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All Access: "If you didn't know it was ADAM you'd swear it was FREDDY MERCURY that was singing"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 23, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 23, 2013

VIA All Access:

The night ended with QUEEN and ADAM LAMBERT introduced by KBIG (1043 MY FM)/LOS ANGELES night personality and syndicated radio and TV star MARIO LOPEZ. The first song was "Bohemian Rhapsody" and if you didn't know it was ADAM you'd swear it was FREDDY MERCURY that was singing. The playing was amazing.

Among the other songs in this QUEEN retro set: "Another One Bites The Dust," "Crazy Little Thing Called Love," "Who Wants To Live Forever," "Somebody to Love" with FUN.," "Fat Bottomed Girls," "Dragon Attack," "Bohemian Rhapsody (reprised), ""We Will Rock You," and the show closed with "We Are The Champions."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! just beautiful. "If you get this picture, leave it out of the frame." Too beautiful for words.

Anonymous said...

Adam should be People's magazine most beautiful man; because, he sure is mine.

He is just breathtaking!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful man. Very nice Shirt; looks so good on him. He is just perfect inside and out. Voice to die for; what's not to love?

Anonymous said...

Amen - what's NOT to love??? nothin', nothin' at all!

Anonymous said...

Just my little old opinion but I think Adam has a more powerful voice than Freddie had and a wider range. My jaw drops every time I hear him. I know sound systems are much better now, even so. Incredible singer and man.

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of both Adam and Freddie and honestly I think they are individuals with their own individual voice. I doubt I would think one was the other.

Anonymous said...

What a compliment for Adam. We know he never intends to replace Freddie Mercury or to become the new frontman for Queen, but all the positive comments and accolades must make Adam feel on top of the world. He is the best vocal talent in the music world today and all those people at the Queenbert show realize that if they were not a fan already. Beautiful man, beautiful voice, beautiful performance. I can't get WWTLF out of my head. That was Adam at his best.

Anonymous said...

WWTLF was just gorgeous! I love both Adam and Freddie's voices but I can tell the difference between them. Both great but different and to me Adam is more pleasing to the ear,but that's my opinion.

Anonymous said...

1:49, I agree with you, and I think many others do, too. But most people don't want to actually say it out loud. Freddy is so revered that it's almost sacriligious to say that someone sings better than he did. IMO, Adam has a better range, better control and a richer tone. That being said, we all know that it's not always about the best singing. It's about the person, the creativity, the connection. Adam and Freddy have all that spades, just in different ways. I've always loved Queen and Freddy. Nobody can replace him. But Adam is Freddy incarnate with his own soul. Brian and Roger know it and feel it in their own souls, too, I think.


Anonymous said...

Forgot to add: That photo is so sublime. Another one suitable for the gallery in my bedroom. LOL.

Anonymous said...

@2:30 - well, I'm not afraid to say it - Adam sings circles around Freddie and has more personality than Freddie ever could dream of...Freddie was a lousy interview - Adam is so much better looking that there is no contest there either..and I have to add that I have loved Queen since 1975..and since I do like Freddie's voice..this is saying alot..for me..the purest be damned..Adam Rocks!!!!

Anonymous said...

Be tactful, remember some of Freddie's fans that appreciate Adam may come on these sites. I really loved and respected Freddie too. Adam has always admired Freddie's talent. They are both great in their own way. Harmony please.

Anonymous said...

No offense; but I really don't like to hear anyone sing SBTL but Mr. Lambert.

Anonymous said...

no disrepect intended..loving an artist is subjective..I will say that my two sons kinda disagree with me in that they praise Freddie...and, like I said, I loved Queen..played WATC and WWRY constantly back in the day..I am just an over-the-top Adam Fan...

Anonymous said...

The look Adam gave when he finished slaying WWTLF, so sexy and sorta like saying "how do you like me now." It was so natural and beautiful. I don't think he was thinking that; but I was!

Anonymous said...


I swear, I was thinking that too; he looked so cool.

Anonymous said...

@3:35 & @3:38
My thoughts were along the same lines... "heard" Adam say: THERE!
take that...
(my own thoughts: Just un-fuckin-believable, nobody can top that!)

Anonymous said...


Whenever Adam covers a song, he ruins it for everyone else. Because then, I only like his rendition.

If I was a singer; I would tell my management that Adam Lambert is not allowed to cover my songs. Ha, ha.

Anonymous said...


So funny. Adam, go on with your bad self. Love him.

Anonymous said...

Look at Brains face as he holds that last note on the guitar after Adams High note. He is completely absorbed in the music doing what her loves. Kath

Anonymous said...

