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Artist Tweets Picture of Adam Lambert's Hands

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 3, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, October 03, 2013


Anonymous said...

Well that is one of Adams hands holding hands with the other guy

Anonymous said...

Artist indeed...

Anonymous said...

NOMB...none of my business.

Anonymous said...

Right! Please don't let this thread become a quagmire.
It's nice he has a friend. Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Go Adam, make some some art together:

Anonymous said...

Adam is single and is free to hold hands with whom he likes. I think the meaning of his new tattoo is the knowledge of good and evil. It has a serpent and the symbolical apple and some plant that either symbolizes the garden of eden or some plant particularly, idk for sure. Oofta is something in norwegian and Adam is of norwegian ancestry.

Anonymous said...

at 8:25 AM

Sure thing, Adam can hold any body part he wants to and the new friend seems to be very willing to provide all the parts needed.

Still, I can't help hoping that oofta-hand was the only part he took pics of.

Anonymous said...

@8:33AM I haven't seen fans panicking like yesterday after the IG pics surfaced, lol. Some even tried to distract with false rumors.

Anonymous said...

He has a dominary personality. Definitely he isn't Adam type. I'm sure he would take pictures if there was anything more than hand holding. Adam didn't feel comfortable taking pictures with him anyway. It's pointless to speculate. He got new tatts and Adam got new tatts. This picture is just a show off of their tatts. That's all.

Anonymous said...

If this pic is to show off their new tats, then why don't we see Adams new tats.Nothing to speculate anything, they are holding hands, we can see that.

Anonymous said...

@8:03 Had to check that. Indeed he likes to show all his parts.

Anonymous said...

at 10:21 AM

Some of them are pretty big... :-O

Anonymous said...

I kind of doubt it was fans yesterday that started with false speculation. They were the ones fighting against the false speculation. The real fans that really care for him and the truth not false speculation. Sue

Anonymous said...

I think the pictures are quite good. Fanfic writers should be happy.

Anonymous said...

He def is a type who could spank Adam...

Anonymous said...

Well if he would turned to be Adam's new boyfriend that would be at least interesting but I don't like the drug using at all and this guy is promoting it.

Anonymous said...

I knew this would happen - quagmire up ahead.

Anonymous said...

It seems like Adam is liking the drugs. I don't get it and it is making me like him less. The drugs work as badly for him as for any other celeb. They are making him dull. Never understood the overly positive attitude towards drugs in this fandom.

Anonymous said...

at 11:01 AM

Adam can do nothing wrong or at least he should not be criticized. His new friend looks relatively good but his attitude and the lifestyle he is promoting makes me cringe. So sad that he is holding oofta which I think is a sign of many good and happy things in Adam's past.

Anonymous said...

What the hell gives you the idea that Adam is doing hard drugs?? Or...should I just assume "it takes one to know one"?

Anonymous said...

Oofta means when something uncomfortable happens. They got it after the bar brawl, if I remember right.

Anonymous said...

I really hope Adam is not hanging with this guy and his friends. Adam doesn't look happy, he looks like he is being used.

Anonymous said...

Not saying hard drugs but weed and mind expanding drugs. They are drugs too.

Anonymous said...

@11:32 AM Yeah but I think they wouldn't take a tattoo to remind them of something bad. It must have some kind of positive meaning for them which we don't know.

Anonymous said...

Oofta is to remind them when they lift up a drink not to over indulge.

Anonymous said...

You people are sick.

Anonymous said...

Oofta is a silly word in Finish. I remember when Sauli mentioned it to Adam and they both got it tattooed. It's just an expression please don't read anything else into it. I'm sure other friend of Adam's use drugs but Adam is a smart man and wants his singing career more than anything. He's doing great right now and I have only good thoughts for him. Please cheer him on! :)

Anonymous said...

So Adam is druggie now.Just another thing to add to the list

Anonymous said...

Heard it out of Adam's mouth after he got the tat, in an interview that it will remind him not to go there again. Said violence is a serious matter.

Anonymous said...

@11:49 No, oofta it's not a finnish word, it's norwegian. Trust me, I live in Scandinavia. :)

Anonymous said...

The guy is using Adam in order to get some publicity to his porn pics which are rather commonplace and not as special as he might think since there must be hundreds of nudie models like him in weho, not to mention in every bigger city in the US.

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam never reads these blogs when he is bored.

Anonymous said...

@11:51 AM Nonsense. He said that oofta-tattoo is his and Sauli's mutual thing and he won't reveal it's meaning when the radio interviewer tried to ask it's meaning.

