Clay fans must have have voted all night.That's great that Adam won the Wendy W. poll at 70%,but I hate to see Clay get that far ahead of Adam on the People one):..wonder how long it will last?does Clay even want to be a judge?I didn't think that Kelly C. wanted to be one.Oh well,I'm gonna vote some more for BB after I come back from my doc's app. today.Please,let's keep trying to get in more votes for Adam,ok?He still looks sexy pumping gas!

tea said...

Wonderful Beautiful pictures of Adam. Thank you Admin! for posting them.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks fine just as he is here. He's casual, comfortable and cool. How else should he look going for gas or out on errands? He doesn't have to be "sylish" every time he goes out to do normal everyday things as we all do.

Anonymous said...

What, do the paps follow Adam around? I've never seen paps at gas stations in West Holllywood LOL! I don't live too far from there and I've never been lucky enough to run into Adam anywhere ( I can dream can't I?) I've hoped for a Whole Foods encounter but no such luck :). He's such a cutie pie, baggy shorts and all.

Welcome back Sue! Take good care of yourself. I miss your passionate posts about our dear Adam.


glitzylady said...

Glad to hear your surgery is behind you and you're on the road to recovery. Take care. Healing thoughts...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe there are no comments oh his shirt! Sassy Adam! Ha

Anonymous said...

First of all, welcome back, Sue! We're glad to hear from you. Please take it easy and get your strength back.

I've been voting on the People poll and I agree that it's probably lots of anti-Adam voting going to Clay. Well, this poll certianly does NOT determine who will be picked. I hope the poll people realize what is going on. Interesting WW clip. Sounds like she and the studio audience are pretty down on AI in general. Lots of people are. I wish the judging panel would not be all AI alums. I love at least one non-Idol. As long as Adam is there, I ok. Anyone but CA.

LOVE, the gas station pix! Adam is so darn cute. Love the baggy shorts. That's how guys wear them. He has cute legs. I can never get enough of AML.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for drawing my attention to the shirt I didn't even read it I love it;):):)..,rose petal

Anonymous said...

Looks like he's definitely headed out for some kind of exercise -- Adam has said he only wears gym shoes for that kind of activity. The longish athletic shorts are what my teenage sons wear when they work out -- pretty standard attire for young men.

On another topic, it bugs me when people comment on things they don't like about Adam's appearance -- they hate the mustache/goatee, they think his arms aren't buff enough, they don't like what he's wearing, and on and on. Even if that's your opinion, you don't have to say it. Sometimes it makes sense to remember the old adage: if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Consider saving your typing fingers to comment on things you LIKE about Adam, or for when you have something clever or relevant to share.


Anonymous said...

shirt? I'm still looking at the skin

Anonymous said...

Please get rid of beard and moustache. It looks gangsta.

Anonymous said...

Ricky Martin would be FAB as a judge on American Idol. He's fantastic as a judge/mentor on The Voice Australia. So JHud, Adam & Ricky would be an awesome panel of judges!

Anonymous said...

Clay might be voting for himself! Seriously, I've voted on the same polls as Clay's fans before and they vote 'round the clock, and some of his fans are extremely nasty - like you wouldn't believe. :-((((

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to start lifting weights. His arms look pretty mushy. Check out the picture KatriUtula just tweeted of Sauli. His arms have really gotten more muscular.

Anonymous said...

Beast in his sexy footwear. :-)

Anonymous said...

Love to get at look at casual Adam. That's the look my son rocks too.

@ Sue
Glad you are home and getting better.


Anonymous said...

6:52 AM
PO to Sauli's site, Sauli troll.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6.52am .... not interested in checking out Sauli.

Anonymous said...

6:52 AM
Not interested in men with muscular arms, Adam has a beautiful natural body. Once men stop working out their muscles turn to mush and look much worse than men who prefer to stay natural. Adam gets plenty of excercise to keep him healthy, plus he's careful about what he eats choosing healthy foods over junk. Sorry but Sauli could never look anywhere near as good as Adam, Adam is a natural beauty and his talent far out weighs Sauli's. So I suggest you go to Sauli's site seeing as your not a genuine Adam fan because this site is all about Adam Lambert and your negative comments are not welcome here.

Anonymous said...

The baggy shorts are all in fashion my son wears these all the time, Adam looks so cute, I love stylish Adam but love seeing him looking casual and comfortable for a change, it's nice to see him doing the same things we all do each day, makes me realise that he's a real person just like the rest of us going about his business.

