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Ebert Lambert at San Diego Pride

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 14, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, July 14, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam's father is so supportive, loving and humorous. He is an amazing father and his music catalog had an influence on Adam. Ebert and Leila raised Adam together and can be attributed to Adam's amazing outlook on life. TY, Ebert.

tea said...

Hey peeps, his name is Eber, no t on the end.

Anonymous said...

Wow he's getting old

Anonymous said...

Proud Dad........just as he should be!!!!!!!'


Anonymous said...

I love Eber..He and Lelia are awesome parents...Adam is one lucky dude

Anonymous said...

Looks like a rumor goiing around on twitter, that Adam and Queen will be in Vegas in September for the Iheart radio festival. I hope it is TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adamluv said...

@12:06 - and you needed to say that because ....? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

So are you eventually.
Hope you mature a bit before that.

Anonymous said...

12:06 PM,

Are you worried? I hope not......:)

We are all gonna be he!he!

He is wiser than you my dear:)


glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:06 PM
I think Eber is one good looking man... You should see Eber in wouldn't be saying that.. Very very attractive.

Anonymous said...

Eber is witty, fun-type guy. He is so supportive of Adam. I hope that rumor about Adam and Queen in Vegas in September is true. Talk about a broad new audience!!!! Pray.

If we're lucky enough to live a lonng time, we get old. Let's hope we're all that lucky.


Anonymous said...

Eber is a great support for Adam and LGBTQ causes. walk the talk.

Anonymous said...

Adam's dad is so attractive to me because of his personality. He has a very young spirit, and he supportive to his children both Adam and Neil and I love him a lot for that, he is a cutie to me. Sue

Anonymous said...

Since Eber is probably about the right age to be my son, he doesn't seem old to me.........just intelligent, witty and sassy!
I'd be happy to claim him!.......JAK

tess4ADAM said...

I look at it this way ... you either get old ... OR ... and we all know what the alternative is so ..... Besides you're only as old as you feel ... it's up to each of us individually .....
BTW ... my mom is 96 yo ... I keep telling her she's gonna out-live me & I think she might ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

It must feel so awesome and fullfilling to be Adam's parents. They must be so proud of the wonderful man he is. They were and are what every parent should strive to be. Loving, accepting, giving, nourishing, encouraging. Beautiful, beautiful people. They are great role models.

Anonymous said...


Every morning I look in the mirror and wonder who that old lady is that is looking back at me. Then I shower, fix my hair, put on make-up and get dressed. Hubby always says "You're as pretty as the day we met." I just wish I could remember his name.;)lol

curly thumbs

Anonymous said...

the announcement of acts to perform at I Heart Radio in Vegas in Sept. will come out tomorrow 8:30AM ET..Queen is part of it stands to reason that the Monday announcement is that Adam will be appearing with Queen at this event...I still have my fingers crossed that he will get the idol job as well...but since my fingers are so old and arthritic, I will not keep them crossed in fear that I may have to go thru the rest of my life like that LOL

Anonymous said...

Nowhere does it say queen will be at iheartradio.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!! you people are a riot. laughing my butt off at the comments here. i think Adam's parents are in their 50s so that is not old. they are enjoying Adam's success as well they should. Adam has said his dad is glad he no longer has to give him money for rent and things. super family in my book. we should all be so lucky to have supportive parents as these.

Anonymous said...

@2:50 I so hope that is true!!!!

Anonymous said...

@2:57 PM - oh but it does..look up queen i heart radio vegas 2013 - the info is on one of the blog sites..i honestly do not know how to paste it here..but they give the line up and Queen with Adam Lambert is one of the artists on the list...

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine Queen coming over here for a gig on I heart

Anonymous said...

