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Adam Lambert's Publicist Shoshanna Stone Asked His Fans: "Fave Song On The Original High?"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, July 3, 2015

Posted at : Friday, July 03, 2015

Shoshanna Stone, Adam Lambert's Publicist, asked his fans on Twitter today:

"fave song on The Original High?"

What is YOUR favorite song from "The Original High"???? Or favorite SONGS!!! So hard to choose!

Let us know in the comment section !!!!


Anonymous said...

There I said it

Another Lonely night

Evil in the night

leilani Aloha said...


Evil in the Night

Anonymous said...

I vote for Evil in the Night also. Are they trying to get an idea of what his next single release should be? I know GT hasn't been out that long, but a video will have to be made for the next single, and that takes time.

sunny said...

My favorite is the title track, "The Original High".

But there are 8 others that tie for 2nd.

Anonymous said...


Though I don't think Adam's fans are the best source for picking the next single. Maybe she is trying to keep Adam's Social 50 number up. So @ Adam on your reply.

Anonymous said...

There I Said It - hands down my favorite.

Anonymous said...

There I Said It

Unknown said...

There I Said It, Evil in The Night and The Original High

Anonymous said...

TOH, Underground, Rumors.

Dee R Gee said...

Another Lonely Night and The Original High. And Evil in the Night. At least today. I like so many others, too.

glitzylady said...

I'm going to be a little contrary here (my twitter nickname is "MaryMaryQuite ;) " along with my twitter name of @glitzylady so there you go.. anywayyyyyyyyyyyy..

I really like the dance tracks on the album.. They're fun, and great summer driving and getting up and moving your a** songs..
I'm absolutely obsessed and addicted to "The Light", and also to "Shame" and "These Boys" (I know Bonus Tracks are probably not going to be singles.. but love 'em anyway..)..And I LOVE "Another Lonely Night"... AND "After Hours", which I find to be sooooo sexy, especially when listened to with headphones.. (Adam sounds like he's whispering in my ear, singing right next to me, driving in his car...late at night :))) Yeah, I know, not happening... but Phew!!! ..

I really like all of the rest of the tracks, including "The Original High", which I'm guessing will be the next single, or maybe "Evil In The Night" will but, but it's SO hard to predict to be honest..

"There I Said It" is absolutely beautiful: Adam's voice is stunning in that one.. All of the songs are amazing in their own way, to be honest..

Obviously I'm no help at all :)) But I did tweet back to Shosh with my favs..

Anonymous said...

There I said it and Evil in the Night

The Dark Side said...

TOH EITN These Boys, all subject to change of course.

Unknown said...

There I said it, TOH, Heavy fire

sue s. said...

It changes all the time. But always high on the list: ALN, TOH, AH, TL, TISi. EITN. Least favorite is Rumors.

Anonymous said...

ANOTHER LONELY NIGHT. I love this song. Almost sounds R&B, Adam's voice sounds heavenly, emotional, hindsight, a slow burner of a heartbreak breakup ballad. The video could just be Adam alone in his car, speeding along singing. Maybe a whisper of a ghostlike figure, on the road. Just Adam and the ghost figure in the rear view mirror looking back.

RoRo said...

Ghost Town is my fave!Evil in the Night after that!

CeeJay said...

I love me TOH and play and replay when driving. It seems like a great summer song! Actually listening to it now. Of course, GT. The hook is killer. The other songs come into my head a lot. Underground is my fav when my 12 year old is around because it's her fav. I like EITN and ALN. I'm trying to listen to more of the songs at the end. It seems I am at my destination sometimes when it's only partially done. So, I am now getting to hear Light, Lucy is very different and the Brian riff always give me great memories of QAL.
After Hours is my night crusin' song. Always so sexy!And yes, TISI is just a song I get real emotional when I hear it. Adam sharing his evolution to finally allowing his thoughts and opinions to be real and honest without apology. I give props to Tove Lo sharing her time to sing Rumours. I think Adam is smart for putting another person sharing a common experience. The collaboration was a good one, and the song is finally growing on me. I JUST LOVE THE WHOLE ALBUM, SO THE ABOVE COMMENTS COULD CHANGE TOMORROW.