Anonymous said...

glad to see you home Sue, Get those typing fingers ready.

Anonymous said...

Stay natural?? It' s also natural to have muscles!

Anonymous said...

6:52 (2nd) - don't evah be rude (childish!) about Adam!!! Not a competition, both guys are SOOOO fine looking individuals!
(post a link to Sauli pic, please!)

7:10 - can't you be nice or just silent?
7:11 - same as 7:10

7:21 - both guys are mighty fine individuals, they are not in competition, your comment is pretty negative, too!

Please state your comment in a friendly, constructive and respectful way - opinions differ, no need to fight!

carolynj said...

Sue, glad you are on the road to recovery. You had quite an ordeal. Krismidas @ 6:29 -- so agree. What's the point of expressing critical opinions about another person?

Anonymous said...

Everybody has muscles.
Not everyone wants to enhance the size or shape of their muscles.
And not everybody likes to watch big/enhanced muscles.
Once again, it's in the eye of the beholder!!
Be nice!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all well wisher'! I think ones voting against Adam are the se Sauli fanatics! They probably knew nothing about WW pole. cA people did however, so that shows what happens when just the fans are voting Adam quite sure has more fans! The trolls and Sauli fanatics are always out to get Adam 7.21 so agree! Well I just wore myself out posting, probably my amount for day! That was same S fanatic's correction! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam is a type who looks better in clothes. Especially his long legs are very sexy with tight jeans. I have also long legs which looks great in jeans and I get compliments but without jeans not so much :)In my opinion Sauli has got more manly again after their break-up.

Anonymous said...

Adam's arms are completely sexy to me. Just as sexy as muscular arms. They could smooth and cuddly and huggy.

DRG (voting on People)

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you are OK Sue. Please take care - this site can be upsetting sometimes LOL!
I'm very happy that Adam is not so famous that he can't get out and get gas just like regular people. I think that little bit of freedom makes him very happy! Adam looks adorable as always and I really like the "melvin". Gives Adam street cred!haha! Going from a couple to being single is quite an adjustment, but I think Adam is doing great! He's going about his every day life which is a good sign. My best wishes go out to them "both". As for CA, he always had a lot of fans, but I think they never got over CA's jab at Adam and are voting out of loyalty to CA. But, whatever, doesn't really matter, if it's meant to be,
Adam will be a judge on Idol. Luckily for Adam, he has loads of talent and will always make music!

Anonymous said...

8:32 AM
Sauli always had nice muscles but they are really evident now. Ade also has a fantastic body so they probably exercise together.

Anonymous said...

Adam shorts are fine. He is dressed just like any other young person wearing athletic shorts.

Please No J-Lo!!! I couldn't bare to watch her on Idol again. Just No!

Glad you're on the mend, Sue!!

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous competition going on here. Who is more beautiful and talented. Oh my! But you asked for this, so more fuel to the fire: IMO Sauli's body structure is much more beautiful and compact than Adam's. His butt is better. He has no double chin. Adam has long legs that look gorgeous in pants. He is very good-looking. Sauli is small but also good-looking.

Both are so beautiful. Both have beautiful smiles, eyes, outlook of life, personality etc.

They play in different teams are both number ones in their own teams.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I just think he is the best looking guy in the Universe. HANDS DOWN.I love it when he is au natural.
He can go even further with that ANYTIME!

Anonymous said...

Nice that you are well. Heart is so important.

I may be one of so called Sauli-fanatics. I love him so much and wait always news about him impatiently. But I have also been voting Adam in all possible polls. That he would win every time. I love him too. Should I now stop voting cause I am Sauli-fanatic? Maybe. I seem to be a bad person.

tea said...

Additional pics here

Anonymous said...

Sue you were so nice awhile back but you seem to be back your nasty self again!

Anonymous said...

I am too Sauli fan and Adam fan also but mayby I should rethink that because we are so horrible people. Evere single thing that happens to Adam (negative) it`s our fault. Or is written here. Many people in Europe think that american`s are self-centered, arrogant and somehow sniffy people and I have always thought that isn`t true but now I am not sure about anymore..

Anonymous said...

Lol I think there is only one crazy lady who thinks there are sauli fanatics voting against adam. Sauli fans either like adam or don't care about him, but i haven't seen any who hate him.

Good shot of Sauli's arms.!ALImEpKpDm7IuUw

Anonymous said...

I am also Sauli fan and Adam fan. I love them both. I don`t like argue, which one is better. I don`t always like discussion here. But I have never before taught, that I`m not welcome here.
Now I don`t know, what to think. I`m sad. Maybe is better go away as it has hoped.

