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New Keek Video From Tommy Ratliff

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 20, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 20, 2013

Video by Tommy Ratliff:

Hotel room shenanigans with @ashleydzerigian & @AdamLambert directed by yours truly.

Jul 20, 2013 | Hotel room shenanigans with @ashleydzerigian & @adamlambert directed by yours truly. by TommyJoeRatliff on



tea said...

Lordy, Adam! Always so good looking!

Anonymous said...

She is Soooooo lucky!!!

tea said...

If I were dancing with Adam, I'd stumble and fall into his arms, too.

Anonymous said...

Possibly they did, are you gonna go my way, she says?

Anonymous said...

ha, ha, very cute Tommy.

tea said...

If some of you are not getting this video, go to Adam's twitter account and click on it.

or copy and paste this in!jwuJcab

Anonymous said...

damn those two are so playful lately. get a room!

Anonymous said...

Tommy captured the naturalness of Adam in his video. Perhaps Adam could play such a role on Glee; one that doesn't involve too much sophistication; just his warm relatable self like in this video. Throw in some simple dance, polish it up a little. The key is feature Adam as an ordinary person we can identify with not so much the always 'special' guy / hero.


Anonymous said...

Lam-my You might like this YouTube video of Sutan doing Scarlett Cherry up like a Geisha, I thought of you when I watched it just now.

Anonymous said...

He's such a sexy beast and she's such a sexy piece!

Anonymous said...

8:58...Thank you!
Yea very professional video by Lee Cherry, and Sutan is using Scarlett as a human art canvas; Sutan is so deft at his art; he practically transformed Scarlett into a real geisha. I love that kimono. Hey Riff is surrounded by art, good brain development; he applauded the art demonstration. :)


lorraine said...

I love how Adam puts his hand across his chest mid dance---so classy. Indicative of his theatrical dance training or ballroom dance classes Leila signed him up for in middle school?

Looking at all your entertaining posts are a nice distraction on this "long, lost Saturday " while I'm mending my aching heart over the disappointment of not being able to get tickets this morning for Las Vegas....

Anonymous said...

Well if that isn't the cutest thing ....Adam dancing with Ashley! I can't stop watching it! He's a pretty good dancer and sooo good looking! Yep, Ashley is one lucky lady falling in to his arms and holding onto his chest...Thud.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Tommy!
Love the 'silent movie' feel of this keek, excellent job!!!

Anonymous said...

@CT and @Lorraine
You two are such lovely ladies always!
Just wanted to this and that please don't give up getting the tickets to Vegas. I'm sure there will tickets available when the BIG HASSLE is over!

This is the modern day stupidity allowed by the system & high technology how regular people are fooled to believe that tickets are 'sold out' in seconds - I'm not talking about scalpers only, big companies, associations, fan clubs, other clubs 'buy'/get the first bite of huge amounts of tickets to give out or sell to their customers etc. I think this system sucks!!! BUT even more stupid this is because this is how the concerts are filled with people who are most often with people who are NOT even fans of the performers in question, but are there cause they got a ticket FREE of charge (plus food, drinks etc) - these are probably the same people who talk & shout all the time during the perfirmances, don't even watch the show, cause they are not fans, NOT INVESTED! And with this system many, many REAL FANS are left without tickets (the absolutely horrific ticket prices incl.)

Sorry for the rant! But this really pisses me off, cause in some concerts I've been to this 'system' guarantees the atmosphere is NOT what it could be, if there was a full house of FANS of the performers in question!

Keep on trying, Lorraine and CT, maybe you get lucky nearer the date! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Concerts filled with people who aren't fans? LOL, I don't think so.

lorraine said...

@ 1:46 Thank you for your encouraging words. It 's very kind of you to offer some hope. Actually, I was so looking forward to spending time with my son-it isn't often that you can experience a thrill like seeing Adam/Queen with your adult son and he's like you ,still so filled with the possibility that this still may happen for us.

I think you're right.Those tickets that were supposed to be available at ticketmaster at 10AM yesterday never existed. No one I knew was able to get tickets that way,but I hope those that may have, will have a wonderful time. They can tell us all about that joyful night!!!!! XO

Anonymous said...

I keep my fingers crossed for You & your son! Keep the faith, like Bon Jovi sings in one of their songs... :)))
And sorry for all the mistakes in my 'rant', was writing in a hurry from my #&/!?* hard to see & correct the mistakes, esp. with longer posts...

@1:59 - LOL to you, too!
Maybe not filled but a lot of them are just casual fans or they are there just because 'the performer is a big star and they got the ticket free' (with the kind of ticket selling system I was talking about), they are the people that go & see anybody and everybody big & famous, cause they know how the system works and they know how to utilize it.NOT being negative, just realistic, been 'in the club' myself... lol?

Anonymous said...

Alright folks you made your point!!:)

Just enjoy these lovely people who danced casually and may your day will granted with good wishes!!:)


Anonymous said...

I love this video. Very creative. Adam loves his band/Glamily

Anonymous said...

Stub Hub will have tickets for Vegas/Adam Lambert/Queen

Anonymous said...

Maybe next it should be DWTS for Adam. Can you imagine how great that would be?

Anonymous said...

I bet the Liffleybert sandwich would be tasty one.

Anonymous said...

going to miss the band for a while

Anonymous said...

this is quite a sweet little stroll between Adam and Ashley.
Seeing this, you can almost bet Adam could be with a woman if even for this moment, he's swept into her arms and let nature take its course. Nothing wrong with it either, he prefers guys but dont think he'd ever rule out being in a sensual moment.

Anonymous said...

@11:07 Thanks from all of us for posting something none of us knew. It's so refreshing to get new news. I had no idea Adam was gay. Anyone? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

Some people just don't understand sexual orientation. I' m a girl with a girlfriend, get the picture? I dance with lots of guys, but have never felt an inclination to give in to a sensual moment. There is nothing sensuous about it. Nature is taking it's course, I'm with my girl.

Adam can dance with girls, hug girls and kiss girls, but he wants a male partner. Get that through your head.

Sexual orientation is not a whim. It's biological. Nature.
Your comment was insulting.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:38
Thank you SOOOO much for your post.
Just hopin everybody posting, visiting, lurking reads it c a r e f u l l y and g e t s i t ---
F I N A L L Y !

I believe the poster above you was trying to be funny or sarcastic or both re the post @11:07...

Anonymous said...

Is Adam practicing his dancing for his GLEE appearance???

Anonymous said...

I would imagine he's dancing for fun. Why would he need to practice dancing anyway, he 's been dancing in RL and in stage productions since he was 10.

Anonymous said...

Adam should do a little dance with Ashley on stage...

Anonymous said...

at 12 38 there is all kinds of gays, get that through your head.
Just because you wont or dont feel doesnt mean Everyone else feels the same.
Adam Lambert is a very sensual sexual man. Why else in the world would he make out with girls, he's also had intercouse, he has said which we've heard with our own ears.
Yes he also has a preference. Things happen and it is pure like him to let it !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

does not matter what the subject -- there are so many experts on this site that need to set every one else straight and tell them why they are wrong. :(

Anonymous said...

@ 5:43 pm. Are you gay or lesbian? If not STFU.

Anonymous said...

at 8 11 are you? back at ya

Anonymous said...

Yes - now I'll STFU.

Anonymous said...

Yes - now I'll STFU.

Anonymous said...

Must not be Post