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James Durbin Asks Adam Lambert Out on Twitter

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, June 5, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, June 05, 2011


Anonymous said...

My first thought was: 'Who's had drinks?' lmao.

Anonymous said...

Durbin does NOT BELONG on this Adam's Site AT ALL.
Erase his creepy face forever from this site PLEASE.

Anonymous said...

love it, I hope they hook up.Wish I understood twitter a little better, I have a hard time figuring out who is talking to who esp. when they start the retweeting stuff.

Anonymous said...

YES, SECOND THAT @ 10:42! Not on this site.

But Dee Snider IS badas$!!! (Obviously :)

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for this young lad. He's making a total ass of himself and has no idea... Adam was great tho! xD

Anonymous said...

Very awkward situation all around.........JAK

LIVA said...

LOL I agree with JAK. This was very awkward.....

Is it just me or did Adam sounded a bit reluctant and confused?

Anonymous said...

No, Adam was right on the mark as always.

Anonymous said...

Adam sounding reluctant and confused: he probably also thought "Who's had drinks?"

Anonymous said...

Oh, so Durbin is calling a truce? Gee, big of him - after he trash-talked about Adam so much. This guy is simply clueless but Adam, as always, was gracious and did offer advice via twitter. If Durbin doesn't take him up on it, then his loss. Hopefully, that will be the end of it.

LP said...

Is Adam even in LA?

Anonymous said...

Durbin is delusional. Adam is disinterested but far, LOL! I hope James wises up and stops bugging Adam,Or we COULD get an "Oh Snap!" moment! WOO HOO! ;D (RedRoseQueen1)

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to take a tape recorder with him,if he meets JD. I don't trust JD, and is not a stable person.

Anonymous said...

chill, this famewhoring benefit both adam and james. it will get their names on newspapers

Anonymous said...

why oh why did I have to watch AI the night Adam sang ROF? I was leading a perfectly happy dull

Anonymous said...

Doubt whether Adam will take JD up on his lunch suggestion lol! It was very nice of Adam to be so polite after all the "feud" stuff that went down though. That's Adam...always classy, polite. Well, the ball is in Adam's court now. Let's see what he does. Bet the sudden communication from JD waiving the peace flag surprised sort of came out of nowhere.


Anonymous said...

is it just me or this guy sounds kinda insane? he is the one asking for advice but then he reject of adam's offer of discussing it on twitter... i hope adam doesn't go out for lunch with him...

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I am not a big James fan. That being said though, it is a tough business and I suspect James is a little intimidated and maybe afraid. I suspect it took alot for him to tweet Adam and ask for advice. Adam is a kind spirit. I think he will follow up with James.

As said above...awkward.


Anonymous said...

First of all, kiss ass durbin!
Second, does durbin have a record deal yet?
Third, this is awkward, putting Adam on the spot. Now Adam will be damned if does, & damned if he doesn't .
I feel bad for Adam , cuz I don't trust this guy & I feel like durb is setting Adam up.
This is just my first instinctive reaction from knowing of durn's history on idol interviews.
Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Durbin could have tweeted something nice about Adam as a peace offer if he wanted to make it clear to his fans that there’s no feud going on anymore. But he should have asked business advices privately. It's awkward to ask Adam publicly to help him in his music. He didn’t really leave Adam much room to say no. Especially when Adam is known to be very polite towards other artists, and he already tried to calm the fans when Durbin fans and glamberts were making these comparisons between them.

glitzylady said...

I agre: I think now that Idol is over, James is out there in the Real World just a little more, and he is realizing that "after Idol" may not be as RockStar for him as he thought it would be without a lot of hard work AND also being careful about what you say in public, among other things. I would venture a guess that one of the cardinal rules in the biz is "never burn your bridges" or, in this case, talk trash about one of Idol's biggest and most successful contestants. I'm guessing he has been "educated" about that. Show biz is rough and Idol is obviously no guarantee of success once you leave that famous "Idol Bubble". So in that regard at least, he is very smart to try to connect with Adam and ask his advice. As you say, Adam is a kind spirit and I too believe he will try to follow up on their conversation on Twitter. I'm sure he was rather amused and bemused by James' out of the blue tweet to him. (Gosh, wish I could just tweet Adam and have him respond to me...and meet me for lunch! Now I'm jealous..) ; )

Anonymous said...

What else can ADAM say right now. He was put on the spot in a rather wierd way, and on twitter for everyone to clearly view. All rather odd.

Anonymous said...

Confused for sure. Hope JD's intentions are sincere because maybe he doesnt realise he is dealing with one hell of a classy guy.

Anonymous said...

JD has put him on the spot. I actually don't think JD is that smart though and is not thinking of his actions and yes he is feeling a bit lost! Adam will take this in his stride as always and act the consummate professional. Love him for even responding but that is why we love him - LOVE LOVE LOVE in the AFTERMATH.

glitzylady said...

I do have to say too that James really did put Adam in an unbelievably awkward spot, but then again, Adam did answer him..He could have ignored it was more than gracious of Adam to tweet back. And it certainly perked up my twitter feed for quite awhile!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Then James tweets this:

JDurbinAI10 James Durbin
for the record, I wish Daughtry could give me advice..That would be gooder than good :)
2 hours ago

Hk fan said...

Why didn't he just send Adam a direct message like he asked Adam to send to him, agree, very strange.

Anonymous said...

JD knows exactly what he's doing. He obviously wants to pick Adam's brains re how to succeed after Idol, and he tweeted him there so it's out there for all Twitter followers to read. Yep, JD isn't stupid at all.

He has bagged Adam in the media and yet he now wants to be all "palsy walsy" to glean Adam's knowledge of the industry. I hope Adam doesn't fall for this ploy but should he decide to meet with him, I hope he says very little.

Anonymous said...

Adam is WAY too nice! OMG, the audacity of JD to seek Adam's wise advice after all the ugly comments he made to the media??? No, just no.

Bing said...

@ANON at June 5/11:09PM - love your post LOL.

I still hope that something good comes out of this. Oh my dearest Adam you were brought up so well by your parents. You are such a gentle soul and it is my wish that people will not take advantage of you. And since you are a very compassionate person i know that the universe will be kinder to you. ILYSM and i will never get tired of you no matter what. I will always be your devoted, understanding and crazy fan :)

Anonymous said...

jd just wants to use adam to attract some attention after AI, nothing new from him anymore. if talking about business, why need to tweet it out?
he has some gift in voice like many others, but no talent in developing it. using adam is his last trick.

Anonymous said...

I agree. This is just James looking for attention and trying to draw Adam into saying something "wrong" on twitter - he really doesn't know Adam. LOL I loved Adam's responses.

Anonymous said...

James is one scary dude...I'm sure Adam knows a loose canon when he sees one.

Anonymous said...

11:09 Lol me to

Anonymous said...

Damn JD has brilliant adviser indeed!!!!!

They watched the Concert in Russia and he realized how fantastic is Adam with everything!!!!

I can't blame this Idiotic person to use our Adam and asked for help.... Oh Adam you are the best ever idol indeed!!!!!

I hope this will be the last mention of that JD thing here F***

Anonymous said...

Did I read correctly...I scrolled up and yes, he called Adam, brother and not so long ago, he referred to Adam as, that guy! This kind of sudden change in attitude always sends me a warning signal. Bottom line...I think he wants to open Adam's next concert and tour with him like what Alison did; could that be the business implied in his tweet? Adam is kind and generous but also very smart and careful.
-Lam my

Sue said...

Yes, Adam IS a gentle compassionate soul, but he also is a professional with an EDGE! There's no way that he'll get involved in this. I'm sure he's laughing his ass off over JD's comments.
I'd bet Adam feels for the fact that JD is struggling, but he knows better than to get tangled up with him. JD has Idol ppl to advise him, and Adam has better things to do!!