Anonymous said...

@11:55 AM I'm afraid I have to agree.

Anonymous said...

11:51 AM
No one is saying Adam is a druggie. He just likes to be with people who use drugs. This guy is one of them. He has many vids in his Instagram where he smokes weed alone and with friends and promotes 420 and DMT.

I don't believe Adam is so dumb that he ruins his career with drugs. It is just odd that he wants to spend his free time with this kind of people. They must be great company. I don't like this guy what I've heard him speaking on his vids. But it's Adam's life.

Anonymous said...

11:57 PM
Isn't that the best time to read these blogs? When you are bored. So entertaining.

Anonymous said...

One sick jealous fan's of other is writing all these bullshit stuff about Adam. For crying out loud it is just a picture of tattoos. The guy got new tattoos and Adam got new tattoos. So he hold Adam's hand and snapped a picture. Why everyone reading more into a damn picture of hand holding? Why are you accusing a person you don't even know. The guy did modeling and now he is whole heartly into making arts. He has his own gallery in downtown LA. He is an artist as the this thread topic headline says.

May your evil jealous eyes go blind for good. Just go away! Stop with your lies and making up bullshits out of nothing.

Anonymous said...

11:58 PM
I agree. Adam has said that it is his and Sauli's inside joke.

Anonymous said...

12:06 PM
But he needs some stimulation to create his art because he promotes drugs (at least weed, DMT) on his IG-page. I don't like people using drugs. If they were as talented as Adam. Period.

Anonymous said...

12:10 cont.

I meant: I don't like people using drugs. EVEN if they were...

Anonymous said...

Whoever hell you are go take some of these drugs that you really know so much about cause you definitely need some for your own good and ours to disappear for good.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll go back to not reading comments again. Sad.

Anonymous said...

What kind of drugs are DMT and 420?

Anonymous said...

@12:19PM and bunch of other comments that you wrote, I suggest you take DMT and plenty of it too. PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

12:19 PM
I'm not an expert but I've read that 420 is weed and about DMT which this guy promoted, some one commented under the pic: "Best psychedelic experience ever."

Anonymous said...

@12:19PM DMT will help you not to write lies. TAKE TONS OF IT FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!

Anonymous said...

@12:22PM Buzz off!

Anonymous said...

Sad to see Adam with this kind of "friends". He is walking on a slippery surface like many other artists who have fame, money and fans but it's not enough or maybe it's too much?

Anonymous said...

@12:22 and @12:24 (you are the same person) BUZZ OFF!!!

Anonymous said...

@12:25I don't know but we have seen many talented people having problems with drugs. People who you think have everything you can want. Maybe it's just not healthy for your mind.

Anonymous said...

Adam loves Urban Dictionary.

1. is the correct spelling of the word too often misspelled as uff-da or oofda (although others would disagree). It is an expression used to convey surprise, exhaustion or a bunch of other feelings a Norwegian may have.
2. an exclamation reaction to something aweful, surprising or tiring.
3. the expression that of exhausted, or frustrated individual says (Oofta, I'm tired.)"

Anonymous said...

@12:28PM Thanks for letting us know that you are the same person writing all these lies cause you are bored and you want to entertain yourself with your lies. Obviously you aren't a fan of Adam. I suggest you buzz off and go away for good from this site. Sauli got his own fansites, thanks to Adam Lambert fans, and go to these sites to write your nonsense lies.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope we soon see happy pictures of Adam with his true friends and family!

Anonymous said...

@12:50 PM Yes please and these sad pictures with that dude and his friend will soon be forgotten.

Anonymous said...

12:43 PM
I'm not 12:28 PM, but I watched that comment and I don't get where the h**l did you draw Sauli's name to it? There are only OOFTA-comments that say something about him. And they are just relevant when people try to remember what that tat meant b/c both have it.

Is there some hidden Sauli-meaning in 12:28 PM:s comment? I don't see it.

Anonymous said...

12:50 PM
I hope so too!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter what the Urban dictionary says about oofta. Adam said it had a special meaning between him and Sauli. I go by what Adam actually said, we are also assuming it has to do with the bar episode in Finland. It just might be coincidental that it was tatted around that time.

Jadam said...

How can peoples imagination get so carried away over a simple photo of a couple of tattooed hands. Geeesh

Anonymous said...

1:10 PM
I'm the one who posted the Urban Dictionary -meanings. I know they mean something special to them. As Adam said it is something just between them.

