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Another VIEW: Queen & Adam Lambert iHeartRadio Las Vegas Sept 20, 2013 Full Set HD

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, September 22, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, September 22, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam is Mr. Swagger!!!
I've never seen him so confident (well, he always is) as well as in this iHeart concert.
More power and success to Adam & Queen!

Anonymous said...

An overjoyed Brian May, just after the iHeart show, tweeted: “iHeart gig is done! Yay! Hope it transmits well.”


Anonymous said...

I watched Carrie Underwood's performance of Beatles Yesterday in Emmys and I didn't like it. She should just stick to singing country. Rock isn't her thing at all.

Anonymous said...

Once again this word is in order: SAAAANG!!

Wasn't this yet another full circle moment for Adam and so many of his fans... Adam singing Mama... singing Bohemian Rhapsody first time in a big arena on HOME ground...
So many fans have said..."You've had me since Mama...", the first notes heard when he auditioned for Idol...

My first Adam moment was Satisfaction... and YES, that word pretty much covers my 4+ years with Adam, the amazing AFL!!!

Thank you Adam & The Queen!
Sooo wishing that someday I'll be able to see you LIVE, so please please continue this collaboration...

Anonymous said...

Queen doesn't have a song called Mama, that's part of Bohemian Rhapsody.

Anonymous said...

Art and Medicine:


Artistsupporter’s blog post about the iHeart Radio concert. “
…the pinnacle of the experience for me was one of the most beautiful live vocal performances I’ve ever heard; Who Wants To Live Forever.
As Adam powerfully executed those bell clear high notes like only he can, I heard actual gasps around me.
The unison of the audience as their voices joined in unison with Adam’s on the chorus made my heart soar. Everyone around me was engaged, transfixed, as this experience washed over them.
Tears began to well up in my eyes. I had palpable hope and joy that finally Adam’s own country would get it.
Even now, as I remember the experience, I get misty eyed. Could this lovely, epically talented man finally be getting the love and respect he so richly deserves?
I felt the hope arise in me anew…”

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Carrie was off-key at the very start and never sounded good on her rendition of Yesterday.

Anonymous said...


QUEEN boasted about ADAM LAMBERT, excited the singer would be joining them. The enthralling emotion was mutual and these two forces rocked the iHeartRadio Music Festival Friday night.
Lambert stunned the crowds and worked the audience into a frenzy when he joined Queen singing Bohemian Rhapsody, and a multitude of other band hits.

Donned in black, filled with musical prowess, Lambert ruled the stage with his presence and vocals.
Glamberts were thrilled to see their iconic singer mark the stage with legendary Queen.
What makes Queen so super-cool is their response to the Lambert that is Adam. Brian May stated that Lambert has a “beautiful tone” that complements the band’s material.
Additionally, May added that Lambert “has the passion,” the humor and an enjoyable level of campiness.
Fans would agree wholeheartedly.

Roger Taylor stated when Lambert was on American Idol, he was watching closely, stunned by a talent that connected with his musical soul.
Glamberts have been following the life and story of Lambert since his appearance on idol.

The Whataya Want From Me singer has become a dominate force in the music industry. From talent, poise and stardom, Lambert shines as a key advocate for equal rights and is a role model for the gay community.
His strength and power are elated by amazing groups like Queen, who welcome his talent to send iHeartRadio audiences into a screaming roar.

Reviewing the footage, Lambert was alive!
He brought all of his dynamics for his hardcore fans and rocked the night away with Queen.
Even people who may not be die-hard fans will enjoy the enthusiasm during the sets as the star singer collaborated with the amazingly talented band.

Within just four years of walking out on the American Idol stage, Lambert has formed a fanbase around the globe, his ability to connect has created a demand for his presence at concert venues.

Katy Perry even took a moment to give props to Lambert and no hit to Katy, but Lambert with Queen brought the house down with their performance.
Honestly, one can easily state the big winners of the night were Elton John, Queen and Adam Lambert.

Read more:

Anonymous said...


LAS VEGAS “Who Wants To Live Forever brings an abrupt change to the mood of the set.
Super dramatic from very soft and whispery to strong, powerful and operatic, Adam’s voice seems limitless as he glides effortlessly between its many different shades and facets.
He gives me goosebumps galore, especially at the climax which I will to keep going.
You cannot fail to be moved by this and the emotion behind it. It’s spellbinding.
I watch and listen in awe, astounded all over again by his mastery of his phenomenal voice.
I already feel from this concert that he’s reached a new level, above everything else so far and it makes me proud to see him strive to keep improving when there’s so little room for it.
It could just be the quality of the recordings but it sounds to me that the difference between this and last year’s Queenbert is considerable. ”

Anonymous said...


@ChrisTapp123: What have I been missing ?? @adamlambert has a voice of perfection! Just became a big fan!

Anonymous said...