Anonymous said...

if adam wanted to have someone open for him--it could be hayley. she has been on tour before in europe and would get more following in the aftermath. he could give her credence like he did allison. just saying. jd-what a dork.

Rita said...

So glad to see this is being discussed in a sane way. Someone on the AI website started a thread about these tweets and the Durbinators are out in force and not showing Adam any love, for sure. JD's fans are as delusional as JD, some truly believe JD never dissed Adam. I don't trust JD's intentions and I hope Adam is very guarded if they do happen to meet.

Anonymous said...

James sounds desperate about the direction of his musical career, if there is going to be any for him. I'd feel sorry for him if he wasn't grasping at Adam.

Anonymous said...

Why is this Adam site giving James so much attention.. that's what he craves.He has his own fan club ,let them give him time and space. Personally ,I'm beginning to find him really creepy .
Adam is very smart and I'm sure he had James figured out a long time ago.

Urethra_Franklin said...

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a way to wake up on a fucking Monday morning!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hes asking EVERYONE out for lunch!!

HES A DOUCHE! DOUCHE FAME WHORE!!!! PLAIN AND SIMPLE!! Finally wised up to what Adam IS and hes trying to jump on the train....DICK!

Urethra_Franklin said...


This is gonna make me GIDDLE all fucking day!!


Anonymous said...

I thought we are the only one stalk Adam on Twitter and I guess I am wrong. Strange tweet from JD but don't care much. People call you brother or sister when they want $$$ from you, it happen a lot.

Urethra_Franklin said...

I was kicked off of Idol after my first audition. Care to take me to lunch to discuss my post Idol career?
You know the drill,

If only it was that easy....

Anonymous said...

What I don't like about this whole thing is JD always blames whenever he doesn't get what he delusionally thinks he deserves. I hope he doesn't repeat his blame game on Adam again if Adam turns down whatever business he wants with him; beware the wrath of this usually sane and patient site here!
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

OT........way OT.........a bit of 80's nostalgia.
Does the name John Cafferty (Beaver Brown Band)
bring back any memories? No ? Well. I'll bet Eddie and the Cruisers--films 1 and 2 does.

Michael Pare' was prettier but without John's voice and fantastic sax player there would have been no movie. They also did music for Rocky films.

He was appearing in town this week. It was a blast from the past!...............JAK

Anonymous said...

Love Adam for being supportive of other artists! Love that he wants to help James with advice.
I can't see why there would be any bad blood between them. Lol @ that pic!!! Cute!
Don't forget, Adam's a smart guy. If James tried to ride Adam's coattails, or anything, I'm positive Adam would figure it out pretty darn quick.

Anonymous said...

Durbin is making a fool of himself in the most public way possible.

@JAK - Yes, I remember Eddie and the Cruisers!

I've seen it 10 or 20 times over the years and

you're right the music made the movie and Michael

Pare was the icing on the cake!!!!Teenage Love <3

Anonymous said...

James is a douche. He mimicked Adam horribly (but without the chops) all the way through this season, right down to highlighting his hair tips around the same time Adam did. When Adam grew a tiny goatee, James grew a soul patch goatee. When Adam shaved his facial hair, James shaved his too. James ended his songs on AI the same way Adam did, with his right arm raised to the sky. He tried to also end them on Adam's brilliant high notes, but just sounded like a strangled giraffe.

This is really turning into an almost stalker-like situation. It's like Adam has an obsessed stalker fan who just keeps trying to get his attention.

James, go away. You are delusional, there are only a handful of so-called "Durbinators" out there, while Adam's fans rule the world.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert 24/7 ... please make James go away... Can we here on this Adam site go back to ADAM

Anonymous said...

Adam is in the really small percentage of people who know how to spell 'definitely'. :)

Cheril said...

James has talent and disabilities. A difficult combination in an extremely backstabbing industry. He was right to recognize Adam as one of the good guys. But, Adam is constantly followed by the paps so I bet a lunch won't be happening as Adam indicated with an ok and a wink. Adam answered him and offered advice over twitter. The feud thing was put to rest (yay). James needs to surround himself with people he can trust. He'll know his way around more as the tour rolls on. Adam has already given advice to all idol contestants...stay true to yourself - and Madonna's advice...keep your eye on the prize. After that, it is talent, hard work and the luck of the draw with a good song to find success. James has had his share of bullying. Give the guy a break and wish him luck to find happiness and success. He will definitely need it just because the industry is struggling itself. #generosityofspiritandcompassion

Anonymous said...

Adam will handle the situation with style.
I'm afraid James is not even in the same league as Adam. Don't reckon this is a smart move on the part of JD. Just time to move on.

Anonymous said...

James Durbin scares me, lol
He needs to back the fuck off.

Anonymous said...

Adam is polite but he needs to avoid JD like the plague. JD is finding out the realities of the business and is panicky and desperate. This begging and sucking up is so juvenile, especially when it's done in public. JD knows that Adam has to respond in some way. Hopefull, Adam will be able to back out of this gracefully and get on with his work. JD should ask advice from those in his music genre. Let his own fans support him if they love him so much, just like we do for Adam. I have so sympathy for JD. It's a cruel world out there. Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

"Oh, I definitely understand." Adam's reply says it all - lol.

Anonymous said...

To me , from Adam's tweet, he knows durb is up to no good.
"haha..." durb probably thinks this is all fun n games, not for Adam. It's not being professional & very business like.
".... why don't we... right now over twitter.... ." it's almost like durb was expecting Adam to react in a negative way or reject durb publicly, to humiliate Adam , like a dare, & Thank goodness Adam responded like, as if "bring it on bitch".
I think Adam 's response was excellent.
I just think Adam's tweet back to durb is overall saying "read between the lines".
Mwah!! K
,_|_ f*** u durb!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Dee Snider is a metal veteran and JD can use him for advice. Better fit. This public begging is so low-class. Only makes JD looks foolish. Adam handled it well, of course. Hope JD got the message loud and clear. The last thing Adam needs is more association with this guy, and Adam knows it.

Anonymous said...

If this durb is still around anything Adam in 3-6 months, & he's acting like this still, then I would start to worry. Cuz then we'd know fosho that he's not stable.

Anonymous said...

This durb guy, I knew I had a bad feeling about him from the first time he mentioned Adam's name.
24/7, I'm glad u brought this up here, we may need to keep one eye opened on this guy! Don't trust him.

Anonymous said...

Wow, That whole conversation to me was awkward and strange. My first instinct was James is just craving for attention. Loved adam's reply and if this continues I think adam should just say he's too busy making his second album right now or not answer at all.

Anonymous said...

OK, it really bugs me that Durbin added his tweet about Daughtry: "for the record, I wish Daughtry could give me advice..That would be gooder than good :)" Certainly nothing against Daughtry, but after he practically begged Adam to give him advice, he gives this backhanded slap in Adam's face??? Like Adam's not good enuf?? Second choice??? This guy is out of control and I sure hope Adam just drops it -- Being the intelligent person he is, I suspect Adam WILL, in fact, just let this fade away.

Anonymous said...

JD is an attention-seeking douchebag, and by tweeting Adam, he got his wish .... attention!! It's not possible for JD to acquire what Adam has in spades i.e. uber talent, uber sexiness and uber class. You've either got it or you haven't and JD just hasn't got it.

It's overdue that this whole Adam/JD "thing" be dead and buried instead of being reactivated by JD because he wants attention whatever way he can get it, and what better way than to tweet high-profile artist, Adam. Has JD been signed yet, and does he have a manager? Not that I care one iota but surely a manager would coach him re what to say and what not to say whenever wherever.

Anonymous said...

Jame's spotlight must be fading...Adam is his go to person for attention...and there was never any feud...just James trying pathetically to be as famous and as talented...also Adam didn't "open the door" for guys like him..Adam opened the door for Adam F Lambert!!

