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NEW PICTURES: Adam Lambert Shopping With Friends

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 3, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, October 03, 2013



Anonymous said...

See, he does do other things!

Anonymous said...

He is f _ _ ckin hot as hell

Anonymous said...

He looks so beautiful in these pictures. I love Markus' outfit. From his name I guess he is Italian background. Boy do they know how to dress. I haven't seen any Italians who wear bad outfits.

Anonymous said...

pay attention to where you are walking Adam!!

Anonymous said...

I can eat him hawt!

Anonymous said...

He is a natural model; the pavement is his catwalk. lwl!


Anonymous said...

~OMG~ I just love his tattooed makes him even more sexier.... :)

glitzylady said...

I agree with @Lam-my: Adam is a natural model. And looks beyond handsome here... His outfit is so perfect.

Not saying any more because I'll just get myself into trouble..................................................

Just one more thing: I love his new tattoo. Absolutely hot. (Whoops.... Wasn't going to say anything but couldn't help myself....)

Anonymous said...

I agree with @Glitzylady and @lammy. Adam looks gorgeous in these pics. and I love his new tats.

Anonymous said...

Who are the other people besides Markus (sp?)?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I love his tattoos!! Even though he is gorgeous the tats makes him look tougher and HOT!

carolynj said...

I just got home from an Emmylou Harris concert, but my mind kept drifting to Adam and how his concerts rock my soul. I think I'll listen to some Adam music as I gaze at these casual pictures of him. Very nice indeed.

Anonymous said...

Tattooed hands?? I can't see any tattoos on his hands but if they're there, not a fan.

Anonymous said...

Body art is attention-seeking and ugly.

Anonymous said...

10:36, all Italians know how to dress well? This is just another example of the bigotry and prejudice regularly expressed here.

glitzylady said...

Adam certainly has MY attention :))))))))))) In a really GOOD way.

daydreamin said...

On making "Lay Me Down" with Avicii and Adam Lambert:
Avicii and I started working on that song one afternoon. And at around 10 o'clock at night, he ran out of gas. He and I had just finished the chorus, and he loved that: "Wow, this is great. We have a track, and we have a chorus, and I guess we'll do it at some other point in time." But he had just finished a gig in Vegas, and he was like, "Man, I gotta go home." I require very little sleep, so at that point I was like, "I can't stop at 10 o'clock – are you kidding me?" So I'm sitting there with a really great-sounding chorus and a record with no lead vocal.

So I call Adam Lambert, who was hung over from the night before. I guess a friend of his had a birthday party, and he was pretty lit. He was definitely two sheets to the wind. And I said, "Adam, I really need you now, because I have to have somebody sing this." And he was like, "'Oh, no, I can't make it." I was like, "Adam, come on, you're one of the few guys I know who can." He says, "All right, give me a couple hours. I'll just get on the treadmill and try to work this stuff out of me."

Adam shows up and sits next to me, and on cue he's relating the lyrics to his real life, the way he feels right now. I say, "Adam, run out on the mic – let's do this right now." And he goes out and sings it, and he nails it in a couple of takes. Then I sent it to Avicii. He woke up at eight o'clock the next morning and looked at his emails and opened it up. And I get a phone call around 8:05: "Nile, this is a hit!"

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Anonymous said...

I've been to France and Italy. You just wanna seat out in a cafe and look at people. Mostly are fit and very well dressed.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady and 11:19
Though indeed he is such a natural model, I think he must have learnt/ practised walking like a model in his theatre training; but mostly a natural flair. Height and slimness already won half the battle, not to mention that handsomeness; oh and hair and, fill in the rest. lwl!


Anonymous said...

I remember walking around the shops in Milan, there's a mannequin wearing a long white casual knit dress with words emblazoned in big bold letters:


Means nothing non-Italians could do, they're simply the best in fashion and design.
Also it was there the most amazing tattoo i've seen on anyone on a 20's something attractive lady on her bike on the street in Milan.
She was wearing a tube top with bare shoulders and on her one shoulder was tattooed with blooms of roses running down to her chest and her back, all just on one side, seemingly like a one off sleeve.
The tattoo was light, not dark and so beautifully done.
It was awesome and so fabulous, every tourist was eyeing her as she passed by.
It was unforgettable and to think I hate tattoos.

Anonymous said...

