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WinStar ticket sales for New Year's Eve SO FAR

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, October 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

I can't even imagine planning for New Year's Eve this far ahead of time.

Anonymous said...

let's fill the place up.

Anonymous said...

I believe the really good seats and the packages are gone. Think four months away closer to people will start booking it outs Glee might cause that to go faster. I think some people are broke until government thing gets settled they get paid. Some in my family waiting for pay check. Sue

Anonymous said...

Less than 1500 sold? How many do they take?

Finland, a small country, almost sold out in a few hours 3-4 months before the March 2013 concert for 12000-13000. That's how to do it!

Anonymous said...

LOL the government shut down has only been happening for 8 days. More like who wants to pay to fly to the middle of nowhere and then pay $100 per seat for New Years Eve.

Anonymous said...

Shut up lol. Some people need a check every week or two your so pathetic. We're retired old grannies you are so young you say do you work your always here. Pathetic! Don't worry about Adam you get help and a job!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it, it will fill!

Anonymous said...

Lot more to do in American on New Year's Eve than Finland. I don't mean that ugly. He filled 10,000 seats quickly on his last concert in California and they were seperate from the fair tickets! Last year it was a small venue abroad with very high tickets sol out. Lots of people do not know for sure what they can do for sure that far ahead for a holiday big difference. They will fill all good one are pretty much gone. I wish I could go give anything I would fly any where at all to see him if I could physically! Sue

Anonymous said...

Has 2:57 been drinking? That makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

We Finn Adam-fans have done pretty good showing our love for Adam. Have a nice day to you, Good night for us.

Anonymous said...

It makes plenty of sense. Have you read the lol's all over the site trashing Adam and calling everyone here names. I guess you cannot read! 4.04. There are two or three lol posters that post all over this site calling the fans Grannie and running down Adam. This was just one little post of many. You definitely must not be here much you know who this nasty person was and why I said that! That lol post was lovely compared to the usual cursing and trash my this person and dirt talk about Adam and his fans. Go back over some post look at lol posts you'll see why I said what I did! Thank you I do not drink sorry was not clear for you!

Anonymous said...

ok just came from Ticketmaster and got my tickets. I am ready to roooooccck and roll and gamble. heheehe

Anonymous said...

Not many tickets sold at all. I feel bad for Adam. New Years Eve should Rock and he should have a full house.
New York, or Calif would have had more sales.

Anonymous said...

Glee coming that should help. He will fill them up. Closer to it.

glitzylady said...

So excited for those fans who are planning to go to WinStar for NYE! As much as I would loooove to be there, it's not in the cards for me.. Just coming off the trip to Las Vegas for iHeart. Hate to miss the opportunity to see and hear Adam live again. :(((

I imagine it'll fill up as NYE gets nearer.

funbunn40 said...

I got 2 VIP pkgs, but also have 3 extra general admission tickets if anyone interested. I bought them to be sure I had tickets, as I also wanted to be sure to have hotel accommodations at Winstar & airine tickets, being NYs Eve. Check with Winstar Casino directly to see if they have any VIP pkgs. They're 699.for a room for two and two VIP tickets to concert(rows 4-8) and 2 admissions to the Mist nightclub. Pretty sure the VIP tickets from Ticketron are long gone. I think the venue holds 3000.It may fill up as it gets closer. I don't think Oklahoma is a big tourist draw and the Dallas/Ft Worth airport is 71 miles away, making it necessary to rent a car.The Winstar is also the 2nd largest casino in the US. The slots are about as adventurous as I'll get, as I'm not a big gambler, but it will be fun to meet other Glamberts and people watch. (Really Adam & Glamily watch!) Hope to see many of you there!