Anonymous said...

He looks like Leonardo Dicaprio in a cap.

Anonymous said...

AL has a better looking face than Koskinen. sorry, but true

Anonymous said...

9:01 Sauli looks great but he needs to work on his pecs before flaunting them. That avi of him with his left arm over his head is nasty looking. I never saw a pec cave in like that.

Anonymous said...

This is kindergarten drama ...cannot believe what I`m reading here! It´s like 5 year olds fighting over whose daddy is the better daddy or whose bike has more technical devices!!! Adam is beautiful, Sauli is beautiful, you people are not!!

Anonymous said...

Omg Lol. Sauli's avi is fan art, not a photo.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is just perfect naturally. Beautiful long arms and legs and very sexy posture and face.. He's perfect really.

Anonymous said...

10:02 am

OMG! Are you for real? You need to check your eye sight...or you can jump on the artist who painted Sauli...this is so hilarious!! But I guess you gotta grab on something...

Anonymous said...

Adam has a beautiful face and his hair is much thicker and more beautiful than Sauli's. Sauli's hair is starting to thin and it's starting to recede and his forhead is too wide, not a good look. Adam in some of his latest pics with his stach reminds me of Clark Gable, he is ultra sexy, very classy, intelligent and totally charming, not to mention his amazing talent.

Anonymous said...

That may be true, but bald Sauli...sizzling hoooooot!!!!LOL!

Anonymous said...

And bald Adam....not so hot! LOL!

Anonymous said...

i think that both adam and sauli are beautiful in their own way. u cannot compare their looks or body structures at all.
those photos of adam are others already have said, he`s just perfect naturally. i don`t think that i look this good when getting gas, at least not wearing such outfit :-)
but i also like sauli`s body, face and smile very much, he`s really, really hot :-)to me he`s perfect, too.

Anonymous said...

at 9:01 AM

Well said.

I love them both but they're not saints and therefore I think it's ok to voice differing opinions, too.

Correct me if I'm in the wrong but I've got the impression that it is the older fan base that gets more easily upset if they read something they do not agree with.

Personally, I don't mind arguing at all, it makes the site much more interesting. :D

glitzylady said...

I adore Adam. I also think Sauli is a great guy. Both are beautiful in their own ways. I seriously do not appreciate disrespect for either of them. I would hope that fans who love both of these two sweet men are welcome here. But PLEASE....RESPECT for both of them. I've been following Adam for over 4 years, and Sauli since he met Adam and I see no reason for bashing either of them. I've stayed silent on this issue but am tired of the bickering here and downright ugliness that appears at times. I suspect that both Adam and Sauli have seen enough BS since their break-up to make them both much less willing to share any parts of their personal lives with their respective fans. A few people throwing s*** at either of them can ruin the fan relationship that was once much more open, particularly in Adam's case. The reality of being in the public eye I suppose. Lets perhaps think before we post....

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Sue. Thank God you are once again among us,as I have missed your inimitable crazy fandemonium. Through tears of joy and frustration in the glow of Adam, we have shared moments that make up a social part of the animal that this hermit did not think to possess. "Live and let live" is not easy to do, but I've learned not to take seriously the debris that our lightning rod of a Muse will attract from time to time, but then that's part of the Adam mystique--what I didn't know he could inspire just from being who he is, and why we fans go to the lengths we do to even our own amazement and, yes, pain. But, as Adam would say, focus on the positive and we will all be saner and healthier. Let Adam's lightning rod warm and light ways; it burns only if we get too close. Take care and be well, my Glambert friend. atm

Anonymous said...

10:02 Ha,Ha that is fan art but it really captured the real him.

Anonymous said...


Very wise words you wrote :) Thank you! I first got to "know" Sauli and then Adam. I have respect for both of them and I do find them human and certainly not flawless. I`m sometimes worried about IMO unhealthy worshipping. To me there is one God and it´s not either Adam nor Sauli :) Good day /night to everyone:) Peace!


Anonymous said...

Who really cares how Saulisvarms look? Just asking

Anonymous said...

Hey I know something for a fact that is undeniable!!! Adam sings better than Sauli and Sauli speaks Finnish better than Adam...sorry couldn´t resist!:D

Anonymous said...

"Lets perhaps think before we post...."

Lol, let's perhaps stay off the internet if we are the overly sensitive type.

Anonymous said...

What kind of shorts are Adam suppose to wear? The Sasah Cohen type? Ha I could care less what Sauli is doing these days and an sick of reading about him on Adams site. One would think he got enough celebrity from Adam already.