What blog site? The acts are announced tomorrow. The official sites have nothing about queen, and since they are not on radio it is a strange idea

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's parents are very supportive of him, knowing what he has gone thru being gay. But don't make them out to be super duper parents, they have failed in some areas, just the same as some of have with our children. I think Leila has spoiled Adam, in his grown up years, way more than needed.( cleaning house, doing laundry, making sure his toilet paper is in supply.)
Eber has been the one who has always encouraged the drinking, and lost his own marriage over it. We see Adam at bars very often, I am sure for a drink. Doesn't mean they don't love Adam, and are very proud of him, but don't make them out to be super parents, or to make Adam a god that you worship.
The whole family appear to be very kind and loving including Niel. But some of you go a bit overboard with how you feel about them. They are just nice people and Adam has a wonderful gift of singing, which we all love including me.
Now, you can blast me out of the water, I can take it. I follow Adam and family all the time, so don't say where did I get this info from, I have heard it from each of their lips, at various times over the last 4 years.

Anonymous said...

Eber is such a happy and positive force in Adam's life and it explain why Adam is so grounded. He doesn't take himself too seriously. I would love to meet Eber like some have. His poetry is waaay cool.

Anonymous said...

@3:54 PM..I agree with you..NO ONE is perfect..I esp. do not like that Adam so loves to drink (and do some drugs)..but he is not an out of control addict like some have become..I think he is well aware of the fate that awaits him if he lets things get out of control..when I was his age, I frequented the bars and had too much to drink more times than I care to remember..but now I do not drink alcohol at all..was never addicted to it..thank God...For those of you who doubt my comments about Queen and Adam..this is where I found the info:
Google "will queen sing at I Heart Radio Vegas 2013?" then click on "IHeart Radio Music Festival Concert Reviews and gives a list of the artists that will perform...and BTW..Adam is just a man,,not a God..we all realize that..don't we???

leilani Aloha said...

Like father, like son!
Proud, Good looking, Funny, Witty father Eber!!!

Anonymous said...

Unless Queen is coming over for a work related vacation, I would agree that he wouldn't just come for the one gig, with Adam. BUT, he might have something that he said he would do with Adam, that was going to be special , not a tour, but maybe TV. I don't think Adam would be going to the UK right now, with his Glee commitment just getting started. It definitely stated that Queen with Adam would be performing in Las Vegas, either 20th, 21st, or 22nd. of September. No tickets are on sale yet., not which of 3 hotels he will be performing at.

Anonymous said...

That is an anonymous posting.anyone could have posted that. Wait for the official word tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Because an awful tragedy of Cory M. Passing and it's a terrible tragedy, you feel it's a good time to say unkind and unsubstantiated things about Adam. Adam when he goes out he take a drink or some drinks like many, also when he is working on things I seen him with just a water. When he needs to stay focus he does that. He certainly is not a all day drinker, or a drunk. Just because Eber may have drunk to much has little to nothing to do with Adam himself, two different people. Adam went through a drug stage when he was younger, he also has said he not in that place anymore. I do not believe he does drugs at all, except maybe a prescription drug taken to sleep when he has severe jet lag. I reall don't think Adam all that spoiled sure that Leila as always done what most mothers have done I certainly done the thing said for my kids when they were younger. Adam lived I'm a roach invested house when trying to make it when he was younger I sure it hurt her she stepped back and let him do it, as she had no choice. We all make mistakes as parents, they are no different but they are good people and I believe good parents. If Adam has any problems needs any help he got a mother, father and brother that will be there for him all the way. I also been here for four years, I know he has had struggles like we all have. Adam overcome many of those, he doing quite well I believe. Like I said he got that family, if there is anything in his life he struggles with he got his family to rely on, that when and if he needs it. Sue

Anonymous said...

3:54 - go 'a bit overboard' after all you wrote about his family? really?

Anonymous said...

obviously I'm not the only one that thinks Sunday night tv sucks

Anonymous said...

3.54,does it make you feel better to write that awful garbage about Adam, family I would not bother to blast you you would enjoy it to much.

Anonymous said...