Anonymous said...

There I Said it.... ��

Anonymous said...

Underground, Lucy, Heavy Fire and There I said it. My least fav is Ghost Town

dj said...

Evil in the Night

Anonymous said...

Ghost Town, and 5 to 11 I play over and over. I was on a 4 hour car trip and that is all I listened to- There I said it, Rummors and Lucy my very favorite Thanks

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

EITN And are you guys still streaming #GhostTown.Helloooo.

Magiclady said...


Anonymous said...

Wow evil in the night seems to be the popular choice.

Anonymous said...

Another Lonely Night and Rumors. Duets are usually well received on radio, especially with Tove Lo having a few current hits as well:) I hope Adam has many singles released from this fantastic album!! it seems that artists release them in quicker succession than they used to, so I look forward to the next release!! Unfortunately, I still am not hearing Ghost Town on MN radio:( Cheri

Anonymous said...

I want to add to my list that I think "Shame" is a very clever song -- like (from his first album) -- "Pick U up." I can envision these two songs in a "cute and wholesome" Broadway production or on "Glee!" I simply Loooooove of the greatest talents EVER...and, while I am gushing...I like him even more because he has gone to the trouble to become a more than decent human being. I think his Brother is also like that so I congratulate their parents!!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CT said...

I sent a tweet back to @shoshanna but can't pick just one favorite...TOH, There I Said It (Adam's voice is stunning), EITN, The Light (I'm obsessed cont. on repeat), Rumors really growing on me, ALN, Lucy oh, and of course GT! Still streaming it!

Anonymous said...

I love "There I Said It" and "I am the Light." Actually, I love almost all of them. Adam really did a bang up job on this one...

Anonymous said...

I have worn out THE LIGHT and UNDER HEAVY FIRE. Those two just does something to the soul. The bonus one's are fine. But, all ELEVEN other songs could be singles in my opinion. They are just great. I really wish that this album could be nominated for a Grammy; but, so much completion and perhaps money and politics involved. In a fair world it would be but............ The main thing is this album is the best one I have ever heard and that is saying something coming from me.
I wish everyone of them could be a single; they are worthy of it.

If I had to pick; I am thinking "The Original High" because it is the title track and would probably help to sell more alblums of same name. Then I hope they would have room for a couple more!! Tracie

Anonymous said...

The original high, Lucy, After hours

Anonymous said...

2:45pm here/

Meant to say, so much competition.

Anonymous said...

Well, here I am again. I just listened to the song Original High again and I recalled thinking to myself when I first heard it that IT should be the lead song because it is a GREAT dance number and it really defines the meaning of the album. I just watched the video of him performing it in that club and, REALLY!!! he is wonderful and makes the song so much fun. I can't understand for the life of me why they made Ghost Town the lead song... I hope his marketers are reading these blogs and listening to his fans. Thanx for asking us Shoshanna. (sorry I got carried away responding...just trying to do my part!!

Anonymous said...

Original High is so pretty and such a great summer song. When Adam hits that note in the middle of the song, "HIGH......................" such an ear worm that is so fantastic!!

Love, love, love THE LIGHT and LUCY and RUMORS and THERE I SAID IT and...........

Anonymous said...

I just heard GT while I'm dining with friends at the restaurant and I just giggled!!:)

I love most of the songs but I hope TOH will be the next single indeed!!! Love to dance!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Love Ghost Town. Glad it was the first single. Not a mistake at all. The only reason it is not being mentioned is because it is the fabulous single now. Adam does a wonderful job singing it live. So sexy. Adam has said he loves collaboration but that the singles are his choice in the end. Love Ghost Town. Evidently, a lot of other people do to. Hope some fans don't start trying to tear down Adam's choice of Ghost Town for the first single because they thing they know best! WRONG!!