Rebecca said...

i want to go for a ride in his car that bad boy is sweeeet!!!! oh and he totally has great legs

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:47 AM
Being "overly sensitive" has nothing to do with being rude and disrespectful. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

10_45 AM

I do! And I've seen many in social media who care. He is HOT!

(And Adam is HOT too, ofc, lol).

Anonymous said...

10:52 AM
So, don't read. Ignore. There are lots of Adam mentions in Sauli's sites and sometimes I'm sick of it but then I just ignore. But I do care about both of them, most of the time. Not when Adam is just partying w porn stars and models but when he is creating music. And about Sauli anytime (his my first love when compared to Adam).

Anonymous said...

Enough with the Sauli Adam saga. Its over, its done, its in the past. Cant you just put it to rest now.They have. 10.52 Am Since when did it become illegal to socialize?

Anonymous said...

Its quite sad how you guys are fighting eachother on who is the better person. Adam and Sauli are great people. Stop with name calling, comparing and accusing.

Anonymous said...

my 20 yr old nephew wears pants like the ones Adam has on but wears them down in the back and his underwear is showing. Not a good look in my book. Oh youth.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sue very happy with his return, wishing him an excellent recovery!
To speed its reestablishment sweetly .... HH ..

choons said...

Love the second to last pic. haha
And loose pants are a healthy alternative to the nice tight jeans Adam treats us to. Gotta let them breathe ...
His arms are fabulous - wouldn't change a thing about him.

Anonymous said...

Also Read: Ryan Seacrest, Simon Cowell React to Mentor Mike Darnell's Fox Exit

Clarkson has been floated as a candidate since the news broke in May that "Idol" was looking for a panel of alums for Season 13. Both insiders confirm that she has been contacted by the show to gauge her interest, though her reps confirmed again on Tuesday that "Kelly is not doing 'Idol.'"

We also hear that Adam Lambert and Clay Aiken, two other names floated as possible former contenders-turned-judges, have not recieved offers. Though one of the individuals we talked to said that if the show actually moves forward on an all-alum panel, then Lambert is the show producers' top contender.

Another option would be having just one former contender return -- maybe keeping Urban and finding one or two other artists. And by the way, if the show does decide to go with just one alum, then Clarkson makes better sense as the No. 1 choice, which may further explain why Fox is holding off on fully executing Hudson's agreement.

Anonymous said...

It's really a treat to see Adam in normal daily activities. He Is human afterall. Haha. I love him so much. He is my obsession/addiction and I don' want a cure! Sauli is handsome too, Adam wouldn't pick an ugly guy. Hope they wil remain friends always.

Anonymous said...

It must be so annoying every time you do something as simple as getting gas in your car have paps. snick behind you taking pictures. Sometimes I want to run them over when all of a sudden they jaywalk unexpectedly in L.A. streets.

Maybe Adam's fansites should stop posting paps. pictures and videos. Adam looks very unhappy in these pictures. :(

Anonymous said...

Finally some words from Sauli in English (starting at 12:15)

I really LIKE his English :D

Anonymous said...

@1:03PM In case you haven't noticed, this is Adam Lambert 24/7 news website. Please go to the following link and post your news about Sauli in this fan forum:

We appreciate your cooperation and respect in this regard. Love & Light!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mike Darnell went to same school I went to, same years, CSUN. I wonder if I ran into him going to classes!

Anonymous said...

10.39 thank you Sweetie for the lovely words. I think I came off wrong in what I said I do not feel well! First of all I not in the least bit crazy. I have nothing against Sauli K. Not him, making unkind comments about Adam do no believe he ever would! First thing I saw when I came back here to check, was unkind things about Adam from people who are more Sauli fans than Adam's! Yes I do believe some Internet trolls that follow Adam around are voting against him, just because. If anyone name was down there against Adam they would, if hitler's name was down there they would even tho he dead! Again I apologize for Sauli fanatic thing. It not necessary to pick one over the other. I wish them both well! I will just skip over lol, comments they are never kind ever. I not well enough to argue so I will just stay off if here for couple weeks or months, just let everyone else flail, if they choose too! Adam looks great, it would be nice to get a bit of privacy. But I guess worry more if there not taking picture! I think the CA thing is much to do about nothing. Sounds like Adam is the front runner if they go with alums, but who knows with Idol, best to just wait and see! Again thanks to all kind people here! Sue

Anonymous said...