Anonymous said...

Aside from the overall facepalming nature of James's tweets, the one bit that is just stupefying in its arrogance/ignorance is his comment "I'll be in the LA area all month. You know the deal.", meaning "YOU know how to contact ME offline and YOU can make the effort to look me up", even though he couldn't manage to contact Adam except publicly via Twitter? Puh-leeze. Smacks of massive delusion or PR stunt or both.

Anonymous said...

James seems to be a bit obsessed with everything Adam! He was talking about Adam even before Idol started this year, saying he could hit higher notes then him on youtube. I don't think Adam has anything to worry about tho, just kinda annoying if James keeps bringing Adam's name up all the time.

Anonymous said...

And kudos to Dee Snider for putting Durbin in his place!! Snider knows a thing or two about rock, after all. Love that!!!

Anonymous said...

It sounds to me that life after Idol isn't what JD was expecting it to be. He thought he'd made it big time by being on Idol, bitterly disappointed I imagine that he didn't win and he's probably at a loss to understand why it isn't all happening for him. Well, as I understand it, it doesn't work that way. Hard work seems to be the order of the day after Idol. Maybe his demeanour will improve once he's on the Idol tour because at the moment, he sounds as though he wants it all and he wants it all now!

Why would Adam bother to contact JD? Yes, JD’s remark about being in LA for a month, you know the deal, well and truly smacked of extreme arrogance.

I hope this whole thing blows over very quickly and that JD doesn't annoy the hell out of Adam who has far more productive things to do than “wet nurse” a former Idol contestant.

Anonymous said...

Lmao! I'm reading this over again & now I find this hilarious! Mwah!! K
Poor Adam, he must be on a boat, he's got too much twitter time! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I do not think that James wants to talk about who Adam liked on idol. I think it is deeper than that. If any of you don't think that Adam wasn't hurt by the twitter of "AdamLambertHomo" person, and saying Adam gave someone aids, you are wrong. Adam got all quiet, we didn't hear from him for quite awhile. Than he come out w/the picture of Sauli on his lap, and saying "love". The hand holding at the final Idol was another point to be made, that he was going to live his life, and that Sauli did not believe the "aids" story.
This tweet went to news people, stars, kris allen, wrestlers, and other people in twitter. RCA got involved and two weeks later, JD was voted off Idol. He cried and said he was to win Idol, than the interview bashing Adam.
Now let me say this to you, what you write on the internet stays on the internet. We all have an IP address and it can be followed. It was found that "Adamlamberthomo" had the same IP address as "JamesDurbinNews". That means it was written by someone who was trying to hurt Adam.
Who ever did this should be in jail. Even on Social Media it is against the law to bully or do such hate by making false reports.
If one of Adams fans made such a nasty statement about someone, Adam would have been all over them, not a word from James about that twitter.
James is not sweet, he is crafty. You all can wish him well, but I think he needs professional help. Adam can do as he wants, I hope he is careful.

Anonymous said...

This is off topic, but Sauli has now a twitter account and Adam is following him (so it must be a real account?). Adam just tweeted him. :)

Anonymous said...

James Durbin scares me. He kind of freaks me out. I hope Adam will stay away from him. You never know what he might do to Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

24/7!!!! Adam just tweeted to Sauli ,so he does have a twitter acct! Yea!!!

Anonymous said...

New thread please with the pic of Sauli sitting on Adam's lap, no, try the AI finale with Adam & Sauli holding hands!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is a sweetheart of a man and will handle with care. James doesn't really understand that he is crossing lines so he has a long road ahead of him figuring all this out. Adam won't be unkind with him, which is something I love about him.

Anonymous said...

Adam was polite as always but wanted anything to be said in front of 1 million plus! Trust me, Adam was not confused. He knows exactly what he's doing. He offered his help in a public forum, and James rejected. Ball is not in Adam's court. It's still bouncing and will not land anywhere.

I wonder where Randy, JLo, Steven, other crew are at this point--the same ones who annointed James as perfection with nary a fault. Did he get a contract/ Where is his attorney, his friends, advisors.

The one thing that does stand out is James' refusal to accept anyone's suggestions on Idol. Adam did comment on that. When an experienced professional offers advice, you listen. Adam did and does.

James' last tweet last night could be construed as rude. He commented to his fans that he just wanted to discuss business with a "fellow musician." Then he said the only way would be on Twitter. And lastly, he said something like, "With that musician" not even naming Adam.

I know little to nothing about Aspergers. My heart goes out to James, but he needs someone--friends, family--to give him some advice that he will take. He should be setting his own career and not bugging Adam. Adam, being Adam, will also be polite and professional.

Anonymous said...


Sauli just started his Twitter-path and Adam tweeted him "moi" (suppose it is Hi etc in Finnish). Cute!<3


Anonymous said...

Yes, Sauli started his account today, just max. 2 hours before. He says there that he understand nothing about twitter. Yes Moi is Hi.

Anonymous said...

After Idol, Adam had big-time producers and writers lined up to work with him. James will likely NOT have the same experience. He needs to stay in his metal niche if that's what he keeps saying he wants. Stick with the guys in that genre and he'll produce the music he likes and will "stay true to himself." Good luck. (Glad to hear that Sauli is on Twitter. Should produce some fun conversation. Love ya, Sauli!)

Anonymous said...

I don't thrust James. He trashed talked Adam in his interviews and he expects the person to just help him out?! Why can't he approach Daughtry Cook? Why should it be adam. IMHO JD is wily and not to be trusted. I really hope he stops copying or bugging Adam. I just hope he fade away. Time to stop talking about JD.

Now...did you know Sauli has a twitter account already? So excited for BB.

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit surprised at the lack of compassion and forgiveness from Adam fans to be honest. I'm not a Durbin fan at all. I don't like his voice. seems like everyone is being so harsh when Adam is all about love, acceptance, and forgiveness.

Plus, have we forgotten that Durbin has Asperger Syndrome? (AS) I've known people with this disorder and it's a real thing. In case you aren't familiar with it, it does affect social behavior greatly. Here's a description from

"... The distinguishing features of AS are problems with social interaction, particularly reciprocating and empathizing with the feelings of others..."

I think as fans and as humans with feelings, we should pull back a bit and remember that Adam promotes love.. first and foremost.
Love you all :)

Anonymous said...

Here are my thoughts on all of this. I'm not a James fan, I'm just here to calm down the Glamberts that are upset about all of this. First, someone change the title of this post. I think it might freak out some Saulibert fans.

Second, I think this could be a good thing. Obviously James realizes that he was wrong to say the things he said about Adam. I think he understands now that since Adam has found so much success post-Idol, it would be wise to seek his advice and make him his friend instead of his enemy.

And since Adam is such a positive force of energy maybe James will become a more likeable individual from their encounter and he'll stop be so annoying. That or he'll stop talking smack about Adam and start singing his praises instead.


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert doesn't give a shit and that's the way it should be! Madonna was a true inspiration!

Anonymous said...

June 6, 2011 9:39 AM

"First, someone change the title of this post. I think it might freak out some Saulibert fans."

Second, find our own life!!!

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't James be in rehearsals for the Idol tour? He should and can get plenty of advice from all those professionals.

Of course, our BB would be polite, what else?

LP said...

Wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't Adam that showed Sauli how to do twitter. I don't know how. I guess its just another way to keep in touch with someone, except it's quite public what you say.
Adam must still be collaborating with writers which might be why Sauli is taking the oportunity to visit his family. We don't even know what country Adam is in, right now.Hope the separation won't be for very long. I think Adam needs Sauli beside him, except when he is working on his album. Sauli also might be tying up some loose ends to do with his new job.we don't know but Adam might still be going over to Finland, Adam is such a family oriented person, seems odd that he wouldn"t want to meet Sauli's family

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is not a social worker, nor is he a financial advisor for musicians. Durbin is just tweeting Adam to get the attention of Adam's followers, because he has basically become invisible. This is a ploy, nothing more, nothing less. And Adam's tweet that he definitely understands means that yes, he definitely understands. He is no fool.