I just wondered if they found it from UD. But it certainly is some kind of inside joke. I remember Sauli said that.

Jadam said...

PS As for the photos seen by following the above link. If you go hunting these things down, you could make anything of it. Loose words people.
Why go snooping into Adams private life then moan about what you see.

Anonymous said...

There is a loooong thread about the same issue. Some people are worried b/c they think Adam spend Tuesday night with some druggies (the other hand belongs to one of them, I think). Bad influence, you know. Adam is only 31 years old, "lil darlin".

Anonymous said...

Why do you accuse someone of being a druggie? Marijuana is legal in California. The guy isn't doing anything wrong and to infer nonsense from his IG pictures is criminal act. The guy is an artist and a very successful one. He has his own gallery in downtown LA. He isn't doing modeling any longer. That's why he got new sleeve tattoo. Adam got new sleeve tattoo. Sitting next to each other at BB where Adam was there to see a show of his new Glee friend Samuel, the guy holds Adam's hand and snaps a picture. That's all there is to it. Why are you digging into nonsense to make things up about Adam's friends being druggies and such? Go find your own friends.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope he has happy picture with friends and family and not someone to date. Let him alone he gonna date and these people are not all bad.that was probably no more than a picture with someone to show tat's. he going to date none of your business he a grown man. He not a drug addict whether anyone else around him is. But someone on here is they know everything about these drugs so please get help and stay out of telling lies about Adam Lambert you creep.

Anonymous said...

Bad influence, I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Only one sick stupid Sauli's fan like a troll writing all these delusional stuff about Adam. Jealous much!

Anonymous said...

@1:55 You're the jealous here. There's one Glambert on twitter like you. From south.

Anonymous said...

@2:02PM and to prove that you're right, what is my twitter name?

Anonymous said...

@2:08 You are not easy to get along with. I also think you diss Sauli because you are xenophobic.

Anonymous said...

Haven't read the previous loooong thread...and regret reading this... don't know who you are talking about and don't care...

Anonymous said...

I didn't diss Sauli. I can't stand you for writing all these nonsense stuff about Adam, his friends, family members and fans. That makes a jealous kind. Now what is my twitter name since you think you know everything?

Anonymous said...

Adam is his own worst enemy when it comes to his public image. Just as everything seems to be just fine and going upwards, then pics like this surface, throwing a bucketful of cold water on his career.

And always with Markus Molinari. The porn artist holding Adam's hand seems to have several Molinari pics on his IG.

Since music business is all about money and profits and selling a product, investing in Adam is relatively risky and pics with drug users and male nudie models do not help at all.

Anonymous said...

@2:23 I'm not @12:19 even though I told you to buzz off.

Anonymous said...

I am an Adam fan and a Sauli fan. So what? They have separated and having fun in their individual lives, and at this moment in two different countries. If they are not happy, then they are both damned good actors. The hands picture is a lot of fuss about nothing, not even a very good picture. It's amazing how so many people know all about the backgrounds and lives, of all Adam's friends. Some of these people Adam has just met for the first time. If he wants to hook up with someone, then the only place for sure would be a bar. He has been doing that for a few years now. Don't be so shocked, he is who he is. I am quite sure the same goes for straight guys looking for a girl.

Anonymous said...

oh lordy, help us every one

Anonymous said...

@2:25PM Oh really! I guess Eminem, Bruno Mars, Chris Brown, Lil Wayne, P Diddy, and others are suffering so much with losing album sales and concerts!? NOT!

Anonymous said...

@2:25PM Adam's his own worst enemy by attending a Glee friend's show and BB and ended up holding someone's hand with an unclear hidden camera picture and bunch of haters on this fansite trashing Adam, friends, and fans!? Really? You take the haters words inferring nonsense by looking at somebody else's IG!?

Anonymous said...

List of folks, either trolls, or just plain haters; and answering themselves and trash talking about our beautiful Adam:

11:01,11:17, 111:33,11:51,11:55

12:01,12:03,12:06, 12:10, 12:11, 12:19, 12:23, 12:25, 12:30,12:43, 12:50, 12:54, 12:59

1:32, 2:02
Sorry if I left anyone out; or named you in error.

He, she or them always spreads, lies, trash and hateful rumors across any site that involves Adam Lambert and another man. Sad but, true. They must get very tired. They should learn that everyone is hip to them and they cannot tarnish Adam Lambert's good name; even if they try. Not fooling anyone with your fake concern of this very grown, very beautiful Mr. Adam Lambert. The covers are off; everyone sees you for what you are. Enough said Over and out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


You missed my comments from 7:59am to 11:01am, lol!