Hope Original High is next single. But, no choice of Adam's would be a bad choice.
This Whole album is just FABULOUS; jus like Adam Lambert!!

Anonymous said...

TOH...ALN....TISI....are all great, BUT, what do I have on replay.?.........These Boys!
It is infectious, in the nicest possible way. I bed dance till all the pillows fall on the floor and then I dance some more!.....JAK \o/

Unknown said...

The Original High, Evil In The Night, Shame, and Underground are my favorites !!! I hope The Original High is the next single !!!

Anonymous said...

Love Ghost Town and Original High great first single; hope Original High is next! The Ghost Town video hast past 8 million. Great first single to bring them in and Original High will help to nail it. The album is just a listeners dream; can't stop listening t this marvelous album!!

Anonymous said...

This whole album is almost two good to be true!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My favorites if I have to pick are Ghost Town, TOH, THE LIGHT, HEAVY FIRE, TISI, EITN, LUCY, THERE I SAID IT, RUMORS, UNDERGROUND, ANOTHER LONELY NIGHT, TIDS!! I would not throw away the Bonus Tracks either. Just saying!! So hard to pick one or two; just could not help myself.

Glad Ghost Town came first and grabbed our attention; love it and Adam is so sexy performing. Would be nice if the Title Track TOH could be next single; just love it too.

Grace P.

Anonymous said...

Love the whole Album. Adam is "THE LIGHT"!! He is also my musical ORIGINAL HIGH, therefore; my musical heart is no longer in a GHOST TOWN!! Ella

Anonymous said...

Another Lonely Night

And I'm still in awe of his perfect facial features as shown on this pic, for instance. slurp

Anonymous said...


Ginny said...

Ghost Town,Lucy, Evil in the Night, Another lonely Night, The Light, and e very song on the album. I am in love with the whole album.A
Adam has created a masterpiece with his magnificent voice.

Unknown said...

Ghost Town, Evil in the Night, The Original High, Underground, There I Said It

broddybounce said...

So great to see all these comments and the varying tracks that are everyone's favorites! I agree, so many songs on this album are SO good and so single-worthy.

I drive for a living and so mostly listen to the CD in my car. My two most-played tracks (at least right now) are definitely TOH and Lucy.

TOH is so infectious, so happy, so danceable, Adam's vocal so stellar, and the beat, rhythm, groove are all divine. Indeed, this song screams "SUMMER!" and I agree with those who can see this as next singe.

And "Lucy." You may remember Ferras' tweet I posted a week or so ago -- if not...

@ferras: "LUCY" by @adamlambert is GIVING me the most life I've had in a century! Holy shit. In back from the dead!

I couldn't agree more. When you turn this song up -- and I do, I BLAST IT -- it is beyond words AMAZING. Adam's voice on this is out of this world, Brian's solo, as well as bits and pieces he adds throughout the entire song, incredible, and Max Martin & Shellback's production of it, superb. Whenever I listen to this song my whole body tingles, Adam's voice gets into every pore, and afterwards I have to turn off my stereo to recover!

Anonymous said...

evil in the night


things i didn't say

the original high

in that order

choons said...

The Original High, After Hours and Another Lonely Night.
them's the apples for me.

Anonymous said...

Go for the Big Bang Adam and make The Light next single. It has Taylor Swift's Bad Blood vibe to it.

The Original High sounds like Selena Gomez new single and her single isn't doing well.

Another Lonely Night is a good one. Love Things I Didn't Say. Tove Lo is doing great on radio. Rumors would be a great collaboration single.

Love Shame, After Hours, Lucy, There I Said It.

Adair Lane said...

My fave is The Original High. I hope that is the next single. I also love Evil in the Night. But actually I love all of them.

Anonymous said...

The next single should be a song Adam wrote. That rules out: Underground, The Light, Shame, and These Boys (I think).
T H E O R I G I N A L H I G H has my vote

Anonymous said...

ALN, TISI, Rumors, and TIDS are my favs, but I love all except TB and GT.

Anonymous said...

Underground or Lucy

Unknown said...