Glamitup said...

What in the world kind of advise does he want? Either you have IT or you don't and he doesn't have IT in the way Adam does! It's not just the fact that he is vocally only an ok singer, he just doesn't have the personality and (I feel bad) the looks to be the whole pkg. like Adam. I don't think he want's any advise from Adam at all. I think he wants to smooth over his wrongs that he made against Adam and he want's the world to see that he has extended the olive branch. In a weird way, I do feel sorry for him because he is gonna be gobbled up and spit out before he knows it in that place of Hollyweird! I wish him well.

Anonymous said...

Durbin's no dummy -- he knows the paps follow Adam everywhere. If Adam did meet JD (which I, of course, hope doesn't happen) the paps would be all over it and JD would get what he wanted ... major publicity. ugh -

Anonymous said...

First of all, I don't even know what some of your comments are about as the accusations about the other twitter message have only shown up here. Secondly, I believe Adam was the first one to tweet during Idol that he was "over" James Durbin and that he was too predictable. James, in his inept way, responded to that, feeling that the comment was a slight. I don't think Adam needed to comment one way or the other about the contestants, particularly on Twitter. Third, I believe that James doesn't know boundaries and reacts partly because of his afflictions. It's embarrassing, but that seems to be the situation. I don't believe he ever tried to be like Adam Lambert. He's heavy metal mainly, and that is not Adam's genre. Monte and Tommy are into metal, not Adam. I wish James success in his music. There's room at the top for many.

Anonymous said...

"Moi" in Dutch is " Beautiful"

Adam is " Moi"

Anonymous said...

LostInOhio - Loved your positive comment - I agree. I think the way most of Adam's fans are reacting to this is immature and mean spirited. It's not cool to be cruel to anyone - no matter how much of an a___hole they appear to be! I don't think Adam is PROUD OF HIS FANS when they react this way.

Anonymous said...

@10:14 Yes exactly what I was thinking. JD wants to meet with Adam for lunch. Let the paps know and instant publicity for James. Don't like him and don't trust him disabilities or not. I am a kind hearted person, but some times have to take a stand against hurting someone I love that being Adam. Adam is smart and knows when people are trying to use him. J.D. needs to get advice from metal guys not a pop electro star like he called Adam. Which of course Adam isn't electro at all. Did he even listen to Adam's album!

Anonymous said...

I just love, love Adam's reply: "Oh I definitely understand". OMG! What a guy! Adam you make my heart sing with your wit, intelligence, classy put-downs, sigh!!!!!!!!You are the BEST!!!!!!!!!
Your forever fan,
(I tried not to respond-honest!)

Anonymous said...

JD is an opportunist of the first order.

He would do well to find himself a manager and get on with his metal singing career without trying to swing from Adam's beautiful coat tails.

Anonymous said...

This JD is getting on my nerve and I hope he fades away soon. After spamming @adamlambert on twitter with his ridiculous messages him knowing that Adam was on twitter, he had the nerve to tweet this "for the record, I wish Daughtry could give me advice..That would be gooder than good :)" after getting responses from Adam. Why 19M doesn't help JD out? They were the ones giving him praises week after week on Idol in order to keep their show's rating up. They made millions. They can afford getting him counsel. JD just do the tour and see if anyone is interested to sign you up. Don't try to ride on Adam's coat tail.

Anonymous said...

By and large, Glamberts are not mean-spirited but they are very protective of Adam. From their comments, I feel they are genuinely worried and on the surface may appear mean and unfeeling. From the little I have read, people with Aspergers have difficulty differentiating fantasy from reality, which may be the case in question here about JD.
-Lam my

glitzylady said...

@Lam my
About Asperger's: Those with Aspergers don't necessarily have problems separating reality from fantasy, but do have trouble "reading" other people's emotions etc. As a result, social interaction can be challenging. For those unfamiliar with Aspergers, or perhaps wanting more information, here is a list of "symptoms". Not all may exhibit all characteristics, but its a good general list. (My ex daughter in law has I am very familiar with this syndrome. Very challenging.)

Characteristics of Aspergers Syndrome:

May not pick up on social cues and may lack inborn social skills, such as being able to read others' body language, start or maintain a conversation, and take turns talking.
Dislike any changes in routines.
Appear to lack empathy.
Be unable to recognize subtle differences in speech tone, pitch, and accent that alter the meaning of others’ speech. May not understand a joke or may take a sarcastic comment literally. And his or her speech may be flat and hard to understand because it lacks tone, pitch, and accent.
(In children) Have a formal style of speaking that is advanced for his or her age. For example, the child may use the word "beckon" instead of "call" or the word "return" instead of "come back."
Avoid eye contact or stare at others.
Have unusual facial expressions or postures.
Be preoccupied with only one or few interests, which he or she may be very knowledgeable about. Many with Asperger's syndrome are overly interested in parts of a whole or in unusual activities, such as designing houses, drawing highly detailed scenes, or studying astronomy. They may show an unusual interest in certain topics such as snakes, names of stars, or dinosaurs.
Talk a lot, usually about a favorite subject. One-sided conversations are common. Internal thoughts are often verbalized.
As children, may have delayed motor development. May be late in learning to use a fork or spoon, ride a bike, or catch a ball. He or she may have an awkward walk. Handwriting is often poor.
Have heightened sensitivity and become overstimulated by loud noises, lights, or strong tastes or textures.

Hope this helps : )

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:09, you are so funny!
Love the humor!

Anonymous said...

I am not going to go anywhere with this James/Adam thing. Adam is so successful, so busy, so involved in creating his next album, so in love, and loved by SO MANY that I have no doubt, that he would truly like to help James. Adam has such a good heart. However, HE IS FUCKING BUSY RIGHT NOW!
I wish James a great life, with much success. There is no comparison between the two and there is no threat to Adam in his career. Just some awkwardness with this bullshit.
Let's let this go folks! We have better things to do like wait with baited breath (who EVER made up that saying) for the next interview, anything Adam.
Peace out!

Anonymous said...

I went to JD's twitter account and read all of his tweets since yesterday to-date. After sending multiple tweets to Adam to grab his attention him knowing that Adam was on twitter, he had the audacity to write "that musician" couple times instead of saying Adam. OMG I smell danger. He is like a stalker and I hope Adam don't meet up with him. We should write to 19 telling them to please keep JD away from Adam. 19 brought this mess on Idol and they're the ones to give him advise or what not. He needs medication and counseling for sure.

laurieb said...

I do wish Durbin well, as he is just trying to follow his dream, however misguided it would seem to me, I cant keep giving him a pass for having Aspergers. He is in an industry of cutthroats, somehow he will have to learn to manage it, or his career will be over before it begins. Maybe having a personal therapist or coach at hand most of the time will help him on a daily basis. I know its not as easy as I make it sound, but if his management truly believe that he is going to be star, or at the very least make them lots of money, then they should do all in their power to help him. I feel that is motives are for publicity, I hope I am wrong for Adams sake.

Anonymous said...

Durbin is a strange guy... in past interviews he didnt talk nice things about Adam.. and now is he twitting these things?

I agree: "Durbin is making a fool of himself in the most public way possible" !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam should take him to nice restaurant and feed him with Lambert sarcasmisms and make him pay for the tab.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:51 you are funny. take it as you like.:-)

Anonymous said...

make sure the paps get a photo of JD paying the Glam tab.

Anonymous said...

JD: "Glad your tour is going great." What tour? Adam is not currently on tour. He did a concert in Russia. He IS working on his next album. James might be helped by doing some research before making an untrue statement. Surely our intelligent Adam caught that one too.

glitzylady said...