I'm bored and I'm here for entertainment and lol. Don't care!

Anonymous said...

A bar is where he met Sauli after a concert is it not! They were together two years!

Anonymous said...


also you missed some of my comments after

Anonymous said...

Adam goes to many functions meets many people besides bars. Sure he dated people he met at private parties, charity events ect. However he did meet Sauli in a club after a concert nothing wrong with it. However some people act so righteous acting like Adam only one goes to clubs just not true!

Anonymous said...

2.25 dear God what a load if utter BS.every artist out there does way worse than that little picture if two hands. Have you lost your mine get help. With all the crazy stuff artist do today mostly just gets them more publicity does not hurt your worried about the tat hand thing or just taking a picture at an event. I heard a big record producer say when MC pulls all this stuff which include her promoting drugs which Adam does not do that's an artist job. An artist job to be talks about usually for bad stuff. Adam done nothing wrong. Please stop pretending your a fan your just a trouble maker that's all you are.

Anonymous said...

First off, the troll, started spamming threads after threads that Adam won't be on CW Network IH radio concert show on TV. She ended up being wrong. Adam was on both nights and got tons of behind the scene coverage.

Yesterday this picture of holding hands surfaced and the troll started posting rumors that Adam is doing drugs and he dates a druggie.

After fans digging to prove her lies, Adam was out on Tuesday night to support his Glee's friend's show at BB after spending his whole day time shooting Glee. Also the guy holding Adam's fan is an artist. He has his own gallery in downtown LA. The guy has new sleeve tattoo and Adam got new sleeve tattoo. They both happened to be sitting next to each other at BB during the show. The guy holds Adam's hand and snaps a picture. Nothing more!

All the negative comments are from a jealous troll. Writing comments and answering to her own comments.

Anonymous said...

Seems so many want to be Adam's guardian and keeper on this thread. There's so much concern (ex the darn trolls) amongst love that everything get soooooo misconstrued, carried away and out of context. Adam's a man not a kid.

Anonymous said...

Adam does not only go to bars, did you forget that every charity show or other event he attends has an after party, and Adam attends them all, if we go by the pictures that are taken of him. Every tour he has been on has an after party, it's just the done thing, and it leads up to a hellava lot of drinking. Even after the Vegas show, he went to Perry's after private party. From what Roger Taylor said jokingly , whiskey, is part of the friendship. His dad, Eber, I think got him going in this direction. Eber lost his marriage due to drinking, so Adam hasn't really had good role models for parents, as you all seem to keep on saying. Now some of Adam's best friends own bars, what chance has Adam got to not drink. Sauli also liked to drink a lot, they had that in common.
A lot of you call this networking, and he has to do it. BS

Anonymous said...

@3:39PM you see things from your own life experiences. Seems to me you didn't have a great upbringing and you are projecting your own experiences to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness, my own life experiences have never been bad. Nothing wrong with a glass of wine with dinner, but drinking to access has never been in my family or life style. I am only stating what we all see Adam do.

Anonymous said...

Yes,folks gather round this is the most pointless blog in the history blogs, no flash photography please.

Anonymous said...

3:49 denial kicks in now. LOL your POV was dead on.

Anonymous said...

@4:08PM We don't see exactly what Adam does. We only see tip of the iceberg with fuzzy pictures and videos that are taken in few seconds. Pictures and videos don't tell everything that's happening in Adam's life. Only those who are great supporters of entertainment media news where one picture is twisted in so many ways believe a whole life a celeb. is made of the pictures and videos.

Some only take things out of context to infer their negative feelings to Adam. Sometimes pictures don't tell the truth. Adam is a celeb. and he takes pics. with fans and other people. But some like to take things out of context and make up negative stories. Mostly haters that we have handful of them on this fansite that bares Adam's name.

Anonymous said...

3.49 you see nothing you have no idea how much he drinks. You made a statement about R and B of Queen. They said to an interviewer that Adam interrupts their songs a bit different said it proudly its a bit if a challenge. The interviewer said how do you handle that with Adam Rodger laughed and said a bit of whiskey. So now there drunks I guess! You are the BS queen or king. None if your business about Adam family and their marital problems awful. You have no earthly idea how much Adam drinks and it is none if your concern. I never have ever seen a picture if Adam ever looking falling down drunk never. Follow JB. cB or MC more material to fuss about there.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a choirboy compared to many top acts who make millions but still play around, get drunk, take drugs, beat their girlfriends, get DUIs, cheat on their spouses and partners, etc. Bad behavior doesn't necessarily hurt an artist in the marketplace. Quite the opposite. Good ol' Miley is performing AND hosting SNL this Saturday night. If the public decides they're going to accept you, they will forgive just about any behavior, legal or illegal. Saints and sinners both sell records. It usually doesn't matter much how they behave. JMO.