"Don't Stop Him Now."

Anonymous said...

oops! HE

lorraine said...

For me, Adam has a sweetness in his voice that is unique-all his own-and that is what does it for me.Maybe being a woman makes me more receptive to this aspect of Adam's voice.I like Freddie's singing very much; Adam's voice touches me to the depths of my being.

Anonymous said...

Freddie is iconic. His voice was pure, and he used it well. I'd like to think we can preserve his legend and still be respectful to Adam's talent simply by saying they are one is better than the other. Also, let's not forget Freddie paved the way for singers like Adam. I doubt that Adam thinks of himself as better than Freddie...maybe we can keep the tenor of this thread reverent.

Anonymous said...

Remember what Simon told Adam when sang a particular song on American Idol and for the life of me; I can't remember which one. He said:
"Only problem I see with your performane is nobody can top that."
I think I got it right.

Anonymous said...

Brian and Roger are such great guys. They really like and respect Adam.

HK fan said...

I agree with a lot of the posters here. I grew up in the UK and of course loved Queen, as most Brits did, but I was never an uber fan (didn't find Freddie attractive enough!), but loved their music, and his voice. But since seeing and hearing Adam sing these iconic songs I find myself skipping Queen on my ipod when they come on, I just prefer Adams voice and versions now.

Anonymous said...

I think Freddie was amazing. The notes carried out forever and his stage presence was captivating and Adam reminds us all how good those songs are and how good of a vocalist you have to be and command a stage to sing them and BRIAN MAY and Roger c'mon they are absolutely GREAT!!

Anonymous said...

Yet Miley Cyrus still tops the "news".

Anonymous said...

Freddie "owned" his songs. He wrote or co-wrote them all. He evolved with them and changed them and tweaked them at will. The songs are HIM. Nothing can take that away from him. Adam can't do that, of course. All he can do is love the songs and bring them to life in his own way. And he is doing that with the best voice on earth. He can't be Freddie, but he can channel Freddie's passion and energy like no one else. Just ask Bri and Rog. They've been saying it all over town.


Anonymous said...

you know, Adam has songs that are "his" that are, in my humble opinion, just as good..but they haven't reached the ears of the American listening public, which is so damned homophobic..and that is the reason Adam is not, yet, a major, major star..he is in my heart though...always

Anonymous said...

@Anon 4:06PM - I think that was when Adam sang Whole Lot Of Love!

Anonymous said...

I got a text from my son-in-law (my BFF), who loves to tease me about my teensy tiny obsession with Adam, he and my daughter had watched the video. He said "okay, he's good, really good. IMO he could fit into Freddie's shoes.......if he could learn to prance and preen and strut!"

I texted back.....".Oh Honey, Adam can strut, no problem there....his strut is a work of art!"........JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK here.........Freddie was an original and as such can't be replaced, but the music each member of Queen wrote will go on for decades and be sung by many artists. Adam is one of many helping to keep those songs alive.

Frequently, like today , I will hear a bit of Queen music in a movie. I was watching a film with Jennifer Beals in it and I heard that familiar "bum bum bum ba ba bum bum! I squealed, "That's Queen" husband rolled his eyes and said "I really think I should have you checked out."

Anonymous said...

5:17, the American listening public is not homophobic, especially the demographic Adam is trying to reach. Younger people by majority are fine with LGBT people and support their equal rights. The reason Adam is not yet a major star is more complicated than just that and in my opinion is more related to lack of radio play and radio is all about the $$$$$$$$$.

Anonymous said...

Even though it seems that Adam and Queen were the highlight of the iheartradio shows, all you heard on the entertainment shows was about Miley Cyrus. Either it was about her skimpy, stripper style outfit or the fact that she cried during her song. Some of these reporters and producers just don't get it. They practically ignore the best vocal talent in music and the Queenbert show and focus on a young, immature girl who needs to be an exhibitionist to sell her songs.

Anonymous said...

Actually all the news was about the Emmys.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam sings circles around Freddie, and I don't agree with your comments re Freddie's personality but you are entitled to your opinion. Freddie was a genius musically & Queen's songs were made for his voice. Adam has said he doesn't want to replace Freddie and no one ever could.

Anonymous said...

Rusted-on Adam Lambert fans think Adam is the best singer ever and rusted-on Freddie Mercury fans think Freddie is the best singer ever. Vive la difference!! :)

glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:06 PM
It was on Rock Week and Adam had sung "Whole Lotta Love" ...and Simon was SO right: no one could top that!!! It was the same show that Adam and Allison dueted on "Slow Ride". No one could top that either......

Anonymous said...

Agree with you. Big time.