By the way, my reason for posting the Asperger's symptoms/characteristics was not to use that as an excuse for James behavior. Purely to educate.

I think James has woken up to the realization that Show Biz is very tough and he needs all the connections/advice/friends etc. he can get in order to succeed. And above all, don't burn bridges! (I would suspect he has also been told "don't piss off the Glamberts." LOL!!) Adam had a lot learn along the way too so I'm not going to be too hard on the guy. I think he is talented..he will just have a harder time of it, and it wasn't all that easy for Adam in some ways. I hope he has good management, some good coaching, and a successful career. I don't think he's a bad guy, just doesn't have it together yet. And he'll never hold a candle to Adam Lambert for me. Not even close.

Urethra_Franklin said...

10:08 OH SNAP!! LMAO!!!

So I hate assumptions but can we deduce that he hasnt been signed? Because if he HAD been signed wouldnt HIS PEOPLE be contacting Adams PEOPLE to make this happen? SInce he doesnt want to do it on twitter and all that jazz...hes been reduced to begging over twitter. LMAO!!And begging everyone to go to munch with him cause apparently "hes famous now." So EVERYONE must WANT TO GO TO LUNCH WITH HIM!?!?! LMAO! WTF is in his Wheaties?

Earth to Durbs...NO ONE CARES! YOu will be NOWHERE in less than a year. #justsayin

Cheril said...

I didn't know about the ugly tweet/lies referenced in @8:36 am. You know I gave James the benefit of the doubt. I think it is time to move on. Adam didn't take him to raise. James will have to find his way with the help of his record company. There is not any positive energy in all of this and it's best to concentrate on the extraordinary talent of Adam. His hard work ethic and his solid body of work for the last two years speaks volumes of his dedication to his craft. Adam says he has some surprises with his new cd, and it will be exciting to have new music from Adam in the Fall.

Anonymous said...

I think that if SIMON had still been a judge this year, JD would have been taken down a few notches and given a dose of reality.

Simon could be harsh but called it like he saw it. JD is a loose cannon and someone (not Adam) from RCA/19 management MUST rope him in and "tell him the truth according to St. Luke" so to speak.

JD is going to self-destruct if he continues down this same path.

Anonymous said...

Sure, Adam can help James.

Adam can give James a schedule of all of his own moves, style decisions, haircut choices, new song titles and pretty much every move he is planning to make for the next few months, marked clearly on a calendar, so that James can wake up every day knowing what he is supposed to mimic that day, in between slamming Adam.

Jealous much?

Anonymous said...

It would be good if the Glamberts would back off a little and let this play out the way Adam wants it to without all the maligning of James.
Adam is smart and savy and will handle it with aplomb. At the same time, don't be so hard on James--as much as I am a BIG fan of Adam's, I do remember Adam making some mistakes along the way,too. His lack of filter in some interviews (Susan Boyle, fur, comments on drugs, etc) have gotten him in hot water in the past. We all gave him a break, remember? James is trying to make amends (I really believe) in maybe a somewhat awkward way. I think he realizes that Adam is respected and would like him on his side. Don't be so quick to judge or condemn. Adam doesn't need to be "protected"--he is well grounded as it is.

Anonymous said...

yes, JD would like to capitalize on adam and chris daughtry i.e shooting two big birds in one hit. ha ha ha! talking about confused mind and a rider.

Anonymous said...

JD is going down in a heartbeat people!!!!!!

I have to call all my connections in L.A. to monitor this idiotic person who will disturb our Adams peace... ASAP!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love how James is now denying that he wanted advice from Adam.

I don't think Asperger's makes a person a liar. I think that's who James is.

Urethra_Franklin said...

3:44 Im not protecting Adam. Im just stating my impression of the guy. Hes a DOUCHE! If I wanna call it like I see it, Im gonna.

The Dark Side said...

I agree with most of these posts, we need to take into consideration that James has a handicap. That said, he is not being given good advice by his handlers, If he has any. This is not the way things are done. The mgmt teams put people together unless they are personal friends. Adam is a Hollywood Club Kid, and so are his friends a group of creative people who have been together for many years. James future depends on how well he does on the tour, which should be good for him. If he does not have a handler, then he should have one. Above is correct. Adam made his share of mistakes and so will James. The difference Adam moves forward, so I hope James can do so too. btw, Glamberts are not creating problems for James, their energies are totally with Adam...quit blaming James errors on others.

Anonymous said...

To all

For future reference, it's "bated breath" not
"baited". To bate means to lessen. Waiting with bated breath means to listen in such suspense you are hardly breathing.

The End

Urethra_Franklin said...

4:33 OH SNAP!! I like you!

Anonymous said...

3.44 Adam's comments on Susan Boyle were taken out of context by writer (surprise surprise). He just was honest that he didn't like her single White Horses or whatever because of the Rolling Stones record which he preferred. Also Adam has a lack of filter because he is so honest. Why can't you cut him some slack. James has said a lot of things and gets an out (by a lot of people) because of his handicap. This same handicap makes him immune to fully understanding certain things so he is living in his own world and no matter what is said will still think he is the greatest etc. So I wouldn't worry about him so much. It is just if he doesn't get a career that he wants then he may have to face things and try to help himself despite his problems.

Anonymous said...

Heavens, I was hoping once Idol was over I wouldn't have to see Durbin on anything to do with Adam anymore and leave him out of my life. He rankles me. Adam handled things perfectly but I hope he steers clear of JD. I also wish Adam forums like this one would leave JD out of it. I don't wish to see him everywhere I go.

Anonymous said...


Merci bien!

Anonymous said...

I love that God gave James a mouth just large enough for both his feet. He's a gonner now.

Anonymous said...

I hope that James will let this go, he'll soon be on tour and hopefully not pursue this avenue of communication with Adam. It is very hard to discourage someone who is determined to have a relationship with you. I had this happen to me and 50 years later it still bothers me that to get rid of my slightly scary "friendship" stalker
I had to purposely hurt their feelings. They are the only person I have ever knowingly hurt and it is a sad memory for me. I hope Adam's
situation can be remedied soon. JAK

tess4ADAM said...

My take on this ... and I am one of ADAM's STAUNCHEST supporters ... is James knows that ADAM was/is a HUGE success on his TOURS ... Both AI 8 & Glam Nation .... so James MAY be looking for a few pointers on HOW ADAM did accomplish so much ... but James' motives are suspect because of the way he DISSED ADAM in the media ... not the other way around. When ADAM said he was 'over' James ... I took it to mean all the comparisons between the two AND that ADAM's 'first' impression of James had changed ... I really don't think ADAM meant it as an AFFRONTERY ... the way James took it ... AND last but not least ... ADAM said on Twitter that he didn't mean to hurt anyone by his comments. Straightforward & Honest ... Good enough for me ... JMO
Back to VOTING ... ttyl


Anonymous said...

JAK I love you. You can turn any situation regarding Adam and turn it into being all about you. You're priceless!

Urethra_Franklin said...

THIS JUST IN.....BREAKING NEWS....The Durbs is now getting advice from Daughtry so he says he wasnt asking for advice from adam, just lunch. And Daughtry's Christian y'all...


Adamluv said...

@Uree, just read that too! But it's all for the best since they're both good Christian boys. Unbelievable! BTW, Durbin tweeted about Daughtry being a "Christian" and "good people". ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Now I can not stand James Durbin at all!!! Telling Daughtry it's great he is Christian so now he is putting down the Jewish religion and atheists. My goodness how much more can he shoot himself in the foot before his career even starts. That comment was completely crossing the line, disability or not. Someone needs to take his twitter away right now!

Anonymous said...