"The Original High" and "There I Said It" are my favs. Both have HOOKS that are out of this world

Anonymous said...

the original high evil in the night the light another lonely night rumours

Anonymous said...

Evil in the Night

irish1139 said...

1. The Original High
2. Underground
3. Lucy
4. Another Lonely Night
5. These Boys
6. The Light

neetsie2k8 said...

Love the Original High. It's the perfect summer song!

Anonymous said...

I actually love every song on this album!!! The more I listen , the more I love it! Hard to pick But

Orginal High
Another lonely night
There I said it
After hours (bonus track)

No particular order, there are so many hits on this album- why haven't I even heard ghosttown on the radio yet??? I'm really getting pissed Adam doesn't get radio play , half the songs on the radio today are complete garbage!


LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Oh for the days when the DJs played the requested songs from the album ... some of them even played the whole album & asked the listeners to phone in their request favorites .... and their dedications!! Well ... since those days are gone (doubt if an entire album will ever be released again) ... I guess I have to pick a fave ... I LOVE them all ... so in no particular order here I go ... The Original High ... Another Lonely Night ... There I Said It ... Lucy ... Evil in the Night ... but ANY song that ADAM wants next is OK with me ... he's the one that introduced me to Music Again .... and I kinda think ADAM knows BEST!! I thought I'd never listen to popular music again before I found ADAM!!

BTW ... I certainly hope everyone is still Voting at all the radio polls ... ADAM is way behind at iHeartRadio 5@5 behind Selena G. & Demi L. So go give him some votes whenever you can ... unlimited voting ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Jadam NZ said...

OK So difficult, If it is personal fav I choose Another Lonely Night, but for next single I think The Original High would appeal to a most young and old.

Lurker said...

First of all, what a SHAME that "shame" cant become a single. I think it would do wonders on the radio. So playful and catchy.

Second of all as many of you said there are lots of great songs on this album that can easily be my pick for a fav but if we're talking about the next single and the factors such a topic throws into the equation, I think TOH is the most strategic pick right now.

Me and a bunch of friends were driving in my car the other day to a friend's villa for a bit of summer fun, on the way to the country side I blasted toh through the speakers. At first everyone was like stumping lightly, a snap here and there but as soon as the second verse started afterb the chorus everyone was dancing and and feeling the groove. But when bridge came and Adam's voice soared I could swear it was like being in a freaking awesome concert, we were screaming and dancing like crazyyyy!!!

This actually gave me an idea that day for TOH's vid clip. I rememeber these two huge hits in 2001-2003 when I was a teen. "Summer jam" and a french song called "Je t'aime". They were huge all over europe those days along with Mooney's "Dove" and "Asereje". Thething about their videos wasthat they mainly portrayed people having summer fun in all sorts of occassions.


Anonymous said...

My favorites are The Original High, Evil in the Night, and There I Said It. I also love After Hours. :)

PRS said...

After Hours.

Anonymous said...

Most songs take a "hearing" or two before I am able to decide whether or not I like them. But not "There I Said It". It captured my heart immediately, and touched me so deeply that tears came to my eyes. Adam's vocals are one else could sing it like that! Actually, a whole broadway show should be built around TISI!
But the whole album is loaded with "single"-worthy songs, TOH, ALN, EIN. "Lucy"...Brian May's guitar with Adam's voice...Wow! And "After Hours" really sets a unique mood that is addicting.
But the song that Adam most WANTS to sing, and is especially good for performing is what he should pick.... with more to follow, of course.

HK fan said...

Its too hard to pick a favourite...when I listen to a song, I think thats my favourite, then the next one comes on and I think no...this is the best one. It changes all the time. I really love The light too, great beat, and These boys, so catchy. Rumours took a couple of listens but now I really like it. TISI obviously, ALN, TOH, and EITN......pretty much all of them really.

cheri said...

"There I Said It" is for us old school Adam fans. It's a song that leaves you breathless like only Adam can do. TOH is another favorite, but not a bad one in the whole album. Just amazing!!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling, after seeing the fan reactions, that "There I Said It" will be the second single. I personally love The Original High and And Evil in the Night.

