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Adam Lambert's New Instagram Video

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, July 21, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sydney Glambert's reaction video:


Anonymous said...

how cute she has one nail painted black.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for blowing me a kiss, BB!

Anonymous said...

Yep, that's an Aussie! Oz Glamberts adore Adam!

Anonymous said...

Aww that was sweet of him.

Anonymous said...

Hi from Oz to YOU, Adam. We adore YOU Down Under. :-D

Anonymous said...

Adam is so adorable. Melvin ....not so much.

Anonymous said...

Adam, please come to see us in Oz again, it's been way too long we love you so much, please come back soon.

Anonymous said...

Fans adore Adam from all around the world.
this is awesome, Adam is cool

Anonymous said...

I dont understand this, did she tweet him to say Hi?

Very nice, Adam is so kind.

Anonymous said...

8:05 It isn't necessary for you to understand...just enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Haha guess you don't have any idea either. No one probably does. Unbelievable since usually everyone knows everything.

Anonymous said...

I would like to understand why...