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E Online: Hollywood Hunks With Wacky Haircuts

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 23, 2013

SOURCE: eonline


Anonymous said...

That gaze looks mildly amused and slightly dangerous.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A quick thanks to SITE ADMIN for all you do to keep us up-to-date and aware, even though so many here seek to tear you down with serious negativity.

Anonymous said...

just gorgeous amd an amazing entertainer

Anonymous said...

Don't know how wacky it is but isn't he soooo pleasing to the eye.

Anonymous said...

so Adam's a Hollywood Hunk
sounds right to me

glitzylady said...

I think they meant "Hollywood Hunks with SEXY Haircuts", at least in Adam's case :)))))

Anonymous said...

I agree on the sexy part nice to see him mentioned tho.

Anonymous said...

OMG! He looks soooo good as always. I can't understand how someone can be so gorgeous in so many ways!


Anonymous said...

Oh my God! Adam you are such a star. The hair is just beautiful. Are these people blind?
Can complain; at least he is on the handsome hunk list where he belongs.

Anonymous said...

Love his leather shirt with the tail. I wonder if it's sleeveless. I want one! He looks sexy and gorgeous in this picture.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say, "Can't complain "
@1:17 PM.

Anonymous said...

Love when Adam gets on all these kind just-for-fun lists. It shows that his name is out there with other celebs, even if it's just silliness. Adam has just about the best hair I've even seen on a man. He wears it in proportion to the shape of his face. Shows off his features so well! He's just a babe.

And yes, thanks, Admin. This site can get very wacky at times, BUT I have to say that this site does post news faster than other Adam fansites, including AO. Don't know how you do it, but keep it up, please!


Anonymous said...

Bad typing day for me. Hah!

Anonymous said...

You want something Adam!!!?

Just ask?????:)

We are here to catch anything you throw he!he!


Anonymous said...


Lambert attends the premiere of Bridegroom in Beverly Hills rocking his familiar tall, tinted locks.

Time to update the locks situation, Adam?

Anonymous said...

Hunk, yes; wacky, no.

This site is no where near what it used to be. It is not as up to date as it used to be, many fans have left. The people who remain share with Admin the blame for what the comments look like because of responding to trolls and refusing to do anything about blocking trolls. Wish I could find another site that worked well on my phone.

Anonymous said...

@2:52 PM I wish you could, too

Anonymous said...

I vant 2 suck yaaaaa bloooooood.

Anonymous said...

Another, thing it gives him an extra 2 inches in height.

Anonymous said...

@October 23, 2013 at 3:16 PM

Hilarious, omfg I just roared out loud

Anonymous said...

@ 3:16. Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

DAYUM that man is gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks soooooo much better with the scruff than the full mustache.

Anonymous said...

But yet you reply to trolls keeping them around instead of a frustrated real fan. I see. Better to keep driving away the fans than ignore trolls or have Admin deal with the trolls.

Anonymous said...

Part of the problem is some of the people here are mean.

Anonymous said...

Some of the people are bossy (8:54). If you really want to run the show, get your own blog and make all the rules you want.

Anonymous said...

2:52 I have been on this site since it started I love it I just don't post much but I do think the dye hard fans are still here.Love this site Love Adam Lambert.-----------blueeyes

Anonymous said...

@ are good people....JAK : )

Anonymous said...

i love his look;)he looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

Wacky is a word I would never use in a same sentence with Adam Lambert. That's just plain wrong and unprofessional.
Pheeeewww that pic!

Anonymous said...

Unless the definition of wacky has changed or morphed into something else, I think it defines Adam when he mugs for the camera, etc. There's nothing wrong or unprofessional about being wacky at times. It's fun.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jak rem I am the one that talked about seeing Chuck Berry on Blueberry Hill in St.Louis you said you knew the area well.We will always be here for Adam we just don't have to reply or get involved with the septical people or non supporters of Adam they are just silly.-----------blueeyes