None of it is garbage, just truth. You have turned a blind eye to interviews or pics, if it tends to tarnish your view of Adam and his family. I mentioned that they are loving people, and are very proud of their children, no different from the rest of us. A lot of you put Adam on a pedestal so high, that you expect him to be a god, when he is no more than a mortal being. I don't think he would thank you for that. It's one thing to be a fan and another to go "overboard". His family are decent kind people, who have their faults, just like the rest of us.Please don't twist my words and say I am calling them garbage, indeed they are fine people, and Adam is proud of them.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a nice person to have a conversation with. I still think Adam looks a lot like his mother.

Anonymous said...

No comment to the above parenting skills. Vto each his own. Since I have no idea how any if these people live I have no opinion. I do know that Adam is young and single. I believe he tried domesticity for a couple if years and we all know how that turned out. So he visits clubs more often than Whe Foods these days. So what? The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

No comment to the above parenting skills. Vto each his own. Since I have no idea how any if these people live I have no opinion. I do know that Adam is young and single. I believe he tried domesticity for a couple if years and we all know how that turned out. So he visits clubs more often than Whe Foods these days. So what? The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

No comment to the above parenting skills. Vto each his own. Since I have no idea how any if these people live I have no opinion. I do know that Adam is young and single. I believe he tried domesticity for a couple if years and we all know how that turned out. So he visits clubs more often than Whe Foods these days. So what? The Dark Side

lorraine said...

@ 3:54 I really don't think you were trying to be disrespectful towards Adam -or his family, at all.The details you mentioned have come out in some way or another over the past 4 years.The guy can't even blow his nose without our knowing about it,and Adam,himself has been quite uncensored in many of his interviews.

However, when I read the words, "making sure his toilet paper....."I totally lost it and could not stop laughing for over a full minute! I guess I needed that hearty laugh after such somber and somewhat uncertain news over these past few days. WE really need to step back a little and let Adam be our distant star. Knowing so much about him -and et, really so little is quite the paradox!

glitzylady said...

Just a word (or a few more...) about Adam's parents: They succeeded in being good parents in the areas that were most important, in my opinion. Of course no parent is perfect. Its a learning experience. As a parent of a son about the same age as Adam, I know that. We learn as we go. However, I feel that they succeeded as parents, flaws (which we all have..) and all. Early on they recognized his need for outlets for his creativity, his boundless energy, his curiosity, his talent for singing and performing, which eventually paved the way for his career today. And most important of all, they loved him for exactly who he is as a human being. They didn't push him to come out. They waited until he was ready. They let him make his own decisions after high school, make his own way, and his own mistakes. They were there for him when he needed a little help. Its a tough world out there these days. They loved him unconditionally. As for Leila "spoiling" him in the past few years: I believe I read that she was actually employed by him to help him out with various day to day tasks. For instance his fan mail, making sure his home was taken care of when he was away or had a busy schedule..etc... In return, he is a good and caring son. Helping him with his career is a whole lot different than 'spoiling" him. I'd do the same for my son. And have. It's their business not ours to evaluate or judge. Perfect?? Probably not, who is, but good parents as far as I know... They have helped to make him who he is today, and I approve.........

glitzylady said...

And and about the "toilet paper" reference: I can just see Leila rolling her eyes (I would have been..) when Adam mentioned that...and thinking "Really Adam??!!! TMI!!!!" Gotta love him!!!! Both of them actually..well, all three of them: Adam, Eber and Leila.. and Neil too....

lorraine said...

yeah, glitzylady ---That tp comment would have put me over the top as a parent of a son in his 30's as well! But strangely enough, it's also what makes Adam even more lovable to me.And it's those moments in my own son's life that have become more endearing to me as well.

tea said...

Attn Admin, new current pics of Adam and Sauli

HK fan said...

from a Brian May interview

“Krone”: Are you planning new shows or projects with Queen?

May: The only thing we have been pretty ripe on the screen, a few TV shows. One in Las Vegas and one in London. We like to visit Queen play songs with several other artists. We also hope that Adam Lambert is back on board, for we have enjoyed working with him last year a lot. And besides, we’re talking for ages about the Freddie movie. We had been so many problems, which can be an advantage but because you are cautious of it. And because we are very careful, after all we have a huge responsibility to portray Freddie really honest. The job has to fit, finally, we have this one chance.

full interview

Anonymous said...