JD girlfriend has taken away his twitter, thank God we don't need to hear him anymore.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam would laugh at all of this hysteria from his fans about Durbin and would tell everyone to "chill--I will handle things". BTW yes--the Susan Boyle comment was his opinion however when he made it he was about to do a PR trip to the UK so his timing was off--he has since become a more savy businessman. People learn from experience. Just the fact that he was nice enough to offer advice to James should tell us he forgives and forgets. Why can't we be as gracious??

Anonymous said...

It depends my dear how awful it was????? You can forgive but never forget remember that.......

It's like when u get wounded, it heals but the scar stays forever........ Just my opinion folks.

Love my Glamberts He!he!he!

P.S. But we move on after that......

Anonymous said...

5:38 P.M.

What the hell does that mean? @JAK was expressing her hope that Adam didn't have to hurt James to get rid of him.

Are you her troll who waits under the bridge to jump on her?

My favorite commenters are the ones who share their experiences and opinions, glitzylady, funbunn40, Sister, lmb and many others. I haven't heard you jump them. I don't think you
"Love" JAK or think she's "priceless" I think you are jealous of her. CL

Anonymous said...

I think everything has been covered. Right now I am highly pissed at the Idol machine including the judges who never found one single thing wrong with James' performances. They were scared shitless to say anything, so all they did was reenforce the "perfect" image he already had of himself.

If they once had said anything, how difference and better things might have been for him. Instead they focused on Haley for whatever reason producers had.

Hope it's true that James won't be using social media. He has no filters, and he needs them. Hopefully he's getting some help for his business questions.

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:34 cause hes a douche!

Anonymous said...

No matter what the situation is or is not, remember Durbin is still a kid, does have some disabilities and isn't "savvy" about the music industry. He wants to be successful and famous, but needs the right management and people around him to show him the way, to give advice, to help plan his future. It may never work out for him for a lot of different reasons whether personal or professional. Adam came into his own on AI at the age of 27... mature, experienced, and very connected to a group of people on the Hollywood club scene and also had done some travelling around the world. He's made some mistakes along the way and has learned from them. James Durbin does need someone to "rein himself in" before he self destructs and Adam is not that person. He has his own career to be concerned with and the work on his second album. All Adam can do is wish him the best and end any other messages or contacts politely. Twitter is a "double edged sword"; it is good to get the message out there immediately esp. if it is something newsworthy, but it can also spread gossip, lies, malicious stories, pictures etc. and cause problems. As we see in reference to the Lambert-Durbin tweets, it has stirred up many comments both positive and derogatory. Let's hope this is the end of the issue and move on from here. Adam doesn't need any controversy or problems like this at this point in his life when things seem to be so good for him now.

Anonymous said...

anon7:35PM: I agree with much of what you have to say in your comments. It is time to move on and focus on Adam. WE don't want him distracted while he is working on his second album. He needs only positive energy and good thoughts, that's it, no drama.

Anonymous said...

Several people have come forward who have Aspergers and indicate it is no excuse for the type of behavior JD has displayed. I don't know, and it really doesn't matter. Everyone has issues. Adam has been attacked and insulted so many times. Yet he handles it. There are other entertainers with disabilities such as bi-polar, diabetes, etc. It's just the way things are. Regarrdless, you are ultimately responsible for your own behavior. If you can't handle it, get off social media forums.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it was James idea at all to try to bury the hachett (hopefully not in Adam's Back)! The people that produce Idol have very high regards for Adam. Case in point, Only previous Idol to be asked to mentor. They probably gave James HELL for dishing on Adam! He needs to stick w/Daughtry (sp) & leave Adam along! I chk'd out his fans' remarks & my eyes about bled! He sure DID NOT set them straight either! Adam fans are not hating on James, just being protective! The Durbinators, & other artist fans are MUCH more hateful towards Adam! James started this on Twitter & now he wants to pull bk. If Adam DM's him for lunch it will probably be in the Media "ADAM LAMBERT IGNORED BY JAMES DURBIN FOR "DATE" FOR LUNCH! Hope Adam is as smart as I think he is!!!

Anonymous said...

I must be really dense, but I don't understand why JD fans and other fans hate Adam. What do they think he did?

Anonymous said...

I would not trust Durbin as far as I could throw him. I wouldn't meet with that dude without witness;he has issues. Adam just needs to tend to his own music career. I can see Durbin saying things that were not said.Everyone twit Adam and say "Beware" Cause we "Care"

Anonymous said...

I just checked AO and they seem to have dropped this topic. I think it's time to do the same here. I'm exhausted.

Anonymous said...

it's all over the head now!

Anonymous said...

Below is that tweet from JD saying he wasn't asking for advice ... His first tweet to Adam said he could use some one on one advice. What a jerk.

ChrisWozney @JDurbinAI10 What happened with @AdamLamert? Were you asking him for advice?
JDurbinAI10 @ @ChrisWozney I was not. I was soliciting a lunch that's all..and putting an end to a fake feud. :-)

OK, I'm done with this. Hope the person above is right about Durbin's girlfriend taking away his twitter. Somebody has to put the brakes on this guy.

Anonymous said...

Daughtry would do well to steer clear of this 'troubled' person or he may find himself in a maze he can't get out of ... AND what does the fact that James & Daughtry share a religious belief have to do with ADVICE about MUSIC? Are they going to do a Gospel Rock album? If I was Daughtry I'd say 'thanks but NO thanks' ... JMO

Anonymous said...

Adam has a humanitarian and altruistic sense, his independent attitude allows you to communicate with others, contributing generously help, if necessary with sincerity, have clear up where must commit itself. It's a man with a great emotional intelligence!
Sorry for the translation

Anonymous said...

The feud is all in JDurbin's and his fan's head.......we Glamberts are fine.....
JD is trying to make something out of nothing.

Anonymous said...

I was following this bizarre Twitter conversation last PM, instigated by James. There was an Adam tweet left out above: "haha why don't we just go ahead & discuss it right now over Twitter? I'd be honored to advise...:)" I think it came right before the one where James wants to direct tweet. Adam, wisely, went for the open, public route. This way it does not get into a he said he said situation without witnesses, particularly in light of James' questionable motives & thinking distortions. I would not trust Durbin one bit if I were Adam. Durbin is very unpredictable--a loose cannon. He has turned on Adam before. Adam's simple acknowledgement of understanding about the "business" then a final, polite and neutral "OK" resulted in a win-win for Adam. That OK seemed to throw spotlight back onto James. The OK could have meant OK, to simply mean he'd read all the remarks or a noncommital OK that someday--if James asks him, i.e. to lunch, he'd consider it.

James is just flat out strange, if not downright arrogant. He seems to have a peculiar love-hate or jealous obsession with Adam--which is starting to feel really creepy to me. Don't forget, it was James who intially compared himself to Adam (there is video proof of that)--not the judges or Adam. It was James that copied Adam's clothes & tried singing Adam's songs.

It was James who foolishly made the statement that famously straightforward Adam Lambert lost fans after Idol by "misleading" them re: his future music. WTF? Has James not noticed that Adam's fan base has grown steadily--& internationally? That Adam is a commercial success & Grammy nominee? His hurling insults at Adam, then trying to kiss up to him like this is very odd, indeed.

As a psychologist, this kind of behavior seems to have little to do with Aspergers. Folks with Aspergers are fixated on rules, are very rigid, and can be honest to a fault without realizing how that can sound to someone. They are more likely to display little emotion and can be uninterested in others to the point they do not go out of their way to engage them.

