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Non-Fans Reaction to Adam Lambert's Performances

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Anonymous said...

Let's hope there are many more "new-comers" to Adam who fee this way!


Anonymous said...

Now that's a comment I can endorse wholeheartedly ! JAK

Anonymous said...

I find it so hard to crasp that Adam has fans all over the world and there are so many totally 'clueless' of his talents in his home country... no disrespect, just can't help but wondering...

Anonymous said...

I say this with the utmost positivity and nod to no looking back, only moving forward, I say:

Let's be very careful now how we play with each other on this site. Who knows who will be popping in to check it out, it is a public blog. If someone nasty tries to instigate, IGNORE. Let's keep on-topic about Adam related subjects. And as some who gets a little OTT about Adam myself, let us not be that :). Let's be a positive fandom site. We can not prevent cray cray from visiting us here, but we CAN, each of us, control our own reactions to it. And we can, each of us, control how we post and comment such that Adam's career is at the forefront of each thread. This thread is about "non-fans" and hopefully NEW fans... Let's keep the Adam news the principal and primary focus of our threads and allow new/non fans to learn about Adam's brilliance when they visit. I don't post much, never with a tag, sorry, maybe I'll start, and this is just my POV. Peace.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:03.....JAK here......Peace would be a good tag...and reminder. : )

Anonymous said...

I have reminded all my friends and family who are casual Adam fans to watch the concert from my own way I am doing as much PR as possible. My daughter messaged back that she will check out the video and that my "Adam's biggest fan T-shirt" has already been ordered for X-mas and my son is making me a CD for my car. I have great kids.

My DH would like me to put my iPad away for one whole evening.........I will give it a try but I have a feeling that the following evening will be even worse when I have to catch up on all the missed Adam news.


Anonymous said...

I love hearing new fans discovering Adam...something we already knew.:)

Anonymous said...

I don't think she's a non fan as she said she knew Adam was great but now she knows he's outrageously talented. One at a time, one at a time. That's all we need to conform anyone into a google-eyed fan. Yes, Yes Yes!

Anonymous said...

@8:03 AM

I agree with you for the most part; sometimes it's hard. But, your post makes a lot of sense. In this to support Adam all the way.

Anonymous said...

The accolades just keep on coming. So glad I have been here since the Idol days; never waivered one bit through thick and thin, and never will. I have unconditional love for Adam!

Anonymous said...

So very proud of our man. Wish I could see him on one these talk or entertainment shows soon; and often. He should be on just because he is Adam M. Lambert; the most talented entertainer this side of Heaven!

Anonymous said...

@11:22 AM

Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

I wish that CW channel was one everyone was familiar with so they could see this Festival program. It is not a channel I check out or watch often. I'm so glad I'm getting news of Adam's performances through this blog. I've tried to spread the word. Maybe if I hired a plane and sky writer !
Whataya think?....JAK

Anonymous said...

I agree, this is not a non-fan's post, the headline is misleading...maybe Admin could change it?
I would call this poster 'a potential fan, who knew too little of Adam's talent before Sept 20, 2013'...
We have a few posters on this site, who claim to be Adam fans, but their comments should be labeled 'NON-FAN, please scroll!'

tess4ADAM said...

Could someone PLEASE help me ... What or Where is CW Channel ... TV or computer ... What do the letters CW stand for ... ANY info that you could provide would be so GREATLY appreciated. I live in the Buffalo NY area & I have cable TV. THANX & Bless You!!


Anonymous said...

@2:20 RE the CW Channel. I live in the Philly area. My TV listing is 65/WUVP/Univision. I have basic Comcast cable and get this channel on 13. Hope that helps you track it down in your area. (Still don't know what CW stands for).

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I'd sure like to see the source of this review. I see too many die hard fans posting on sites like they are "new" fans. But their pic or name gives them away.

8:03, I agree but I think most of the people on this site are not capable of ignoring the trolls or of being polite about responding to each other or to not slam other performers. It's too bad and doesn't reflect well on Adam or his fans.

Anonymous said...

JAK, just because you don't know what the CW is doesn't mean most people think that way.

The channel targets young women, not grannies so maybe that's why so many of you don't now about it. The have America's Next Top Model, The Carrie Diaries, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, etc.

Here is the link to the CW network for those of you unable to google. It includes a local station search.

Anonymous said...

Save this link to look up Adam's next appearances. It always has the date and links to other info like the channel, world clock, streams, etc. It's a great resource.

Anonymous said...

3:30 I told a zillion people to be sure and watch the Iheart rerun on CW and no one has ever heard of it young or old.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I do wish people would read more carefully and comprehend what they read.

@ 3:30 PM....I did not say I didn't know what the CW channel's a network formed by C for CBS and W for Warner Bros. CW.....since so many people are not sure if they can get the channel or know nothing about I said I wished everyone was familiar with it. Clear?

I don't watch it because I rarely watch re runs or shows such as the ones you mentioned.

If you and others think the title of Granny is pejorative
(Look it up if necessary) you are wasting your time. I've had several titles in my life and the two titles I am most proud of are Mom and Grandma.

Jadam NZ said...

JAK, You tell em Girl !!!

Anonymous said...

To all the grannies and grandmas who hang here and love and cherish everything Adam (plus everything in RL and beyond) --- kudos and more power to ya'll!

Anonymous said...

I hope the iHeart Radio Festival is screened on international channels. Of course I've seen Adam's performance and now I'd like to see the whole show or what the powers-that-be decide to screen.

Anonymous said...

I'm a groovin' oldie but not a granny & never will be.

Anonymous said...

@jak--Amen sister and that's a hell yeah!! We grannies are a smart lot and clearly much happier too!!! I feel a bit like I've been put down but whatever phiff....... Like our age wouldn't like watching such "younger women's shows on CW channel" it wouldn't hold our interest or we're to old to understand the complex story lines? I happen to like supernatural and want to see arrow to. Enough.........

So happy to be able to record it on DVR so I can show family and friends how utterly amazing he sounded at iheart. He floors me every time I hear him sing, he just gets better and better. So Very proud of him that he continutes to improve and prove to himself and others that yes I am that good.

Adam, keep doing what comes naturelly. Do what you do to me and the rest will follow!!!

Beautifully done set with Queen, powerful, and exciting. You make music exciting, interesting, and powerful. To be able to touch and change some people with your voice is a previous gift you have.

Anonymous said...

Auto correct ghrrr........ it's precious gift you have.
Sorry DMG