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TV GUIDE's Reasons to Get Pumped About the New Season of "Glee"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, September 25, 2013

5. New guest stars! Glee will be getting visits from not one, but two famous faces this fall when Demi Lovato and Adam Lambert guest-star. Lovato, who is pulling double duty on Glee and X Factor, will be playing a new friend of Rachel and a possible new love interest for Santana (Naya Rivera). After seeing Santana spend a good chunk of last season pining for Brittany (Heather Morris) — while Brittany was dating Santana's ex nonetheless — we're excited to see her move on. If Lovato's character is half as feisty as Lovato is on The X Factor, she'll be the perfect pairing for the passionate Lima Heights Adjacent native. Although far less is known about who Lambert will be playing, it's nice to see the American Idol runner-up pop up four years after co-creator Ryan Murphy first mentioned him as a possible guest star. His killer voice and impressive theatrics throughout his run on Idol in Season 8 prove he's a great fit for the over-the-top series.

Source: TV GUIDE


glitzylady said...

This picture of Adam is just so so so handsome (see..we know another words other than gorgeous to describe him :))))

Anonymous said...

He looks a little like Clark Gable in this pic.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. That picture is going to give me beautiful nightmares.

Anonymous said...

nice little article in the TV guide. I'm pumped!!

Anonymous said...

Had to catch my breath when I saw this picture....Whew!


Anonymous said...

Who is Clark Gable?

Anonymous said...

LOL An old time movie star. Google him! Very handsome in his day.

Anonymous said...

A young Clark Gable.

Anonymous said...

Agree with you 9:51.

Anonymous said...

Clark Gable is the actor who played Rhett Butler in Gone With the Wind, my dear.
He always has his Melvin and the epitome of the old Hollywood star.

Anonymous said...

I'm super pumped .... my birthday is November 5 ....Adams 's first episode November 7....think I'll have a late party choclate ....drink wine more choclate..., washed down with more wine.... and watch Glee with the volume as loud as it goes ...,oh happy happy birthday to me:).....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see Adam on Glee. November seems a long way off. It will be intereting to see the role Adam will be playing since there have been so many rumors about the nature of his character. To me, Adam just seems to get better looking every time we see another picture of him. He looked gorgeous and so sexy during his show with Queen in Vegas. Nice to read that TV Guide gave props to Adam and his appearance on Glee. I haven't watched the show for a while, but with Adam on it, I will be tuning in specifically to see him.

Anonymous said...

I hope Ryan Murphy knows how to use Adam a whole lot better than RCA.

Anonymous said...

That's great. It's not even October and we're making Glee all about Rose Petal. Let the birthday celebration begin.

Anonymous said...

This pic should have it's own thread!
Simply STUNNINGLY emotional and beautiful!
Adam is one of the most beautiful human being I have ever laid my eyes on... and thank you universe he is NOT a model, some of the most moving shots are those when he is not posing... jmt

Anonymous said...

Ryan's other guest stars, like Ricky Martin and Kate Hudson to name a few, have been very well served by Murphy, his team's writing, and their stints on Glee... for that reason I am not worried at all.

And as far as this blurb seemingly saying that this is indeed a "guest star" stint... because Adam was also called in by Nile to just do the DEMO for LMD, and we all know how that turned out! ;). LOL. And even if it is just a quick few episode arc, it's still just great! Peace.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday on Nov.5, rose petal!!! What a way to celebrate! Adam on Glee in the same week. I know it says that he's a "guest star," but it's pretty much assumed that his role with be a continuing one. As for the picture, it not only needs its own thread, it needs it own website!! My God, he takes my breath. Every time.


Anonymous said...

11:50 PM
Thanks for posting the link, and Clark Gable in that pic looks a mixture of Adam and Sam Sparro and the girl looks like Miley Cyrus!!!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't realize I invited you .....only nice fun people at my party...sorry........oh and dear was it you I wrote that little poem about a few threads back.... if it was I so hope u enjoyed it ....if not well I can always write one just for u ....I'd like to think if you bothering me you're leaving others alone, but I that's probably too much to ask... seems like you enjoy spreading your good cheer all around the fandom....well gotta go start start chilling that wine you know .... my birthday is just a couple months away..... rose petal

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see Adam play a Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights) type role. It's obvious from his Better Than I Know Myself clip that he'd be a great dramatic actor. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks :).... I love my husband but he's never remembers my b-day....for years my sweet daughter tried to remind him, she finally gave up she just plans something for her and I to do ....all though she's not a Glee or Adam fan she'll there watching with me ....I'm a lucky girl ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal ...... JAK here......It's obvious you love your husband, aren't you the gal that let him hang a deer head on the wall? Greater love hath no wife! I'm just grateful my husband's hobby was golf! I'm not too upset by the wooden putter from St. Andrews Golf Course in Scotland that my guy hung on the wall in his least it doesn't have eyes!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the hair and the horns!!!!....:opps I meant anthers ...many a dissertation I've received on the difference :)... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or does this article give you the impression that the writer has no clue what Adam has been up to since AI? Have they been living under a rock?
