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Another American Idol Rumor Today

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 27, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 27, 2013


Anonymous said...

oh boy is that far fetched.KP is dropping her new album this fall and will prob go on tour. It would be a match made in judge heaven though.

tea said...

I'd faint away if that were true.

Anonymous said...

How great if it were true,but doubt Katy would do idol. Adam and Katy would have great chemistry together though and so the rumors continue!

Anonymous said...

This is my dream for Adam and KP on the same panel iof judges. OMG...I hope hope hope hope it's true! The guy seems to work for Insider.

Anonymous said...

If Katy were a judge I would expect her to be the only female.

Anonymous said...

Time to guess new panel, I'm going with Adam Katy and Simon.

Anonymous said...

@8:14 Why?

Anonymous said...

Because Katy is such a huge and loved star she would overshadow any other female.

Anonymous said...

the rumors are getting kind of crazy now.

tea said...

Be sure and click on the link on the Original Post and read the reasoning behind the rumor. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Great chemistry and it should happen. Katy performed on Idol numerous times and she is friend of Adam. She is worth $20 million. AI ratings will go off the roof.

Anonymous said...

yes now she would be worth 20 million.

Anonymous said...


Clevver TV just reuploaded their Season TWELVE video... I wonder why? Both Adam and Katy are mentioned in it...

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling it was the security guard shooting his mouth off again. lol This has no ring of truth to it what so evs.

Anonymous said...

Apparently a lot of industry people follow this guy including American Idol. He also provides news for OMG Insider. If this is true everything is going to explode. From tv ratings to internet blogs. Are we gonna get this news on Monday maybe? AI tweeted something with #BePartofIt. Adam used the same hash tag on one of his tweets. Oh Universe God and all the holy manifestations please make it happen.

Anonymous said...

omg you people are something else.

Anonymous said...

Trolls having a picnic again. Go away! This is Adam's fansite and everthing should be cheerful here and that includes this rumor.

Love this so much! Idol is a fool if it doesn't make this happen.

Anonymous said...

OMG! That would be so fantastic if this rumor were true. Adam and Katie are friends, we know for sure, so the chemistry would free flowing between them and so much fun. Wish there would be an announcement soon!


Anonymous said...

I just pray . . .

Anonymous said...

Adam and Katy ... not THAT would be worth watching on A-Idol or anywhere for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Ryan promised a "surprise", but this big a surprise?....JAK

Anonymous said...

OOPsy - meant to say Adam and Katy ... now THAT would be worth watching on A-Idol or anywhere for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry isn't nice. Remember how she was with Kara DiGuardi on the show? She was horribly mean. I think they better be careful about their choices. Only clear choice is Adam Lambert. He would be worth millions.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Katy . . .that's a winning combination . .Miley . . no . . Keith yes

Anonymous said...

I heard the panel was going to be Tony Bennett, Mick Jagger and Annie Lenox and Bonnie Raitt.

Or was that Keith Richards, Carly Rae Jepson, Al Pacino and Loretta Lynn?

Elvis, Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and Nikka Costa.

John Malkovich, Meryl Streep, Daniel Radcliffe and Willow ( whip it) Smith.

Anonymous said...

What happened between KP and Kara? I missed that............nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@4:48 AM

HAHAHA!!! I needed a good laugh!!!

What's so great about Adam being a judge with Katy Perry?? Adam YES but Katy Perry or Miley Cyrus - give me strength!!!

Anonymous said...

I think these rumors are rooted in that old clip posted by Clevver TV..I wish so that it wasn't ..but I think Adam and Katy have as much chance of judging Idol as that Geico pig has of sprouting wings and flying sans airplane..

Anonymous said...

P!nk to judge with Adam and Keith - now that would be more than GREAT!!

Anonymous said...

@6:09 AM I like your panel best.

8:15 PM

Anonymous said...

look..they gotta have a rapper (, a country artist (Keith),a pop artist (Adam) and a girl (Jlo, katy, Miley(ugh-cannot stand her voice)..what you think??

Anonymous said...

Geico has a pig and a gecko ?

Urethra_Franklin said...

Whoever suggested Adam, Beth Ditto and Russell Brand---YOU ARE A GENIUS!! Someone makes this happen!

Anonymous said...

I'm okay with Will-i-am, Keith and Adam, but I think I should be the girl....I have over 7 decades of music appreciation to qualify me..,,,,,,,please......somebody needs to represent the grannie guild, a lot of grannies watch the show and like those cover songs the contestants sing!........JAK

Anonymous said...

@7:24 AM Sure, they will be a big help in forming the careers of upcoming singers.

Anonymous said...

I rescind my suggestion....I want Adam, Beth Ditto and Russell Brand too........JAK

tea said...

No! No! JAK, Do not rescind your offer. The panel should be You, Urethra and Adam.

Anonymous said...

Hot Dog with mustard and onions!!!!!.... That would be great .,,,,my husband loves KP..::he's got to double on the heart Meds just to talk about her ..,,,we used to watch idol together ... I don't think he was that in to it .... but he watched for me.., when KA won. season 8 he got mad .... said they cheated and refused to watch anymore way he could resist KP....I'd have my idol buddy back ......rose petal

Anonymous said...

@JAK, is horrible as a judge!!! He has ruined the VoiceUK.
The Brits really dislike him! They'll be more than happy to see him leave!! Also, I must add that Kelly Rowland just about single handedly destroy the X-Factor UK. They don't like her much there also.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:32.....JAK here, I will accept your evaluation, I've never seen him judge. I saw him once on a talk show with Adam and they were both amusing and seemed to have a good rapport.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for JAK!

Geico has a gekko, a pig, two owls, a camel and an elephant! Wonder who, who, who comes next.

Anonymous said...

@July 28, 2013 at 7:27 AM... Naah grannies don't look at girls, they want a hot guy... like Keith Urban or Adam Lambert.. leave the girl to their teenage pals.. Signed, a beginner's grannie.

Anonymous said...

@July 28, 2013 at 4:48 AM,
Thank you for the laughs but I love your first suggestion of a panel: Tony Bennett, Mick Jagger and Annie Lenox and Bonnie Raitt

Anonymous said...

@July 28, 2013 at 6:09 AM.. Dream on with your suggestion of a panel.. but can I dream with you ?

Anonymous said...

Another day and another Idol panel rumor. It does make interesting reading with all the comments seen here about the potential judges. As a fan of Adam, yes, I would like to see him on the panel because I think he would make a good judge with his previous experience as a contestant and then a mentor. The other judges would have to make up a cohesive panel who will get along so we don't see the fiasco of last year with Nicki and Mariah. In the end no matter who the 3 or 4 judges are, there will always be those who are not happy with the selection and will be critical no matter what. And the show should be about the contestants and finding the next performer who will hopefully find success in the music business. It's a tough industry as Adam can probably tell you and finding your place in it today is often difficult and unrewarding. We have to get through the "dog days" of August before we hear the news in Sept. of the new IDOL panel and I am sure there will be many other rumors during that time.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:17 PM....I kinda liked that group myself....4:48 AM/JAK here...
I was a little loopy from lack of sleep when I posted, forgot to tag!

Anonymous said...

Katy and Adam would be awesome. Remember when she was on and wore the "ADAM" cape? That was fun.