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Adam Lambert's Happy Place!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Anonymous said...

where legends are made...

Anonymous said...

I totally love and approve of Adam's Happy Place.

Anonymous said...

As Ms. Abdul said...."I know with all my being that you are going to be iconic". I believe she was spot on.

Anonymous said...

Adam Your happy place makes me so Happy!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love that Adam's Happy Place is open to me.

Anonymous said...

Texted the picture to my daughter...she's a "buns" fan!

Anonymous said...

@7:49 AM Great idea, I stole it and sent it to my daughter too. At an Adam concert she had taken butt pics and I asked her 'what's with all the pictures of his back?' (how stupid was that question) She explained.

Anonymous said...

@Adam's happy place - Yes, please!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon September 24, 2013 at 8:02 AM

LOL. So funny, so true!! It's okay to have a laugh at that "thought" that this picture has caused to almost involuntarily to pop into some of our heads!!

And from the serious standpoint, what a great moment of sharing from Lambert. Cool.

Anonymous said...

7:49 here... aka JAK.....Just got a text back from daughter
"Nice play Mom, I'm def seeing Adam from a whole new viewpoint!" Yesssssssssss.....

Anonymous said...

a thought came to me leaving the dr.'s office just now..Queen said that there is a catalogue of work which has never been recorded, etc..since they love our Adam so much..maybe, just maybe, please God let it happen..they could record these 'new' songs with Adam and then take them on tour...

Anonymous said...

@JAK That's funny! Love Adam can share his happy place with us and his cute butt too,sorry had to go there too lol.

Anonymous said...

Exactly where I want him to be...makes me happy!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaawwwwww Adam, if you are happy, I am happy as well ! Axel..

Anonymous said...

We all adore your Happy Place Adam! You are absolutely amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

8 37
Roger Taylor said just the other day there were no plans to record an album with adam.

Anonymous said...

Right where you belong Adam thrilling all within the sound of your voice!
And the view from here makes me very happy I might add!.........Yikes!

Anonymous said...

So glad this is your Happy Place Adam, right up on stage where you belong and excell! Your voice makes me feel very happy inside. Keep entertaining us!

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy, Happy!

Hello hiney, happy to see you again.

Lovin' that hiney of his.

Anonymous said...

Is Adam feeling being "me" only in front of audience? Sounds sad.

Anonymous said...

Adam I don't know who your trainer is but my husband needs to see him immediately. He looks sooo good,

Anonymous said...

Adam, my happy place is when I watching and listening to you entertainment me.

Anonymous said...

samantha ronson ‏@samantharonson 10h

@adamlambert nice ass

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 35m

@samantharonson hahah thanks girl!

Anonymous said...


Oh, I did not take it as a sad thing; I think it came from a happy place. I think we all know Adam's great love for entertaining.

I am sure he is happy and content in life in general. We all have a thing we really enjoy doing; or just being alone meditating or dancing, reading, whatever.

I think he is fortunate to have a place where he just becomes one with his talent and his audiences; I think this is a wonderful thing.

Some people have no happy place; then life really becomes sad. He did not say where I feel like me only at that time; he said I feel the MOST like me; and I think it's wonderful that he shares that with us.

Anonymous said...

Adam certainly doesn't seem sad OFF-stage, just his happiest ONstage. I believe that's what he intends to say. JMO>

Anonymous said...

@11:42 AM

I think you are right on the mark with your remarks. Adam always seems like a happy person. But on stage he gets lost in the song he is singing.

I was going to post something about his remark; but you explained it much better then me. I feel very good about what you said. Thanks, I would hate to think that Adam is sad in his life overall. He seems more happy now then I can remember with all these wonderful things happening to him.

Actually, my happy place is playing my piano, that's when I can mostly be myself. Thanks, again.

Anonymous said...

7:47am ... "I love that Adam's Happy Place is open to me." Perfectly said. Adam was a born superstar and the world is a better place with him in it, front and center. Hope he realizes ALL his dreams ... he's worked so hard for them.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@11:44 AM

Very well put; I agree with you wholeheartly! and also with you
@11:42 AM.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert; you make any place you music is playing, a happy place for me. Please keep on keeping on!

Anonymous said...

That happy place picture is one of the most beautiful; except I say that about every picture I see of him.

Our man doing his thing and taking us all to his happy place with him.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....last I heard re: an album from Queen, was Brian saying they had enough unreleased tracks of Freddie to put an album out. I'd like to hear that....if they decide to do it.

These dates with Queen are always a pleasure and I hope they will pop up occasionally.....but I REALLY wish Brian would write some tracks for Adam's next album!
Puh-leeeze Brian!

Anonymous said...


"No plans to record with Adam, at this time." That sentence does not shut the door completely. At one time they were asked if they had any plans to appear with Adam in the United States; and Brian also said they had no plans; then the Iheart event came up and look who they invited.

All I am saying, is things change; hopefully that might too. Who knows what the future will hold for Adam; he is always full of surprises! "Lay Me Down In Darkness; Glee; Iheart; who knows what's next for our man.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if Brian and Adam would write something together, so that Adam could get writer's credit; and a bigger cut of the pie.

Nile shared writer's credit with Adam on the LMD track.

Anonymous said...

Adam is going to have to stop doing these gigs, I can't get anything done.

Just kidding about him stopping the gigs, but serious about not getting anything done; can't stop watching and reading about his Iheart concert with Queen. Oh my!

Anonymous said...

The feeling in front of audience must be magical so after that there is an empty hole in your soul.There are so many talented artists who are lost in their normal life. Maybe the gap between the show time and normal life is too big?

Anonymous said...

When Adam's in his happy place I'm in mine!

Anonymous said...

Right now money is not what Adam needs. He needs a huge hit no matter who writes it! TX

Anonymous said...

Adam . . . you are my happy place

When I'm feeling down . . listening to you sing and watching your videos make me happy and when you smile . . it warms my heart!

Anonymous said...

@ 1:01 PM....JAK here....I'm sure for many your statement must be true. There are certainly many entertainers who appear so carefree and confident and are unable to be happy anywhere but experiencing that magic on the stage. ...I doubt that's true for Adam, fortunately....he certainly seems to enjoy life to the fullest. I hope so.

Personally I feel no magic on a stage or with large audiences, I feel mild terror, tremors, dry mouth, and faint nausea! : (

Anonymous said...

So Adam's happy place is stage, not home, not bed or Bootsy Bellows, Hooray Henry's or other club (his other living rooms. Good!

He is happiest on stage. There he "feels the most like Me". Not being home or/and in bed with someone where people many times are the most open and naked, mentally and physically.

Just fine! He has the right values.

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings and trouble getting your point... Are you happy for Adam, understanding and accepting his 'Happy plce' tweet... or trying to be sarcastic or snarky, trying to say that he should have said something 'I'm the happiest when in bed with my one true love XY...etc'

Care to comment?

I think most people are their happiest when they've found their true calling, a meaning, something significant they want to do, achieve and do, something of utmost interest and they're good at...

That's how I understand his tweet, his calling, his talent - his contribution to the worldwide common good!

What is yours?

Anonymous said...

Cute butt. :)