Anonymous said...

@3:39PM where in the hell you get this thing that Adam's parents divorced because of Eber's drinking? Eber on his own is a very successful business man. Don't you think too much drinking would interrupt his work? You never show any proofs of negative things that you state about Adam, his family, his friends, and fans. What are you trying to achieve by saying nonsense stuff? How do you know how much Adam drinks at events he attends? Why are you so concern about Adam's personal life?

Anonymous said...

@DRG Last year or the year before, when Lil Wayne step out of jail sold 1.5 million of his album in first week. Artists definitely love to push buttons out of norm to get buzz. If it's done right it'll be a win for them. As you said Miley is getting a great mileage out of her VMA performance. Artists live in different dimension than ordinary people. Sometimes even certain drugs helps them to tap into their creativity. Yes, Adam is saint compare to some of them.

Anonymous said...

Well, in any case, Adam honestly admitted he was having a hangover when Nile called. And yet, he spruced up real quick and ready in such short notice; to belt out Lay Me Down which is going to hit the world charts by storm! So drunk or not drunk, Adam is the Sifu of his own destiny. I even joked Adam might have meant, lay him down literally perhaps due to the lingering after effects of his hangover. lwl!


Anonymous said...

4.24 I meant 3.39.

Anonymous said...

OK, I guess it is all settled then, that Adam has a few drinks at some of his friends bars and elsewhere. Also he has tats, and one oofta on his hand. So while we all agree, what are we sounding off about. LOL

Anonymous said...

Who's "we"?

Anonymous said...

You don't know who you are? So sad
just look in the mirror and you will find "WE" LOL

Anonymous said...

Lawd Adam. What must you think of your loony fans. Whatever it is, you're smart enough to keep it quiet. Say the wrong thing...& they'll turn on YOU. Lol.

Anonymous said...

I found that removing sleeve tattoo cost $25 per inch. And much easier to remove black&white tattoo. Adam, remove this stupid tattoo, please!!!!,

Anonymous said...

4:09 why didn't heed your warning? lol pointless is putting it mildly.

Anonymous said...

I gotta wonder if Admin loves posting these pics she knows will stir up trouble. She gets tons more hits and more money. Maybe that us the real reason she doesn't want to moderate any comments. Maybe the money is more important to her than how Adam looks on a fan site for him.

Anonymous said...

I came back to see if I was right. Yes I was - a real quagmire. Maybe you all should switch to politics or religion. It's obvious that handholding is much too dangerous a topic! Stupidity is running amuck! As usual.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps an extended site name could be: 24/7 Adam Lambert Quagmire. lol! Then everybody can throw in anything they wish with or without substantiation because everything will be sucked in. My advice to those who simply spew whatever comes to their mind, to slow down their thinking process a little; stand back and reflect, are they so perfect to lash out at Adam who is so down-to-earth and has never lashed out at anybody because he knows he's not perfect. Only once, towards the end of his home-based GNT, he did lash out. That actually awakened me quite a bit not because he lashed out, rather it made me realise the disappoitments he endured, like he said: "always no no no". And so he was driven to let go of that because he more or less realised he was not what some people had written him off to be.


Anonymous said...

7:55 PM
Yes, what an endless quagmire. There are some trolls and then there is at least one Sauli-hater (troll too) who thinks that all the posts against Adam come from Sauli-fans' mouths. Dear Lord. Some may just not like drugs and drug users, legal or not. And this does not mean anyone says Adam uses drugs. It just seems that some of his friends (near or not so near) use some. But this person who hates Sauli and thinks all who don't like some pics where Adam is with other guys are from his fans,sounds like he does not like foreigners (this comes to mind but there might be other reasons; not everyone likes Sutan or Markus Molinari or other Adam's friends),is one of a kind; on many threads always the same song: Everyone who does not always praise Adam and his lifestyle, is a Sauli-fan and that's why not allowed to state his comments here.

We don't know Adam or Sauli personally. They LOOK and SOUND happy right now in their lives. That is all that matters. They are both good men.