Aw Sauli's English is too cute not to like :D

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't look sad or unhappy, he looks like the rest of us when we are doing mundane errands like getting gas.

I'd sure like to glance over at the next pump and see Adam there!

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't look sad or unhappy, he looks like the rest of us when we are doing mundane errands like getting gas.

I'd sure like to glance over at the next pump and see Adam there!

Anonymous said...

once the lust burned out, there was nothing there to build a relationship on.

tess4ADAM said...

Hi Sue! Welcome back! Take your time recuperating ... don't rush it. My brother had five bypass surgery last Sept. & is doing well ... but we have to keep reminding him to take it slower (not that he listens) ... I'll keep you in my thoughts & prayers.
BTW ... don't let these comments about ADAM give you any stress ... above all ... you must remain stress FREE ... Light 'n Love ..

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sue for your apologies:).I prayed every day for your recovery! I am glad that you are back home.Good thoughts on you!

I am a Sauli fan first but I follow everything about Adam too. I have felt a couple of days really sad for us Sauli-fans are accused for everything here.I have never said anything disrespectful about Adam. I have also argued against rudeness from anybody.I have felt many times I should leave because we are so hated here.I buy Adams music and voted all the polls when asked us international fans to help voting. You so called regulars and true fans are respected,very few of anons address to you if you have noticed, some brave do. I still think respect should be mutual. There are finally only few horrible, rude posts which none of us accept. And they post or one posts regularly. Constant accusing of us being trolls and driving us all away from here is bullying and rude. The F -word campaign is for all in this site, you regulars and others. No sense in being silent either if you see such nasty posts that you feel leaving here for good or accusing all of us.Wasn´t it silence that was the source of ignorance and continuing bullying(LA Heritage)? I would also hope Love and Light for everyone,but not only for fellow Glamberts,whoever they are but to all visitors here to make everybody feel wellcome.I am not arguing and no ill will.

Anonymous said...

This is not a Sue`s site, only Adam`s!

Anonymous said...

Sue is an Adam-fanatic. God, why she couldn`t stay away from here, cause she is only bashing some people here! Doesn`t she have her own life at all?

Anonymous said...

Sue is nuts. Just ignore her

Anonymous said...

You don't have to like Sue to be glad she made it safely through major surgery.

Anonymous said...

seriously though Adam and Sauli say they are remainging friends. this is an Adam fan site.
Sauli has his own, so in all fairness those fans should go there.
Or should we shout out to Drake and Brads fans and invite them too.
Then these threads would have 1 thousand comments instead of hundreds.
Adam will have many loves, just the way he is. So look out for the next love of his life, fans will fall all over again for whom ever that will be. Its sad really.
Way to invested.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Anyway, bless you all!

Anonymous said...

I have said this before and I say it again: the comments here tell more about the writers than Adam, or Sauli.
I like them both and have never put a hateful comment here.
BUT I have defended Sauli against false accucations him taken advantaged of Adam or his immature being etc.

This will be my last comment of this subject and I darely wish people could let him,and Adam, continue his life without nasty remarks.

Anonymous said...

Me . .negative comments . .I just pass over . .not worth my time to read them . . who cares what trolls think . . I use my energy to go to polls and youtube to support Adam . . .

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

@3:15am You have good ideas in supporting Adam and skipping over nastiness. Still I have to wish people would stop namecalling (naming as trolls)here too. Then the wish Light and Love would sound better and more real to me. The whole site would seem more attractive
to newcomers.Adam needs newcomers.

Anonymous said...

This used to be a friendly and fun site and new posters were always welcomed, especially the ones that somehow indicated they were new and wanted to join in w the fun, usually that meant having a TAG!
And of course it's easier to say welcome and respond to someone with a tag. And at least a bit harder to call anyone with a tag FAMILIAR to everybody here A TROLL...

funbunn40 said...

Adam out and about in shorts pumping gas just makes him just trying to remain one of us doing ordinary things, wearing functional clothes. He still loves doing things for himself, just living life. I respect Adam for it and am hopeful that he can continue to keep some normalcy and freedom in his life, working and playing with us ordinary folk.

Anonymous said...

2:15pm, I used a tag first but noticed none of the numerous anons commented me, not even when I addressed them directly! It was only after I tried writing anons myself I got people connecting w me. It is easier for anons to comment that way. Very few of them address posts w tags. That is only the fact I´ve noticed in many years writing posts w tag and without it.It is an age thing too. I am anons @4:12am. AND TO BE ACCUSED AS A TROLL IS RUDE!