Yet, James instigates this Twitter conversation by asking for Adam's advice. Then, he begins to twist it up & act like he should tell Adam the terms of how Adam should give the advice he asked for?!! Also, calling a truce to a feud (like he's the "bigger man" of the two) that only existed in the mind of Durbin & silly media people further demonstrates Durbin's self-absorbed thinking. There WAS NO FEUD. It takes 2 to feud. The worse thing Adam ever did to Durbin was to offer him a piece of constructive criticism re: his performances--something that Adam would be used to getting himself countless times from the age of 8 throughout his own 20 year career. For Adam, the constant learner, entertaining--even soliciting--feedback has become a tool to hone his craft. Sadly, the Idol judges apparently did a real disservice to James by not giving him honest constructive feedback during the Idol season. Thus, his over-inflated opinion of his own singing (which is dreadfully pitchy)& performances--to the point he didnt feel the need to listen to ANY feedback from show mentors like Gaga who have actually made it in the music industry--makes him look naive & foolish. That ego of his is set to take a big hit now that he is out of the TV spotlight & into the real world of the industry. Maybe someone at Durbin's record label, if he is even signed to one, recommended he could learn a thing or two from Adam.

Personally, I wish Adam would stay free & clear of this man.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

JD could learn a lot about how to quell a feud from Adam. I think it is still clear in our minds how Adam would simply brush it aside whenever the media wanted to fish something out of him regarding the Adam/Kris S8 result controversy; which died a natural death and Adam and Kris are still good friends. If Adam had fanned it like what JD did about Adam, it would have crashed a whatever site.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

It's good to have a psychologist, Kentucky Fan, on this thread because we are all pretty much groping in the dark!
So in that case, what would you think it is...from JD's peculiar behaviour? ADHD maybe?
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

JD definitely has some kind of autistic type behaviour resulting in lack of social skills. I have a partner with an autistic condition which means he acts in a way sometimes which he shouldn't - he is not a bad guy though! James really should be getting help from those around him in dealing with all of this.

James had a -36 followers on twitter counter yesterday by the way!!

I don't find him talented but now just feel sorry for him.

Adam will take care of himself and he is fortunate enough to be smart and talented enough to do this. As much as I don't like James I think it best to let this one be put to bed now.

glitzylady said...

@Kentucky Fan
I agree. Its interesting because I was having an email conversation with some of my "Adam friends" who I know personally (we've gone to concerts together, travelled etc..) and I used many of the same words to describe what happened, including calling James a "loose cannon" and my belief that the "Idol Machine" (my words too) has had a conversation with James about some things, including clueing James in to what Adam is really about, his history since Idol, his history on Idol, and the fact that he is very respected and beloved within the Idol "family" and James needs to get his facts straight about a few things.

I seriously hope that James will get the help that he needs to deal with celebrity and understanding how the music industry works. He will crash and burn if he doesn't get some help, and if he does get advice, and he doesn't accept it. Its one thing to have ones own ideas about how to do things, but its another to throw away a huge opportunity by being too stubborn, opinionated, or arrogant to listen to those who have gone before, and/or who have been in the biz for awhile and have firsthand and current knowledge of how things work. Hoping Daughtry can help him out with this....

I have been rooting for James all along on a certain level (I thought he was pretty good and my family supported him on Idol) but have been dismayed by his lack of respect for some successful artists/mentors and his feeling that he knows better, but then that's his decision, good or bad. Adam has almost always been open to critique and constructive criticism, especially during his time on Idol and he looked to the experienced musicians and vocal coaches on the show for help in tweaking his performances, even though he for the most part put his performances together himself, and also helped the other Idols with theirs. He was always humble, thankful and gracious. I hope James can learn to be the same way. He'll get a lot further in his career.

I agree too that Aspergers does not necessarily explain all of his behavior. Having an ex family member with this condition has given me the opportunity to observe it first hand, and also to do a little research into it. It does seem to cover a good deal of it though.

I doubt Adam will have much contact with James. And I don't even want to get started on the other tweets......

I think I'm done with "James-gate" now....

What I REALLY want to know is: WITWIAL*????? (*Where in the world is Adam Lambert?) Miami??

Anonymous said...

where in the world is Adam..someone find him please

Anonymous said...

Has to become a James Durban site???????????????????????????????
Maybe we should change this to James 24/7

Urethra_Franklin said...

BLAH BLAH BLAH...sympathy voting is a one way ticket to Gokeyville...

2:37 I thought he was in Miami?

Urethra_Franklin said...

4:06 its ONE thread...get over it! If it chaps your ass so damn much, stay out of this thread. #justsayin

Urethra_Franklin said...

WOOPS that was 4:43...heres a novel about everyone use a NAME so we dont have to resort to time stamps! GAH!

tess4ADAM said...

I don't know where ADAM is right now but my hope is that he's in the studio working on his PHENOMENAL second album for all of us LUCKY! LUCKY!! fans ..... can't wait!!!! I get the feeling that ADAM is going down the same 'road' as Adele .. Sia .. Jesse J type songs ... I love the Unique-ness of these three vocalists voices .... they can really sing .... (Thank you ADAM for 'introducing them to me) ...


Anonymous said...

Looks like Durbin/Fiancee deleted Adam related tweets & replies. Fool! Now if he will just stop following Adam

Anonymous said...

How come #DURBINSADOUCHE did not trend on twitter
or did it?

Anonymous said...


Amen to that! Can't everyone choose a name, it's much easier than to try to read the time stamp! It's not like we can track you down if you do.......You can be Goldilocks, Sleeping Beauty, Greta Garbo, M.Monroe, Rapunzel, CoolCat, Fender Bender, Biker Boy ( no, I'm saving that one for Ronnie in case he needs an alias) anything but 1:28 a.m.

Be creative........PLEASE!.............JAK

Anonymous said...

I like the time stamp. Easier to find. JMO If someone wants a name--fine, but the references to a time make it easier to locate when someone is bashing someone else. Ha.

Anonymous said...

@JAK! Biker Boy? Sounds naughty;) Anyway let's get focused to Adam after all this JD stuff. Soon there will be the Canada concert to look forward. And we can all tweet something nice to Sauli too! Love u! Ronnie<3

Anonymous said...

@JAK @Ronnie

Ronnie, you can have Biker Boy, if I can have Biker Girl!!!! :)

I have really tried to stay out of this thread. All I have to say is...oh, James...*sigh*
He needs someone watching over him or he WILL crash and burn. I don't hold any ill will toward anyone. This drama is really all in James head. We all have done or said things we regret. James just gets to do them publicly. Hopefully, someone will keep closer tabs on him and reign him in before he destroys his opportunity.

@Glitzylady I also want to know ... WITWIAL????? There is no way he could be in the states and not be sighted by the paps. He must be in Europe somewhere.


Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan

I appreciate your professional take on all of this. It is nice to have a voice of understanding and knowledge amongst all the emotions and conjecture. :)


Anonymous said...

7:25 You say Durbin is just "a kid" at age 23. You might want to know that the men and women in our armed forces average out to age 19. OH and btw, McCreery and Alaina are 17 and 16. In your mind they must still be in diapers.

Anonymous said...

Comment above should be to 7:35

Anonymous said...

If anyone's interested, here's the link to some ver good advice to James by Daughtry's producer, Howard Benson. If only James listens and reins himself in, will he make it in the music business.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 11:10

Thanks for the link. It sounds like JD is being given some really good recommendations. Now, it is up to him to LISTEN.


Anonymous said...

Research indicates that the brain is not fully developed until the age of 25, especially in the area of risky behaviors. Add to that, someone living with other social skill challenges or deficits, and there is increased risk of not completely thinking through their actions, and, at times, making decisions that are not in their best interest or result in negative consequence.

So, when you think about it, to call someone a kid - meaning still developing - is not too far from the truth. And putting it in perspective, some of us are a "little" older, so using the word kid is really not meant as derogatory...although everyone has their own intent.

Regarding the military age comment... what a shame that the military is made up of people so young. In some countries they are REALLY just kids...10, 11, 12 years old, sometimes even younger...truly just kids. And, in reality, IMO, what a shame that there needs to be any military at all, anywhere in this world, regardless of age. I do honor and respect all those who have served in the armed forces, but I do wish their was no need for military.

