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Baby loves Adam Lambert (Only thing that stops him crying)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, July 1, 2013

Posted at : Monday, July 01, 2013

Video By needmoretunes:

When our 6 week old baby doesn't stop crying, there's only one thing that can rescue us... And that's Adam Lambert - Never close your eyes (radio edit) The healing powers of this record are remarkable. Please let me know if it cures any other babies.


Anonymous said...

I cry when I can't hear Adam too.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe a SIX WEEK OLD baby is this aware of a specific song! Just TOO CUTE for words! If you read the YouTube comments the parents say it's only "Never Close Our Eyes" that has this effect on him. I'm in love with that baby!

Of course, I mean Adam.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

The wonder of ADAM!

Anonymous said...

I watched this from youtube and the baby is in the early stage of being a good listener he!he!


tea said...

I think it's mean to withhold Adam's singing from the little tyke.

Anonymous said...

JAK here......Babies need to be sung to and talked to . My g'son was a preemie and the nurse said we could make a tape to go in his isolette. I went home that afternoon and deep into the night recorded every lullabye and children's song, nursery rhyme and story I knew. As a kindergarten teacher that was a lot. His mom and dad and grandpa told him very softly how much they loved him, we delivered the tape the next morning to the hospital and he has never been without it. He went to bed with it playing till he was about 5. It's tucked away with his first baby blankets and clothes and favorite toys.......waiting for his child.

Singing, talking and reading to babies and toddlers is the best prep you can give them for their school years (and life). This little guy needs music, like a plant needs water! Good choice baby!

Anonymous said...

smart little baby there. Don't forget to like the YouTube video.

Anonymous said...

@JAK - What a sweet story! Children have a great ear for music! Did you ever notice that every little toddler can really dance? Little children have no inhibitions and can really feel the beat! Unfortunately, something happens to SOME of us when we get older - we suck at dancing and have two left feet!lol....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Youngest Glambert, how cute!


Anonymous said...

@Jak , thank you for your enlightning story !

Anonymous said...

Adam cures many hearts.

Anonymous said...

This is adorable. I hope the baby never tires of hearing Adam singing NCOE and hopefully, he'll grow to love other songs of Adam's too.

Anonymous said...

That is so cute. It is like the voice soothes the baby. Most kids grow up loving music or a certain artist.

Anonymous said...

About the importance of the human voice to a baby. Many peole who have adopted from European countries where children in state orphanages are fed, clothed but never picked up or talked to or sung to are occasionally diagnosed as retarded when it's a case of lack of human contact that has caused their lack of social growth. My dearest friend spent two years undoing what neglect had done to her toddler and when she was so much improved, adpted another child in similar circumstances because she knew what she had to do to bring that one alive and happy as well.
She's my hero. Brava Nancy S. for a job well done.

Anonymous said...

I`m a teacher and I must say that one of my autistic students calms down and is more open to interaction when he hears Cuckoo and Runnin :)

donnaw said...

OMG! That gave me my smile for the day!!! LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

You should be a bit more careful and accurate with your wording...not very nice to say 'European countries'... Europe consists of many, many totally different countries. I'm sure you know the name of the country where the kind of orphanages you are talking about exist, please don't label the whole of Europe (there is no country called Europe, it's geographical area).

Anonymous said...

Other news outlets are picking this up. Lets get this viral!

Anonymous said...

Of course I know Europe is a continent. I was trying not to pinpoint or insult any country by name and thus be rude.
If you insist, it was Russia! I'm sorry for the orphans who now under Putin will not have the American families that are waiting to love them. I hope the people of Russia don't feel I condemn them for some of the conditions in their orphanages.

Happy now?

donnaw said...

Come on girls.....this is supposed to be a fun site....let's all loosen up a bit.
Spread some love........

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely gorgeous. I hope Adam sees it. Maybe future children's music boxes around the world will contain Adam's beautiful "Never Close Our Eyes" - how wonderful that would be. :)

Anonymous said...


Not really, because generally you sing to a baby to get them to close their eyes! :)