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Nice Quote of The Week

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, October 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't this already posted here?

Anonymous said...

Yes. But still nice to hear. nancdruuu2

Jadam NZ said...

I read the original article and it said Adam was a appearing for a "one off appearance"
Hope this is not right.

Anonymous said...

J NZ what original article?

Anonymous said...

the article does say 'cameo one off appearance, which definitely suggests he'll be on only one do not fail to tune in..there will be reruns on YT as well as, the network though..I just keep hopin' that he "is" working on a new album, but without a label, is this even possible, let alone likely??? One thing I do not believe though is that Adam no longer wants a singing career..that is ALL he has ever wanted..and as for his club hopping..he has always been a party boy..he LOVES to party..just hope he does not carry it to the excess where it will ruin not only his career, but him..I love him so much..I honestly do not think I could handle anything happening to him

Anonymous said...

The way they've been talking, it can't be just a one-off. Sounds like his role has some development to it. Hope so.


Anonymous said...

@3:15 PM Please throw out your pearls. Your depressing.

Anonymous said...

reading about a 'one off appearance' has depressed me..guilty as charged...sorry

Anonymous said...

Knock off the pearl stuff. Hate pearls wear silver. That cameo thing started with Rolling Stones they just copied it. I think he gonna be on more than one . May not be back to back. Joining the cast usually means more than a cameo. All other articles said a few episodes. Adam just had a great run and all here is depressing crap. None if its true. Get a hobby your boring every body. Leave DRG alone.

Anonymous said...

far too often factual statements get taken as negative remarks..can't we all just get along??

Anonymous said...

who is bothering DRG?

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's factual at all. Couple articles said that, couple said guess appearance. Lot said a few episodes. So what he on it. But does not make sense but will see. I know he gone back at least a couple of times to shoot. What he on may not be back to back. He shot at least a couple of times maybe more.

Anonymous said...

3.20 nasty remark that's who!

Anonymous said...

@3:37 PM

Don't be depressed, that article, if there is one is incorrect. All the other articles I have read and even from the producers mouth, I think it was on E-news, said that Adam would be joining the cast of Glee for Season five; he did not say, "make an appearance". He said join the cast. Can't be any clearer then that. They also, have been working on a storyline for him as the member of a band. Adam has already said that rumors or pasky little things about all the rumors surrounding Glee. He also said to be patient little Glamhoppers.

There is a lot of misinformation. But, I would place a bet on the fact that Adam will have a pretty steady roll on Glee this season.

Just be sure be there on his debut
night on November 7th, let's make the ratings go sky high for our man.

Anonymous said...

I thought this might be one site that the trolls would be napping on, since it is not about Adam and a man. But, darn it I was wrong.
Doesn't he, she or them ever do anything but crawl around on these sites trying to throw out a bunch of false garbage. They bring out one article that is different than all the rest and call it a fact. If the article even exists. If it does, it is WRONG!

Anonymous said...

@3:15 PM

Adam will be fine, he is doing very well. Don't believe everything you hear and read. Just believe what comes from Adam; and his management. There are lots of folks that are jealous of Adam and will say anything to smear this wonderful man's name and reputation. He has weathered all kind of storms throughout his most interesting life.

This most talented man is stronger than ever. Just continue to have faith in him; and you won't go wrong.

Anonymous said...

What article are you people talking about??

Anonymous said...

is each regular cast member on every episode each week? I think Adam will cherish the time being cast in this show. Let's all make it a priority to turn into li Gleekhoppers.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Read Carter Matt about Adam's first episode. He does not know tons about it but some and said first episode. Which means more with Adam. Rolling Stone said it about cameo when talking of I heart show. Some other article may have copied. Do not believe they knew anything just sai that to say something about it. Glambert's said where you get that it's a cameo in comment section. Anyway read Carter Matt about first episode that Adam will be in. Think they need him ratings are down. CM tribute will probably bring ratings up that week. I pretty sure Adam in for more than one time. Sue

Anonymous said...

What is the matter with you people? Turning everything into a fight. Calling names and spitting at each other. No one said anything bad about Adam. We don't, any of us, know how many shows Adam will be on, it hasn't been announced. Plus, " Adam joining the cast" can mean, he will join them for a performance or join and be a member for several shows or....forever (doubt that).

And please quit insulting pearls.....some of us like them. My engagement ring is a pearl (because I don't like diamonds).

Does everything have to be a squabble around here?

Anonymous said...

Have faith in Adam ! He knows what he's doing . There's so much behind the scene stuff that we as fans don't have a clue about so let's all cool our jets and wait and see.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Gleeberts, can we please be patient?

Anonymous said...

Sheesh! More squabbling by Glamberts. :-(

Anonymous said...

Joining the cast usually does mean more than one episode. Think it would have said joining for a one or two guest appearance. Anyway every magazine says something different. carter Matt usually little more reliable said Adam first episode after break. Sounds like show is struggling in ratings. CM tribute probably boost it, poor soul. Adam I know will help with all Glambert's. no matter what I can't wait to see him nov. 7 so happy for him. It will boost him with the young ones I hope. Maybe lead to some other tv show. I think Divas's and PLL helped him get this. Sue

Anonymous said...

I don't that Adam knows what is he doing. I hope to find the shrink or Glamberts anonymize rehab. Because I want to forget all of these hopeless dreams. May be Adam will have one or two concerts per year. But who cares?

Anonymous said...

9:05pm ...


xo laura

Anonymous said...

The only time I know Adam doesn't know what he's doing is at the very onset of his professional career being given the chance to close AMA as a newbie was very big and he blew it.
I keep on with praying for his success and making right decisions.

tess4ADAM said...

ADAM always knows what he is doing ... he is the professional ... NOT his fans. I'm sure his management has a great deal to say about his career as well. Not to mention Mom & Dad Glambert. ADAM is on the right track ... not to worry Glamberts ... ADAM is SMART!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I'm joining the cast for a cup of coffee.
I'm joining the cast for the day.
I'm joining the cast for the season.
I'm joining the cast for an hour.
Any could apply.
Let's just wait and see.

Anonymous said...

@9:05 PM

Wow, lots of artist get no concerts in a year. One or two would be great; with all the other things that he is currently doing. What a defeatist attitude you have. Thank God, that Adam is just the opposite. Think about all the good things that are happening to Adam. Many of the former Idols would be over the moon if they had half of the opportunities and successes that Adam has under his belt.

More good things to come, just tighten your seat belt; it may be a bumpy ride, but I believe the best is yet to come!

In answer to your question of "who cares", I, and millions of his fans around the world care about Adam deeply.

My question to you is, if you don't care about Adam; why are you here on his fan site?

Anonymous said...

@ 7:35_____eureka! Someone with brains___i salute you!