Anyone with Libra Ascendant has the natural flair of a model on a ramp for they have beautiful symmetry and balance proportionate body.
And they are blessed with the most attractive and charming physical attributes, simply the most beautiful or handsome of all ascendant signs one could have.
They are also the most diplomatic and wears the most irresistible smiles.
That's Adam, the epitome of a Libra rising.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's sleeve tattoo. Makes him really sexy.

Anonymous said...

Off topic, but I watched Glee tonight, just getting myself geared up for Adam's role in November. I must say that Chord Overstreet is one handsome talented dude, beautifully carved face and those lips of his are to die for, so Chord was a new wonderful choice for Glee. Now, with Chord and Adam, maybe the show will really pick up on views. The show is way too teeny bopper for me but I will watch anything featuring Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

When is Bruno Mars coming out?

Anonymous said...

Handsome Adam out a-shopping
Looking so fine just leisurely walking
The pavement serves as his catwalk a-rocking
Holding a paperbag, smile, natural modelling lwl!


Anonymous said...

I love Adams outfit the best. Love the shirt a lot. Sue

Anonymous said...

Hey Sue!
We Bingo...exactly same time. lol! Hope you are doing well. :)


daydreamin said...

Click HERE

Anonymous said...

Hi Lam-my I'm fighting the good fight! Ha! He looks so trim and good in clothes. He has that classy model look. I always enjoy your posts. Lam-my you do a very good job of it. Sue

Anonymous said...

That's really good news! Take things a little at a time but I know you're quite uptight about people dissing Adam. Just do whatever, as and when you're up to it. We'll slip in and bring up the rear, front, centre. lol! Hey your grand-daughter must be very beautiful. :)


Anonymous said...

Adam is not shopping with friends, he is shopping with his phone.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could take Adam shopping. I would buy him anything he wanted, then I would take him for a massage and a facial, then we would go back to his place, snuggle up while watching Glam Nation Live! HA!

Anonymous said...

12:17 when he wants too.

Anonymous said...

To each is own eh!!!:)

Adam is a lovely person to look and to listen.....:) He is my dessert addiction!!!!!


Anonymous said...

The quarrel 'round tattoos we wage,
Art or not, we rant and rage,
The question rests on the beholder
Berate the fan, you'll just get older.

As freckled tats on Adam's arm,
Cause fans on 24/7 site alarm,
Don't sweat the ink, let's all just think:

Meh, art or not, it shouldn't matter,
The man is hot, can get no hotter.

Anonymous said...

Nice tattoo poem! Okay you sound like Anon-Poet. :)


Anonymous said...

Why is he hiding the glambulge? I so wanna see it

Anonymous said...

Chord Overstreet is not new to Glee he has been on for several years. As other graduated from the series his part has become bigger. Nice voice.

Anonymous said...

You are right about Chord Overstreet having been on Glee for a while. But last night's episode did nothing for me and trying to pull in more viewers. I really am starting to dislike Sue S. even more than before. She treats students and teachers horribly and there is nothing funny about her character. The musical numbers are usually the best part of the show and those ridiculous storylines (Santana and her commercial)are not going to attract a larger audience I don't think. But that's just me. I am not part of the younger age demographic and as a high school teacher, I cringe when I see some of things happening on the show. I know it's entertainment, but.....

Anonymous said...

We all know that Adam loves to shop, but we do see him wearing some of the same shirts, tees,etc. on different occasions. I am sure he spends a lot of money for these items, so why not wear them more than once. He always looks great in a tee shirt and pants, but I like him even better in a suit for those special events. But no matter what he wears, Adam does look hot and you can't keep your eyes off him.

Anonymous said...

I haven't started watching yet. Waiting for my only reason to watch. Can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

Adam was always the center of attention because of his good looks and charm. Now, Adam seems to be even more confident in himself and as impossible as it seems, more beautiful. I think the fact that he seems to be wearing less or no makeup is a good sign because I always felt Adam did not feel confident in his looks. Being comfortable in one's own skin only makes you shine more. Shine on!
p.s.I'm not saying I don't like Glam Adam.haha

Anonymous said...

Sue Sylvester is why I stopped watching Glee in the first place. Sue is TOO MUCH. Chord is Adam's type. So is the blond guy hiding behind Adam in these pictures Adam is shopping with his phone yes

Anonymous said...

