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Grammy: "Adam Lambert Will Rock You"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 23, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 23, 2013


He will, he will, rock you. Adam Lambert goes hard during a performance with Queen at the 2013 iHeartRadio Music Festival on Sept. 20 in Las Vegas


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok Grammy people; let's see Adam Lambert rock the Grammy Award show one day!

Anonymous said...

Yes I want Adam to sing his face off on the Grammy stage. He would blow everyone away!

Anonymous said...

Great to see the Grammys noticing what we know. The uber talented Adam Lambert. I want him on the show performing.
Thank you Grammys. The Grammy nominated singer appreciated this so much, I am sure. ;)

Anonymous said...

Exactly,agree Adam should be rocking the Grammy stage then hopefully one day get a Grammy of his own. Love this picture too!

Anonymous said...

Viewers and critics alike agree that Adam was one of the performers at IHR, if not THE top. Looks like the Grammys paid attention, along with a lot of others who never did before. Let's hope that Adam's profile has risen enough to give him at least a chance at performing at the Grammys (sometime???).


Anonymous said...

Meant "one of the BEST performers." For "best."

Anonymous said...

Meant "forgot." Yikes.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam rock the Grammy awards show, but it should be with his own songs. Hopefully the next album whatever direction it takes, will have a hit single for a Grammy nomination again. Adam with Queen is out of this world, but I think we all realize he wants a solo career and has been working on that since his time after Idol. Maybe this performance with Queen will open some new doors for him and bring in writers and producers who want to work with him.

Anonymous said...

at DRG
been there done that

Anonymous said...

Finally a nod from the Grammys. Perhaps their eyes have been opened wide now and they will be sure to see him as a top contender for a Grammy and to perform on the show....not just present an award. We all need to see him and hear his fantastic pipes on every show possible.Tell Robin Thicke to get the heck out of our faces, and let us see some real talent perform...

Anonymous said...

Adam has never even presented at the Grammys has he? I hope that WHEN he is nominated again, it will be on the primetime of the Grammys; not like before when Bruno took home the Grammy. But, hey, I'll take what he can get. Still have my hopes for him. If he does not get an album out in time for the upcoming Grammys; I hope they invite him to be a presenter.
The presenters get fabulous gifts.

Anonymous said...

This isn't a nod from the Grammys. Adam has been featured on their website before. It has nothing at all to do with the Grammy committee. Geez

Anonymous said...

Didn't mean "a nod" as him being nominated....just acknowledged for his talent by them. Don't know if he ever presented at the Grammy's or not. Know he has presented at a couple of award shows. Yikes. Didn't know I was going to be picked apart for a simple statement. Seem to be some people on this site that think they are the know all of everyone and everything. What's it like to be such a special person? I am just happy Adam is being noticed for his talent.Geez... stop treating us like we are idiots. Need to grade people's opinions and thoughts? Become an English teacher. You will be happy to pick articles to death. Oh yes...Geez...

Anonymous said...

4:31pm ... could of left off the "Geez". We already know you are more informed than we are. Lighten up.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

There was another mention from the Grammy site to Adam last week; and there was a person posting that kept trying to let the fans know that this was no big thing and was not from the Grammys; they would not stop. Well Hell's Bell's I think it is great that he was mentioned and acknowledged by the Grammys site. "Geez".

Anonymous said...

Lol they had a picture of him at the Lovelace premiere last month. Do you think that was acknowledgment of his great ability to sit through a movie?

Or maybe they just put up random celebrity pictures.....

Anonymous said...

I doubt Grammy randomly puts up anything.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't can't faze a Glamoptimist, why don't y'all stop trying? We have a steely determination to be happy and upbeat.........if that distresses you, so be it !
JAK. \o/

Anonymous said...

Great photo......Adam, I'd ride on your bike anytime ! ^_^

Anonymous said...

In answer to your most question:
No, that means they can't get enough of that gorgeous face; you are aware that they only put pictures of people that has a buzz going for them, only the beautiful people; how did you not know that?

By the way, Mr. Adam Lambert is anything but random. Learn to deal with it.

Anonymous said...

@5:17 PM,

Don't you ever get tired of trying to convince people that Adam is not important; what is your problem. Are you a fan of someone that is not getting as much attention; did Adam not tweet you back, what?

You are not convincing at all. Sorry you just can't rain on this parade. Maybe you should "Go Lay Down In Darkness" and tell us what you see. Hope it is not the Green Eyed Monster!

Anonymous said...

There were a couple of people the other day who pointed out the Grammy twitter account was tweeting many different stars names. If you follow more than just Adam you would know they feature many different performers. It doesn't mean they are giving Adam a nod byt it also doesn't mean Adam isn't recognized. Its somewhere in the middle. Adam is one of the people they know will get them hits. They advertise and want hits just like any other site. I mean this as no slight to Adam, I'm glad he is one they recognize gets them hits and retweets.

Anonymous said...

How seriously am I supposed to take with a pun like that?

Anonymous said...

Quit fighting & being nasty, folks.

Anonymous said...

That pic and the caption text "Adam Lambert goes hard..."


A good man is hard to find and
a hard man is good to find...

Anonymous said...

My G-kids call me Grammy and Adam rocks me!