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25 Years of National Coming Out Day: Coming Out Still Matters

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, October 10, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Human Rights Campaign looks back at some of the trailblazing coming out moments in American media that raised the profile of LGBT Americans and sparked important dialogue about the fight for equality.


Anonymous said...

I just watched this at ON TOP magazine site and was coming here to post it Thanks admin!!

Anonymous said...

Why are they playing Katy Perry music?

Anonymous said...

I really like the way Jason makes it so anyone should be able to understand.
'It's like telling yourself the sky is red when you really know it's blue'

Anonymous said...

Born that way.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First of all, I adore Ellen and still watch her old tv series today - it's so funny - love her. Thank God they put Adam in this segment as he was the most truthful on an internationally seen tv show - idol. While he didn't say he was gay on the show, he did say I don't like sports, I just like dress-up. Hello! He wore make-up, nail polish and was definitely flamboyant compared to the other male contestants. And much cuter!
Also, at the start of his career as soon as he could, he said in RS, yes I'm gay, knowing the consequences. He then proceeded to be his own version of gay which is not Neil Patrick Harris who people seem to accept. I don't mind Katie Perry singing on the segment because she is a great supporter and also loves Adam!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, let's not use any songs from gay singers, no body will listen otherwise.

Anonymous said...

WOW to this gif picture of Adam:

Admin. use it as featured picture.

Anonymous said...

Another gorgeous pic. of Adam:

Anonymous said...

11:03 life events- either way it is out of anyones control.

Anonymous said...

12:39, That picture is beyond beyond beyond beautiful.


Anonymous said...

This video is beautiful to me

Anonymous said...

No fear of this thread getting 100+ comments! Effin homophobes!

Anonymous said...

12:42 AM
I read ALL the threads, I don't comment often & I'm not homophobic.