Unknown said...

#1 There I Said It. It has been my favorite since the album came out, and it looks like I'm not alone in that opinion! Beautiful voice and lyrics. #2 would be Evil in the Night. Just fun! Great beat

Unknown said...

My top three favorites!

Unknown said...

Those are my three favorites too :)

Unknown said...


Gabi said...

TOH is my favorite song. Love many others - GT, the Light, There I Said It, Another Lonely Night, After Hours, Shame.

Anonymous said...

The Light!

Anonymous said...

The Original High is by far my absolute fave on this album. There are other great songs too but I don't like Ghost Town and the 3 bonus tracks.

Anonymous said...

Underground/There I Said It my favorites. Favorite for radio- Rumors-Should not have been a bonus track(soooo good)-Shame.Rock radio - Lucy.

wilse said...

Original High and Ghost town and def Heavy Fire

wilse said...

Original High and Ghost town and def Heavy Fire

Unknown said...

Just love the track 'the Original High' most. although love all tracks on the album.

Unknown said...

Although close running - 'Lucy' and 'There I said it'. Adam just sings all the tracks on the album fantastically.

Lynn said...

Lynn Stierlen There I said it (#1) also love Heavy Fire as a second choice

Anonymous said...

My favorites are "Evil in The Night", "There I Said It", and "Another Lonely Night".

Anonymous said...

I love love all the songs on this album...the deluxe version...they are favs love all

Anonymous said...


Rachel said...

My favorite is "Evil In The Night" and tied for 2nd place is "The Original High" and "There I Said It". "Lucy" is excellent, though, too- and the direction I'd like to see in his next album with of course Brian and Roger.

Anonymous said...

The Original High is my numero uno.

Also like There I Said It, Another Lonely Night, Underground and Evil In The Night.

Anonymous said...

Great pic!!

Anonymous said...

EITN is my first choice because it is the best one to do live
TOH should probably be the next single, though
ALN would be a good choice because more people can identify with the sentiment
TISI is definitely a winner (would change the lyric and substitute "your" shadow to "the" because it's confusing as to who Adam means)
TL love, love, love this song more and more. The drums really set the tone. The percussion on this whole album is outstanding except for that errant sound in ALN better known as the "moo".
R duets are always well received and this one is great.
L can't make out the lyrics as easily on this one and his pronounciation of Lucy sounds like Lou- cy- yah but I still rank this in the top half of songs in this album. Brian's solo is a killer. I'm hoping for a Queen + Adam collaboration and recorded music to have and to hold because I think it will be iconic.
U comes off better to me live
The rest of the album is outstanding, also, but the next release could be any one of my top four. The top four should all be eventual singles. Since Adam performs the releases live in order to spark interest, the choice should hinge on which one comes off better.

Anonymous said...

More than anything I wish Shosh & Co would TWEET & come up with something CONCRETE how to get even another 10% of Adam's Twitter followers to ACTUALLY BUY the album!

I mean those from that 2,5 mill that have not bought a single copy or not bought it from iTunes, not TEA nor SEA streamed it. The ones that just have the account or just "Like" things. Mere "Thumbs up" will not give us tour!!!

Activate the silent followers, the silent lurkers, the silent fans at their phones and computers.
Getting fans to name their favorite songs, especially in a diverse fandom such as this, is a waste of momentum, precious promotion and selling time!

Unknown said...

Hard to pick one, many I really love, but "Lucy" is my favorite!

Unknown said...

My favorites are:

1. Ghost Town
2. The Original High
3. Lucy
4. Underground
5. Rumors
6. Another Lonely Night
7. Evil in the Night
8. There I said it
9. Things I didn't say
10. The Light
11. Heavy Fire

Anonymous said...

I love them all but I do have four favorites. Not in any special order, they are "The Original High", " Another Lonely Night"' "Evil In The Night", and "There I Said It".

Icebert said...