Anonymous said...

Hey, wake up people! Forget this thread. There are new pics of Adam going shopping with his friends (Markus Molinari and some others) and it is DAYTIME. And Adam looks great, fabulous and casual, yes!

Anonymous said...

Oh and the young guy who looked like a bride with his hood on Tuesday-pics is there too. Maybe the rumor that Adam got secretly married is true, lol.

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't discriminate against others. So where do you draw the line, based on others hidden/obvious activities? If you take pics with everyone, then how do you become responsible for offending someone, cause it may cause an uproar? Nothing to do with Sauli, Adam's family or friends, it's what he does. He's a gay man and therefore seeks out others in that culture and orientation, so yes lot of clubbing pics, but where else should he go? Careerwise the music is what if anything he owes anyone, not his personal life. I love Sauli but unless Adam/Sauli wants to involve the world whatever goes on in their lives with each other or someone else is their personal business. As far as I can see Sauli's career is going pretty well and Adam is trying to up his career. In some ways this year was a series on losses, 19 Entertainment/RCA, but he is just trying to keep himself viable in the marketplace. I truly don't see a lot of negative behaviors as in the past, so whether or not we all agree, he has improved and matured on a lot of levels. All of us have folks we know that we are not proud of, but for the sake of civility we tolerate. Like some of the people in all those pics.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's hard to live alone, be alone with yourself. Some of us never are/become comfortable with that. When you're in a certain position, you lose privacy. Adam seems determined to not lose the ability to go out, no bodyguards etc.
So the alternative is not to go out. Becoming insular should not have to be a by-product of becoming a performer/famous. There's always someone going to come up for pics and in the age of the internet, going to post those pics. Of course, one would always like publicity/rumors to be positive, but that's what multi-social media has done, put people under a microscope, day and night and it's recorded for posterity. And people are going to jump up to say whatever, read whatever into situations, which may honestly not have the connotations implied. I don't know how many of us could stand up to such relentless, uncaring, demeaning scrutiny, every time one goes out to meet friends, eat out or go clubbing. Some of us need to leash/muzzle outselves and have a little humanity towards a guy who is generally regarded as kind, non-judgmental and accepting of others. Seems keeping his career going is what's on his agenda most of the time. Everyone makes mistakes and is not perfect 24/7 and since so many didn't purchase his music, what he does to remain in the public eye is much less lurid than some others in the entertainment industry. ourselvesyoneheay/niSome so

Anonymous said...

Many of the posts on this topic are an absolute disgrace.

Anonymous said...

10:00pm & 10:22pm. Best comments I have ever read on this website. Thank you! Hope those who are opinionated with every single move Adam makes to read these two comments and take it to their hearts. Hopefully if they are fans they'll have Adam's back to leave Adam's personal life to him. Cause in this age of social media not only Adam but all celeb. deserve to have right to their privacy.

Anonymous said...

No one has ever said that while Adam clearly had some career worries last year that the public/fans were not aware of, perhaps that made it easier to be in NY and other places. I think Sauli bought a lot to the table, but wanted a career of his own. This doesn't make either him or Adam bad people for breaking up, but when one invests into another person, there's give and take. Seems both knew challenging days were ahead and rather than continue to let rumors swirl, took steps so no one's reputation/career was sidelined by angst. It's hard to deal with career issues when your partner's is on the upswing. Sauli had what Adam never had, goodwill of his countrymen. We're too divided over orientation, and personal things, when if you are an entertainer, it's your job. It's not your job to censor yourself or others when you are going out. These men are different personality types, one very outgoing and the other more private. Kudos to Sauli for dealing with the crays here and to Adam for ignoring them. These are human beings and deserve respect. I liked Sauli's maturity and he's a private person. I hope both do well in careers and private lives. But everyone you are seen with is not a bed partner and it paints Adam in less than favorable terms all the conjecture about people he's seen with.

Anonymous said...

I notice in the Finnish publications-print, Sauli is featured a lot, however not in private moments. They all seem to print positive things and post pics which are not intrusive. So different here. It's notable that pics from Finland always seem to be work related with regard to Sauli. Admirable to the max.

Anonymous said...

Oct 4, @ 9.09 PM

Thank you for reasonable and analyzing comment! It made at least me think and see things a bit differently :)

Anonymous said...

Why all these OT crazy threads starts with bashing Adam, then foul mouthing fans, then degrading his friends and family. Then finally at the end inflating about Sauli to the max.?