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Colorado Horse Rescue Presents "Divine Equine"(Featuring Adam Lambert's BROKEN OPEN)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 3, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, October 03, 2013


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Absolutely heartbreaking, heartwarming and lovely. The rescued horses and Adam's breathtaking voice. I love that song......obviously the producer of that film does too. It gave me happy memories of Babe, Kate and Dolly....3 equine friends from my childhood......JAK

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is just beautiful! Horses and Adam's beautiful voice; heavenly!

Anonymous said...

Only Adam's gorgeous voice could capture the beauty of the horses and the wonderful people who love them.

Anonymous said...

I have not listened to this song by Adam in so long. He sings it so perfectly! Wow!

Anonymous said...

good song choice I would never have thought of it.

Anonymous said...

WOW...that was beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Just exquisite. Gentle and beautiful and heart-rending. So many of Adam's songs could be used for so many things in music and art and TV and movies and all types of media. Diamond songs waiting to be re-discovered.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful horses and Adam's magnificent voice singing "Broken Open" made my heart sing.

Anonymous said...

More photos, ladies! Please, don't be mad!

daydreamin said...

Thanks anon 8:39!

choons said...

here's some new pics!!!

Anonymous said...

Tweet from @inglamwetrust:

omg! Adam Lambert's character on #Glee is going to be in Kurt's Madonna cover band!

Anonymous said...

@kirstiealley: @adamlambert Hello Adam! Come see my lemurs sometime.. not a pickup line...although ;)

@adamlambert: @kirstiealley you have Lemurs? That sounds fascinating. ;)

@kirstiealley: “@adamlambert: @kirstiealley you have Lemurs? That sounds fascinating. ;)”
beyond! I have many..when back in LA come for dinner and fun!

@kirstiealley: @adamlambert sweet dreams

@kirstiealley: there's only one time you can be happy...present time...nothing else exists so forget about the past and the future for 1 moment and be here

Anonymous said...

That's one way to get folks to watch a promo from start to finish!

Broken Open is one of those perfect songs ... the haunting music, the poignant, soulful lyrics, and Adam's flawless voice. You wouldn't be able to turn the station even if you had no interest in horses or commercials in general!

Wishing the Colorado Horse Rescue all the luck. Just Beautiful.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@AL_Nachrichten: Adam Lambert Brings Some Style to Beverly Hills | GossipCenter - Entertainment News Leaders

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched Glee yet, I hope the band is featured often and Kurt gets to be a little meaner like he wants.

Anonymous said...

@LAMBERTLUST: Collage Made By Me: Adam Lambert Goes Shopping With Friends

glitzylady said...

Broken Open is one of my favorite Adam Lambert songs. Ever. Especially live. Stunning and beautiful. And the video is both heart-wrenching and triumphant. Perfect blending of those magnificent horses (had 2 myself growing up..) and Adam's poignant and quietly stunning voice.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful video and Adam sounds so lovely! I have own horse and she is everything to me. We trust each other and she follows me too when I let her walk free and that tells me that she really had committed me. The video remains me how lucky I'm that I have at least one truly friend. :)


Anonymous said...

As always, a great article from 'unreality'. And a chance to support Adam by posting a comment.

Praising the star in a recent interview Taylor said:

“Adam works very well with us….Brian and I love him to bits.”

Anonymous said...

This was so beautiful it made me cry ..... this past summer our we had to call the sheriff on a neighbor's family member that wasn't feeding his horse ....the people's house burned and they let a family member put a horse on the property .... they had it s little pen and rarely came to feed or water it ....we bought feed for it and carried water all winter we called the sheriff many times .... even with the feed we gave it it kept getting thinner and last they siezed it in May... we will be going to court to testify against the owner soon.... the sheriff recently contacted us to let us know the horse is well ....I will never look at another horse without thinking of that one and now without hearing Adam's bueatiful voice .... rose petal

Anne Marie said...

This was absolutely lovely, and a great song. I was interested in where this might be seen by the general public? It's probably too long as a regular commercial, but is obviously meant to be seen, at least in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

How can any body treat any animal bad makes me sick. A little love and food and they love you forever. I love my 12 year old little dog so much I think when she goes ill go with her. She still pretty healthy but takes seizure meds. Horses are a bigger responsibility need much care. Thank God for these rescue people. Sue

Anonymous said...

she wants the glam god to stroke her lemurs.