“Of course, QUEEN and accomplished pop vocalist ADAM LAMBERT had to do more than just show up and run through the rock group’s back catalog in order to earn the headlining slot over Perry on Friday night.

With each new show, Lambert’s involvement with the five-decade-old band makes more sense: Freddie Mercury’s king-sized songwriting makes for a perfect vessel for Lambert’s operatic wail, and iHeartRadio fest attendees who wanted to stick around for “Another One Bites The Dust” got to witness the magnetic power of Lambert’s pristine high notes.

The former “American Idol” runner-up oozed charisma as he strutted around the stage, winking at his reputation of a fill-in while also reminding people they should still pay attention to his solo career whenever this stint with Queen, er, bites the dust.”

Anonymous said...

Men Have Stylists, Too — Just Don’t Call Them That -

ADAM LAMBERT gets a mention:
“That black eyeliner really brings out his baby blues.” He’s in some distinguished company (and we’re not AT ALL biased, but he just outshines ‘em all!)

Anonymous said...

Adam has notched up another level with his perfect rendition of Who Wants To Live Forever. He's emotionally connected to the song written by Brian who wrote it in his dark moments of despair. So with this background knowledge and Adam's deep love and respect for Brian, I can sense his singing coming from his heart. Also Brian didn't smile but assimilated it in awe. Thanks to all the videographers for bringing Adam to us in such an intimate way. Adam in his all-black, very stylish outfit looks and sounds sexy, his low tenor, singing Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Between these 2 songs, he scales his limit high and descends to his mellower low tenor.


Anonymous said...

MY GOD ... to hear that voice come out of that model gorgeous face is one of the most perfect things I've ever seen. Beautiful on every level. My head is spinning. How is this even real?! Oh, Adam, Congratulations!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I hope this is the last collaboration with many haters out there especially Purist freddie dont like matter how good adam voice is,they wont apperciate coz in their mind freddie is God .Adam really need to hv his own music out & sucess with his creation.Hopefully LMD will be 3rd single.this can give cred to adam eventhough this is not his music,at least his name will be mention.

Anonymous said...

Hi 4:35am ... Don't pay attention to the haters, some people will never be pleased. The fact remains that Brian and Roger want Adam to sing with them. And Adam does Freddie justice with his incredible talent and charisma. Stand strong ... would you quit something you believed in because a few said you shouldn't do it? It takes courage to live in this world and Adam has that in spades.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

OT ...Good morning folks this rose petal .... I hadn't been back to this site until now husband hasn't been doing well so haven't had much time in the evening.....I just about freaked out when I read the comments about the fight with my coworker and realized people thought I said I spit at him.... I didn't ... I would never do anything like that ....I meant I spat words at him..., I also realize that it wasn't a very adult way to react....he just made me so mad....he came over to my table on my break time ..., sat down uninvited ...and started giving me a hard time....he kept using that offensive word after I told him not to.... sometimes it's hard for people with PTSD.... to hold their temper.... I usually try very .hard... I didn't this time here's the craziest part of the whole thing....,this guy and I have worked together for years and always got along .... when I got over my mad I felt bad ...and couldn't figure out what was going on ....I worried about it all night....on top of bring worried about my husband .....I go to work very early ...about an hour after I got here the man came up to me .... I thought he was gonna start in again ... But instead he apologized ....he said he picked a fight with me on purpose ....really .... he'd had a fight with his wife was in a bad mood and felt like arguing ....really.... he said he knew how I was about gays ....when he heard me talking about Queen he decided to pick on me.... really .....I guess I should learn to talk lower so not everybody can hear me.... after he apologized he just walked off like it was no big deal... and I guess to him it wasn't .....I on the other hand want no more to do with him ever...sometimes I don't know what to think of people in general...well thanks to all of u those that said good job and those who offered advice ... and that includes u anon....I do care what all Adam fans think.... Sorry to take so much of your time .....gonna try and leave this by the stream with all the other crap life had handed out ... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Just saw a piece on GMA about the iheartradio concert. They did mention Queen and Adam and Robin Roberts said: "Adam Lambert was bringin' it." So good to hear this.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam had me from the first notes he sang on Idol. I looked forward each week to seeing what he would sing and what he would wear. The only time I ever voted for a contestant was for Adam. The finale with Kris Allen and Queen was one of the best music moments on tv. I was mesmerized by his performance of WWTLF with Queen at the iheartconcert and thought he blew the roof off that stage. For me, Adam is the best vocal talent in music today and hopefully his appearance on Glee will bring him to a wider listening audience in the future.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read an haters outside of Queenonline so blessed for that. Adam killed it. He was more conmmanding this time around. More sure of himself and the right to share the stage with the legend that is Queen.

Anonymous said...

@rose petal
Heads up, gurl! Those of us here who know your person (as much as you can learn from a person in blogosphere) knew you what you wrote & meant (spitting the words). Sometimes it's truly hard to crasp how grown up people can stay so ignorant, use those awful words and not be ashamed in the least...
Sending you strength and love, dealing with heavy RL stuff myself - listen & watch Adam as often as possible, he is such a tremendous musical therapist and source of happiness!

