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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

His eyebrow is nicely shaped in this pic. Again gorgeous eyes. Love his nose and lips. He looks yummy.

Anonymous said...

That guy was part of the trio that was the best all night.

Anonymous said...

Well, there he goes again ... sharing the love.

Adam has GOT to get over this generosity kookiness, damn it! Doesn't he know all hell breaks loose here when he gives a shout-out to other artists? Does he not care about us?!!

xo laura

p.s. Double damn ... This pictures! How can I stay mad at him? I'm hopeless.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

laura, you can't be serious with that comment can you? I can't figure out what is wrong with Adam complimenting or congratulating others whether he gets it back or not. It's part of why we love him. Adam is getting the love back from James.

James Kenney ‏@IamJamesKenney
@adamlambert Thank you brother I feel the SAME way about you! :)

Sound like Adam, Alison and James are friends.
Alisan Porter ‏@alisanporter
@IamJamesKenney @adamlambert my people!

Anonymous said...

10:47 correcting myself. I thought he was in one of the groups but he is solo and I missed him on tv.

Anonymous said...

No, THIS MAN in the pic can SANG!!!

Anonymous said...

12;19 PM ... I'm just kidding, but thanks for the question. I should be more mindful of joking around. Sometimes things don't translate well!

Sweet dreams!
xo laura

Anonymous said...

Winkies help ;)

Anonymous said...

And some sense of humour, which is sorely lacking on this site so often...

Adding LOLs does not help... Just gets you the stamp of a troll on your forehead...

Anonymous said...

It is futile to fight the charms of Adam Lambert. He will win in the end
as goodness always wins...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I heard If I Had You in a pharmacy (linked to a radio station - Australia) today which made me very happy but I wish they would play his singles from his Trespassing album.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam has his eyebrows waxed - they are perfect! :-)

Anonymous said...

Listened to two James K songs . . . will listen to more

Adam honey your voice has spoiled me . . Your voice is like "butter"

So hard to concentrate on others

Anonymous said...

Gotta agree with @4:29 AM. Adams vocals have me so spoiled I have to consciously make myself open to other singers.

I'm also ambivalent about his complimenting others, but remind myself Adam is a down to earth person who is open to everything and like any of us would express an opinion. Adam just happens to to be famous enough to do it publicly and others listen when he talks.
So be it.
I love you, Adam!

Anonymous said...

On other fan sites do people complain their object of affection is too nice?

And, you guys have got to learn to recognize humour when you read it.

Anonymous said...

@6:45 AM
Adam Lambert 24/7 News is not "other fan sites".

Anonymous said...

I listened to his performance, he sounded great but nothing like Adam's voice.

Love the picture. Admin should replace featured picture with this. Featured Picture is kind of like high school year book pictures. Love the sexy Featured Picture and should stay for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Hahahah! The featured pic does look like a high school year book pic.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ha,ha xo laura I got your humor right away.

Anonymous said...

What a pic!!
TP on the radio today. M

Anonymous said...

I agree that there are other wonderful singers out there,but no one like Adam. He has totally spoiled me. I just am in awe when I listen to him with Queen at iheart,don't think anyone can sing like that and interpret songs. Even Brian and roger stated that fact. There is just something about Adam's voice that goes straight to my heart and soul!

Anonymous said...

It's hard to tell here if somebody is kidding or not because two people will write the exact same thing and one is kidding and one is totally serious. it's about a 33% chance they are kidding, 33% chance they seriously believe it and 33% chance it's a troll.

Anonymous said...

adam a better judge than simon

Anonymous said...

Is it normal when one sees Adam's face, that they just stare, and forget time and space? I thought I was normal, until Adam. There's just something about each feature that seems so incredible. Many men have nice features and are handsome, but only Adam has, according to one interviewer, "the most perfectly constructed face". We can debate about this, but I agree with this assessment entirely, but how many has the soul and spirit behind it, so expressive it is that words are not necessary to connect with the man? Adam is just that captivating, mesmerizing, and it's not just his stunning voice.
In one of the gifs right after the
iHeart show, there's an ecstatic Adam jumping up and down with Roger, who's doing his boxing number. Now, check out Brian, transfixed on Adam, oblivious to the stare, in "a pool of Abdul" . Brian stans Adam just like the rest of us. So great to know I have something in common with the legendary, iconic Dr. May.

Anonymous said...

I love that picture of Adam but I don't agree with him about James Kenney. Yes he can hit some notes but it's his personality that gets in the way. He pushes himself too hard after each song. Makes him sound so desperate. He is not anyway near Adam's voice. Vegas comes to mind when Adam blew the top off of MGM. James will never reach that level....but Adam has the right to his opinion.

Anonymous said...

I understand why Adam gives "shout outs" to different performers. He's sincere first of all....but it's the right thing to do in this business. Doesn't mean he loves us less. Just wants us to know the music he loves and performers he loves. We always check them out! least I do. :)

Anonymous said...

There's also a 33% chance that the reader won't get it - - and attack. Claws are always at the ready.

Anonymous said...

Someone was talking about this picture on Adam Official. I thought it was going to be just another handsome Adam picture that I delighted in seeing. But opened this and "wham", wow, is all I can say; those eyes that mouth, eyebrows; that inner goodness and beauty shining through; the whole face & hair. This is one of the most beautiful Adam pictures, or I might add beautiful pictures of a man I have ever seen. Those eyes could melt ice. Sorry, I am finished!

Anonymous said...

9:24 am ... Yes, it is normal. And you have a lot of company, (1:26pm included. Ha!)

Our brains are hard-wired to stare at beautiful faces, even as babies, and Adam has one of those faces at the top of the list. Adam deserved to be on People Magazines 50 Most Beautiful. I think, also, because we know the soul behind that stunning exterior, his photo's light up our brains.

His looks, expressions, intensity, smiles, are mesmerising. Should we be embarrassed? :)

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Thank God people can't read my mind.

No joke.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Thanks for U Tube . .Stay . . I like this one better then the one I have

Anonymous said...

@9:24, @1:26, @xo laura
and lots of others...

My dearest hobby and most pleasing hours back in 2010 during GNT was to stare at Adam's beautiful face, the excellent close up vids of his face... and I could hear myself sigh and say 'How can a man, this human being, be so beautiful...'
Of course I admired the rest (lol) of him, too... and most of all his voice...but that face, those expressions... goosepumps...

Ps. Laura, if your mind is anything like my mind... the things that make me go hmmmmm... (isn't there a song with this title?!) :)))

Anonymous said...

@ 12:08 - fellow Adam appreciator here and agreeing with you - but I just have to ask - are goosepumps high heels for geese? ; )