Yes, I am a peacenik. :)


Anonymous said...

So, it seems that Durbin has deleted now all those tweets that he sent to Adam. Imo totally a creepy dude!

Urethra_Franklin said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Loose Cannon is a very good name for Durbin! Adam please steer clear by all means!! Durbin has always been to "self absorbing" for me, never liked the guy!

Anonymous said...

I'm not worried cause Adam is a smart and very caring person. He can handle anything without hesitation........

He is gonna be a good Politician indeed!!!!!

Rock it baby!!!!!!! JD needs a medical help !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam might be hiding out from us!

Anonymous said...

Once upon the time I wrote that JD doesn't have any real talent, personality and behavior.
I got many comments about this comment that James is real talent, he is sexy because he has such an amazing wife and baby, and he doesn't want to copy Adam!
OMG! After all of these comments I thought about myself that I am very aggressive, sick, snobby person who doesn't want to agree that poor James is pure talent!
I even didn't make any comments that James is such a Chrisitan and family man!!!!!
And it seems that I was right! James is not such a nice, poor little boy with disability and real talent.
Sorry, I know that I can be very sarcastic! But I never liked AI Cinderella's stories.
Love Adam forever! Can't make many comments anymore:( Have a lot of problems with may computer:(
@Eva, As soon as I have a chance I will translate Adam interviews in Russia if you want:)

Anonymous said...

I am a huge Adam Lambert fan, after reading all these posts I am ashamed to be. I just want to puke, and I'm sure Adam feels the same way If I was Adam I would be afriad of my fans. Adam is not into this shit. Adam dont let this get to you, not all your fans are crazy. So much more to talk about than this. DON`T STRESS ADAM ANYMORE PLEASE HE HAS MUSIC TO MAKE.

Bing said...

OMG @delilah5 it's great to hear from you again. We would all love to have whatever you can share with us re Adam's Russian gig, i would be looking forward to that @delilah5. Love and light to you my dear.

Now back to the thread. I swear i tried my very best to understand this man, to not judge him harshly and to be compassionate as much as possible when he got into AI. But there is a limit to all things. He has become more and more obnoxious and his behavior is no longer forgivable. How long will it take his loved ones to realize that he needs professional/medical help badly? Hope it happens soon enough for his sake.

After reading @Kentucky Fan's professional take on this matter, i said to myself that my first impression of this man was spot on. I can't even look at him on AI because he is so hard on my eyes. When i listen to him, of course he knows how to sing, but it was always a struggle for me to like and appreciate his talent because honestly i didn't see anything extra special other than his ability to sing despite his ailments. Adam was so right when he said that you've got to offer something that has never been done before. This young man was never outstanding nor mind blowing as what he was made to believe in. I have the AI judges to blame for what has become of this loose cannon as what @Kentucky Fan said. I'm so sorry but i just needed to let this off my system. God knows how hard i tried to be kind to him but this is just too much already. Adam must protect himself from this cunning creature because i can sense it now that this man is overflowing with jealousy and hate. And this shall be the last time that i will comment on such negativity.

Anonymous said...

He is such a weak loser...It's plain to see that after HE tweeted Adam, HIS fans went all BSC on he threw Adam under the bus, and to
appease them he reaches out to Daughtry!!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

12:58 hes a grown man. he doesnt need to be mothered or protected. he doesnt care about this blog or the comments in it. JD is a douche bag for acting in such a ridiculous, unprofessional manner. I call em like I see em. If it makes you uncomfortable, flee to the "safe threads."

Have I mentioned that Durbs will fall fall on his face? Oh I guess I did...

Urethra_Franklin said...


Anonymous said...

This is why Durbs is a Dumbass
1)You never burn bridges in the music bizz!
2)LA is a small town when it comes to the entertainment community!
3)If he was hoping to get signed by 19/UMG
does he think he will never run into Adam?!

Anonymous said...

@Lam my, glitzylady, Sister, tess4ADAM, Bing,

Thank you for your thoughts. Unlike Dr. Drew (who BTW is NOT a trained, licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, or psychotherapist) I cannot diagnose a person I have never met with face to face in context of a formal evaluation. I would need to know about their history, ask lots of questions,& maybe do some testing to rule things in or out. However, I can give some general information. There are several mental health disorders with which an individual can show lack of self-awareness, lack of social acumen, poor judgment, thinking distortions, acting out of distorted thinking, and problems with relationships. An especially dicey situation is when someone--for whatever reason--is triggered by something and projects distortion onto others or their relationships (i.e. believes something about another person that is not real), then acts on that faulty belief. These problems do not have to be constant, but could be.

Examples of such disorders are personality disorders (There are 10 of them to choose from; a person can have more than one.), Bi-Polar Disorder (i.e. unjustified grandiosity, impaired judgment, little need for sleep, mood shifts, thought distortion, even delusions or hallucinations), eating disorders, & ADHD. The hallmark of the hyperactive/impulsive form of ADHD is going from stimulous to response without inserting thinking in between--which can get you into a heap of trouble quickly. Similar problems can show up with trauma,as well--particularly childhood trauma.

Having said all of that--and shifting back into Adam fan mode; my gut says Adam needs to avoid James Durbin altogether (i.e. even on the phone). James seems to have a disturbing obsession re: Adam that feels very creepy to me. If they must meet up, it needs to be in a very public venue with witnesses, because James does seem to distort (particularly when it comes to Adam), is unpredictable, and thus cannot be trusted. James seems to get himself into entanglements (i.e. this series of bizarre tweets)& drag others in with him. This is not about Adam. I am always amazed at how psychologically sturdy & savy Adam Lambert seems to be. That's why I praised his tweets in which he managed to sidestep Durbin's entanglement quite gracefully with kindness & ultimate neutrality. That he suggested they tweet advice issues openly & in public was genius.

I think it is a stroke of luck that Durbin has turned to Daughtry for advice. Daughtry seems much more neutral for Durbin (Adam is triggering for him)& their family situations are similar. Surely their management teams would not advise or force James & Adam to work together. My hope is that Durbin becomes so busy around OTHER people & AWAY from Adam that these issues he has with Adam DIE OUT ASAP.

Kentucky Fan

laurieb said...

Kentucky Fan..I whole heartidly agree with that statement that Adam needs to stay away from James.

Anonymous said...

James needs to leave adam alone and stay away from him. Somebody needs to stamp that into james' head until he gets it.

Anonymous said...

@delilah5! Dear! Nice to hear from you! Ronnie

Adamluv said...

deliah2 - welcome back! It's been too long. I also agree that Adam needs to stay far away from Durbin. ... Adamluv

Urethra_Franklin said...

5:24 AMEN!

SO does anyone know if hes been signed?? Im dying to hear this news!

Anonymous said...

lol oh dear, from day one I knew this jd guy was a weirdo. From his copwrite black clothings, to his copywrite earings, to his copywrite voice lol. Look he had vocal range but to entertain the idea of anywhere near adams vocal range is ludricous. I remember one time at hollywood round, he butchered the song basically squeeled through the whole song, remember a classic look on randys face like aye???? Lol. Luckey to got as far as he did.

But now hes out, hes now wondering how adam became a global star worldwide, and he seems to be struggling. Well james apart from a supeior voice, the whole world (not mainstream america lol) has fallen in love with him. His personality, modesty, humblness, elvis like mystique, has a charm about him. And no offesne but adam has more talent in one finger then jd has in his entire body, thats no crtisicim on jds part, its just adams the most talented artist in the music industry.

I mean he rips into him all idol, about hitting higher notes (which found out to be untrue), dressed like him, acted like him. That was his downfall acting like the idol legend him self adam lambert. Now hes acting all genuine he wants a truce. Look if it was genuine, their publicists would of meet privatley, but the fact this is done publicaly over twitter?? For the whole world to see?? That screams a pr job to me, hes shady!!!