Anonymous said...

I hate that the world is full of haters and hipocrits..I just love Adam so much and want so much his success..why can't people understand and accept that being gay is not a choice..I have never felt that it was...and I am old..if only the world could wake up and learn to love and accept everyone - if this were to happen (in my dreams) then Adam Lambert would be the most popular artist alive...

Anonymous said...

Are you being stupid or just unfamiliar with Adam's Idol audition singing?! Did you even read my post? Everybody who's been following Adam from the start knows what moment I was talking about!

If you were trying to be sarcastic, snarky or both, better go to school again...ignoramus immensis!

Anonymous said...

@11:45 Mama is the first word in the song duh!!!

HK fan said...

Rose Petal
most of us understood that you meant you 'spat' the words at this guy, not that you actually gobbed on him!!!
I'm glad he apologised but to admit that he did it on purpose, wow, what a p***k....
Take a deep breath and put him out your mind.


here's a clip of the GMA thing, unfortunately I can't view it, but it sounds like a good little clip. Hoping it turns up on youtube soon.

HK fan said...

KISS 98.3 ‏@KISS983FM 18m


Anonymous said...

OT......I was at my bank getting financial advice when the woman I usually deal with said.......did you hear what the Pope said about........gays and marriage. To make a long story short she was very upset about gays and their rights. I really tried to talk to her about my wonderful friends who are gay but she wasn't having any of it. Funny thing, I'm sure she is a lot younger than I am and yet so narrow minded. BTW I live in Toronto and our Premier is an out gay woman. I will go back to this woman because I like her and I think I can gently work on her attitude. I do the same thing where Adam is concerned.....just suggest that people listen to the man with the amazing voice.


Anonymous said...


A big, big Amen to that. I agree with everything you said. For Adam it has been an honor and then some to sing with Queen. He should never turn down the honor. Gosh, Adam can do more than one thing at at time.

Why should he turn his back on something so wonderful. I guess I just don't understand the thought pattern of some folks. To Adam, I would say keep on singing with the greats whenever they ask.

I think Brian and Roger would never expect Adam to ignore them; and I don't believe that Adam would ever do that; it makes no earthly sense.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for bringing that information here. Robin was really nice to Adam when he was on for one song in their studio last year, I think. She seems to really like him.

This is really so good to hear from GMA. I use to like that Laura, the entertainment reporter there; but, she said something snarky about Adam when he commented on the singing in the movie "La Mis." Done with her now.
Donot mess with my Adam.

Anonymous said...

@6:13 AM

I second the motion wholeheartly!
Adam is the best; one in a hundred billion!

Anonymous said...

5:39 AM Yes, thank you for posting that info. I don't watch GMA very often because I can't stomach Lara and thought she treated him like he wasn't even there when Adam was on that show.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rose Petal ...Thanks for the update on your work situation. May I offer a different take? Yes, he was very wrong to do and say what he did and your response was to be expected. But the fact that he came to you the next day and apologized is pretty great. It show self-awareness and humbleness. Just consider being friendly if you can. You might be surprised. All of us need a second chance now and then.:)

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal....JAK here...I read your above post and didn't realize such a brouhaha had developed from your comment some threads I hunted it up to re-read it. I posted a few comments past yours and I knew you spat angry words, who hasn't done that? We read them all the time on this blog. One problem we have here is not everyone reads carefully nor does irony and sarcasm come thru clearly. I've been called out on that frequently.
.......This was a tempest in a teapot....I hope the storm has settled. <3.....hope your house spouse is feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

@JAK @ ox laura@HK fan @ anon 6:09
Don't know if u guys will come back here ....but wanted to say thanks for the kind words was just a bad day in a series of stressful things I've been facing lately ...,and as they say I lost it...I will think about what u said xo laura heaven knows I've done lot of things people have forgiven me for .... sometimes I just don't know how much more I want to forgive .... but I think u are right and in the end I'm sure I'll forget about it JAK words from u always lift my heart and I will always take comfort in our Adam and his spirt.., peace to all of u .... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Awww ... good going, Rose Petal! It's easy to be nice to people that are nice to us. The test comes in dealing with those like your co-worker. Boy, how much we learn about ourselves when we have these encounters! And if you think about it, being nice is the best kind of selfish. Ha! It makes others feel better, but most of all we feel better. Wishing you all the best!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I just sent my friend this video of Adam with Queen. She is a fan but doesn't follow Adam's career as I do. She was amazed by his performance and just raved about WWTLF. I told her about Adam's upcoming role on Glee and to keep her eyes open for that in Nov. I may have hooked her on this blogsite now so she can keep up with Adam also.

Anonymous said...

Swagger away honey . . you got it!

SO hot!