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Remember to Request Adam Lambert + Queen iHeartRadio Songs on the Radio!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, September 26, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, September 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

I just requested !!

Anonymous said...

I just requested !!

Anonymous said...

I also requested Adam Lambert and Queen. I did my job. Feels good.

Anonymous said...

I think we have to forget that anybody will put Adam's songs in the air including IHeart. Is Nile out of his mind? Doesn't he know about Adam's problems with f.... conservative radio and GLAAD's reporter article about Adam&naked girl photo which you can see everywhere again?!
This song never will release as single. They wrote and recorded it just for fun, I don't think Avicii, Nile or Adam will include this song in new album. If Adam will have chance to make new album after all.
Any who, it was very childish of Nile to mention all details of this song int the interview. Is he on drugs?

Anonymous said...

It was dumb.

Anonymous said...

@7:31PM What was dump? This comment or Nile comment about "oral sex with woman" song which Adam killed?

Anonymous said...

Dump? Nile's comment going out to who knows how many.
He should know better. I hope the lyrics were killed.

Anonymous said...

Oh you pearl clutchers!!!
Lighten up. Not that deep.
When will you stop worrying for no reason?!!!