To keep things straight, re: toilet paper.. After Adam began his career after idol, he asked his mother to relocate from San Francisco to LA where she worked for him at his fan site, helped decorate his new apt. while he was on tour. He wanted her to share in his new found fame and as you recall she was his usual date, meeting celebrities and sharing his success. He got her a new apartment, when asked in an interview what his Mom was doing now in LA he said she was doing "mother" things, jokingly said, laundry, buying t -paper. With all the Adam experts on this site you'd think that reference in an interview would not have been twisted. -o-

glitzylady said...

Either way its just funny, and shouldn't be a big deal, drawing "Adam's mom spoils him" kinds of comments. Just silly :)))))))

Anonymous said...

3:54, I very much agree with you. Some here do paint Leila and Eber as the perfect parents and put Adam so far up on a pedestal he is guaranteed to fall. I adore Adam but he and his parents are real people like all the rest of us. As many glimpses we get inside Adam's life, we don't know everything. I get comments all the time about how great my parents are and what a great job they did and I just nod along. There is no point in telling most people that they are really less than ideal parents and didn't do such a great job. So none of us really knows what the truth is from we see from the outside. About anything.

Anonymous said...

Well said 8:34.

Anonymous said...

11:31 I knew it was Eber not Ebert. But, oh thanks for correcting me. Oh bro. Some people...correct others every chance they get. Hope you feel better now.

Anonymous said...

Adam should be placed on a pedestal and so should his parents. You must have issues being so negative. Sad soul.

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glitzylady said...

And another thread bites the dust.....................

Anonymous said...

3:54 the only difference between you & fans like me is that we realize that Adam & his family are human beings doing the best that they can in this life.Spoil Adam why not I spoil my kids & grandkids every single chance I get & thank GOD they let me do it.Adams parents have been awesome parents but they are human & so is Adam.Are you?------blueeyes

Anonymous said...

My prayers or with Cory & his family & friends may God be with you & keep you strong.----blueeyes

Anonymous said...

I put Eber and Leila on the pedestal for their parenting skills.
Proof is the fruit.

Anonymous said...

11:19 following that logic you would put my dad on a pedestal and he is an abusive alcoholic. What kind of person I am has very little to do with his parenting skills.

Anonymous said...

It is silly to argue over how good of parents they were. Kids with bad parents can turn out good and good parents can have kids that turn out bad. Adam seems to get along well with his parents and love them so that is all I need to know. I don't need them to be perfect parents. Their private business is none of our business.

Anonymous said...

@12:27am. You turned out to be abusive on internet by bullying Adam, now his family, and his fans on his fansite. Seek help!

Anonymous said...

@1:32 AM, I think you are blowing that a little out of proportion. They did not bully anybody, just disagreed with someone. I'm guessing they disagreed with you.

Anonymous said...

Speaking from experience, the only perfect parents in the last century were mine! : )

Anonymous said...

One thing I do know is Leila gave of her time to get Adam to his vocal and theatre lessons for many years and Eber is a rich support to Adam too.

Anonymous said...

Had the priviledge to meet Eber and can say he is one heck of a great guy. Adam is indeed lucky to have great understanding and support from his parents. Neil's not so bad either!

Anonymous said...

Putting anyone on a 'pedestal' is pretty overboard. Adam does have a supportive caring family and in this day and age that in itself is a huge positive towards his success. Self-esteem goes one hell of a long way.

Anonymous said...

5.27 your talking in circles and contradicting yourself. Adam parents are not perfect but good kind people and been best parents they know how to be. Just like most of us! Adam would laugh at your silly toilet paper nonsense. What you described sounds like most loving mom's especially one with a son that entertains and travels. Adam just meant when he started out his mom helped him set up things, while he was on tour. He did things for her too, I quite sure Adam has repaid her in many, many ways.