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More Queen & Adam Lambert iHeartRadio Videos (Another Different View)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Anonymous said...

He really does look good from any angle....not a 'bad' side in sight.....JAK ......IMHO. !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whoa! whatever the angle, just bring them all here Admin. lwl! Yes I like this angle, he reminds me of someone doing battle with a power song which he is determined to slaughter left, right, centre or from any angle. lol! It's not just high notes; it's the gestalt of voice power, projection, charisma, sexiness and of course that high G++ that climaxes it. Climax is crucial in drama in this case, WWTLF. And yes brilliant Brian the composer must be feeling so high just listening to his song sung like that. Yes I noted his expression after the song...his climax. Mmm, I would die if Adam sang one of my poems this way. lol! Perhaps not sing, how about lyric rap, also can! lol! Okay back to serious...Adam cat-walks on stage like a sleek smooth black panther with a heavenly God-given voice. Come to think of it, it's all the techniques he honed for years that help project it so efficiently right to the last seat at the back.


Anonymous said...

Cant believe how that guy drinking in front row showed no enthusiasm. I wonder if he paid for that seat or was it a comp!!

Anonymous said...

So delicious on levels I cant even find words for

Anonymous said...

I did notice more passive people in this audience than in the European audiences. THAT won't last long cause the growing Adam fans will soon be buying up ALL the tickets -- especially stage-side. I noticed that stoic man too. I wondered why he was even there. (Well, mayber his wife forced him to come haha.) Back to "His Greatness:" I hope he puts the pink feathered jacket in his suitcase all the time just in case the audience forces him to perform Dragon Attack. :)

Anonymous said...

I want him to sing Forever

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my.....Climax is always crucial! ^_^

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to see Adam perform from a different angle. And he does look so good from any angle. The man just has such an amazing stage presence which is mesmerizing. You also get to see the cameramen doing their job recording this performance probably for the CW show . I've watched the other vids of the Queenbert show so many times so this is just another view to add to my list of favorites that I've saved. What a way to end the evening.

Anonymous said...

Well well well...I was wondering who was going to pick that up. Alas it's not as easy or simple as it appears to be. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Seems like there was a lot of chatting in the audience, I don't understand that. How could they be listening to him.Why even be there if they are just going to talk thru it.

Anonymous said...

That's how I feel about all concerts. I have pent up desire to scream "shut up" at the rude people.

Anonymous said...

We just have to accept that this is a rude generation.
Even a few posters here, with tag or no tag, are plain and simple rude.

Anonymous said...

I would say that these people are awestruck of Adam's magnificent voice and don't know how to react he!he!

They couldn't believe what they are hearing in front of them!!:)



Anonymous said...

Just by looking at the first vid makes you wonder how can ANYBODY be there and look so indifferent and straight out bored as that man...the rest that were visible were just as boring. Maybe they were press people, maybe VIP's getting everything for free (and there for show only, lol), whatever... SO NOT like in the European concerts last summer!

And the man voice talking all the time near the person who took this vid - STFU the next time you're in the presence of Rock Royalty!!!