Well, this is a fine Adam admiration thread this morning! So refreshing. We never get tired of seeing him walk, talk, shop, laugh, smile, sing, sit, stand, breath, etc. etc. It's all a thing of beauty. Can't wait for his Glee episodes.

Thanks for the poetry, Glamberts! It's a great way to start the day.
And Sue, glad you see you're back on a regular basis. You put the P in Passion.


Anonymous said...

5:41, you know you aren't the intended demographic, but..... you know it's just entertainment but..... if you know all this why do you still feel the need to complain?

Sue Sylvester has always been my favorite part of the show. She makes a great comic evil villain.

Anonymous said...

I think 5:41 could take the fun out of documentaries too.

Anonymous said...

word on twitter Avicii has been releasing HB as a single in some countries already. It comes as no surprise here. Pretty good song but I do like LMD better.

Anonymous said...

Yes, hey brother has been released as the third single in Japan and some European countries. No surprise really it was the most popular song once the album was released

Anonymous said...

Lam/my sorry did not reply fell asleep woke up fell asleep here and there . That's how I sleep real problem did not check phone again last night. My granddaughter is quite beautiful the baby and her sister two are lookers alright Divas. DRG yea sometimes I get frustrated go off awhile because of the constant few nasties that do their best to spoil the thread. I just love Adam to much to stay away! He really looking good these days. I do think Adam a bit addicted like me to his phone bless his heart. But he probably gets messages from management as well as friends part of it all. Sue

Anonymous said...

But I was told I was wrong when I said HB was outselling LMD.

Anonymous said...

Body art is often an expressinon ones heart and soul....I think there's meaning in everyone of Adam' s tats...not to mention how smokin hot they are.....rose petal

Anonymous said...

It seems that Adam was the only one who bought anything, he must have an occasion coming up, to wear it. Might even be for Glee. They are filming now for that, he will be done way before we see him on the show. Looks like he won't have much to do, between end of filming and New Years Eve. He might work on his album, but he has stopped talking about a 3rd album. Of course he probably knows of more things he will be doing, that he is not allowed to say, at this time. Might even be about his 3rd album.

Anonymous said...

I think HB was the favorite even before the album was released.

Anonymous said...

I think HB was the favorite even before the album was released.

Anonymous said...

A few thousand threads ago something was mentioned about a fun project Adam was doing with Yahoo! has that come and gone and I missed it? anyone know?

Anonymous said...

What happened to the second single? Did it not do well? Has it been released here. All LMD needs is to bece a single it will do well! Have even put second single out. How did they skip from 1 to three. Sue

Anonymous said...

As long as the album is selling it is all good. True is no. 9 overall on US iTunes. WMU is no. 4 song on Billboard Top 100.

Anonymous said...

Markus sounds Finnish, we have this name, and last name sounds Italian.

Anonymous said...

9:47 is talking dance charts and that doesn't get radio play.

Anonymous said...

Markus is an American.

Anonymous said...

WMU is quite popular it must have gotten airplay somewhere along the way.

Anonymous said...

Possibly Markus is of Italiafinn ancestry! could be! : ))

Anonymous said...

Molinari has still got a big arse? He has lost quite a bit of weight but his butt seems to have remained the same size. Stylishly so or not.

Anonymous said...

Judging by the amount of time Adam spends with Markus Molinari, they will be getting hitched soon! Come on, they're always together!

That must be the big surprise people are fussing about.

Anonymous said...

I'm always with my best friend...does that mean I have to marry her? I love her, but she's not my type.
Well, actually I guess you could say we are the same type
.....we're both female. : ))

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to get this GLEE story line straight in my mind. Kurt, Rachel and Santana graduated from high school, moved to NYC and are now working there. Blaine is still back in Ohio in high school. Why is a high school senior proposing marriage and getting engaged? Doesn't this seem strange? What am I missing?

Anonymous said...

The results of the pregnancy test....maybe?
Just joking around of course!

Anonymous said...

I DVR Glee so I can fast forward and not have to listen to the ridiculous storyline.
I only watch the musical numbers.
I can't stand the insulting story of this series.

HK fan said...


doesn't seem strange to me, I got engaged while I was still at school (at 16).......Blaines at least 2 years older...maybe they'll have a long engagement!