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Awesome Quote of The Day

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, October 01, 2013


Anonymous said...

There is such a respect and admiration between Adam and Brian. I love watching Adam perform with Queen and he is amazing.

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence, I feel like Adam is a gift from heaven, too. ;)

Anonymous said...

There's so much chemistry between Adam and Brian. He's a perfect fit for Queen and yes, a gift from heaven. <3

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the power went out here and I think the only act that didn't record was Adam. Did he sing with Queen tonight? UGH so mad!(

Anonymous said...

8:46 oh no!! I got home late but from tweets and reading this site Q&A&F did FBG and it was great once again.

Anonymous said...

I watched it tonight and it was so great seeing Adam with Queen on my TV! I only taped their performance, so I can watch it again and again. Adam + Queen = perfection.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that made me sad is that it seems iHeart only showed the 2 songs with that guy Nate and fun. And not one with just Queen and Adam, esp. WWTLF. What a wasted opportunity.

Anonymous said...

@10:49 -- no, sounds like you missed last night's show -- Queen + Adam performed WWRU/WATC. Although, yes, last night they did show Nate singing STL. WWTLF would never have happened -- this is just a highlights show and they're only giving most artists 1 song, maybe 2, so they are giving a lot of exposure to Queen, whether it's with Adam, Nate or Adam & Nate duet. Alas, I wish the Nate guest appearance wasn't there because all the network suits love to hype that up rather than just leave Queen + Adam be. But I think there will be lots more to come from Q + A, so watch out...

V Camilleri said...

Loved Adam and Queen but Fun was no fun. Adam was top form with The Band beautiful on stage.

V Camilleri said...

Loved Adam and Queen but Fun was no fun. Adam was top form with The Band beautiful on stage.

Anonymous said...

@V Camilleri

FOR ONCE a double post truly is in order!
SOOO agree with you!

Just imagine if the quote above in the pic would come from Adam's own home country, from somebody as prestiged as Dr Bri...internationally I mean... And then the music business suits and the US mainstream would finally see the light! Well, there's a dream big enough for my life

jt said...

I guess the men in suits decided to put Nate from Fun with Queen because they felt he is more relevent to the younger kids than Adam. Well, Adam showed them up as being wrong didn't he. Nate did as good as he could but nobody can stand up to a power house voice that Adam has. I felt bad for Nate having to come out after Adam sang WWTLF I don't think there is a singer out there that would want to be put in that situation. But as other bloggers have said its all to the good, Adam and Queen got the best reviews and it gave Adam the biggest venue yet and I am sure he will have many more people interested in seeing Queen and him when they do more concerts, hopefully next year in USA.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome man you are, Brian May! Have loved your guitar playing all these years. And I mean all Queen years.
ADAM LAMBERT - the only current MAGNIFICENT voice and persona to front the Queen!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Adam is certainly a 'gift from heaven'! To watch the full circle of Queen to Adam and Queen + Adam moves the heart and brings tears to the eyes! Adams a star and it took a mastermind like Dr Bri to make the official declaration of pure wonderment!

Anonymous said...

love that Queen has found Adam to do their songs justice.

Anonymous said...

Queen + Adam Lambert = heavenly gift to us all! So thrilled that Dr Brian May saw Adam on Idol and knew immediately, as we all did, that he was a star. Adam and Queen are like a good marriage, each has helped the other thrive. Adam was meant to sing with Queen, there could be no other. Like Freddie, Adam is unique and mesmerizing. Add to that Adam's one in a billion voice and you have magic. I would love for Adam to have many more concerts with Queen as well as the chance to create his own music. Adam deserves that chance and I'm waiting to hear what comes next from our Rock God.>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

JAK here .....spouting off....... I think the men in suits thought Nate would appeal to the younger audience and he did. In this country I think Adam's fan base is in the mature age range (there are always Liam in NZ...bless him)....but pop stars and pop music reign on the charts. Adam simply isn't a Britney, Timberlake, One Direction, Beyonce, K.Perry type. Thank God! He's more than that, an accomplished singer, plus the usual accolades....gorgeous, sexy, charming, etc.

I think almost everyone would agree on the voice superiority but it's perhaps too trained and as Simon said 'theatrical' for the pop audience to identify with.....not that he can't sing pop, he can sing anything, his voice, enunciation even accent changes from song to song.
That has been a criticism of him...that he doesn't have
one distinctive 'sound' or performing style he sticks to. He's a chameleon . He's a stage actor, he acts each song as appropriate to the character he's playing...that was obvious in the many Adams we saw on Idol. audiences would say.

But consider the pop stars, they sound the same, song after song. Sometimes all Gaga's sound alike and Katy's and etc. the younger demographic don't care. If they
liked it once they'll like it 20 times in a's what radio plays ad nauseum .

Hopefully the buying public will catch on to the fact of his excellence....but I'm one of those who think he belongs and would be more appreciated on the Broadway stage.
There excellence is rewarded and uniformity is not the popular choice.....but as always I want Adam to be happy whatever avenue and genre he chooses.

Now I'll shut up the rest of the day! I promise!

Anonymous said...

gee JAK why didn't they put younger people with EJ and Paul M then? I think they put Fun with Adam for some other reason what it is I may never know. Maybe Fun has an album coming out or something.

Anonymous said...

JAK I too would like to see Adam on the Broadway stage someday but not now while he's young and can do so many things at once. He's always said that he gets bored easily and right now Broadway would be exciting for about two weeks and then he'd get antsy to do something else and be stuck into a contract doing eight shows a week. Maybe when he's in his 50's...Athough I won't be around to see it. I want young Adam popping or rocking or whatever he wants to do. He's gotten so much exposure lately, tptb have to recognize his multifaceted talents. He can decide what he wants to do.
